Chapter 378
Following the appearance of that gentle and pleasant voice, an indescribably beautiful woman suddenly appeared in front of Tianhuo and the others.

This woman seems to have been here all the time. Although she appeared suddenly, she didn't give people an abrupt feeling. Her beautiful long hair was flowing down like a waterfall, her crescent-like black eyebrows, and a pair of bright eyes looked forward to shine. Divorce.

Tianhuo's heart was filled with coolness, this time he was killed by that teleporter!
The woman looked at Tianhuo quietly, ignoring Wu Ping and Gong Ming at the side, and gently parted her lips, "What's your name?"

Tianhuo swallowed his saliva with difficulty, the figure of the woman in front of him was the same as that of the Fengshen he met a few days ago, it seemed to be nothing but reality, this feeling was definitely the main god!
Fengshen told himself that he must never come to this treasure land, but he was cheated by the teleporter of Ziyaomen, came here by himself, and met this main god. At the beginning, Fengshen didn't say why, but Tianhuo also understood that there would never be one. good thing.

Seeing that Tianhuo didn't answer, the woman chuckled, but she didn't see any movement, and together with the three of Tianhuo and Star Devouring Moon Beast, they suddenly returned to a mountain peak.

On the mountain peak, Bai Xiaosheng was looking up at this scene in doubt, and when he saw the people falling down, his face showed a look of great joy, and he bowed and saluted: "Master!"

"Master, let me introduce you, this is a good brother I met outside, Tianhuo." Bai Xiaosheng hurriedly introduced.

Tianhuo sighed in his heart, in front of the main god, it is impossible to stop Bai Xiaosheng's words, but it is just a name, the main god in front of him should not know anything from his name, right?

The woman glanced at Bai Xiaosheng, neither sad nor happy in her eyes, but she suddenly smiled at Tianhuo, "You take Tian as your surname, but your mother has the same surname?"

Tianhuo looked at the woman suspiciously, mother?What a distant vocabulary!

Since Tianhuo can remember, he has never heard his father mention his mother, let alone his mother's name, but he often sees his father staring at Tianhuo in a daze.

"I'm sorry, Senior Lord God, I don't even know my mother's name." Tianhuo said calmly, cupping his fists.

The smile on the woman's face remained unchanged, "Really? But it doesn't matter, since you are here, you don't have to go out, you can be buried here!"

The woman's voice was as calm as water, but it contained an undeniable taste, which made Tianhuo's expression change slightly, and it really wasn't a good thing!

"Master! This is me..." Bai Xiaosheng's expression also changed, and he hurriedly dodged to block Tianhuo, but before he could finish speaking, the woman had already flicked him away with a wave of his hand.

"Fix!" Seeing that the woman was about to make a move, Tianhuo cast the Fixing Curse without hesitation, and then put Wu Ping and the Star Devouring Moon Beast away, "Teleport!"

Tianhuo's movements were done in one go, and after casting the fixing spell, he teleported straight into the sky. It only takes two teleports to step into the portal!

However, after a teleportation, Tianhuo's expression became serious, because the scenery change that teleportation should have had indeed appeared, but his figure did not appear in the sky at all, but was still in place!

This was naturally done by the woman in front of him, Tianhuo didn't have to doubt it at all, and looking at the past, there was no sign of the woman being immobilized by the immobilization spell, and the skills he used had no effect on her at all!

"Ridiculous, can you escape?" The woman sneered, disdainful of Tianhuo's behavior.

Tianhuo was angry, "So what if you are the main god? You can decide the life and death of others at will? I really don't believe it!"

As he said that, Tianhuo stepped into the air directly, and the wings behind him bounced off, and he swept towards the sky.

"Hehe, I told you, you are buried here!" The woman's voice came again, and immediately, Tianhuo felt a world-shattering force sweeping behind him.

"Damn! Who did I provoke!" Tianhuo cursed in his heart, he didn't understand at all, well, this Lord God actually wants to kill himself, what is his uncle's reason for this!

The few main gods I met in the past were very polite and nice to me, but this one was the only one who killed me without saying a few words!
The speed of Tianhuo was displayed to the extreme, but he could also feel the powerful force behind him approaching rapidly, and it seemed impossible to avoid it!

Suddenly, the Fanshen Palace on Tianhuo's arm lit up, and then, the entire palace suddenly appeared, blocking behind Tianhuo, just as the huge attack had already swept in.

Tianhuo and the palace of all gods were violently blown away. At this moment, Tianhuo's figure was completely uncontrollable, and he flew straight into the sky. Instead of being surprised, Tianhuo was happy, "Go higher, it's almost here! "

"Yo? Boy Lin Yu's mortal god palace is on you, it seems to be getting stronger, but it's useless!" The woman's voice came again, and then, endless coolness came from Tianhuo's back, which was obviously another attack from the woman Arrived.

After the previous blast, the Fanshen Palace has turned into light and returned to Tianhuo's arm, turning into a mark. This time, who can block the attack for themselves?

