Chapter 382
Tianhuo looked warily at the demon general with an evil smile, could it be that this demon general saw that he only had one chance to live?In that case, what a tragedy!

"Hey, since it's useless to kill him, then trap him forever and prepare the magic light." In Tianhuo's anxiety, the demon general sneered.

These words fell into Tianhuo's ears, but it made Tianhuo breathe a sigh of relief. It seemed that he had thought too much, and he could see that he had only one chance to live, and I'm afraid it hasn't happened yet.

And the magic light is nothing to Tianhuo who already has eight Glyph Saint suits.

As soon as the words fell, the demon general stepped out of the air, and a light blue light surged around his body like a flame, obviously preparing for the magic light.

Tianhuo stared intently at the movement of the demon general. The moment he left the altar, Tianhuo was already secretly happy. The body of all gods was trapped in the beam of light on the altar, and that beam of light was exactly the light of the demon spirit that Tianhuo had seen before.

Now that the demon general has left the altar, then, his chance has come!

"Spiritual Tree!" With a thought in Tianhuo's mind, the whole Hunyuan Spiritual Tree suddenly appeared beside him, and immediately opened the cage around Tianhuo, and even filled the entire side hall!
The crowd and the demon generals who came here did not expect such a situation to happen at all, and they were all blown away by the Hunyuan Spirit Tree when they were caught off guard. Immediately afterwards, countless roots swept over and swept the people in the field. Everyone is tightly entangled.

"Damn, what is this?" The demon general roared angrily. He just flew in front of Tianhuo, but he was suddenly blown away by the big tree, and his whole body was also entangled by endless roots, and he couldn't move for a while. .

"Haha, struggle slowly!" Tianhuo laughed and teleported out, and instantly arrived in front of the demon light. When he reached out his hand, a dazzling but refreshing luster appeared in his hand, and he grabbed the body of the mortal god in the demon light.

"Stop!" The demon general who was not far away discovered the purpose of Tianhuo and roared hastily.

And how could Tianhuo care?Pulling on the skirt of Fanshen's clothes, he was pulled out like this, and the demon spirit light did not pose any threat to Tianhuo.

As soon as the divine body of Fanshen was pulled out by Tianhuo, Tianhuo couldn't wait to put it into Fanshen's palace, that's where he should be!
"Sure enough, it's as you said, it's easy to handle, let's get out of here!" Tianhuo was overjoyed, the matter was countless times easier than he expected, all thanks to the Hunyuan Spirit Tree!

And the indispensible credit is Tianling. When Tianhuo was trapped, it was Tianling who came up with this idea, and it was Tianling who told Tianhuo that Tianhuo could ignore the current magic light.

"Magic flames are overwhelming!" Suddenly, the roar of the demon general came again, and Tianhuo felt his heart tighten. The demon general ignited raging black flames all over his body!
It was this black flame that directly forced the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree back!

Tianhuo on the altar was stunned, even though he had thought of the power of the magic generals in the second-level area before, but now he realized that he still underestimated the magic generals in the second-level area!


"Ding! The system prompts: Forbidden area, this skill cannot be used."

Just as he was about to use the escape technique to leave, the system notification sounded, making Tianhuo's scalp tingle for a while. This time, it's troublesome. Although the divine body of Fanshen has been successfully obtained, if he wants to leave here, he has to go through more than a dozen strong people in front of him. There is a blockade of those who want to fight, and there is a magic general among them!

After all, since he couldn't use the escape technique, Tianhuo could only leave through the door, and on the altar, there were so many strong men staring at him between the altar and the door!

Black flames danced around the demon general, and with the roar of the demon general, the black flames swept away, rushing in all directions, and the evil breath permeated wherever it passed.

Just in the blink of an eye, the black flames had already enveloped more than a dozen experts from Ziyaomen, and under the black flames, those ten high-level Ziyaomen were not burned, but became stronger in the black flames stand up.

Tianhuo didn't have time to be puzzled and astonished, within a few breaths, the black flame had already arrived in front of him, and the dangerous aura also filled Tianhuo's heart at this moment, without hesitation, Tianhuo hurriedly retreated, but he was thinking about the corresponding method in his heart .

Wherever the black flame passed by, the ground was rapidly decomposing, even the altar did not avoid it, and it was corrupted into a pile of remnants in the blink of an eye by the black flame, which surprised Tianhuo even more. Wrap it up, the consequences are unimaginable!
"Heaven and earth have righteousness, Tianhuo, your words and pens can restrain the magic flame, and thunder beads are also good, what are you hiding?" Tianling's voice sounded in Tianhuo's mind, as if he was a little unhappy for Tianhuo's avoidance.

Tianhuo raised his brows, and happened to be in front of the wall of the side hall. Hearing Tianling's words, he stopped retreating and stopped in an instant. When he opened his mouth, big golden characters suddenly appeared in the side hall.

As soon as the golden characters appeared, those black flames dissipated quickly under the golden light like ice and snow meeting the sun, and as each big character fell, the black flames in a large area disappeared out of thin air wherever they passed.

"Ten steps to kill one person!"

