Chapter 394

On the countless floating peaks, the Star Devouring Moon Beast walked in the air, and on the back, the voices of Xiao Fenghuang and Yu Ling arguing came again.

Behind the second daughter, Tianhuo patted his forehead helplessly. When he was in the Dragon Clan, he had seen these two girls finally stop arguing, but when they left, they kept bickering, leaving Tianhuo speechless for a while.

"Okay, stop arguing, come and see the treasure map." Tianhuo raised the treasure map in his hand and said.

The treasure map successfully attracted the attention of the two, and finally stopped their quarrel, but the next moment, Tianhuo was speechless again.

Yu Ling snatched the treasure map, "I'll take a look first, I got the last one."

"I got the first one, I'll take a look first!" Little Phoenix didn't give in at all, snatching the treasure map.

"Uh... rock paper scissors, whoever wins will see first!" Tianhuo said, patting his forehead.

The two girls were stunned for a moment, and then they all nodded heavily, "Come on, come on, you must lose..."

Tianhuo shook his head helplessly, he had already seen the treasure map himself, and now the three of them gathered together to clearly point out the location of the treasure, just as Little Phoenix said, it was just outside the Phoenix Mountain Range, but going to the Phoenix Mountain Range was a bit of a hassle. Trouble, because the Phoenix Mountains are actually in the first-class dangerous land of the second-level area.

"Nanling Prison is known as the most dangerous place in the second-level area. I didn't expect the Phoenix clan to choose it as their base camp." Tianhuo murmured, looking up into the distance. If he wanted to go to Nanling Prison, he still needed to go to the city. send.

"Look, I'm right! It's just outside my Phoenix Mountain Range, and I'm familiar with the Phoenix Mountain Range." Little Phoenix said proudly after seeing the treasure map.

"Little Phoenix, Yu Ling, I will send you to Fanshen Palace first, and I will call you when you arrive at Nanling Prison." Tianhuo said.

Little Phoenix nodded heavily. His sacred tree of phoenix sycamore was also in Fanshen Palace, and he happened to go in to have a look. Yu Ling's eyes lit up, "Tianhuo, brother Lin Yu's palace is in your hands?"

Tianhuo was stunned, and looked at Yu Ling in astonishment, but then he was relieved that he was the adopted daughter of Fengshen Yufei, and Fengshen was the uncle of Fanshen, and Fanshen was in the same generation as Yu Ling.

"Just right, let me go in and have a look!" Yu Ling urged.

Tianhuo took the two daughters back to the Fanshen Palace, conveniently put Tun Xing away, then performed the city return technique, and returned to the Great Xuanzong in an instant.

The Great Xuanzong has become the base camp of the Tianyan Legion. From time to time, members of the square come out of the teleportation point. When they see the figure of Tianhuo appearing on the teleportation point, everyone in the square stops, "The legion leader is back! "

"Hello, Legion Commander!"

As soon as Tianhuo walked out of the teleportation point, he heard greetings from countless players, nodded frequently, and said with a smile: "Everyone is busy with your own work, hurry up and upgrade!"

"Head of the Skyfire Legion, when shall we go to practice together?" A player asked with a smile.

Tianhuo shrugged, "Everyone's attributes are very strong now, do you still need me to bring them? Let's talk about it after a while, but if you find a good leveling place, pay attention to marking."

"Yeah!" Everyone was overjoyed. What Tianhuo meant was that they would go if they had a suitable leveling point.

Ignoring everyone, Tianhuo walked towards the teleportation array, and after a few more teleportations, he would be able to reach the city on the edge of Nanling Prison, and it would be close to Nanling Prison.

"Master Tianhuo, please stay!" Just as he was about to leave, a familiar voice came from afar.

Tianhuo stepped down from the teleportation formation, and saw Canthus and Yifeng galloping towards them, both of them had joyful expressions on their faces, "Brother Tianhuo."

Tianhuo nodded to the two of them. Before asking Zhuxing to come to Daxuanzong to find Yifeng to discuss the merger of the two sects, it seemed that the two of them had almost reached the conclusion of the discussion, and asked, "How is it?"

"Brother Tianhuo, we are going to give the new sect a name, and then..." Yifeng said, turning his head to look at Zixing.

Canthus cupped his hands towards Tianhuo, and then said: "Master Tianhuo, I will be the deputy suzerain of the new sect, and brother Yifeng will be the suzerain."

Tianhuo frowned, and was very satisfied with the result. After the merger of the two sects, it will take a long time to adjust, which cannot be accomplished overnight. However, if the two sects are now the suzerain and the deputy suzerain, the period of adaptation will be shortened as much as possible.

"Yes, brother Tianhuo, we plan to build a new sect residence, which is at the junction of the two sects, but we haven't thought of a name for the new sect yet." Yi Feng laughed.

Tianhuo nodded slightly, "Then let's build a new station first! As for the name, it doesn't matter."

Ziyaomen is a first-class sect, and Daxuanzong is only one step away from the first-class sect. Now that the two sects merge, they will instantly become a huge sect with more than 2 cities. The new sect should be the top existence in the second-level area!
"Then listen to Master Tianhuo, Sect Master Yifeng, I'll go back and gather people!" Zixing said to Yifeng, clasping his fists.

Yifeng returned the salute with clasped fists, "Then it's settled, and I'll gather people to go to the location as soon as possible."

"Go ahead and take a look when I come back." Tianhuo said, bid farewell to the two and set foot on the teleportation array.

