The strongest saint

Chapter 380 Demonic Light

Chapter 380 Demonic Light

Tianhuo rubbed his chin, looked at the parts of the suit in Xuanguang, but didn't dare to act in a hurry, this was the first time he had seen such a situation, and for some reason this part was put in Xuanguang.

After checking for a while, Tianhuo looked at the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree in Fanshen Palace, maybe he has a solution!

Hunyuan Spiritual Tree: A mysterious ancient tree handed down from ancient times, which has the miraculous effect of gathering the aura of heaven and earth and accelerating the growth of other spiritual things. It can be placed in an independent space to strengthen this independent space.

Note: After controlling the heart of the Hunyuan Spirit Tree, you can control all the power of the Hunyuan Spirit Tree.

Looking at the Hunyuan Spirit Tree, Tianhuo tried to communicate with the Hunyuan Spirit Tree. The moment his thoughts fell on the Hunyuan Spirit Tree, a strange feeling suddenly appeared in Tianhuo's heart. It seemed that he could command the Hunyuan Spirit Tree. everything!
With a little finger, I saw a series of roots appearing in front of Tianhuo out of thin air. It looked very strange, and the source of the roots could not be seen at all, but these roots actually existed.

With the movement of Tianhuo's heart, a root tendril swept towards the brocade box in the mysterious light. Such a situation made Tianhuo excited. If he had known that he could command the Hunyuan Spirit Tree like this, he would not have to run up, even if he was far away. A few miles away, you can also get the suit!

In the excitement of Tianhuo, the roots touched the mysterious light, and in the blink of an eye, all the parts of the roots that were submerged in the mysterious light were evaporated like this!
Tianhuo was stunned, and hurriedly retracted the roots, muttering: "Fortunately, I didn't touch it directly. What is this beam of light? It can even destroy the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree."

"Demon spirit light, it seems that there are monsters in Ziyaomen." Tian Ling said solemnly, without explaining the source of the beam of light, but with one sentence, let Tianhuo understand that this is something from monsters!
Tianhuo frowned, now is not the time to care about monsters, how to get the brocade box is what he cares about, "Tianling, how to break it?"

"Aren't you surprised why your suit is in the magic light?" Tianling asked instead of answering Tianhuo's question.

Tianhuo thought about it, "Gen Sheng's suit contains a strong righteousness, which is the nemesis of monsters. Could it be that you want to destroy this suit?"

"It's almost the same, and it is to demonize this suit. Once it is successful, if it is gathered with other suits in the future, the other suits will also be demonized." Tianling added.

Tianhuo's expression froze, it seems that the Glyph Saint suit is a big taboo for monsters, otherwise they would not be able to use this method to destroy the Glyph Saint suit, "They must have failed, right? Otherwise, why would they use a brocade box to store the suit."

"That's right, but it seems that success is not far away!" Tianling said solemnly.

"Tianhuo, you already have seven parts, which should be enough, take them all off!" Tianling said again.

"Oh? Use the power of these seven pieces to break the magic light?" Tianhuo frowned, thinking of what Tianling wanted to do, without saying much, he hurriedly took off the suit.

Seeing Tianhuo take off all the glyph suits, Tianling said, "Throw them in together."

Tianhuo nodded, looked at the seven Glyph suits in his hand, and threw them all towards the magic spirit light, expecting in his heart, if this can break the magic spirit light, then the eighth piece will be available soon.

And if not, it is very likely that all the seven suits will be damaged, which is not what Tianhuo wants to see, but Tianhuo chooses to trust Tianling, she must be sure to let her do this!

puff puff...

A series of light puffing sounds came, and the seven suits were all submerged in the magic spirit light one after another, instead of falling, they just floated in it.

"It must be successful!" Tianhuo secretly said in his heart, watching the situation intently.

There was another light pop sound, and the brocade box shattered, turned into powder and fell down, revealing the parts inside!

"Wristguard again?" Tianhuo, who was staring at the field, muttered to himself in astonishment, the suit parts in the brocade box were actually the wrist of the Glyph Sage again!

Suddenly, Tianhuo's eyes narrowed, and he looked carefully at the second Glyph Sage's wrist, and saw that half of the wristband had turned into a pitch-black color, while the other half was still a normal color, he couldn't help but feel a sudden, "Demonized?"

As soon as the self-talk came out, the other seven suits were suddenly filled with pure white luster, and with the appearance of white light, a vast and refreshing atmosphere also quietly diffused.

Without waiting for Tianhuo to be puzzled, he saw that the seven suits were all gathered towards the half-enchanted wristband, and the pure white luster rolled towards the wristband. Under this white light, the black color on the wristband quickly faded away. .

Not only that, at the moment when the white light appeared, the entire beam of light was slowly fading!
"It really works, Tianling, it looks like it will be successful soon!" Tianhuo said with great joy.

"Hey, I'm so sorry, I should be the one who said that!" A cold voice suddenly sounded in the side hall, which startled Tianhuo and hurriedly put him on guard.

From a corner of the side hall, a middle-aged man walked out slowly, staring at the magic spirit light with delighted eyes, "I've heard that the Glyph Saint suit has an heir, and now it's finally here!"

As he said that, the eyes of the middle-aged man slowly shifted to Tianhuo, and the joyful eyes became playful.

Tianhuo's heart skipped a beat, was he fooled?Ziyaomen was actually using the Glyph Saint suit to attract him, and he also used the magic light to lure him to take off the suit. This is troublesome, the magic light has not completely dissipated, so he can't take them all out!

