The strongest saint

Chapter 391 Rising Dragon Pond

Chapter 391 Rising Dragon Pond

In the Dragon Emperor's Palace, everyone looked at the Dragon Emperor expectantly. Everyone wanted to know who the father of the Fenghuo Saint Elf was, and why the Dragon Emperor would say such words.

If it were someone else who dared to beat the dragon children on the territory of the dragon clan, then needless to say, the end would be miserable, but the Fenghuo saint elf beat those two dragon children, the Dragon Emperor actually said that it didn't happen, Such a strange scene made everyone puzzled.

The Dragon Emperor gave a dry cough, shook his head and smiled, and said softly: "The Lord God, the Wind God!"

"Fengshen?" At this moment, everyone in the arena shrank their pupils, looked at the Dragon Emperor in disbelief, and doubted their own ears.

The Dragon Emperor smiled, and said calmly: "You heard me right, it is Fengshen."

Being affirmed by the Dragon Emperor, Tianhuo was surprised. The Fenghuo Saint Elf was born of heaven and earth. From this point of view, her birth is inseparable from Fengshen, and her ability to possess unfathomable strength must also be taught by Fengshen. Come on, everything can be explained.

Tianhuo finally understood that when he was in the Fenghuo Treasure Land, the "father" that the Fenghuo Saint Elf kept saying was actually Fengshen!

Little Phoenix also had her pupils shrunk. She never expected that the little girl who had been arguing with her for the past two days would actually be the daughter of the Lord God!
Everyone was amazed, but they saw the Fenghuo Saint Elf galloping from outside the main hall, with joy on his face, ignoring the people who were still in a daze, he directly rushed to Tianhuo, took out a scroll and handed it to Tianhuo, He smiled and said, "Hee hee, I mean what I say, I got the third treasure map."

The sky fire stagnated, and the muscles on his face trembled slightly. In such a situation, the Dragon Race might think that he instructed the Fenghuo Saint Elf to get the treasure map!

Silently, Tianhuo smiled wryly and said, "How can you take away other people's things without their consent? And you even injured people."

Yu Ling shrugged slightly, "It's not something expensive, it's useless to keep it, I'll take it as soon as I get it."

After speaking, Yu Ling turned to look at the Dragon Emperor, raised the treasure map in her hand, and said with a smile: "Dragon Emperor, can I give this thing to me?"

The Dragon Emperor maintained a smile on his face, nodded and said: "You can take it if you like."

"Hehe, Tianhuo, look, the Dragon Emperor agreed." Yu Ling stuffed the treasure map into Tianhuo's hands, and said with a smile.

Tianhuo rolled his eyes and was speechless to Yu Ling, why did this little girl seem to do it on purpose?
Clenching his fists, Tianhuo said to the Dragon Emperor: "Senior, I'm really sorry, Yu Ling has been living in Fenghuobao..."

The Dragon Emperor interrupted Tianhuo's words with a wave of his hand, and said with a smile: "It's very rare to be able to maintain your nature. You don't have to worry about it, Tianhuo, and it's useless to keep it in the Dragon Clan. If it can play a role in your hands, it will make the best use of it." Isn't it good?"

Tianhuo smiled awkwardly, the generosity of the Dragon Emperor was beyond his expectations, and he liked the Dragon Emperor even more.

"It's about time, everyone do your own thing, little friend Tianhuo, Uncle Jin, you come with me." Immediately afterwards, the Dragon Emperor got up and said.

Tianhuo's eyes lit up, it seemed that the Dragon Emperor was planning to take him to the place where Nine Souls Yinglong could evolve in advance!
The Dragon Emperor led Tianhuo and Jin Da towards the depths of the main hall, making Tianhuo feel anticipation, and saw side halls standing in front of him, and in the corridor, visible light surged, obviously various kinds of restrictions.

For such a mysterious place, Tianhuo is fully sure that it must be a mysterious place for the Nine Souls to evolve in advance.

In the anticipation of Tianhuo, the Dragon Emperor led Jin Da and Tianhuo through the restrictions, and came to a pool with milky white liquid. When seeing this pool, Jin Da's face changed, "Huang, Shenglong Pool is not I can come, this..."

The Dragon Emperor waved his hand, "Uncle Jin, you have made great contributions. It is only natural to bring you to Shenglongchi. No one will say anything."

"Rising Dragon Pond?" Tianhuo raised his eyebrows and looked at the pool in front of him. Under the eyes of Wen Sheng, he couldn't see through this pool, but Tianhuo could also sense the terrifying power contained in the pool, and he couldn't help being surprised. The Dragon Emperor brought himself here Such a place is just for the Nine Souls Yinglong?

"Little friend Tianhuo, there has always been a legend in my Dragon Clan." The Dragon Emperor suddenly turned around and looked at Tianhuo with a smile.

Tianhuo froze, clasped his fists hastily, and said, "Senior, please tell me."

The Dragon Emperor smiled and said: "The dragon clan respects the ancestor dragon, but now, there is only one ancestor dragon, and the legend says that there will be a second ancestor dragon among the dragon clan."

After finishing speaking, the Dragon King fell silent, but his eyes gradually showed hope, and he continued: "However, tens of thousands of years have passed, and my dragon clan has not found the existence of the potential to become the second ancestor dragon. Now the monster has recovered. , I think that the second ancestor dragon should also gradually emerge, and the current high-level dragon clan believes that it is likely to be the descendant of Senior Yinglong."

"Senior Ying Long? That Ying Long who was most likely to become the second ancestor dragon?" Jin Da asked with a condensed expression.

