The strongest saint

Chapter 385 Demon Killing 5 Stars

Chapter 385
Tianhuo stared blankly at the actions of the dozen or so people from Ziyaomen, but in just a few breaths, the millions of life points he had worked so hard to beat down the demon general were completely recovered!

Moreover, on the demon general, more intense black energy began to entangle, and the aura also became extremely powerful at this moment!
"I wasted the opportunity to use the three prisoner dragon needles for nothing, and it made me work hard!" Tianhuo sighed secretly in his heart. It was a good choice, but just seeing the success coming, the more than ten senior Ziyaomen smashed their own achievements.

Tianhuo sighed secretly, but the changes in the field were not over yet, the dozens of people were breathing strong black air, and continued to rush into the demon general's body, as if they were out of control, as if they were sucked by the demon general.

"Jie Jie... I have raised you for so long, just take this opportunity and let me break through to the Demon Lord!" The Demon General's laughter came from the black air.

Tianhuo's pupils shrank. Sure enough, it wasn't that the dozen or so people were unwilling to take back the black energy, but that they had fallen into the trap of the demon general and were absorbing their power. Once they broke through to the demon king, Tianhuo would be sad!
Not daring to hesitate, Tianhuo hastily turned around and flied in front of the light film formed by the mountain protection array, and Ziji Spiritual Fire roared out when he raised his hand, blasting towards the light film, "If you can't go out, it's over..."

The Ziji Spiritual Fire bombarded the light film, and the light film rippled for a while, but there was no sign of being broken at all, and it became more intense under the bombardment of the sky fire.

"It's useless, what you do will only make this formation stronger, think of other ways!" Tianling said anxiously.

Tianhuo frowned, feeling the stronger and stronger aura of the demon general not far behind him. If he didn't leave, he would really have no chance. Once the demon general was promoted to the demon king, he would not be able to deal with him!

However, the light film in front of him completely blocked his way, what should he do?

"Gambling! If you can interrupt the promotion of the demon general, isn't it a success?" Tianhuo gritted his teeth, turned around abruptly, and opened the third page of the Book of Grammar.


The whole poem turned into a long rainbow and directly submerged into the black air, diluting the black air a lot, but did not see any damage value coming out. It seems that this attack was completely resisted by the black air, but Tianhuo How can you give up, this is the last chance, you must interrupt the promotion of the demon general!
"Oral punishment, killing one is a crime..."

One after another, large golden characters appeared above the black air. The black air melted quickly, but then rose again quickly, intertwined with the large golden characters, and started a tug-of-war.

Seeing such a situation, Tianhuo was astonished. Before, his verbal punishment skills could easily break through and melt the black energy, but now, the black energy seemed endless and could not be eliminated at all.

The verbal criticism did not dare to stop at all, Tianhuo still controlled the Ziji spiritual fire to burst out, and burned towards the black air, but in the black air, the breath of the demon general was still getting stronger and stronger, while the breath of the other ten people It turned out to be weaker, and there was still a faint scream.

At the edge of the Ziji Spiritual Fire and the black air, bursts of sonic booms came out. At first, the Ziji Spiritual Fire could push forward a lot, but gradually, it was blocked by the black air, unable to advance an inch.

Both the verbal punishment and Ziji Spiritual Fire's double attacks were blocked by the black air, making Tianhuo's face darken.

"Master Demon General, stop!" In the black air, Zixing's anxious voice came.

"Haha, Zhu Xing, I gave you great power, now it's time to give back to me, contribute all of it!" The demon general laughed, ignoring Zi Xing's pleading.

"Quickly stop..." Canthus nearly roared, and suddenly, on the light film covering hundreds of meters in radius, tornado-like existences appeared again, apparently it was Canthus who controlled the large formation and launched an attack.

But this time the attack was not aimed at the sky fire, but at the demon general in the black air!

"Hey, you want to use a large formation to deal with me? It's useless!" The demon general's sneer sounded in the black air, and even when he saw the black air begin to shrink, Zixing's figure was also blown out, fiercely It fell not far from the sky fire.

Tianhuo's expression moved, and he said to Zhu Xing who was lying on the ground: "Zhu Xing, if we don't break the big formation, we won't be able to leave!"

Canthus's face was pale, he glanced at Tianhuo faintly, and took out a token in his hand, and was about to make a move, but saw an arrow made of black air suddenly shoot out, and caught Canthus by surprise. The token in his hand flew out, "Don't even think about it."

The token was blown away, and Zhu Xing's complexion changed, because he saw that more than a dozen of his fellow disciples had been reduced to dry bones, and the demon general, the black energy around him quickly restrained, and looked at Zhu Xing playfully. And Tianhuo.

Tianhuo also looked at the dozens of dead bones lying on the ground in disbelief, this demon general was really ruthless enough, he didn't even spare his subordinates.

"He has become a demon king!" Tianling's dignified voice sounded in Tianhuo's mind.

Only then did Tianhuo shift his gaze to the demon general. The demon general had changed drastically at this moment. He was wearing a majestic black armor, with black energy jumping from time to time, and a vast sea-like breath surged in his body.

"Haha, little bastard, I should thank you. If it weren't for you, they probably wouldn't have recovered for me, and I wouldn't be able to use this opportunity to be promoted to Demon Lord." The demon general laughed and looked at Tianhuo jokingly.