The space of the main hall was completely covered by the big golden characters transformed by Tianhuo's verbal punishment skill. With the fall of the five big characters, all the black flames disappeared completely, and 1 black flames also appeared on the heads of the Ziyaomen and the demon generals. Much damage.

"Those people have also been demonized? Count them into the ranks of monsters, otherwise it would be impossible to have so much damage." Tianhuo thought in his heart, the palace of all gods has the effect of triple the damage to monsters, so it is possible for him to let himself now In the case of the situation, it will cause thousands of damage to them.

But which one of these guys doesn't have millions of health points?Wanting to kill them in this narrow space, Tianhuo knew that it was not possible, once they made a move, it would be his unlucky time.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo took out the last thunder bead and crushed it violently. Immediately, the dazzling thunder light flickered and filled the entire side hall, and under the thunder light, the demon general and the black people around the dozen people The air quickly faded, and their bodies also twitched.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tianhuo teleported directly to the door, stepped out of the door without hesitation, cast the escape technique, and disappeared into the passage.

Thunder and lightning already have a paralyzing effect, not to mention it contains the power of heaven and earth. Under thunder and lightning, monsters will naturally suffer greater damage, even if these people are powerful and will not suffer fatal damage, but It is inevitable to be paralyzed by lightning for a period of time.

After more than ten breaths, the demon general recovered from the paralyzed state first, and the rest of them also recovered one after another, but the figure of Tianhuo had disappeared in the field.

"Little bastard!" The demon general gritted his teeth and cursed angrily, turned his head to look at the more than ten people who were in a panic behind him, and said in a deep voice, "Activate the mountain protection formation immediately, he can't escape!"

"Yes, my lord!" Zhu Xing, the master of the Ziyao Sect, hurriedly bowed and saluted, then turned his hands and crushed a token, which was the key to activate the formation.

Seeing the movement of the sect master, the demon general nodded slightly, and then moved his eyes to the door, "That kid killed your great elder, but he didn't know he was infected by the demon, hum! Still want to escape?"

Moyin, it is a unique thing of the demons, it cannot be seen or touched, and it has only one function, that is to seek revenge!
When the monster with the magic lure dies, the magic lure will fall on the person who killed the monster silently, and it is impossible to detect it at all. However, if it is contaminated by the magic lure, other monsters can easily sense it.

This kind of magic lure has the same function as the blood seal of the prisoner dragon sect. When Tianhuo killed the prisoner dragon sect's disciples and seized the treasure in the Grand Canyon, the prisoner dragon sect who rushed over sensed it and pulled it out of his body. With a trace of bloody light, those people found their enemies precisely by virtue of this ability.

There is also the Yinlingmen, Tianhuo killed Qin Wanwan, and was easily sensed by the strange meteors from the Yinlingmen, so he must have this method.

At this moment, Tianhuo naturally didn't know that he had been enchanted by the magic charm, and was excited to get the body of Fanshen. In this line of work, Wu Ping and Gong Ming's vengeance had to be avenged, and he also got his own suit. The task of the divine body is also completed.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have completed the A-level mission Thor's entrustment, and you have obtained a reward item: Xuanwu Whip."

This is only an A-level mission, it seems simple, and the danger involved can only be understood by Tianhuo. Tianhuo knows that if he doesn't have the Hunyuan Spirit Tree to buy time for him, how can he complete this mission?

Xuanwu Whip (artifact), the attributes are unknown and cannot be used.

"Sure enough, it's a good thing I don't have any hope for this artifact, otherwise I'll be disappointed!" Tianhuo, who was moving forward in the earth while performing escapism, muttered to himself, and the Suzaku fan he got in the Fenghuo Treasure Land was also the same. Such an attribute cannot be used at all, so when Tianhuo saw that this A-level task was to reward the Black Tortoise Whip, he knew that it might not be able to be used either.

The Black Tortoise Whip has long been on Tianhuo's body, perhaps it can be considered that Thunder God gave him a reward item in advance, it's just an A-level task, how could it be possible to reward a usable artifact?
"Tianhuo, the mountain protection formation has been activated, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out." Tianling spoke when Tianhuo was checking the mission rewards.

Looking up, the Glyph Saint's Eye penetrated the thick earth, allowing Tianhuo to clearly see the situation above, and saw a film of light appearing in the sky at some point, with mysterious runes surging from time to time on the film of light , it is the mountain guard array.

Taking a casual glance, Tianhuo continued to move towards Ziyao's gate, and said relaxedly: "Tianling, don't worry, I'm underground, it's impossible for the underground to be surrounded by a large array, right?"

"You're right, once the mountain protection formation is activated, it's the same with the ground, there's no way out, the only way is to break the formation." Tianling said calmly, but Tianhuo frowned.

Not long after, Tianhuo has come to the edge of Ziyaomen, but just as Tianling said, there is also a film of light shining with mysterious runes on the ground in front of him, it seems that it really can't get out.

"Haha, come out, we know you're down there!"

Just as Tianhuo was frowning, Ziyao Sect Master Zixing laughed loudly from above, obviously he had discovered the location of Tianhuo.

(End of this chapter)

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