The strongest saint

Chapter 390 Dragon Spirit Brew

Chapter 390 Dragon Spirit Brew

In the anticipation of Tianhuo, the scenery in front of him gradually stabilized, and then, a familiar scene appeared in front of Tianhuo.

A huge floating peak hundreds of miles away is floating, with a floating peak connected to it on each side, which is actually similar to the setting of the Dragon Emperor Palace in the third-level area.

At this moment, Tianhuo and the others stopped on the small floating peak outside the main peak. As long as they passed the steps in front, they could step onto the main peak, which was where the Dragon Palace was.

At the end of the stairs, a group of more than ten people stood side by side, smiling and looking at the people who had just walked out of the teleportation formation. The leader was a middle-aged man in a purple-gold robe. Who else could it be except the Dragon Emperor?

On both sides of the dozen or so people, the welcome line stretched all the way to the Dragon Palace, and a big red carpet was laid along the road.

"Huang, I'm back!" Jin Da's eyes were a little wet, and he half knelt down to salute.

The figure of the Dragon Emperor suddenly appeared in front of Jin Da, held him up, and said with a smile: "Uncle Jin, you have worked hard for you these years, please hurry up!"

Such a scene made Tianhuo slightly moved. Compared with the Dragon Emperor in the third-level area, this Dragon Emperor seemed to be more pleasant. Just because he called Jin Da "Uncle Jin", he gave Tianhuo a great favor. .

"Little friend Tianhuo, little princess, lord Elf, please!" After greeting Jin Da, the Dragon Emperor hurriedly said to Tianhuo and the other three.

Tianhuo was taken aback for a moment, fortunately, there is no need to be so troublesome like the dragon clan in the third-level area, it seems that the dragon emperor already knows his affairs.

Clenching his fists, Tianhuo returned the salute: "Senior, please!"

"Hee hee, are you the king of the Dragon Clan?" The Fenghuo Saint Elf hurried out, walked side by side with the Dragon King, and asked as he turned his head.

The Dragon King showed a warm smile, shook his head and said, "Master Elf, I am only the Dragon King of the Dragon Clan in the second-level area, but I am not the king of the Dragon Clan."

Yu Ling shook her head in doubt, "Is there a difference?"

The Dragon Emperor kept a warm smile, nodded and said: "There is a big difference, there is only one king of my dragon clan, you should know."

Yu Ling, the Holy Spirit of Fenghuo, showed a puzzled expression, and then showed a dazed expression, nodded and said: "Oh, I remembered, my father told me that the dragon clan respects Weihai Yunlong, and Weihai Yunlong is your king. Right?"

As soon as this remark came out, more than a dozen strong dragon clans on the side showed displeasure, but the Dragon King secretly waved his hands and smiled at the Fenghuo Saint Elf: "That's right, Master Zulong is our supreme king. "

"Hee hee, is he here?" Yu Ling asked again.

Tianhuo hastily pulled Yu Ling back, signaling her not to ask any more questions, but he was astonished in his heart, and he knew another shocking secret. It turned out that the so-called ancestor dragon of the dragon clan was Weihai Yunlong. I don't know what kind of existence it is.

'By the way, Weihai Yunlong, Yunlong Sword, that's how it is! 'Tianhuo's heart moved, and he thought of the Yunlong sword, which belonged to the ancestor dragon, and the ancestor dragon is Weihai Yunlong, no wonder the sword is called Yunlong sword!

"Lord Zulong hasn't gone since the World War. We also want to know the whereabouts of his old man!" The Dragon Emperor smiled at Yu Ling, his tone seemed to be coaxing a child, but Tianhuo knew that the Dragon Emperor It is impossible to see the Fenghuo Saint Elf as a child, but to know her identity.

Tianhuo was puzzled. It seemed that the Dragon Emperor did know Yu Ling's identity, and he should know Yu Ling's father. It seemed that Yu Ling's father was also a great existence, but he didn't know who it was.

"Little friend Tianhuo, when will your partner Nine Souls Yinglong be able to evolve successfully?" Suddenly, the Dragon Emperor turned his head and asked.

"I know this too, I'm sorry, senior." Tianhuo said awkwardly, Jiuhun swallowed the Yunlong sword, since it was the ancestor dragon's thing, it must take a long time for Jiuhun to succeed!

The Dragon Emperor nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "My Dragon Clan has a way to make him evolve successfully as soon as possible. I wonder if Xiaoyou Tianhuo would like to give it a try?"

Tianhuo was taken aback for a moment, and then thought about it. It seems that the dragon clan should not be harmful to him, but if that is the case, he may need to keep the nine souls here...

"Promise him, it's a good thing." Tianling suddenly said via voice transmission.

Tianhuo gave a dry cough, and naturally believed Tianling, nodded and said: "Then thank you senior first."

The Dragon Emperor nodded, "I'll take you to a place later, now, let's try my Dragon Clan's banquet first."

While speaking, he had already arrived outside the main hall, and the Dragon Emperor led the crowd directly into it, only to see that tables had already been set up, with various strange spiritual fruits placed on them.

"Everyone, today's banquet is to welcome the return of Patriarch Jin, and to welcome our distinguished guests. Everyone must know about it. Hehe, let me introduce..." the Dragon Emperor said, introducing the three of Tianhuo to everyone.

Tianhuo frequently clasped his fists to salute many powerful dragon clans, and Little Phoenix and Fenghuo Saint Yu Ling also saluted frequently, which was regarded as a greeting to everyone.

