The strongest saint

Chapter 389 Dragon Clan

Chapter 389 Dragon Clan
Chapter 390 Dragon Clan
Thousands of miles east of the south city of Ziyao Gate, the Devouring Star and Moon Beast flew across the sky quickly.

On the back of the Star Devouring Moon Beast, there were two little girls arguing from time to time, and behind the two little girls, Tianhuo kept rolling his eyes. I really don't know what's going on with these two little guys. Noisy until now.

"Tianhuo is big, here!" In the sky not far away, Chen waved his hands and looked at the galloping Tianhuo with a smile on his face.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast stopped in front of Chen, and the fire of the sky flew into the sky. It spread its wings on its back and stopped in front of Chen. "Long time no see, where did you go sightseeing?"

"Hehe, it's still early. I only ran a small area of ​​the second-level area. I happened to pass by here and saw a lot of bosses below." Chen smiled and pointed down.

As soon as the words fell, I saw the little phoenix and the holy spirit of Fenghuo rushing out from Tunxing's back, and in an instant, they had arrived in the forest below, and then the vast power swept through the forest, and white lights swept across the forest. appeared in.

"Eh? Skyfire, who are those two little girls? They're so powerful..." Chen stared blankly at the bottom and said.

Tianhuo also clicked his tongue, and immediately sent a team invitation to the second daughter. After getting the second daughter's consent, the experience bar began to increase slowly.

"It's finally quiet, Chen, join the team." Tianhuo heaved a sigh of relief, and sent Chen a team invitation.

"Tianhuo is big, forget it, I have to go to other places to see, hehe, you guys level up slowly, I'll dodge first!" Chen rejected Tianhuo's invitation and said with a smile.

Tianhuo shrugged. This guy Chen never wastes time fighting monsters and upgrading. It seems that every minute in the game is spent looking at the scenery, "Okay, then you go!"

Chen nodded, a huge sword emerged from under his feet, and then shot towards the distance, and soon disappeared from Tianhuo's sight.

Tianhuo turned over and returned to the back of the Star Devouring Moon Beast, "Tun Xing, just find a place to gain experience, if you are bored, you can also use your hands."

With that said, Tianhuo summoned the Void Ray and let it move freely. As for the Nine Souls, their evolution has not yet been completed.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast landed on a mountain top, crawled down and closed its eyes to rest, Tianhuo also leaned on the back of Devouring Star, enjoying the sunshine comfortably, there were two girls fighting monsters, their efficiency was no less than their own, waiting for their experience That's fine.

Unknowingly, Tianhuo fell into a deep sleep, and did not wake up until the sound of the two women's quarrel came to his ears again.

Looking up at the sky, I saw that it was just when the sun was rising, Tianhuo stretched his waist, yawned and said: "I don't know how long it has been since I slept so comfortably, are you done?"

"Tianhuo, I killed more than 1 monsters more than her. I won, right?" The Fenghuo Saint Elf flew in front of Tianhuo, staring at Tianhuo with big watery eyes.

"No, I contributed more equipment than you, so I won." Little Phoenix did not show weakness, and retorted in front of Tianhuo.

Tianhuo rubbed his temples, sat up from Tunxing's back, looked at the attribute panel, raised his eyebrows in surprise, fell asleep, and reached level 56. It seems that these two little girls are not less angry Woolen cloth!
Glancing at the second daughter, he shook his head and said, "That's a tie. By the way, Little Phoenix, you said you know the whereabouts of the third treasure map, where is it?"

Seemingly being successfully diverted by Tianhuo, Yu Ling hurriedly looked at Little Phoenix, obviously also interested in the treasure map.

Little Phoenix snorted at Yu Ling and said, "In the Dragon Clan."

Tianhuo frowned, Dragon Clan?That's just right, you don't have to run around anymore, just wait for General Jin to teleport there by himself, but I don't know if the Dragon Clan will give it to him.

"What treasure map?" Yu Ling looked at Tianhuo expectantly and asked.

"Don't tell her!" Little Phoenix hastily stopped.

Tianhuo smiled, and said to Little Phoenix: "This is the treasure map of monsters. If you open it, you will definitely encounter monsters. Then you can compare who killed more monsters. Why don't you tell her?"

Xiao Fenghuang gave Tianhuo a blank look, "You asked me after you've said it all? Then go ahead and let her know how powerful I am."

Tianhuo took out the treasure map and handed it to the Fenghuo Saint Elf, "This is it, take a look."

After Yu Ling took the treasure map and examined it, she returned the treasure map to Tianhuo, "Well, I will get the third treasure map, and I will not owe anyone at that time."

Saying that, Yu Ling looked at Xiao Fenghuang provocatively.

"Tianhuo, are you ready? I'll teleport you over here." At this moment, Jin Da's voice sounded from the dragon scales carried by Tianhuo.

Tianhuo picked up the dragon scale, "Senior Jin, can the three of me here be teleported?"

Jin Da pondered for a moment before saying: "Tianhuo, it is impossible for the Dragon Clan to let other humans in."

Tianhuo naturally knew the rules of the dragon clan, and said with a smile: "They are not human beings, one is a phoenix, and the other is a Fenghuo saint elf."

"Oh? That's no problem, they are all distinguished guests of my dragon clan." Jin Da said, white light began to glow on the dragon scales.

