The strongest saint

Chapter 377 Disciple of the Lord God

Chapter 377 Disciple of the Lord God

Looking at the wild beast in front of him, Tianhuo began to think, but Wu Ping and Gong Ming had already made a move. In an instant, they had chopped the wild beast under the sword and returned to the back of the Star Devouring Moon Beast.

"Brother Tianhuo, let's move on!" Wu Ping said.

Tianhuo came back to his senses and glanced around again, "Seniors, how big is the human habitation area in the second-level area?"

The two were taken aback when they heard the words, and then Gong Ming's expression flickered, "Brother Tianhuo, don't you think we have left the human settlement?"

As soon as this remark came out, Wu Ping also changed slightly. It is said that although the range of human habitation in each area is very large, it is less than one or two percent of the entire area. On the edge of human habitation, there is a barren land full of wild beasts. place!
The savage beasts that appeared now seemed to indicate that the three of Tianhuo had already left the human settlement. In that case, if they couldn't figure out the correct direction, they would have no chance to go back.

Tianhuo nodded solemnly, "I've been to the wild land in the far west of the third-level area, and it feels similar to this place. I hope I'm overthinking it. After all, the teleportation array can't teleport us so far."

Wu Ping and Gong Ming looked at each other and nodded together, "I don't think it's possible. The teleportation array can allow us to cross a distance of a hundred cities at most. It's impossible to let us go to a wild land all at once."

Even so, it was just the dead beast that made the three of Tianhuo feel a little heavy in their hearts.

Tianhuo tried to open the world map, but the result was still extremely disappointing. There was only the forest that he had flown through, and the world map could not be opened at all!
The situation of being unable to open the world map only appeared in the Fanshen Palace and Fenghuo Treasure Land at the beginning, but it also appeared at this moment, and Tianhuo frowned even deeper. Judging from this situation, it seems that this is not a wild Land, but an existence similar to Fanshen Palace and Fenghuo Treasure Land.

It's just that Tianhuo doesn't understand that Ziyaomen is only a first-class sect, so they shouldn't have the strength to get to such a place, right?
"Roar!" While thinking, a terrifying beast roar suddenly came from a distant place.

And under the roar of the beast, the Star Devouring Moon Beast immediately cheered up, its eyes flashed with excitement, and said happily: "God beast!"

"Let's go!" Tianhuo slapped the Star Devouring Moon Beast, and said in a deep voice, the divine beast must be intelligent, if you go over and ask, maybe you can know the location of this place of exile.

After traveling for hundreds of miles, I saw that all the forests below were destroyed and stretched to the distance. At the end of the destroyed forests, there was an elephant-like figure with a figure of three or four feet. Monsters are fighting.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast didn't stop, and flew straight to a hundred meters away from the battlefield, staring at the field in the air.

"Bai Xiaosheng? Why is he here?" Seeing the figure in the field, Tianhuo was astonished. That figure was actually Bai Xiaosheng!
"It's actually him!" Wu Ping and Gong Ming said with a deep sense of astonishment in their eyes.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Tianhuo was taken aback, "You also know Bai Xiaosheng?"

Wu Ping and Gong Ming came back to their senses, and shook their heads together, "There are very few people in the second-level area who don't know him, because it is rumored that he is the disciple of the main god!"

"Disciple of the Lord God?" Tianhuo lost his voice, he never imagined that Bai Xiaosheng, who sat in the teahouse every day as a storyteller, would be a disciple of the Lord God!
"Haha, Brother Tianhuo, you are here too, let's continue after I get rid of this beast!" Bai Xiaosheng had already discovered the arrival of Tianhuo and the others, and laughed.

After speaking, Bai Xiaosheng stepped up his attack, and Tianhuo was even more astonished when he saw the monster's attributes!
Abyss idol (spiritual beast), spirit level 60, HP (spirit) 2468500/9000000, attack (spirit) 68000, defense (spirit) 95000.


The [-] spirit attack is six times stronger than his own. Although it is only a low-level divine beast, its attributes are much stronger than ordinary spirit beasts. If it were him, he would only need to escape, but in the hands of Bai Xiaosheng, Most of the life value has been knocked out.

Bai Xiaosheng's strength is so visible!

"I think the rumors are true. He is really a disciple of the main god, but I don't know which main god he is." Tianhuo murmured in a low voice.

Wu Ping and Gong Ming nodded together, and Wu Ping said: "Even in the first-level area, Bai Xiaosheng's strength is comparable to that of the masters of the major sects. It's just that he doesn't like to fight for hegemony, otherwise he will have a place in the first-level area."

"As for the disciple of the main god, I don't know." Gong Ming added.

"Well, I don't know how many people want to get involved with the main god through him, but it seems that no one has succeeded." Wu Ping said again.

Hearing what the two of them said, Tianhuo was a little puzzled. Since this guy is so strong, why did he need to help him get the thunder beads?
While thinking about it, Bai Xiaosheng had already beheaded the abyss idol, packed up the spoils at will, and flew towards Tianhuo, "Haha, Brother Tianhuo, your speed is so fast, the treasure land just opened, and you will arrive!"

Tianhuo frowned, doubting his own ears, and asked uncertainly: "Brother Bai Xiaosheng, what place do you think this is?"

"Haha, of course it's Nangong Treasure Land, brother Tianhuo, you really don't know?" Bai Xiaosheng laughed, as if rejoicing at the reunion of an old friend.

"What!" Tianhuo's face changed slightly, he never thought that the land of exile was Nangong Baodi!
That is to say, the previous world news said that a player entered the treasure land by mistake, and he was talking about him?