Seeing that there is still some distance from the teleportation array in the sky, and the girl's attack is coming again, Tianhuo felt bitter. This time, it is really over. Facing the supreme existence of the main god, it is already terrifying to be able to persist in an attack up.

The attack came in an instant, this time, Tianhuo was desperate, and slowly closed his eyes, "Daddy..."

Suddenly, strange fluctuations came from Tianhuo's left arm. This time, the birthmark of the word '天' on Tianhuo's left arm actually lit up, and as the light flashed, the terrible attack disappeared like this!
In the past, when Tianhuo was in danger, the birthmark on his left arm had never been abnormal, but now, the powerful and terrifying attack was silently erased!

"Not dead!" Tianhuo opened his slightly closed eyes and stared at the birthmark on his left arm in disbelief. Then he stepped into the air and continued to sweep towards the sky. The distance was not far away. In an instant, The scenery in front of Tianhuo's eyes changed, and it was obvious that he had entered the portal.

On the mountain peak, the woman was still staring at the place where Tianhuo disappeared, but at this moment, tears welled up in her eyes, as if she was reminded of something in the past by the birthmark, and forgot to attack Tianhuo, otherwise, how could Tianhuo possible escape?

" tell me why, why..." the woman murmured to herself in a daze, and a line of tears slowly fell down.

Tianhuo had already left, Bai Xiaosheng on the side was dumbfounded, what did he see?He saw that the main god actually cried, after seeing the birthmark on Tianhuo's left arm.

Bai Xiaosheng turned his head hastily, not daring to look at the weeping Master.

The woman squatted down slowly, at this moment she was no longer the high and mighty main god, but an ordinary little girl, letting her tears fall.

After a long time, a helpless sigh sounded in the sky, "Senior Nangong, why are you bothering? It's been a million years, right? Why can't you let it go?"

The tears on the woman's face suddenly disappeared, and the woman also stood up, staring at the sky, "Yu Fei, leave my affairs alone, get out!"

"Eh? Senior Nangong, take care, but to be honest, we all miss the days before we became the Lord God, and Nangong Qing at that time." Said, Fengshen Yufei's voice faded away, and there was no more sound.

The woman raised her head and lowered it slowly, and her figure disappeared suddenly. In an instant, Bai Xiaosheng was the only one left in the field.

"Master is also a person with a story! Fortunately, brother Tianhuo is fine, it seems that brother Tianhuo has met other main gods, amazing!" Bai Xiaosheng murmured, shook his head, and continued to plunder towards the depths of the treasure land.

The scenery before Tianhuo's eyes changed, and when it stabilized, it had already appeared outside an invisible city wall.

Tianhuo slumped down and sat down, ignoring the cold sweat all over his body, and said via voice transmission: "Tianling, come out quickly and tell me what's going on. You should know the main god, right?"

"Tianhuo..." Tianling was silent for a moment, and then said helplessly: "The name of the main god is Nangong Qing, and he is another master of the old master."

"Huh? Another master of Luoshen?" Tianhuo was taken aback, blinking his eyes, and murmured, "Why did she kill me? She seemed to give up later."

Talking to himself, Tianhuo pulled up his sleeve and looked at the birthmark on his forearm. This birthmark actually saved his life at a critical moment, and also made the main god let him off suddenly.

"I really don't know. I guess it must be related to your identity. You should figure out your identity first, and then you will know." Tianling said.

Tianhuo put down his sleeves, and he could also think that it was a matter of identity, but he just traveled to the game. When he was on the earth, he was just an ordinary person, and he only depended on his father for life.

"Damn it..." Suddenly, Tianhuo slapped his thigh, confirming what he had thought a long time ago, "Could it be father?"

At this moment, Tianhuo felt a little more sure, maybe the statue exactly like his father on Fanshen Palace and Fengshen Mountain is really his father!

If it is related to the main god, there is only the statue that is exactly the same as his father, but Tianhuo can't figure it out at all. If that is really his father, how can he be the leader of many main gods in this world?Father is just an ordinary person!
And when I travel to the game by myself, the game setting can't be so coincidental, can I set it with my own background?

"This joke is too big, I don't understand it at all!" After a long time, Tianhuo hurriedly shook his head and threw away all his thoughts, "I want to level up, go to the first-level area to find God of War, and then everything will be clear!"

Tianhuo said firmly, got up abruptly, and the thought of going to the first-level area was unprecedentedly impatient. Now, he didn't think about anything, and didn't guess anything. According to what Fengshen said, everything will be clear after finding the God of War!
"That's right, but Tianhuo, let's take a look at the palace of the gods first. I blocked the attack of the main god for you, and there seems to be something wrong." Tianling said.

Hearing this, Tianhuo hurriedly looked towards Fanshen Palace. Because this artifact still lacked key parts, it didn't exert all its power. If it was damaged, it would be a loss.

(End of this chapter)

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