The strongest saint

Chapter 392 Text Emperor

Chapter 392 Text Emperor

Tianhuo was horrified, originally thinking of taking advantage of this opportunity to let Jiuhun complete its evolution ahead of schedule, and being in the Ascension Dragon Pool would be of great benefit to Jiuhun's future development.

But at this moment, not to mention the inner breathing, the whole body was swept by those violent forces, even the water drops were instantly broken, and he couldn't break free from the huge suction at the bottom of the pool to leave Shenglong Pool, If this goes on, you will die!
The whole body was wrapped in berserk power, all the equipment fell off into the package by itself, even the eight Glyph Saint suit parts were no exception, and as all the equipment faded, the severe pain all over the body became worse, as if it went through the skin and went straight to the bones , Let every inch of Tianhuo's flesh and every cell be filled with terrible pain.

"Tianling, help me!" In the roar, his mouth was filled with terrifying power, Tianhuo could only do his best to transmit the sound with the last bit of strength.

"Stop yelling, shut up, calm your mind, and adjust your inner breathing first!" Tianling shouted, her voice full of anxiety.

Tianhuo didn't have a chance to think about it anymore, so he hurriedly sat cross-legged, communicated with Xiantian Lingding immediately, tried his best not to care about the terrible pain all over his body, but how could he ignore the severe pain all over his body that penetrated deep into the bone marrow?
In the dantian, the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron was about to spin. At the moment when Tianhuo's thoughts came, it suddenly condensed, and the speed of rotation slowed down. Tianhuo only felt that he was about to be suffocated, and everything in his mind became blurred. stand up.

"Huhuhu..." Suddenly, Tianhuo's chest rose and fell sharply. At the moment when his thinking was about to blur, he finally successfully entered the state of internal breathing, and his mind gradually regained clarity.

However, his mind regained his clarity, and the terrible pain came to Tianhuo's perception again. At this moment, Tianhuo's whole body was twitching. Fortunately, with the help of Xiantian Lingding, he had already entered the state of internal breathing. At the bottom of this mysterious Shenglong Pool, you can also keep breathing.

"Patience, your body is getting stronger." Tianling encouraged Tianhuo.

Tianhuo twitched all over under the severe pain. This kind of severe pain was unbearable, but under this severe pain, it was like losing the ability to think. There were waves of darkness in front of him, and he would pass out at any time, but he was awakened by the severe pain. Don't give Tianhuo a chance to faint.

Every second, Tianhuo felt as long as years. Tianhuo in severe pain didn't even realize that blood had overflowed from the pores of his body, but under the violent force, the overflowing blood instantly disappeared. It was blown away and disappeared completely.

The health is also declining at this moment, but even without the bonus of equipment, Tianhuo also has a 21% recovery of the title, which can keep the health of Tianhuo at full value all the time. If there is no life value attached to this title If it recovered, Tianhuo might have already died.

Tianling clearly imprinted everything about Tianhuo into her eyes, she was terrified in her heart, and murmured: "Tianhuo, the Ascension Dragon Pond of the Dragon Clan exists for the Dragon Clan, and it is a great blessing for you as a human being to enter it, although the The power is frenzied and terrifying, but if you can survive it, the benefits to you are also unimaginable, hold on!"

Tianhuo couldn't hear Tianling's voice for a long time, and he was trembling violently at this moment, and he could still maintain his internal breathing state. He had already lost all other senses in the severe pain, only pain!
Time passed by every minute and every second, Tianhuo didn't know how long he had passed, but felt as if tens of thousands of years had passed. Gradually, he didn't know whether he was used to the severe pain or the severe pain was weakening, Tianhuo's trembling finally Slowly weakened.

Tianling watched Tianhuo's situation nervously, and saw that Tianhuo's skin was gradually glowing with fluorescence, giving people the feeling of being indestructible under the light, and in this light, the unique coercion of the dragon clan actually appeared in the light. On Tianhuo.

"Ang!" Suddenly, there was a deep dragon roar from Tianhuo's body, and then a stream of light shot out from Tianhuo's body, landed beside Tianhuo, and turned into a huge two-winged dragon more than ten feet high.

"Nine Souls Yinglong! It's been three days!" Tianling murmured, when the three days came, Nine Souls Yinglong finally came out of the pet space, but Tianhuo didn't wake up, and gradually stabilized now, that's all Sitting cross-legged at the bottom of the Shenglong Pool, like an old monk in meditation, he remained motionless.

The Nine Souls Yinglong appeared, but he closed his eyes and let the powerful force in the Dragon Rising Pond hit him. He didn't seem to be in any pain, and he seemed to be enjoying himself.

"Huang, it's been three days, why hasn't little friend Tianhuo come out?" Above, Jin Da looked at Shenglongchi worriedly, and turned his head to ask.

For three days, neither the Dragon Emperor nor Jin Da had left. For an existence like them that has survived for countless tens of thousands of years, three days is nothing more than a blink of an eye.

The Dragon Emperor stared at the Shenglong Pool intently, as if he could see through the Shenglong Pool, and murmured: "I can sense that the Nine Soul Yinglong has appeared, and little friend Tianhuo...his aura is very It's faint, as if he's dead, but I can sense his breath of life, which is weird."