Tianhuo took a step back, and glanced at the token that was blown into the distance, it should be the token for dispelling the formation!
"It has been countless years, and I finally succeeded!" The demon general suddenly raised his head, his eyes sparkling, "This time, I will make those who look down on me kneel down in front of me one by one!"

Talking to himself, the demon general suddenly turned his gaze to Tianhuo, "Hand over the body of the mortal god, and I will let you go! Otherwise, I don't mind letting you try the power of the demon king!"

"Yo? How awesome is the power of the Demon Lord? You are so lucky to meet the Demon Lord as soon as you come out, hee hee!"

Suddenly, a voice like a silver bell took over the words of the magic general, and said with a smile.

The sudden appearance of the voice startled both the Demon General and Zi Xing, while Tianhuo's expression became strange. This voice was no stranger to him.

"Who? Get out!" the demon general roared, his eyes searched everywhere, he had just been promoted to the demon king, and someone dared to challenge his authority, he didn't take himself seriously!
However, even though the demon general looked around, he couldn't see the owner of that voice at all, and his heart sank, I'm afraid this person's strength is extraordinary!

Suddenly, a thin and thin figure suddenly appeared in front of Tianhuo, and with the appearance of this figure, the demon general's expression became weird, and he said in disbelief: "Just because of you eight or nine-year-old little girl , dare to talk to me like that?"

"Fenghuo Holy Spirit!" Tianhuo's eyes lit up, and it really was this little girl.

The little girl tilted her head towards Tianhuo and smiled, "I have a name, Yu Ling."

Saying that, Yu Ling turned around and looked Mo Future up and down, and under Yu Ling's gaze, Mo Jun involuntarily stepped back a few steps, Tianhuo clearly caught the fear in Mo Jun's eyes!
"Hee hee, it seems that you have just been promoted to the Demon Lord. It's really boring. I thought I could find a powerful monster!" Yu Ling said with a smile, tapped the ground with her bare feet, and suddenly appeared in front of the Demon Lord. overhead.

"Damn it!" the demon lord cursed secretly, and just about to retreat violently, Yu Ling's right index finger landed lightly on the top of the demon lord's head.

It seemed to be a light point, but the Demon Lord trembled as if struck by lightning, and stood still on the spot without moving.

As soon as Yu Ling pointed out, she returned to Tianhuo's side briskly, looked at Tianhuo with a smile, "It's your turn!"

Tianhuo was looking suspiciously at the trembling Demon Lord, it seemed that Yu Ling did not cause any harm to the Demon Lord, but under Yu Ling's movements, the Demon Lord seemed unable to move.

Hearing Yu Ling's words, Tianhuo came back to his senses, he nodded and swung out strokes one after another.
554820, -563480...

Dao Dao strokes landed on the trembling Demon Lord one after another. Unexpectedly, each stroke landed a critical damage!

After more than ten strokes fell, the look in Mojun's eyes disappeared immediately, and his body also fell down with a bang.

boom!The Demon Lord's body hit the ground so heavily, and next to Tianhuo's ear, system notification sounds sounded.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on killing a Demon Lord level monster, the reward level is +1, and the extra reward level is +2."

"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached Ling 51, and the four attributes are +5."

"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached Ling 52, and the four attributes are +5."

"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached Ling 53, and the four attributes are +5."

"Ding! System prompt: Wen Sheng's sorrow is activated, pick up 2 pieces of equipment, Lingzhu × 5, treasure map × 1."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on killing a demon level monster, the title Demon Slayer has been upgraded to 5 stars, and the attributes have been enhanced. Please check the title panel for details."

"Chain reaction!" Tianhuo heaved a long sigh of relief, his eyes couldn't hide his joy, not to mention the safety this time, the harvest is also rich!

However, Tianhuo was not in a hurry to check the spoils and titles, and hurriedly turned to look at the Fenghuo Saint Elf, and said with a smile, "Thank you! How did you come out?"

Tianhuo remembered clearly that when he was in Fenghuo Baodi, the little girl said that his father would not let her come out, but at this moment, she not only came out, but also saved her own life, if it wasn't for him, the one who fell on the ground at this moment would be own up.

Although I don't know what method the Fenghuo Saint Elf used to make the demon king unable to move, and the crit resistance was completely lost, so that every attack of Tianhuo was a crit damage, but Tianhuo didn't ask, but asked Why can she come out.

"Of course I came out to clean up the monsters in the mainland, hehe, I'll follow you from now on, welcome?" Yu Ling, the Fenghuo saint elf, looked at Tianhuo with a smile.

Tianhuo was taken aback, followed him?Although this is a great thing, but Tianhuo is full of doubts in his heart. The strength of the Fenghuo Saint Elf is unfathomable, why should he follow him?

In doubt, the master of Ziyao Sect who was lying on the ground got up quietly, and wanted to leave lightly, not daring to disturb Tianhuo and Yu Ling at all.

Tianhuo caught a glimpse of Canthus Xing's movements from the corner of his eye, turned around hastily, twitched the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile, "Sect Master Canthus Star, are you leaving just like that?"

(End of this chapter)

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