Chapter 395
The Fenghuo Saint Elf didn't know what he found, so he flew towards the mountains below without saying a word. Naturally, Tianhuo was not idle, and hurriedly asked Tunxing to follow.

I saw the Holy Spirit of Fenghuo landed on a mountain top, staring intently at his feet, as if he could see the situation through the thick mountains.

Tianhuo glanced at the Fenghuo Saint Elf suspiciously, and was about to use the Glyph Saint's eyes to look at it, but Yu Ling stepped on the hill suddenly and shouted: "Earth Demon, get out!"

"Earth demon?" Tianhuo raised his brows, thinking of the kind of earth demon he encountered when he was doing team missions. Now, there are also here?
Little Phoenix also looked at Yu Ling in surprise, and asked, "Are you sure there are monsters?"

"Hmph! Not long after we entered Nanling Prison, there have been earth demons secretly following us." Yu Ling said, then suddenly raised her bare feet and stepped down.


Following Yu Ling's step, Tianhuo felt staggered for a while, and was immediately amazed. Under Yu Ling's step, the whole mountain trembled!

While the mountain peak was trembling, a black shadow shot out from the mountain peak, and shot towards the mountain peak not far away, it was obviously the earth demon that Yu Ling was talking about!

"Thunder-capturing hand!" This time, Tianhuo did not wait for Yu Ling's action, but directly used the thunder-capturing hand. Immediately, the figure of the earth demon froze, and then was firmly grasped by the shining big hand. Then he pulled it to Tianhuo.

"Sure enough, it's an earth demon!" Holding onto the black shadow, Tianhuo also focused his eyes. This is the earth demon, who is good at tracking in the soil.

"Hmph!" Little Phoenix snorted coldly, and raging purple flames surged in his hands, immediately burning the earth demon to pieces.

Yu Ling discovered the Earth Demon, and Tianhuo captured the Earth Demon. Little Phoenix's idea was very simple, and Yu Ling couldn't compare to it!

And as the little phoenix killed the earth demon with lightning speed, both Tianhuo and Yu Ling frowned, Tianhuo said: "How did you kill it?"

Little Phoenix looked at Tianhuo suspiciously, "He's a monster, why don't you kill him?"

"Idiot, why haven't you asked him why he followed us!" Yu Ling said disdainfully.

Little Phoenix pouted unconvinced, and then his eyes lit up, "Who is the idiot? It's so simple that he can't think of it. He must be ordered by high-level monsters to follow us. As for why he followed us, it's very simple, because we have them. treasure map!"

Little Phoenix's thoughts coincided with Tianhuo's, and Tianhuo also saw it in the same way, presumably those monsters also followed the treasure map secretly, but was discovered by Yu Ling.

"Did you think of it? Huh, the treasure map is the key to the treasure. Without this thing, the treasure cannot be opened. The monster must have guarded the treasure for countless years but can't get it. Now that we have found the treasure map, we naturally have to secretly Follow." Yu Ling added.

"It seems that there should be a lot of monsters gathered outside the treasure, waiting for the treasure to be opened, so be careful this time." Tianhuo rubbed his chin and murmured.

"What are you afraid of!" The two girls said in unison, and then they looked at each other, and they both turned their heads to one side while humming.

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, "Okay, I see, you are here, right? Let's go, keep going!"

Going forward, Tianhuo used his Glyph Sage's eyes to observe the bottom from time to time. Along the way, the Star Devouring Moon Beast lost many earth demons hidden in the earth, but the strange thing is that there are always earth demons along the way track.

Tianhuo became puzzled, since the monster knew that the treasure map was on him, he must also know that he was going for the treasure, so he just waited before the treasure, why bother to follow?
Could it be that they came here with other purposes?

Thinking of this, Tianhuo frowned. Are these monsters too stupid?Or is there really another purpose?

After a few days, Tun Xing also got rid of hundreds of earth demons, but not long after, another earth demon appeared in the ground behind him, and continued to keep track, which made Tianhuo frown even deeper, and the treasure was still a few days away. However, the stalking of these earth demons made Tianhuo feel more and more weird.

"Tun Xing, go down and take a rest." Tianhuo patted Tun Xing and said.

The two women looked at Tianhuo suspiciously, but they didn't object. Although they didn't see Tun Xing's exhaustion, they felt a little tired after traveling for several days.

Landing on a mountain peak, the two girls left Tun Xing's back, ran to the side and stretched their bodies, while Tianhuo, with white light in his eyes, stared intently at the mountain peak not far away. In that mountain peak, an earth demon is hiding in it.

And as Tianhuo and the others began to rest, the earth demon also stood still, as if he was afraid of being discovered by Tianhuo and the others, but he didn't know that Tianhuo had already discovered him.

The white light in Tianhuo's eyes dissipated, and he looked up at the sky, but his mind was thinking quickly.

"Tianhuo, I'm going to play at the waterfall over there, call me when I have to go." Little Phoenix stretched his waist, and his small figure disappeared before Tianhuo's eyes.

And as the little phoenix left, the earth demon in the mountain not far away also moved, leaving quickly.

Seeing this scene, Tianhuo's pupils shrank, and instantly understood the goal of these monsters. They were not only for the treasure map, but also for the little phoenix!