"Who are you?" Tianhuo calmed down quickly and asked calmly with his eyes flickering.

The middle-aged man looked at Tianhuo jokingly, "Alright, let you know who I am before you die."

As the voice fell, a name appeared above the middle-aged man's head: Ziyaomen Great Elder-Wu Chen!

Seeing the middle-aged man's name, Tianhuo frowned, Great Elder, isn't this Wu Ping's enemy?I actually let myself meet!
"Hey, you personally sent these suits, I really should thank you, in order to express my gratitude, you choose a way to die!" Wu Chen jokingly said with a smile.

"You're really arrogant. If you want to keep me, you probably won't be able to do it!" Tianhuo smiled calmly, but glanced at the eight-piece suit beside him. Now, delay as long as you can!

"Haha, don't waste your time. From the moment you enter here, the restriction has already been activated, and you can't go out!" Wu Chen laughed loudly. He didn't know that Tianhuo was delaying time, but to him, it didn't matter up.

"One more minute of delay will make it work!" Tian Ling said suddenly.

Tianhuo nodded secretly, and was about to speak, but Wu Chen stepped forward, "If you don't choose, I will choose for you!"

"If you want to do something, ask them first!" Tianhuo let Wu Ping and Gong Ming out.

As soon as the two appeared, they hurriedly looked at the surrounding situation, but Wu Chen, who was walking slowly, was stunned, staring closely at Wu Ping and the two, and said in a voiceless voice: "How could you teleport them here? No, it's not teleportation... ..."

"Wu Chen!" Wu Ping and Gong Ming's expressions turned cold, and they stared at Wu Chen with piercing eyes.

Tianhuo backed away, he didn't know what hatred they had, but that didn't matter, Ziyaomen's high-level executives could die one at a time, and it would be best if they all died, in that case, it would be really cheap for Tianhuo!
Of course, Tianhuo also knew that it was impossible, but he just thought about it casually.

Facing the two Wu Ping, whose eyes were about to burst, Wu Chen's face became serious, and his brows were deeply frowned, "Hmph! This is the Ziyao Palace of my Ziyao Sect, so you're not afraid that I will attract other strong people?"

Hearing that, Wu Ping and his expression remained the same, but Tianhuo frowned. The people in Ziyao Hall are all the strongest existences of Ziyao Sect. If they were attracted by the fluctuations of the battle, they might not be able to leave!

Thinking of this, Tianhuo once again cast the Glyph Sage's Eye, and immediately saw the surrounding situation clearly through the wall, only to see that there was no one in the countless side halls, and he didn't know where he went.

But after thinking about it, Tianhuo understood that he must have gone to the side hall that he couldn't see through, because the movement of the basalt spirit armor had alarmed them. The elders did not pass by.

At this moment, Tianhuo breathed a sigh of relief, and secretly thanked the Xuanwu Essence Qi Armor. If it weren't for it, the Great Elder would be able to attract all the powerful people with ease. Now, there is no need to worry, and the battle will be settled quickly Just do it!

"Quick battle!" Wu Ping turned his head and nodded to Gong Ming, as long as Wu Chen was eliminated before other strong men arrived, there would be no problem.

As soon as the words fell, the two rushed out together, a vast force surged, and when Wu Chen saw this, he turned around and rushed towards the closed palace door, unexpectedly he didn't have the courage to fight!
"Where are you going!" Wu Ping yelled violently, his speed increased sharply, and he caught up with Wu Chen in an instant.

Tianhuo felt relieved when he saw the two of them entangled the great elder Wu Chen, and turned to look at the eight-piece suit, only to see that the magic light was getting weaker and weaker, and the black light on the wrist of the scribe was almost wiped out .

"Surrender!" Wu Ping's violent shout interrupted Tianhuo's inspection, and hurriedly looked back, only to see Wu Ping raised his saber high and slashed at Wu Chen who was controlled by Gong Ming.

Tianhuo shook his head slightly, this Great Elder doesn't seem to be very good, he was easily taken down by Wu Ping and Gong Ming, this time he is doomed!
"Roar!" Tianhuo just had this idea, but he heard a deep roar from Wu Chen's mouth. In the roar, thick black air permeated from his body, and in the black air, a dark side The shield suddenly stood up, just in time to block Wu Ping's downward cut, and directly pushed Gong Ming back.

"Demon armor! I'll go..." The muscles on Tianhuo's face trembled slightly. He was too familiar with this scene, and secretly said: "I never thought that this guy has turned into a monster. Wu Ping and the others can't break the magic armor!"

Back in the third-level area, Yu Junhao, the number one demon hunter, couldn't break through the magic armor. Now Wu Ping and Gong Ming are not demon hunters, so naturally they couldn't break through it.

Sure enough, as Tianhuo expected, Wu Ping slashed down with a knife, but was bounced away by the magic armor, and the magic armor in Wu Chen's hand was not damaged at all!
"Jie Jie... Can't think of it? Today I will cut the weeds and root them out!" Wu Chen, who was covered in black energy, sneered, the magic armor changed, and it turned into a long sword in an instant.

"Oops..." Tianhuo cursed secretly in his heart, his glyph sage suit was all in the magic spirit light, so he couldn't help at all at the moment, otherwise, what about the magic armor and sword?Verbal criticism and pen attack easily break it open!
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(End of this chapter)

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