The strongest saint

Chapter 384 Advanced Innate Spirit Cauldron

Chapter 384 Advanced Innate Spirit Cauldron
A huge hand formed by tens of feet of black air instantly appeared on top of Tianhuo's head, and grabbed Tianhuo fiercely.

Tianhuo's heart was filled with coolness, endured the severe pain of the broken bones in his chest, and said with difficulty: "Excuse me, smash the iron clothes on the battlefield!"

Big golden characters appeared quickly one by one, colliding with the big black hand, but the appearance of seven big characters one after another actually only made the big black hand fade a bit, but did not break it, and at this moment, the big hand had already grabbed down.

At this moment, tremendous pressure appeared on the top of Tianhuo's head. As the big hand fell, the huge pressure made Tianhuo unable to stand still. Couldn't get up at all.

Heiqi grabbed Tianhuo with his big hand. Suddenly, Tianhuo felt that his bones were about to be squeezed and burst, and he couldn't even breathe. , "Hmph! How dare you resist in my hands?"

Tianhuo gritted his teeth as hard as he could, his face was full of pain. He had experienced countless crises, but right now, it seemed to be the most helpless one. In the hands of this demon general, he couldn't even resist at this moment!
"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on your successful promotion to the Xiantian Lingding Cauldron. You are currently at a high level. For details, please check the Xiantian Lingding Cauldron panel!"

Seeing that the demon general was getting closer and closer, a system notification sound suddenly sounded in Tianhuo's mind, and with the appearance of the system notification sound, Tianhuo felt that the squeezing feeling all over his body faded instantly, and the severe pain in his chest also quickly Disappeared, and a hint of enlightenment suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Broken!" The pained look on Tianhuo's face disappeared, his expression became calm, and he let out a violent drink.

Amidst the loud shouts, the purple flame suddenly rose up, centered on the sky fire, and shot out quickly, wherever it passed, the black air disappeared in an instant.

This is exactly the Ziji Spiritual Fire after the Xiantian Lingding cauldron was refined. The Xiantian Lingding Cauldron was successfully refined and successfully promoted to a high level, and it also allowed Tianhuo to control the Ziji Spiritual Fire. Under the Ziji Spiritual Fire, the black air The big hand was broken in an instant, and Tianhuo's figure was also stabilized.

"Huh? An even more annoying breath!" The demon general didn't expect that his moves would be broken, and he staggered a few steps under inertia, and then stared at Tianhuo, which was enveloped by the purple spirit fire, and murmured.

The sky fire at this moment is like the descending of the god of fire, the whole body is wrapped by the purple spirit fire, suspended in the mid-air of more than ten meters, like a dazzling sun.

The Ziji Spiritual Fire around him slowly retracted, revealing the Skyfire within, and I saw that Skyfire looked calm, and joy surged in the deep star eyes, not for anything else, but because after the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron was promoted to a high level, there were more an attribute.

Innate Spirit Cauldron (advanced), four attributes + level × 200, damage bonus to monsters × 100%.

Explanation: The Xiantian Spirit Cauldron despises the world. In addition to the powerful alchemy power, it can ignore the pressure from outside. After refining the Ziji Spirit Fire, it contains a powerful righteousness of heaven and earth.

Compared with the intermediate level, the Xiantian Lingding Cauldron has twice the bonus of the four major attributes. The most important thing is that it has an additional bonus of monster damage, and this bonus is not cumulative like the Palace of All Gods, but take!Let Skyfire's damage to monsters be doubled directly on the previous basis!
In other words, in the face of monsters and monsters with the same attributes, if Skyfire can cause 300 damage to monsters, with the Fanshen Palace, the damage to monsters will be [-], because the bonus is +[-]%, and at this moment The Xiantian Spirit Cauldron directly changed the damage to [-]!
In other words, Skyfire's damage to monsters is eight times stronger than that of other monsters!
"Devil generals..." Looking at the attributes of the Xiantian Lingding, Tianhuo curled up his mouth, and said to himself jokingly, "I killed many demon generals, but in the second-level area, you will be the number one!" indivual!"

As soon as the words fell, the star devouring moon beast suddenly appeared under Tianhuo, and then, Tianhuo violently waved the pen of the sage in his hand, and purple strokes whizzed out in the pitch black, Tianhuo actually cut the brush The attack brought Ziji Spirit Fire!

Verbal criticism itself contains a vast righteousness, coupled with the righteousness of the world contained in Ziji Spiritual Fire, for a while, the world seemed to be purified, the cold and darkness disappeared, and only the righteousness of the sky remained.

"Big words!" Facing Tianhuo's attack, the demon general snorted coldly, but his eyes were solemn. When he raised his hand, a dark shield and a long sword gathered in his hand. It was the magic shield and the magic sword!

The strongest weapon of a monster is this kind of existence. According to its own strength, the strength of the condensed magic armor and sword will also vary. The condensed magic general of this level is naturally extremely powerful.

As soon as he condensed the magic shield and magic sword, the demon general shot out and met the strokes of Tianhuo. The giant shield blocked him, and the long sword in his hand took the opportunity to stab out.

Bang... There was a series of sounds of machine installation, and I saw that Tianhuo's pen attacks were actually bounced off by the magic shield, and every attack was bounced off, Tianhuo also found that the magic shield in the hands of the magic general was slightly fading , if this continues, dozens of strokes are enough to break the magic shield.