"Little Phoenix, come back quickly!" Tianhuo hurriedly stopped, but the little Phoenix had already disappeared and appeared in front of a waterfall dozens of miles away.

"What's wrong?" Yu Ling looked at Tianhuo suspiciously.

Tianhuo's eyes were fixed, white light appeared in his eyes again, he looked intently at the place where the little phoenix was, and said in a deep voice: "These monsters are for the little phoenix, they are following these days, just looking for a chance for the little phoenix to leave alone .”

"You mean they want to take Little Phoenix away?" Yu Ling asked with a slight frown.

Tianhuo nodded, although he didn't know why he wanted to kidnap Little Phoenix, but Tianhuo was very sure, that was their purpose!
Yu Ling also looked towards the place where Little Phoenix was, and murmured: "Her strength is not bad, those earth demons can't take her down at all!"

Tianhuo's eyes narrowed slightly, "Ordinary earth demons are no match for Little Phoenix, but don't forget that she has only been reborn a few months after Nirvana, and her strength is not considered strong. Will she be an opponent?"

Yu Ling glanced at Tianhuo, then nodded, "She is naturally no match for the Demon General alone, let alone a more powerful Demon Lord, but don't worry, I'm here!"

Tianhuo smiled, if it wasn't for Yu Ling's presence, he would have rushed to protect Little Phoenix, it was because of Yu Ling's presence, and the earth demon didn't leave after leaving, so he was relieved and didn't call for Little Phoenix.

"Knowing the purpose of these monsters, things will be easy to handle, just protect the little phoenix." Tianhuo smiled, turned on the back of swallowing stars, "come up, and continue to set off."

Yu Ling skimmed onto Tunxing's back lightly, Tunxing moved all four hooves, and flew towards the waterfall where Little Phoenix was, "Little girl, let's go."

Little Phoenix was playing alone under the waterfall, when he heard Tunxing's cry, he stepped into the air in displeasure, and only then did he join Tianhuo and continue on his way.

Not long after Tianhuo and the others left, a group of earth demons appeared at the place where the little phoenix was before. The leader of the earth demons was several times taller than ordinary earth demons, and their eyes were even brighter. After looking at the situation around the waterfall for a while, Turning around to look at those earth demons, he said in a deep voice: "Keep following, remember to report soon next time, don't miss the opportunity again!"

"Yes, Master Demon General!" The earth demons bowed nervously in response, and quickly sank into the ground.

Seeing the earth demons leave, the demon general slightly raised his head to look at Tianhuo, "Little princess, you can't run away, if we capture you, our chance will come."

Tianhuo did not expect to miss an opportunity to slay a demon general. If he knew that there would be a demon general coming so soon, he might not leave so soon. After all, the rewards for killing a demon general in the second-level area are even more generous Well, with Yu Ling around, killing the Demon General is not a problem at all.

All the way forward, there are still earth demons following below, but Tianhuo didn't care, he already knew their purpose, just keep an eye on the little phoenix.

A few days later, the point marked on the treasure map was even closer, and Tianhuo could even see the huge mountain range from a distance. That mountain range was exactly the same as the image that appeared on the treasure map before. .

At the beginning, that general fought against the army of monsters here. In the end, those monsters also moved boxes of treasures into that mountain range.

"It's just ahead, be careful, I saw many earth demons hiding in the ground." Tianhuo reminded.

Yu Ling frowned, and focused on observing the front, "The earth demon general is about to reach the strength of the demon king, very strong."

Tianhuo glanced at Yu Ling in astonishment, could he sense this?

But Xiaofeng stuck out her tongue. She knew that she would argue with Yu Ling, and if she really fought, she would not be an opponent of a monster at the level of a general.

"The devil will be handed over to me, and it will be solved in 3 minutes, Tianhuo, and the remaining earth devils will be handed over to you and Xiaofeng. No one will be left, and then the treasure will be ours." Yu Ling turned her head and said, at this moment , as if a different person, no longer the little girl before.

Tianhuo nodded slightly, looked at Little Phoenix, and said with a smile: "You follow me, don't stay away from me."

Xiao Fenghuang pouted, looked at Yu Ling but didn't say a word, seemed to express her acquiescence.

"Ready!" Yu Ling's voice fell, but her figure shot out and flew straight towards the mountain range, and instantly appeared on the vast flat ground in front of the mountain range.

I saw Yu Ling's bare jade feet stepping down fiercely, and suddenly, there was a terrible howl of wind, and the scorching breath also diffused fiercely, "Earth Demon General, get out!"

Boom... The ground trembled violently. At this moment, thousands of earth demons were forced out instantly, and the expression of Tianhuo, who was still in the sky not far away, froze, "Tough battle!"

"Jie Jie... Thank you for sending back the treasure map!" Amidst the cold laughter, a huge earth demon of more than ten feet came out of the ground and looked at Yu Ling coldly.

"Huh! I don't know how to live or die!" Yu Ling snorted coldly, lightened her feet, and appeared in front of the Earth Demon General. The mighty force of wind and fire surged, and the battle was imminent!
The Star Devouring Moon Beast also fell into the field, but at this moment, Tianhuo suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, not because of the large number of earth demons, but other inexplicable smells.

(End of this chapter)

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