"Haha, don't get excited, this is just the periphery of the treasure land, also known as the land of exile, and you can go to the real treasure land in a few days, and then there will be treasures everywhere, tsk tsk..." Bai Xiaosheng said in surprise, as if to It's very familiar here.

Tianhuo was silent, and Fengshen had just told him not to go here, even though he didn't want to come here, but he was tricked by the teleporter!

At this moment, Tianhuo finally understands why no one can go out from here. There is no other reason, but because this is the treasure land of the Lord God!
And Tianhuo was very curious, Ziyaomen's teleportation array can actually send people to the periphery of this treasure land, could it be that this main god has something to do with Ziyaomen?In this case, I am afraid it will be difficult to complete my task!

But this does explain why the gods of all gods are in the hands of Ziyaomen, because there is a master god behind Ziyaomen!

Thinking of this, Tianhuo's blood seemed to freeze, even breathing became difficult, and he calmed down after a long time, asking: "Brother Bai Xiaosheng, how should we get out?"

Bai Xiaosheng looked at Tianhuo suspiciously, then at Wu Ping beside Tianhuo, and said in confusion, "You want to go out before you reach the treasure land? Brother Tianhuo, what's wrong?"

Tianhuo smiled awkwardly, "It's really urgent, so it's not appropriate to stay here for a long time."

"Oh..." Bai Xiaosheng made a long dragging sound, rolled his eyes, and said with a smile: "I understand, you were tricked by Ziyaomen, right? Haha, Ziyaomen often do this kind of thing, but It's okay, I'm here, I promise to take you out safely."

Hearing this, Tianhuo heaved a long sigh of relief, cupped his fists and said, "Thank you brother Bai Xiaosheng!"

Bai Xiaosheng put his arm on Tianhuo's shoulder, and said with a big smile, "You are welcome, you and I hit it off right away, I would be more than happy to help you!"

Tianhuo smiled, and said again: "Then how should I get out?"

"It's simple. When you get to the area of ​​the treasure land, just fly up. You can leave when you reach a certain height." Bai Xiaosheng said looking at the sky.

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows indiscriminately. In this case, it is the same as Fenghuo Baodi's way of leaving, but Tianhuo is a little worried. If he arrives at Baodi, will he be discovered by the main god?
But after thinking about it, as long as you leave as soon as you arrive at the treasure land, there shouldn't be any problem!

"Brother Bai Xiaosheng, it's not too late, let's set off now!" Tianhuo calmed down and said.

Bai Xiaosheng nodded indifferently, "Follow me!"

Bai Xiaosheng led Tianhuo, three people and one beast and flew forward. Seeing his familiar appearance, Tianhuo secretly guessed, this Bai Xiaosheng, could it be the disciple of the main god?

But Tianhuo didn't ask, after a few days, he really saw the difference.

Ahead, there are lush and lush mountains, and powerful auras emerge from time to time. Obviously, there are many powerful spirit beasts in the mountains, but they have to compete with the Fenghuo Treasure Land. What's the danger.

"The front is the real treasure land. Most of those who were trapped by Ziyaomen died in this border area. A small number of people were able to enter, but unfortunately they also died in the end. After all, they didn't know how to get out." Bai Xiaosheng released Slowing down, he pointed to the mountains ahead and said.

Tianhuo nodded, "Ziyaomen's teleportation array can be teleported to the periphery of the treasure land. Is there any relationship between Ziyaomen and this main god?"

"Hehe, that's not true, it's just because the Lord Lord God liked the founder of Ziyaomen at first, so he connected the periphery of the treasure land with Ziyaomen's teleportation array, in order to give Ziyaomen's disciples to come here to experience, it's a pity After so many years, the current Ziyao Sect doesn't seem to know the use of it!" Bai Xiaosheng shook his head and laughed.

Tianhuo nodded, now Ziyaomen regards this place as a place to punish the enemy, allowing the enemy to die here in order to unknowingly get rid of the enemy, it must be because of some changes that Ziyaomen has experienced, which led to this excellent experience The nature of the place has changed.

Thinking about it, Tianhuo's heart moved. The reason why Bai Xiaosheng knows almost everything, especially the deeds of the main gods, must be because he is a disciple of the main gods, and he learned about it from the main gods, right?

"Brother Tianhuo, are you really going to leave? Don't follow me here to hunt for treasure?" Bai Xiaosheng interrupted Tianhuo's thinking and asked.

Tianhuo smiled, looked up at the sky, he should be able to go out from here, it was too late to hide in Nangong Baodi, why would he stay here for a long time?
"Well, there are still important things to do, brother Bai Xiaosheng, then let's leave now!" Tianhuo laughed.

Bai Xiaosheng shrugged, "Okay, I'll come find you after I go out, remember to take me to the Fugui Building, hehe."

Tianhuo nodded, clasped his fists and said, "Goodbye!"

After finishing speaking, Tianhuo led Wu Ping and the Star Devouring Moon Beast and flew straight into the sky, but he was relieved for a long time. It seemed that he was not discovered by the main god. The boulder can finally fall.

"Since you are here, why did you leave like this?" At the moment when the three of Tianhuo and Tun Xing flew to a thousand-meter altitude, a gentle and pleasant voice suddenly sounded in the sky.

It's just that Tianhuo didn't appreciate the beauty of this voice, he just felt his scalp explode at this moment, and endless coolness rose from the soles of his feet, "Lord God!"

(End of this chapter)

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