"Little friend Tianhuo, news came from the third-level area a long time ago, saying that you are the heir of the Wensheng sect. Now I see you, you are really extraordinary. The power of the book is probably no less than those of the Wensheng sect. Congratulations!" After getting off, the Dragon Emperor smiled.

"Yeah, I think that Senior Glyph Sage used the power of Glyph Sage to build the Dao of Demon Control, preventing monsters from advancing an inch. Glyph Sage, he is really admirable!" An old man sighed and said.

Tianhuo's gaze shifted to the old man who was talking to him, and he saw that it was an old man whose skin was wrinkled together. He looked like a rotten tree, but his eyes were extremely clear without any cloudiness.

Hearing what the old man said, Tianhuo couldn't help looking at the job profile again.

Occupation introduction: In this continent where strength is the most important thing, scholars without the strength to restrain a chicken are considered inferior in the eyes of ordinary people, and there is even a saying that they are scholars who are useless. However, the world does not know that in the distant ancient times During the period, literati played a pivotal role. The literati dressed as scholars looked weak, but they had a vast aura of books. They killed the enemy with poems, extinguished demons with songs, and determined the world with words. Wherever they went, they were subject to An existence admired by all.

Looking at the job introduction, Tianhuo's heart moved, and he asked, "Senior, can you tell me about Senior Wensheng?"

Tianhuo is very clear that he is the second Glyph Sage in the Destiny Continent, and the first one is naturally the mysterious existence that created the Glyph Sage Gate. This is the first time that Tianhuo heard someone mention the deeds of the senior Glyph Sage Want to know more.

"Haha, little friend Tianhuo, this senior participated in the war with Master Zulong. If you ask him, you are really asking the right person." The Dragon Emperor laughed.

Tianhuo's heart became excited, and he was even more astonished. In the Dragon Clan, there are still such old seniors?In this case, this senior might have survived for millions of years!

"Hehe, my emperor flattered me, I'm just old and immortal." The old man said slowly, looked at Tianhuo, and showed a warm smile, but on his wrinkled face, he looked a little ugly, and said : "Come to me after the banquet, I can tell you everything."

Tianhuo nodded hastily, wishing that the banquet would end now, maybe he could get things about the main gods from this old man!
"Hehe, let's talk about it later, little friend Tianhuo, please try our Dragon Clan's Dragon Spirit Brew, please!" The Dragon Emperor raised his wine glass and signaled to Tianhuo.

Tianhuo smiled, and lifted the wine glass on the table to drink slowly.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on taking Longlingniang, the four attributes +1000."

Tianhuo was taken aback, and couldn't help but look at the clear wine in the cup, unexpectedly, just one sip increased his four attributes by a thousand!Under this huge attribute increase, Tianhuo even forgot the taste of this wine.

However, Tianhuo also knows that this kind of thing is only effective for the first bite, and will not increase the attributes later, but compared with the wine king's wine, it is countless times stronger. If the wine king knows, it will Won't you pester the Dragon Clan?Of course, if he has this kind of strength.

After drinking for three rounds, Tianhuo became more and more astonished. Every kind of spiritual fruit on the table can actually increase attributes. What's more, I can't take these spiritual fruits away. If I take them to make alchemy, the effect will be stronger!
Although I think so, but to the current Tianhuo, these spiritual fruits are nothing, they are all tasted as delicacies.

Several hours passed, and the banquet was not over yet, but Tianhuo inadvertently discovered that Yu Ling had disappeared!
This discovery made Tianhuo tremble, and the drunkenness instantly sobered up. Why did this little girl run away without making a sound?But don't cause any trouble here!

"Tianling, have you noticed the Fenghuo Saint Elf?" Tianhuo asked involuntarily after looking around the hall but not seeing Yu Ling.

"He ran out a long time ago, I thought you found out!" Tianling responded.

The muscles on Tianhuo's face trembled slightly, this little girl...

At this moment, I saw two young men with bruised noses and swollen faces running into the hall anxiously, and when they saw the bruised noses and swollen faces of the two, all the strong dragon clan quieted down, and anger surged in their eyes, "Who did it?" !"

The two young men bowed to the Dragon King and were about to speak, but the Dragon King waved his hands and said helplessly: "Go on, just pretend that this thing didn't happen, the Fenghuo Saint Elf has a special status, don't bother me."

Tianhuo's heart skipped a beat, "Damn it...that little girl beat up two divine dragons in the Dragon Clan's territory?"

The Dragon Emperor said this, but the people below were not happy, they all stood up, and someone said: "Your Majesty, no matter who she is, you can't ignore this matter, right?"

The Dragon Emperor glanced at everyone, and smiled slightly, "Okay, sit down, all of you gentlemen, do you have the nerve to trouble the little girl?"

Everyone's expressions froze, and they were silent for a moment, but they still felt wronged for the two people who were beaten, "My lord, I want to go to her to argue, we treated her well, but she actually injured our son..."

The Dragon Emperor stared at the person speaking, "Lan Li, didn't you hear what I said?"

Seeing the change in the expression of the Dragon Emperor, Lan Li was shocked, and hurriedly bowed, "Yes, Emperor!"

After saying that, Lan Li sat back, but his face still had a look of unwillingness, and so did the rest of the people.

The Dragon Emperor shook his head slightly, "The Fenghuo Saint Elf has no malicious intentions, so please don't pay attention to this matter, this is a respect for his father, have you heard that?"

"Huang, dare to ask who is her father?" Lan Li raised his head and asked suspiciously.

The Dragon Emperor's expression turned straight, as if he didn't intend to hide it, and Tianhuo also looked at the Dragon Emperor expectantly, and he also wanted to know who the mysterious father of the Fenghuo Saint Elf was!

(End of this chapter)

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