The Dragon Emperor nodded slightly, the smile on his face gradually subsided, and said: "That's right, Senior Ying Long is as powerful as the sky, and I think his descendants must be extraordinary, so we can't miss any chance, after all, the whereabouts of the current Zulong are unknown. If we want to preserve our dragon clan in the future war between heaven and earth, it is imperative to have a second ancestor dragon appear!"

Hearing this, Jin Da was horrified in his heart, and then swallowed his saliva with difficulty, and his eyes moved to Tianhuo, "The Yunlong sword was swallowed by Yinglong's descendants, I think it is no accident."

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, "Seniors, Jiuhun has accepted his father's inheritance. I am also looking forward to how far it can grow. What should I do now?"

The Dragon Emperor turned his head to look at Shenglongchi, his expression became dignified, "Nine Souls Yinglong is your pet, even I can't force him out of the pet space, so there is only one way, that is you Enter the Rising Dragon Pool, and use the power of the Rising Dragon Pool to baptize him!"

Tianhuo frowned. It must be extremely important for the Dragon Clan to place Shenglongchi in such a well-protected place. If you let yourself enter it, will you gain any benefits under that huge power?
"Little friend Tianhuo, but this matter is up to your wishes. After all, the power in Shenglongchi is extremely violent. Even my dragon body may not be able to bear it. I am afraid that your body will find it difficult to resist the violent power. In other words , very dangerous!" Dragon Emperor said again.

Tianhuo didn't answer in a hurry, but looked at his attribute panel. From the spirit level of 49 to the current spirit level of 57, his four major attributes have increased by 29340, which is almost half of the previous four major attributes. It is stronger than before Too much, if you enter Shenglongchi, you should be able to bear it!

Moreover, Rising Dragon Pond can not only speed up the evolution of Nine Souls, but also play a vital role in its future development. If you don't enter, Nine Souls will lose such a rare opportunity. It seems that you have to go in!

Thinking of this, Tianhuo nodded firmly, "I won't let Jiuhun lose this opportunity, senior, I'll go in!"

The Dragon Emperor nodded slightly, but Jin Da on the side hesitated to speak, sighed secretly, and did not stop Tianhuo, the Dragon Emperor said: "If you make it through, it will be of great benefit to you, little friend Tianhuo, you decide ?”

Tianhuo didn't care about the benefits he could get, as long as it is of great use to the Nine Souls, it doesn't matter if he takes risks. Thinking of this, Tianhuo nodded and said: "It's decided."

The Dragon Emperor smiled slightly, "You have to hold on, as long as you hold on for three days, the Nine Souls Yinglong will leave your pet space and come to the Rising Dragon Pool by itself, and then you will be able to appear, and if you hold on , I hand over the Nine Dragons battle flag in the second-level area."

Tianhuo's eyes lit up, benefiting the Nine Souls and being sent off with the Nine Dragons Battle Flag, this is a great thing, why not do it?No matter what, you must hold on!

"Senior, then I'll go in!" Tianhuo smiled, with a relaxed face.

The Dragon Emperor took a deep breath before nodding heavily, "Little friend Tianhuo, you must hold on!"

As he spoke, the Dragon Emperor waved his hand, and saw an invisible light flashing above the pool, Shenglong Pool was completely opened, and at this moment, a more violent aura permeated, which surprised Tianhuo. Before, now this Shenglongchi feels even more dangerous to me!

But Tianhuo didn't hesitate, took a breath and jumped into Shenglong Pond.

There were ripples in Shenglongchi, but Tianhuo had completely submerged in it, and disappeared from the sight of the Dragon Emperor and Jin Da.

As soon as he entered the Dragon Pond, Tianhuo only felt a huge suction coming from below, and his body sank uncontrollably, and this Dragon Pond was not as simple as it seemed, only after entering it did he realize that there was actually a One hundred meters deep!
Being pulled by the huge suction all the way down to the bottom of the pool, Tianhuo stabilized his figure, but at this moment, Tianhuo was shocked to find that even though he jumped up, he couldn't break free from the huge suction, and was firmly absorbed in the pool. In the end, I couldn't help but be shocked, in this mysterious liquid, I can't even breathe internally, if this continues, I won't be able to hold on for a quarter of an hour, and I will be drowned, how can I hold on for three days?

Thinking of this problem, Tianhuo's pupils shrank slightly, he tried his best to hold his breath, and thought about the solution, should he use Lishui beads?
"Oh, my lord, it seems that little friend Tianhuo can't breathe internally. If this continues, I'm afraid he will be drowned!" Above, Jin Da looked at Shenglongchi with hope on his face, suddenly his expression changed, and he lost his voice.

The Dragon Emperor also hesitated, looked at Jin Da in surprise, and then smiled, "Then you are wrong, little friend Tianhuo has long been able to breathe internally, don't worry!"

The Dragon Emperor's induction was not wrong, but he did not expect that Tianhuo, who already knew how to breathe internally, could not even breathe internally at this moment!
Tianhuo tried his best to hold his breath and think of a way, but he couldn't even breathe internally, what should he do?But in an instant, there was a sharp stabbing pain all over his body. In the milky white liquid all over his body, violent power continuously rushed towards his body. At this moment, under the severe pain, Tianhuo couldn't even think. !

"Ah..." Finally, Tianhuo couldn't bear the severe pain all over his body anymore, and roared, and with the roar, those milky white liquids were poured directly from Tianhuo's mouth, and the terrible power exploded in his mouth immediately. Open, so that Tianhuo, who couldn't breathe internally, didn't care about other things, and hurriedly took out the Lishui droplet.

But in an instant, Li Shuizhu was shattered by that terrifying force, making Tianhuo's heart completely chill, the place dedicated to the dragon clan is really not his own place, what should we do this time?
(End of this chapter)

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