Facing the demon general's counterattack, the Star Devouring Moon Beast under the Skyfire Seat flickered slightly, avoided it easily, and widened the distance from the demon general again.

The attack distance of Tianhuo's strokes has reached 750 meters. At this distance, everything becomes easier. The Star Devouring Moon Beast carefully estimated the distance from the demon general to keep Tianhuo safe. The strokes kept flying out.

A series of strokes crossed a distance of 700 meters, and instantly blasted in front of the demon general, finally breaking the magic shield, and at this moment, more than 4 damage values ​​emerged from his head.

Seeing that his damage value was as high as 4, Tianhuo's eyes flashed with joy, the demon general seemed not as difficult to deal with as he imagined.

As soon as the damage value appeared, the blood bar on the top of the demon general's head also appeared, a total of 900 million, but under the continuous attack of the sky fire, it was slowly decreasing.

It's just that Tianhuo is a little strange. He has a 110% crit chance when added up, which rarely appears on the demon general. It seems that the demon general has a strong crit resistance.

Skyfire’s crit damage is frighteningly high, 300% of the Medal of the Rabbit Fairy, 700% of the suit, 100% of the Nine Phoenix Ring, 500% of the mount, and 200% of the battle group skill Violent Soul at this moment, adding up to 1800 % critical strike damage, if there is a critical strike damage, it is a full 19 times the damage!

But dozens of attacks fell on the demon general, and there was no critical strike!
The demon general galloped towards Tianhuo quickly, but there was the Star Devouring Moon Beast, which kept a distance of 600 meters. At this distance, the demon general could not attack Tianhuo at all. For a while, the demon general The general's face became ugly. If this continues, he will be tortured to death!
After dozens of breaths of effort, the demon general stopped his pursuit helplessly. He still couldn't keep up with the speed of the devouring star and devouring moon beast, so he could only give up, turned his head to look at the senior officials of Ziyaomen in the distance, and shouted: " What are you doing in a daze? Trap this bastard for me!"

The master of Ziyao Sect's complexion changed, they naturally saw Tianhuo's plan, but they were afraid of hurting the face of the demon general, so they didn't dare to help, now that they got the order from the demon general, how could they stay in a daze?

I saw the head of the sect, Zixing, pinch out a series of seals quickly with both hands, and then saw that the light film in the sky changed again, and it shrank rapidly!

At this moment, Ziyaomen's mountain protection formation quickly began to shrink, and the formation covering the entire Ziyaomen's range of hundreds of miles shrank to a range of kilometers within a few breaths, and the shrinking trend has not stopped yet. Still going on.

Tianhuo narrowed his eyes slightly. If his range of movement was restricted by the large formation, then he would not be able to take advantage of the long-range advantage. At that time, how would he resist the attack of the demon general?
However, in the face of the shrinking of the big formation, Tianhuo has no way to stop it. After such a few breaths, the big formation has shrunk to a range of hundreds of meters, and the range of activities of Tianhuo is also limited within this range, unless the big formation is broken .

"Haha, little bastard, let's see how you run this time!" The demon general laughed, within this range, he could attack Tianhuo casually.

Laughing loudly, the demon general danced the long sword in his hand, and strands of black energy coiled towards the sky fire, like spirit snakes.

"Run? It's you who should run!" Tianhuo watched intently from the attack of the demon general, patted the star devouring moon beast under the seat, and then disappeared abruptly on the back of swallowing star. When it reappeared, He's already behind the Demon General!

As soon as he appeared behind the demon general, Tianhuo turned his hands, and there were three dragon needles caught between his right hands, stabbing fiercely towards the demon general's back!

The demon general didn't expect that Tianhuo would give up his advantage, and was caught off guard by three prisoner dragon needles. Suddenly, his body trembled, and his whole body became trembling, "Prisoner... dragon... needle..."

Intermittent voices came from the Demon General's mouth, and the Demon General also turned around with difficulty, trembling and looking at Tianhuo, his eyes were full of anger.

Tianhuo stared intently at the change of the demon general, and saw that the demon general's health was dropping at a rate of more than [-] per second. With his previous attack, only two-thirds of it was left at this moment.

"Come again! Brush strokes!" With a wave of Tianhuo Wensheng's pen, another stroke appeared.

"Stop!" Zhu Xing and the others did not expect such a change, they all came galloping, and in the process of galloping, the whole body was full of black air. At this time, they no longer cared about hiding their bodies. The magic breath! -
42310, -560230...

This time the attack was swung, Tianhuo's eyes lit up, and above the head of the demon general, critical strike damage appeared one by one from time to time, which was 14 times the normal damage!It would be stronger if it was mounted on the back of the Star Devouring Moon Beast.

As if sensing Tianhuo's thoughts, the Star Devouring Moon Beast galloped to Tianhuo's side, and Tianhuo turned up without hesitation. When the pen cutting skill came out again, the critical damage had already reached about 80 damage!

If this continues, the demon general will be beheaded soon, but at this moment, more than a dozen high-level officials from Ziyaomen, such as Zixing, have arrived, and the black air is pouring out, not attacking Tianhuo, but towards the demon general rush.

The black air poured into the demon general's body, and the three prisoner needles were forced out of the demon general's body in an instant, and the demon general's life value recovered quickly!
(End of this chapter)

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