The strongest saint

Chapter 379 See also suit

Chapter 379 See also suit
"Is something wrong with Fanshen's Palace?" Tianhuo hurriedly looked towards Fanshen's Palace.

Palace of All Gods (special equipment, artifact, recognized owner, cannot be traded, cannot be discarded, cannot be stolen, cannot be dropped.)
The four attributes are +3000, the damage bonus to monsters is +300%, and the cultivation speed is doubled in the palace of all gods. There is a world inside, which can store everything.

Explanation: The top-level artifact refined for him by the master of all gods, there is no doubt that it is powerful, but it lacks important things, resulting in a great reduction in power.

"Huh? That's not right, Tianling, the Fanshen Palace is fine, and its attributes have become stronger!" Tianhuo's eyes lit up.

In the past, Fanshen Palace only increased the four attributes of one thousand and the damage bonus of monsters by 200%, but now, it has been enhanced!
Looking at the enhanced attributes, Tianhuo was a little puzzled, could it be that he absorbed the power of the main god?However, Tianhuo immediately ruled out this possibility, but when Tianhuo looked at the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree on the square in Fanshen Palace, he immediately understood.

Hunyuan Spiritual Tree: A mysterious ancient tree handed down from ancient times, which has the miraculous effect of gathering the aura of heaven and earth and accelerating the growth of other spiritual things. It can be placed in an independent space to strengthen this independent space.

Note: After controlling the heart of the Hunyuan Spirit Tree, you can control all the power of the Hunyuan Spirit Tree.

"Hee hee, of course it's okay, I'm just kidding you. After all, the main god is not the descendant of the deity, but just a projection-like existence. It is impossible to destroy the palace of the mortal god with a random attack. I just want to divert your attention." God Ling laughed.

Tianhuo shook his head slightly, staring closely at the Hunyuan Spirit Tree. It really is a good thing. Once it was placed in the Fanshen Palace, it actually strengthened the Fanshen Palace to such an extent. If he got that important part again, I don't know how strong the Fanshen Palace will be.

Letting go of the matter of the Lord God Nangong Qing, Tianhuo felt like a huge rock had fallen in his heart, and he was finally safe now, so next, he would naturally move on, to Ziyaomen.

"That damned teleporter, if we meet again, I'll have to crush him to death." Talking to himself, Tianhuo walked along the city wall, not knowing what kind of city this city was.

The moment he walked along the city wall to the city gate, Tianhuo's eyes lit up. More than a dozen Ziyaomen disciples were guarding the city gate before, and above the city gate, there were huge characters several feet long: Ziyaomen!
"Great, I came here directly!" Tianhuo was overjoyed, although he wasted a few days in Nangong Treasure Land, but now he came here directly, saving Tianhuo a lot of effort.

"Hidden spirit!" After using the hidden spirit skill, Tianhuo walked towards the city gate. It seems that Ziyaomen is not like other sects. The general sects set up mountain gates in the mountains, but Ziyaomen, It seems to be set up directly in the form of a city.

But if this is the case, the city of Ziyaomen might be too big, right?After all, a second-class sect like the Great Xuanzong occupies an area of ​​hundreds of miles.

The moment he turned around the foot of the city wall, Tianhuo suddenly realized that there was a big sign hanging on the side of the city gate, which read: Nancheng.

'It turned out that it was only the south city of Ziyaomen. In this case, after this city is Ziyaomen. Tianhuo nodded slightly, thinking in his heart that if he wanted to enter Ziyao Gate, he had to pass through this city.

More than a dozen Ziyaomen disciples guarded the city gate, scanning the crowds entering and leaving, while Tianhuo mingled behind the crowd and walked towards the city while maintaining his invisibility.

Under the invisible state, these ordinary disciples naturally couldn't find Tianhuo's figure, and everything went well.

After entering the city, Tianhuo randomly found an inn, paid two gold coins and entered the room, only then released Wu Ping and Gong Ming.

"Brother Tianhuo, are you okay!" The two asked nervously as soon as they appeared, the previous scene was too terrifying, no one would have thought that the main god would attack Tianhuo!
Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, "It's all over, and now we have arrived at Ziyaomen's south city, two seniors, the north of the south city should be the Ziyaomen's residence, right?"

Wu Ping and Gong Ming looked at each other, they both breathed a sigh of relief, Tianhuo escaped from the hands of the main god, and arrived at Ziyaomen smoothly, I really want to know how Tianhuo escaped, after all, he was the main god!

"It's fine. That's right. Going out from the north gate of Nancheng is the mountain gate of Ziyaomen. It's just that our brothers are wanted. Once we step into the mountain gate, we will be found. Things are a bit troublesome." Wu Ping said.

Naturally, Tianhuo also knew that even a teleporter could recognize the two, let alone the disciples guarding the mountain gate, how could it be possible to let wanted criminals into the mountain gate?
And for Tianhuo, who no longer had an exquisite mask, it was even more difficult to get in. After all, the identity of an adventurer in another world was too obvious, and people could tell it at a glance.

Back then, when the exquisite mask hadn't expired, it was easy, but now it's different. Tianhuo was also thinking about it, looking through the window and looking towards the north, "It's impossible to sneak in just by invisibility, so we have to find a way."

