The strongest saint

Chapter 383 The Demon General in the Level 2 Area

Chapter 383 The Demon General in the Second Level Area

Hearing the voice of the master of Ziyao Sect from above, Tianhuo shook his head helplessly, "Tianling, I found a problem."

"What's the problem? Is there a way to get out?" Tianling's slightly joyful voice came.

Tianhuo shook his head and said with a wry smile: "That's not true, I found out that most of the tasks I do are simple, and the troublesome ones come later."

Tianling was speechless, too lazy to pay attention to Tianhuo.

Tianhuo sighed secretly in his heart, he managed to get the divine body of Fan Shen, and escaped with great difficulty, this is good, trouble came again, there is a large array of guards, he can't get out by himself, and if he dies, he can't get others, how can he Is good?

He looked up to check the situation on the ground, and saw that all the high-level people had come out, and more than a dozen people were standing on the edge of the mountain protection formation, waiting for the appearance of Tianhuo, but there was no sign of the demon general.

"The demon general didn't come, so he doesn't seem to dare to come out, hehe, there's a chance!" With this discovery, Tianhuo's eyes lit up, he couldn't get out from the ground anyway, so let's go up!
Thinking of this, Tianhuo stepped up, left the ground in a few breaths, and appeared opposite the sect master Zixing, "Haha, so many people came to see me off, it's too polite!"

Zixing's face was gloomy, and it was not a good thing to lose face in front of Lord Demon General, so this time, Tianhuo must be captured and handed over to the Demon General.

A hundred meters away is the mountain gate, but it has been blocked at this moment. If the mountain protection array is not broken, Tianhuo can't go out.

Tianhuo thought about the solution quickly in his heart, but he didn't know the formation, maybe he could only get something that could break the formation from Zixing.

"Boy, be obedient and let him go, maybe you will feel better." Zhu Xing's face was so gloomy that water could drip, and he said in a deep voice.

Tianhuo shrugged, "It's ridiculous, I even told you to go back, that way you will feel better, otherwise I'm afraid you will not feel better if you start fighting later."

"Don't be ashamed, since that's the case, don't blame us for not giving you a chance, let's go together and capture him!" Zixing waved his hand and shot out first.

Following Zixing's move, the rest of the people naturally did not dare to neglect, not to mention being so embarrassed by Tianhuo before, now is a good opportunity to find their way back!

All of a sudden, more than a dozen people came lasing, and the vast aura crushed towards the sky fire.

Tianhuo put down his right hand rubbing his chin, it was easy to avoid the attacks of these people, but where could he run under Ziyaomen's mountain protection array?

Thinking of this, Tianhuo's eyes narrowed, and he stood up ragingly, "The call of the guards, Nine Souls, Swallowing Stars, Void Ray!"

"Senior Wu Ping and Gong Ming!"

In the blink of an eye, a total of fifteen guards, two pets and a mount, and Wu Ping, who had been received in the palace of the gods, all appeared beside Tianhuo.

The faces of the people who came from Zixing froze for a moment. They never thought that Tianhuo could summon so many helpers, but it was only a moment of stagnation, and then they came at a faster speed.

"Fight!" Tianhuo gritted his teeth and shouted violently, and stepped on the back of the Star Devouring Moon Beast, "Battle Soul, Violent Soul, Tough Charm!"

"Ding! System prompt: The team leader has cast the spirit of battle skill, and the attributes of all members are enhanced by 1.5 times, and the duration is 10 minutes!"

"Ding! System prompt: The head of the team has cast the violent soul skill, all members have a +20% critical strike chance, +200% critical strike damage, and the duration is 5 minutes!"

"Ding! System prompt: The team leader has cast the tenacious charm skill, all members' damage reduction +50%, life recovery +10%, and the duration is 5 minutes!"

Immediately afterwards, the Book of the Sage of Grammar was opened again!

"Ding! System prompt: Blessed by the power of the scroll, the defense will increase by 10% within 50 minutes, and the damage received will be reduced by 20%!"

"Ding! System prompt: Blessed by the power of the scroll, attack +30% within 100 seconds!"

Tianhuo's movements were done in one go, and at the moment when everyone from Ziyaomen came here, all the auxiliary skills had been used in one go.

"Valuation, killing one is a crime, but slaughtering ten thousand is a hero. If you kill 900 million, you will be a hero among heroes!"

A fierce aura permeated the large formation. Under the terrifying aura of both sides, the dark sky became even darker, and with the appearance of large golden characters in the sky, the night sky was printed golden again, and the awe-inspiring righteousness seemed to be shattered. Darkness enveloped the land.

"The little bastards of the Wenshengmen, can this be our enemy?" Zhu Xing sneered, and when he raised his hand, an attack with black air roared towards him, ignoring the big golden characters that fell from the sky.

"Kill!" Wu Ping and Gong Ming yelled together, and their bodies shot out, as did the two pets and fifteen guards!
The big golden characters illuminated the night sky, making the battle below clearly visible. In an instant, the two sides had stood together. Naturally, Skyfire had the upper hand in terms of numbers, but outside the battle circle, hundreds of purple warriors had already gathered. Disciple of Yaomen!

Moreover, the fifteen guardians of Tianhuo only have 75% of Tianhuo's attributes. Facing the high-level officials of Ziyaomen, they may not be able to resist for long.

"Tianling, I leave it to you to figure out a solution, we can't hold on for too long!" Tianhuo said through voice transmission while performing verbal punishment.

After the sound transmission, Tianhuo didn't care about Tianling's response, and retreated violently, but he didn't dare to stop his verbal punishment skills. He only hoped to hurt them as much as possible while the guards held the enemy back.