After a few times of teleportation, Skyfire appeared in a city called Qingyou City, which is the northernmost city of Ziyaomen, and further north is Nanling Prison, the first dangerous place in the so-called second-level area.

Qingyou City is not much smaller than Ziyaomen South City. After all, it has a geographical advantage. Just outside the dangerous area, there are countless adventurers coming here, which makes it develop well.

The dangerous place is naturally accompanied by geniuses, land treasures and adventures. I saw that there are many players and strong npcs in the city, most of them are walking towards the north city gate. It is the edge of Nanling Prison.

"Look, that's Tianhuo, the head of the Tianyan Legion. I heard that the Tianyan Legion has [-] more places. Let's go!" A few sharp-eyed players saw Tianhuo and hurried towards Tianhuo.

"Head of the Skyfire Legion, accept us!" As soon as these words came out, countless players looked sideways, and when they saw that it was Skyfire, they all gathered towards Skyfire.

Tianhuo's footsteps faltered, and then he disappeared, but the voice spread, "Everyone, after the Fenghuo Baodi is over, we will start recruiting people. At that time, everyone should pay attention to the news of the world."

"Huh? Where's the leader of the Skyfire Legion?" Players stopped one by one, not knowing how Skyfire disappeared.

Naturally, Tianhuo has used his invisible skills. Facing hundreds of players, he doesn't want to be entangled. Right now, it is most important to rush to the Phoenix Mountains. Moreover, Tianhuo can tell that there are very few hidden professional players among these players. , did not meet the army's income standards at all.

In the stealth state, the speed of Tianhuo slows down, but this is only relative. Shuttle among the many players, Tianhuo quickly left the north gate, looking around, there is a flat river in front of him, and in the distant place, he can vaguely see The mountains are connected to each other, and if you enter the mountains, you will be within the range of Nanling Prison.

After leaving Beicheng, Tianhuo released Tun Xing and the two daughters with a flip of his hand, rode on the Star-Tuning Moon Beast and walked towards Nanling Prison.

"Wow! It's been a long time since I came back!" Little Phoenix murmured while staring at the front.

Tianhuo looked at Little Phoenix suspiciously, "You were born not long ago, how could you say you haven't been back for a long time?"

"Hee hee, Tianhuo, you don't even know this? This girl was reborn from Nirvana, but she kept her memories before Nirvana, that's why she said that." Yu Ling explained.

"Oh, that's it!" Tianhuo thought about it, looking forward to the Phoenix Clan very much, but he didn't know what the identity of the guy who kidnapped Di Yan was in the Phoenix Clan, and when she used Sky Stepping Teleport to disappear, Tianhuo couldn't track it down at all. , but now, he can also go to the Phoenix Clan.

"Tun Xing, hurry up!" Little Phoenix ignored Yu Ling's words and urged the Swallowing Star and Moon Beast.

Tun Xing glanced back slightly, and said, "Little Phoenix, my speed is countless times faster than yours, don't you think it's too slow?"

"Cut! If I cast the sky teleport, what is your speed?" Little Phoenix said disdainfully.

Tun Xing coughed dryly and stopped speaking, obviously acquiescing to the little Phoenix's words, stepping on the sky and moving, that is the patent of the main god, and the Phoenix family did not know what luck they had, and even though their speed was extremely fast, they couldn't move. Compared with stepping on the sky and moving.

Not long after, Tun Xing had already flown over the mountain range, and gradually, a cold aura filled the air, making Nanling Prison worthy of its name.

"Don't worry, although the spirit beasts and monsters in Nanling Prison are powerful, they can't stop us at all, just go forward with all your strength." Little Phoenix saw that Tun Xing slowed down and flew on guard, without opening his mouth to say.

"Well, you don't need to slow down for Star Swallowing." Tianhuo also said, now that his own attributes have skyrocketed, Xiao Fenghuang and Yu Ling are both unfathomable, there is nothing to worry about.

With Tianhuo's instruction, the speed of the Star Devouring Moon Beast surged, and it passed over dozens of mountain ranges in an instant, and the three of Tianhuo only felt that the scenery on both sides became blurred. Everyone is a little excited.

"That's right. In this case, we will be able to reach the Phoenix Mountains in more than ten days. Come on, Swallow Star." Little Phoenix said happily.

But Tun Xing under his seat trembled, "What? So far?"

Going forward at this speed for more than ten days, Tun Xing feels tired just thinking about it!
Tianhuo laughed dumbly, patted Tunxing, and said with a smile: "Do your best, rest when you are tired."

"Oh, yes, master." Tun Xing heaved a sigh of relief. It is not impossible to keep going at this speed for more than ten days, but it is absolutely exhausting. Tun Xing does not want to get tired when he sees the treasure.

"Master, this place is not bad, why don't you bring the void ray here." Swallowing Xing reminded.

Tianhuo thought about it, then nodded. Void Ray was alone thousands of miles east of Ziyao South City. Although there were many monsters there, it was far worse than this Nanling Prison, and there would be geniuses and treasures here from time to time. It would be a good choice to let the void ray come here.

Just as she was about to call the Void Ray to her side, she saw Yu Ling's expression froze, she stepped up from the back of the Star Devouring Moon Beast, and flitted towards the mountains below.

"What did the girl find? Tianhuo, let's go and have a look." Xiao Fenghuang frowned, as if he was displeased that Yu Ling discovered something before him.

Needless to say, Xiao Fenghuang, Tianhuo also had the same plan, and hurriedly chased after Yu Ling.

(End of this chapter)

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