Tianhuo turned his hands and took the Star Devouring Moon Beast away, and led the two girls into the white light, their figures disappeared in place immediately, and when they reappeared, there were floating peaks floating in front of them.

Looking around, there are endless floating peaks in front of you, floating among the white clouds, but below, there is an endless sea.

"The dragons in the second-level area actually live in such a place, which is much more domineering than the third-level area." Tianhuo thought to himself, those floating peaks must be the residence of the dragons.

"My lord, you have come out too!" Jin Da cupped his hands at the Fenghuo Saint Elf and said with a smile.

This kind of action made both Tianhuo and Little Phoenix stunned. Jin Da actually knew the Fenghuo Saint Elf, but after thinking about it, Tianhuo understood that Jin Da must have seen the Fenghuo Saint Elf when he was in the Fenghuo Treasure Land. Just calling the Fenghuo Saint Elf an adult made Tianhuo a little confused.

And little Phoenix couldn't have imagined that the divine dragon of the Dragon Clan would salute this little girl who was about the same age as him, and even called her an adult. In doubt, Little Phoenix whispered in Tianhuo's ear: "The Holy Spirit of Fenghuo is what?"

"Huh? It's a powerful existence born of heaven and earth. I really can't explain it." Tianhuo said through sound transmission, but he didn't dare to let the Fenghuo Saint Elf hear her behind her back.

Little Phoenix looked at Tianhuo suspiciously, but didn't ask any further questions.

"Hehe, this is the little princess of the Phoenix family, right? I heard about you back then, and now I finally see you, it's really extraordinary." Jin Da cupped his hands at Little Phoenix again, and smiled.

"Senior, you're being polite!" Little Fenghuang hastily returned the salute. At this moment, it was as if she had changed into a different person, not the same as when she was angry with Yu Ling before.

Jin Da nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "Welcome to the Dragon Clan, please follow me!"

Saying that, Jin Da stepped into the sky, and Tianhuo and the second daughter also hurriedly followed.

Jin Dazhi flew towards the Fufeng Peak, not fast, and let the three of Tianhuo enjoy the surrounding scenery, and the further they moved forward, the more surprised Tianhuo was. Among the clouds and mist, there are actually isolated peaks protruding from the sea below, facing the floating peaks in the sky.

A few hours later, Jin Da was still leading the three of them to fly. He had already flown over many floating peaks, and Tianhuo secretly clicked his tongue. If Chen saw this, he would probably linger!
"Go up and take the teleportation array, and we'll be there soon." Jin Da flew up high and flew towards a huge floating peak above.

Before the few people arrived, there were bursts of dragon chant from above, as if they were warning Tianhuo and others.

Hearing those dragon chants, Jin Da's eyes revealed a deep joy, "It's been so many years, I'm finally back!"

"Stop, who broke into my Dragon Clan!" At the moment Tianhuo and the others set foot on the Fufeng Peak, a loud shout came.

Jin Da stopped in his tracks, and looked happily at the figures shooting from all directions, "These little guys have grown up!"

"Huh? This senior, who are you?" A divine dragon surrounded Tianhuo and the others with more than a dozen giant dragons. The divine dragon quickly transformed into a human form, and asked Jin Da suspiciously.

Jin Da looked excited, and didn't answer for a while, but turned to look at Tianhuo, and said with a smile: "This is the periphery of my dragon clan, and the central area can be reached through the teleportation array here."

As he spoke, Jin Da slowly took out a token, and looked at the young man transformed into a dragon, "Little guy, do you still remember me?"

Seeing Jin Da's token, the young man's eyes were full of surprise, and he knelt down hastily, "Old patriarch, Jin Ming has met the old patriarch!"

Jin Da hurriedly helped the young man up, his eyes became even more excited, "Time flies so fast, when I left, you were still a little kid, hehe, you are now an adult."

The adulthood of the dragon clan is not like that of human beings. From birth to adulthood, it takes tens of thousands of years for them to reach adulthood. Just like the current Nine Souls Yinglong, it is still far away from adulthood.

"The young and the young leave home and the old one returns, the native accent remains unchanged. The children meet each other and don't know each other, and they smile and ask where the guests come from." Tianhuo murmured, using this poem to describe Jin Da's current situation is perfect. Yes!

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on creating an unprecedented swan song again, all attributes +10, spirit level +1, verbal skill proficiency +1000, note: you can only get three special rewards within every tenth level, and you can't get it if you exceed the number of times award."

"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached Ling 57, and the four attributes are +5."

Unknowingly, Tianhuo rose to another level, but Tianhuo didn't seem to notice it, and looked at the floating peak happily. Since Jin Da is the patriarch of the Jinlong lineage, if he wants to get the Nine Dragons Battle Flag, he should not Difficult!
"The old patriarch is here to invite you quickly. The Dragon Emperor knew you were coming back a few days ago and has been waiting in the Dragon Emperor Palace. There are also these friends, please hurry up!" Jin Ming got up, said excitedly, and led everyone towards the Go to the teleportation array in the center of the floating peak.

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows unobtrusively. The Dragon Emperor of the Dragon Clan in the second-level area does not know what kind of existence it is. He has the token of the Dragon Emperor of the third-level area, so he should give him some face!

Thinking about it, Tianhuo followed Jin Da to the teleportation array.

(End of this chapter)

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