Chapter 381
Tianhuo looked at the field anxiously, but he felt helpless. He didn't have the Glyph Saint suit on him, and his current strength was negligible in front of them, so how could he help?
In the arena, Wu Chen strode out like a shooting star, and the dark magic sword slashed at Wu Ping. The latter looked dignified, but he didn't dodge at all. With a fight, he moved towards the long sword to resist.

With a crisp sound, Wu Ping's saber snapped, but Wu Chen's long sword fell down like a broken one.

"Brother!" Gong Ming, who was coming not far away, tightened his expression, and directly threw the saber in his hand, and slashed towards Wu Chen.

"Hmph!" Wu Chen snorted coldly, without avoiding the slightest bit, forcibly withstood the attack of Gong Ming's saber, and his long sword also landed on Wu Ping's chest.

puff!Wu Ping was blown away, blood dripped from his chest, and black air filled the wound.

"Haha, it's your turn!" Wu Chen ignored Wu Ping after striking the sword. He naturally knew that Wu Ping had almost lost his ability to fight after being contaminated by the devil energy, so he turned to face Gong Ming and laughed.

Gong Ming's expression froze, and then raging anger rose, and he shouted violently: "Brother Tianhuo, take the eldest brother away!"

Before the words finished, Gong Ming shot out, and rushed towards Wu Chen with his bare hands. It seemed that he planned to die together!

"Don't!" Wu Ping shouted with difficulty, but it was too late, Gong Ming had already reached in front of Wu Chen, his left hand grabbed the long sword, and the green light on his right hand flickered, and it moved towards Wu Chen's chest.

Suddenly, a jet-black ink stroke hit Wu Chen's magic sword abruptly, breaking the magic general instantly, and Gong Ming's left hand also grabbed the space, but his right hand successfully hit Wu Chen's chest. The light burst out immediately, blasting Wu Chen back.

"Valuation, killing one is a crime!" Tianhuo's spring-like voice sounded, and then saw golden characters appearing in the side hall, completely printing the whole side hall in gold.

When the first big character fell, the black energy around Wu Chen was like a flame meeting water, and most of it was immediately extinguished!

As for Wu Ping, who was half lying on the ground, the black energy in his chest dissipated instantly under the large characters, and he actually dispelled the evil energy in this way!
Wu Ping, Gong Ming and Wu Chen all looked at Tianhuo in astonishment. At this critical moment, Tianhuo successfully obtained the eighth Glyph Saint suit, and smashed Wu Chen's magic sword!

At the beginning, because there was no relationship between the sage's pen, Tianhuo had to rely on verbal punishment to break the magic armor, but now it is different, with the sage's pen in hand, the effect of breaking the magic armor and sword is stronger!

Just one stroke shattered Wu Chen's magic sword, which shows that Tianhuo's strength is no longer what it used to be.

Five large characters fell down one after another, huge damage values ​​appeared above Wu Chen's head, and the black energy surging around him was completely wiped away, and taking advantage of this opportunity, Gong Ming and Wu Ping made another attack together!
"Fix!" Tianhuo flexed his fingers, and immediately fixed Wu Chen who wanted to resist, and taking advantage of this opportunity, both Wu Ping's and Gong Ming's attacks landed.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on killing Wu Chen (demon), you have obtained a sin value of -356400 and a reputation value of 356400."

"Ding! System prompt: Wen Sheng's sorrow is activated, pick up Lingzhu x 35000, and equip 2 pieces."

"Tsk tsk, it's good to cooperate with a master, so easy!" Tianhuo's eyes lit up, and he said to himself.

"Brother Tianhuo, thank you for your kindness, my brother's life will be yours from now on!" Wu Ping looked at Wu Chen's body that was gradually fading, and hurriedly bowed to Tianhuo in salute.

Tianhuo smiled, the two of them had already said this sentence when they were in the Fenghuo Treasure Land, and they didn't care, and said with a smile: "Seniors, let's go back to the Fanshen Palace first!"

The two nodded, Tianhuo not only saved them, but also avenged them, now the two have nothing to worry about, they have planned to follow Tianhuo, naturally they will not go against Tianhuo's intention.

Taking the two back to the Fanshen Palace again, Tianhuo used his invisible skills and walked towards the side hall that he couldn't see through.

Walking out of the side hall, with the help of the eyes of Wen Sheng, Tianhuo saw the situation in the whole hall clearly, as before, it was still empty, and no other strong men were attracted by the death of the Great Elder Wu Chen.

While walking forward, Tianhuo checked the second Glyph Sage's wrist.

Glyph Sage Bracers, Demon Artifact, Glyph Sage Exclusive Set. (Owned, cannot be traded, cannot be discarded, cannot be stolen, cannot be dropped.)
Attributes: None.

Occupational Requirements: Wen Sheng.

Additional effects: mount and pet attribute bonus +100%.

"Huh? It looks like the two wrists are the same, one is the wrist of the sage, and the other is the wrist of the sage, but the wrist of the sage is good, and the attributes of the mount and the pet are doubled!" Tianhuo said to himself in surprise, I was a little surprised.

It stands to reason that the wristband and the ring should be a pair, but Tianhuo didn't think about this problem at all before, and now the appearance of the sage's wristband makes Tianhuo hope, so there will be a ring of the sage!
The eighth Glyph Saint suit part surprised Tianhuo. This time, the strength of Nine Souls, Swallowing Stars and other beasts was directly doubled. This kind of assistance can be summed up in one word: strong!