Tianhuo believes that at the entrance of Ziyaomen, there must be the same restriction as that of Daxuanzong, and it is impossible to get in by relying on hidden spirit skills.

"I don't know how to escape..." After a long time, Tianhuo thought to himself.

It's just that at the moment, I really can't think of any other better way, it seems that I can only rely on the escape technique to try, thinking of this, Tianhuo turned and looked at Wu Ping and the two, "Senior, where are the parts of the Glyph Saint suit that you have seen? "

Wu Ping did not doubt that he was there, and said, "There is a Ziyao hall in the center of Ziyaomen, only seniors above the elders can enter, and the Glyph suit is in one of the side halls."

"Brother Tianhuo, don't be in a hurry, let's think of a way." Gong Ming said.

Tianhuo shook his head, "I'll try it, even if I can't get in, I'd better make another plan, two seniors, please go back to Fanshen Palace again."

Naturally, Tianhuo's plan is to get the Glyph Saint suit first, and then the body of Fanshen. Tianhuo really wants to know how Ziyaomen found and collected the body of Fanshen in Ziyaomen.

Before, I thought it was because of Ziyaomen's relationship with Nangong Lord God, but now I know it's not the case.

After taking the two back to the Fanshen Palace, Tianhuo's body immediately sank towards the ground, and disappeared into the room in an instant.

"Tianling, help me be vigilant, and remind me when you find something good." Tianhuo said through voice transmission while walking on the ground.

"Don't think too much, finish your business first, otherwise it will be bad to startle the snake." Tianling replied.

Tianhuo naturally understood, but if he found the treasure, he would mark it first. Tianhuo had a feeling in his heart that even if he got the body of Fanshen, he would inevitably conflict with Ziyaomen, and relying on various means, Tianhuo was not worried.

Soon, Tianhuo had come to the bottom of the mountain gate. Looking up with the help of the eyes of the sage, Tianhuo clearly saw dozens of disciples standing neatly on both sides of the mountain gate, and in front of the mountain gate, as expected by Tianhuo, there were Mysterious prohibition.

"Hundreds of secrets, Ziyao's gatekeeper has forgotten that the restriction has not been extended to the ground. I'm afraid someone dug a tunnel from the ground and they don't even know about it." Looking at the situation in front of her, Tian Ling said.

Tianhuo shook his head slightly. If he really wanted to dig a passage, he had to go through Ziyao South City. It couldn't be completed in a year or two. No one would spend so much effort to sneak in, right?

Smiling, Tianhuo stepped forward and continued to move forward, heading straight towards the depths of Ziyao Gate, and finally came to the so-called Ziyao Great Hall when night fell.

At this moment, the Glyph Saint Ring has released an indicator light that only Tianhuo can see. This light is indicating the suit parts in the hall. As Wu Ping said, it is in the hall.

In the main hall, faint and powerful auras permeated inadvertently. Even if he was several miles underground, Tianhuo could clearly sense those powerful auras. Compared with Wu Ping and Gong Ming, they were no different at all. .

"Tianling, if I just pass by like this, I won't be discovered, right?" Tianhuo's heart is a little drumming. If he is discovered, all previous efforts will be wasted.

"I can't guarantee this, you'll know if you try it." Tianling smiled.

Tianhuo nodded. For the sake of safety, he descended several hundred meters again, and escaped from the thousand-meter-deep underground. It should not be discovered by anyone, right?
With a trace of apprehension and excitement, Tianhuo walked forward slowly, following the instructions of the Glyph Sage Ring, not long after, he was already under the main hall, and at this moment, something unexpected happened!

When Tianhuo was excited, he saw a tortoise shell suddenly drilled out of the Glyph Sage's ring, with a purple-gold light shooting towards the hall above, and crashed into the hall in an instant!

"Oops, Xuanwu Jingqi Armor! This thing will expose me!" Tianhuo's heart jumped, never expecting that the Xuanwu Jingqi Armor would run away by itself. It seemed that it had discovered the whereabouts of the mortal god's body!

And following the movement of the Xuanwu Jingqi Armor, those powerful auras also moved at this moment, and they all rushed towards the place where the Xuanwu Jingqi Armor went. Obviously, these strong men sensed something breaking into the hall.

Tianhuo gritted his teeth, under the eyes of Wensheng, most of the situation in the whole hall was clearly visible, and he even saw a brocade box in a side hall, which was exactly what the light of Wensheng's ring pointed to. Holy suit!
However, Tianhuo couldn't see anything in the side hall where the basalt spirit armor got into. It was blocked by the dark wall of the side hall, and even the eyes of the sage could not penetrate.

"Forget it, that side hall is easy to recognize, get the suit first!" Tianhuo decided to get the suit first, without hesitation, he went straight to the side hall where the suit was located.

The moment Tianhuo emerged from the ground, the white light in his eyes dissipated, and the situation in front of him returned to normal. I saw that this was a side hall of about [-] square meters. The door of the hall was closed tightly. , each weapon rack is filled with various weapons.

In the center, a light blue pillar of mysterious light soars into the sky, as if propping up the side hall, and in the mysterious light, a brocade box floats quietly, and on the ring of the sage of literati, the light is exactly Pointing to the brocade box.

(End of this chapter)

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