"Death!" Canthus broke away from the entanglement of the two guards, and shot towards Tianhuo, the speed was no less than that of Tianhuo, and the powerful aura emanating from his body was even more frightening.

It's just strange that at this moment, Canthus Xing and the dozen or so high-ranking people did not have the aura that monsters should have around them. At this time, they can still hide the aura of being demonized. Tianhuo can't imagine that if they use it The power after being demonized, I'm afraid Wu Ping, Gong Ming and his pets will not feel well.

"Prisoner!" When he raised his hand, a ray of light gushed out from Prisoner's ring, instantly forming a cage around Canthus, who came from the shooting, and Tianhuo saw that the situation in the battle circle had almost stabilized, so he simply gave up the large-scale With the attack, Wen Sheng's pen waved, and the strokes roared out.

"Kill!" A series of strokes gathered on the imprisoned Canthus, and after the strokes of the entire character were gathered, a big "kill" character exploded, taking away more than 3 health points of Canthus.

"Broken!" Canthus Xing endured the strokes of the word Tianhuo, and slammed towards the cage, and there was a faint black energy emerging from his fist, which was the use of the demonized power.

puff!The cage was broken in response to the sound, and seeing that the Canthus star was about to shoot again, the heavenly fire kept striking, but the immobilization spell was violently cast, "Hold on!"

This time, Zhu Xing's movements were completely sluggish, and the 20-second fixation time, I don't know how long it can last when it falls on Zhu Xing.

"It's not enough, I can't kill him!" Tianhuo's heart sank. The title of Ten Thousand Killers has not been used for a long time, but facing these demonized high-level Ziyaomen, Ten Thousand Killers will not be useful. Tianhuo has no way of knowing their details. life value, but judging from their identities, it must be 900 million!
And after so many attacks, 100 million health points have not been destroyed, and there are so many left, I am afraid that Wu Ping and the others will not be able to deal with it!
Hum...Suddenly, a dizzy buzz sounded in the formation, and under this strange sound, Zixing instantly regained his ability to move, staring at Tianhuo with his cold eyes, "Your end It will surprise you!"

Saying that, the light film in the sky moved and twisted sharply, and then at the twisted place, a tornado-like existence quickly fell down, sweeping straight towards the sky fire.

"Teleport!" Tianhuo has seen the power of the small sect's mountain protection formation, and has also seen the second-class sect's mountain protection formation. Facing the mountain protection formation of this first-class sect, he naturally did not dare to neglect, and hastily teleported away go.

"Huh!" Seeing Tianhuo disappearing in place in an instant, Zhu Xing's face remained unchanged, but there was a playful look in his eyes. He raised his hand and saw that the tornado that swept down was actually plundering towards Wu Ping and the others. The people who were fighting with Wu Ping and the others rushed away in a hurry.

"Bastard!" Seeing that Zhu Xing suddenly changed his attack target, Tianhuo cursed secretly, and teleported to Wu Ping's side again, "Don't resist!"

In an instant, Wu Ping and Gong Ming were taken back to the Fanshen Palace. With a thought, Tianhuo took the three beasts back to the pet and mount space, but ignored the fifteen guards and hurried away.

As soon as Tianhuo teleported away, he saw that the terrifying tornado-like existence had arrived, swept down from mid-air, and instantly appeared at the place where Wu Ping and others were before, wreaking havoc like a dragon absorbing water.

Appearing a thousand meters away, Tianhuo turned around and looked, only to see that the place where he was before had turned into a bottomless pit, but the strange tornado that was raging did not disappear, and the fifteen guards did not resist at all. Forcefully torn to pieces.

Seeing this scene, Tianhuo took a deep breath. The mountain guard formation of the first-class sect is really not comparable to the second-class sect. Those guards have 75% of their own abilities, and they were torn to pieces in an instant. If he was bombarded, the consequences would be unimaginable!

Surprised, I saw that the light in the sky twisted again. This time, more than a dozen rapidly rotating air waves appeared, covering the sky fire from all directions!

"Tianling, have you figured out a way? If not, I'm afraid it will be over." Tianhuo looked at the scene above with a serious expression, and his heart was raised.

"Damn it, I want you to capture him alive, do you want to tear him apart?" Suddenly, the voice of the magic general sounded in the sky.

Hearing the angry voice of the demon general, the door master Zhu Xing was stunned, and hurriedly withdrew the attack of the big formation, and Tianhuo's face became even more bitter, the danger of the big formation was gone, but a more ruthless one came!
The demon general, filled with black air, came from a distance, and before he arrived, a distraught voice came, "I have to take action for useless trash, get out of here."

As soon as the words fell, a big hand formed by gathering black energy suddenly appeared on top of Tianhuo's head. Tianhuo's pupils shrank, and he hurriedly backed away, but saw the big hand clenched, turned into a fist, and punched at Tianhuo with lightning speed. Tianhuo's chest.

Sigh... There was a muffled bone shattering sound in Tianhuo's head, and then even endless severe pain came from his chest, before he had time to react, his figure was already blown upside down, and his HP was lost by half in an instant.

"So strong!" Tianhuo's heart was filled with coolness, resisting the severe pain of bone shattering in his chest, he struggled to stabilize his body that flew upside down.

Looking intently, I saw that the demon general was already a hundred meters away, staring at him with icy eyes, just glanced at him, the demon general moved again, and the big hands made of black air gathered between his raised hands again, towards Tianhuo Caught it.

(End of this chapter)

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