Set attributes (currently eight pieces):
Attack +700%
Defense +700%
Four basic attribute bonus levels x70 (currently +10500)

Experience bonus +700%
Burst rate bonus +700%
Damage Reduction +35%
Critical strike chance +35%
Critical damage +700%
Negative status resistance +30%
Ignore Target Defense +15%
And now equipped with eight sets of suits, Tianhuo is also full of confidence, powerful bonuses, not weak attributes, it is a great encouragement for the next acquisition of the gods of all gods!

The invisible side hall is not far away, it is located in the center of Ziyao Hall, not long after, Tianhuo has arrived in front of this closed side hall.

Under Wen Shengzhi's eyes, Tianhuo still couldn't see what was going on inside, but what was certain was that the divine body of Fan Shen was inside, and the Xuanwu Jingqi Armor was also inside, and even the high-level officials of Ziyaomen were inside!
Because the Xuanwu Jingqi Armor broke into this place before, all the senior officials of Ziyaomen rushed here, but they haven't come out yet, and I don't know what to do in it.

Tianhuo really wanted to go in and have a look, but he knew very well in his heart that hidden spirit skills might not be effective in front of those high-level people. Once he entered, he would be discovered, and the walls of this side hall were a bit strange, and escapism couldn't pass through, which made it difficult for Tianhuo stand up.

After hesitating for a moment, Tianhuo listened carefully on the palace gate.

"There are so many of you guarding, but you still let this spirit armor run in by itself, what are you doing?" Tianhuo just listened to it, when he heard a dull roar.

"I just came close to succeeding, just a tiny bit! This damn basalt spirit armor, you bastards..." The voice kept cursing, making Tianhuo feel puzzled, and all the people who entered were purple The senior management of Yaomen, who is this person?How dare you scold them like that.

"If I succeed in refining this divine body of the main god, who in the world can stop me? Damn it, all my previous efforts have been for naught, all my previous work has been for naught!"

Sentences of angry curses blasted out like cannonballs. Tianhuo didn't hear anyone who dared to respond, so he couldn't help but clicked his tongue secretly, and murmured: "Who the hell is this?"

"Huh? What are you doing here? Catch the bastard outside the door for me!" Following Tianhuo's muttering, the voice that had been cursing changed his voice and said.


The door of the side hall opened abruptly. Although Tianhuo remained invisible, in the eyes of these strong men, it was like a fake, and all eyes were fixed on Tianhuo. At this time, they could be regarded as finding an outlet!
After being scolded by that person for so long, the sudden appearance of Tianhuo at this moment has become the target of everyone's vent, "Move! Trapped!"

In the side hall, a middle-aged man in a brocade robe snorted coldly, Tianhuo felt his whole body tense, and had no chance to react, so he was pulled into the main hall, and then, a light film imprisoned him, which was very similar The skill prisoner of Tianjie.

Tianhuo's heart tightened, but he calmed down again in an instant. Seeing that more than a dozen people in the field were not in a hurry to make a move, he also took the opportunity to size up.

This side hall is three to four hundred square meters. Except for a three-meter-high altar in the center, the surrounding area is empty. On the altar, a beam of light goes straight to the top of the hall. In the beam of light, a young man with his eyes closed The man was suspended, his whole body was surrounded by golden light.

Outside the beam of light beside the young man, a pale man in black was staring at Tianhuo, and there was black air emanating from his body from time to time, no doubt it was a monster.

"Fan Shen!" Seeing the young man who was still shrouded in golden light in the floating beam of light, Tianhuo lost his voice. That was Fan Shen. He was carrying his Fan God Palace, and there was even a statue of him in the Fan God Palace. , Skyfire is naturally no stranger.

"So that's how it is!" Seeing the golden light covering Fan Shen's body, Tianhuo understood that it was the Xuanwu Essence Armor!
The basalt essence armor usually looks like a turtle shell, but at this moment, under the golden light, it has become a set of battle armor with basalt carapace patterns, which looks indestructible.

Tianhuo finally knew why the basalt spirit armor came here by itself, and because the body of Fanshen was about to be refined by the monster, he ran out of Tianhuo's Glyph Sage Ring to protect Fanshen.

This artifact used by Fanshen in the early years seems to be more powerful than Tianhuo imagined!

"This boy's breath is too disgusting to me, kill him!" Tianhuo looked at him, and the pale monster on the altar spoke.

"Yes! Master Demon General!" More than a dozen senior officials of Ziyaomen bowed together, and then turned to face the imprisoned Tianhuo.

Tianhuo glanced at the monster in surprise, it turned out to be a magic general?The strength of the demon general in the third-level area is nothing, he has killed a lot, but in the second-level area, the restrictions on strength have been weakened too much, and he does not know whether he can deal with it, but seeing the many high-level leaders of the Ziyao Sect. He has a respectful and fearful expression, he is afraid that he is no match for it!

Thinking about it, Tianhuo shook his head slightly, and said with a playful smile: "Ziyaomen is a first-class sect, and they are actually subservient to monsters. If this news gets out, hehe..."

"As long as I kill you, how can it spread?" The middle-aged man who shot before sneered.

Tianhuo shrugged, "Then you are wrong, don't you know that adventurers in different worlds have endless lives?"

The middle-aged man froze for a moment, and then the aura around him became irritable, and in this irritable aura, the name above his head also appeared, "Ziyao Sect Master—Zhu Xing!"

The door master Zixing was silent, and after a while, he suddenly turned around and bowed to the monster: "My lord, what he said is right, what should I do?"

The demon general also fell silent. He naturally knew about the adventurers in another world, and it was a bit difficult for a while.

Seeing the faces of the crowd and the demon generals who didn't know what to do, Tianhuo breathed a sigh of relief. Now, it's time to find a way to snatch the body of the mortal god from so many strong men.

Suddenly, the corner of the devil general's mouth drew an evil arc, such an expression made Tianhuo's scalp tingle for a while, and a strong chill gushed out of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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