Jin Da frowned, "He is the first human being to enter the Rising Dragon Pond. It's a bit strange, shouldn't it be considered normal? It's surprising that humans can last for three days in the Rising Dragon Pond. It seems that he can still It will last longer."

The Dragon Emperor nodded, and a smile gradually appeared on his face, "Little friend Tianhuo is not simple. Now that he has undergone the baptism of Shenglongchi, he can be regarded as a member of the Dragon Clan. In the future, the entire Dragon Clan must treat him well. No matter what, we cannot let him I have suffered a little bit of grievance in my Dragon Clan."

Jin Da also nodded, after experiencing the baptism of Shenglongchi, he will more or less carry some aura of dragon clan on his body, it is not an exaggeration to say that Tianhuo is a member of dragon clan.

Another few days passed, Tianhuo had stabilized, and he sat cross-legged at the bottom of Shenglong Pool with a calm expression. There was no pain on his face, but a vague smile. At this moment, all feelings were is back.

After a long time, Tianhuo slowly opened his eyes, and the deep starry eyes flashed. He glanced happily at the Nine Soul Yinglong who was bathing in the Shenglong Pond not far away, and asked through voice transmission: "Tianling, how many times have you met?" God?"

"It's only been seven days, and you finally made it through." Tianling said happily.

Tianhuo breathed a long sigh of relief. In his opinion, seven days seemed like hundreds of years. Fortunately, he had survived. Although he could still sense the berserk power around him at this moment, he let the power pour into him. In his body, Tianhuo didn't feel pain, but felt unprecedented comfort.

Slightly sensing the changes in himself, Tianhuo clenched his fist involuntarily, only feeling the majestic power surging between his fists, and an unprecedented powerful feeling spread throughout his heart. At this moment, Tianhuo had an illusion, as if he could punch easily Cracking mountains and cracking rocks, and the powerful physical body seems to be able to resist any attack.

The powerful power from the Dragon Pond is still pouring into Tianhuo's body, but Tianhuo can feel that the benefits to him are negligible, and all the benefits have been obtained within these seven days.

Looking at the Nine Souls Yinglong again, it was impossible to know how long it would take for it to complete its evolution. Tianhuo simply got up slowly, stomped his feet and swept upwards, leaving the Shenglongchi in an instant.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on successfully passing the baptism of the Dragon Pool, the four attributes +20000, and the spiritual defense +10000!"

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have successfully passed the baptism of Shenglongchi, your physical strength has increased, and you have activated a unique attack method: Word Royal!"

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have successfully passed the baptism of the Dragon Pond, your physical strength has increased, and your physical flight ability has been activated."

"It's out!" Before Tianhuo went to check the benefits, Jin Da and Dragon Emperor shouted joyfully.

Tianhuo smiled at the two, opened the backpack and put on all the equipment, and then said with a smile: "It finally succeeded, thank you, Senior Dragon Emperor, for your success!"

"Haha, it's good to be successful, but you don't have to thank me, you survived by yourself, but from now on, you are also a part of my dragon clan." The Dragon Emperor laughed, and looked up and down Tianhuo in satisfaction.

Tianhuo was taken aback, how could he be considered a member of the Dragon Clan?Although I don't understand, but I don't care about having an extra identity, I bowed to the two of them again, and said: "I don't know how long it will take for Jiuhun to succeed, I will experience my changes first."

Tianhuo couldn't wait any longer. He didn't expect to add [-] of the four major attributes directly to him, and his spiritual defense was even better. After the blessing of the holy suit, isn't his defense too strong?
Thinking about it, Tianhuo hurriedly looked at the activated unique attack method, "Written Yu, I've only heard of the Word Prison. Is this Wenziyu like Chen's Yujian?" '

Character Defense: A special attack method that can only be activated when the physical body is strong enough to control the characters to attack and defend.

There is no more specific explanation, but Tianhuo's eyes lit up. This is not a skill, but an extra attack and defense method for himself. If the text is not broken, the attack and defense will continue. It sounds a bit tasteful!

Thinking about it, Tianhuo stayed away from the Dragon Emperor and the two. Without specific instructions, he could only figure out this attack method by himself, but it would not be difficult for Tianhuo.

As he opened his mouth, large golden characters appeared in the sky, "Grape wine luminous cup, if you want to drink the pipa, call immediately. Jun Moxiao, who is drunk on the battlefield, how many people have fought in ancient times."

The big golden characters did not fall down, but gathered towards the hand under the control of Tianhuo. As the last big character appeared in Tianhuo's hand, when Tianhuo raised his hands, the big characters wrapped around his body.

"Drink!" Tianhuo punched fiercely, and large characters surged between the fists. The powerful aura burst out suddenly, and a large air arc was pressed in front of Tianhuo Fist, which was enough to see the strength of this attack.

"Break!" With a thought in his mind, Tianhuo waved his hand, and saw the whole poem that was entangled with him roaring out, flying straight to the distance, and blasting on the wall of the hall.

Hum... The runes surged on the wall, dispelling Tianhuo's attack, and Tianhuo and the three Jin Da and Longhuang in the distance were all shocked, and Tianhuo secretly said: "Written Yu, enjoyable! Just activate Get up too slowly!"

If you want to use the word control, you have to condense the words first, which is too time-consuming, and you may not have such an opportunity to condense the words when you are facing the enemy. Thinking, Tianhuo looked down at the book of the sage.

(End of this chapter)

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