Chapter 396
With the emergence of bad feelings in his heart, Tianhuo's eyes narrowed slightly, and he became alert, but thousands of earth demons in the field had already rushed towards Tianhuo, and the little phoenix beside him had already shot excitedly, "Hehe, Tianhuo, let's see which one of us has killed the most earth mortals!"

Tianhuo glanced at the field again, but still found nothing abnormal. Yu Ling had already fought with the earth demon general, and was tightly entangled by Yu Ling. He let Tianhuo check, but he didn't find anything wrong.

"Master, shall we not do it?" Seeing the attack of the little phoenix flying out of the sky, the Star Devouring Moon Beast turned its head and asked.

Tianhuo smiled and looked at the attribute bonus of Tunxing. It is now at level 50, which is a little lower than Tianhuo, but this does not affect its powerful attribute bonus.

Mounting effect: movement speed +2500%, physical attack +250%, magic attack +250%, defense +250%, crit chance +40%, crit damage +500%, negative state resistance +20%.

Skill: Swallowing Stars, an active skill, can swallow damage no more than three times its own life value after casting.

Moon Eater, active skill, insufficient level, not activated.

Description: The mount of spirit beast level can get attribute bonus after riding, and can join the battle.

With the addition of swallowing stars, Tianhuo's scroll spirit attack has reached 228130, which is nearly ten times stronger than before. It is extremely easy to face these earth demons with 500 million life points.

"Oral punishment, grape wine luminous cup, if you want to drink the pipa, hurry up. Drunk lying on the battlefield Lord Mo Xiao, how many people have fought in ancient times!"
358610, -5968430...

More than 30 damage points emerged from the heads of the oncoming earth demons in pieces, and the critical strike damage that appeared from time to time can directly kill the earth demons in seconds. After all, when riding a star, it can deal 17 times the attack damage. It's not something these earth demons can resist!

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have obtained 366000 spiritual experience points, and an additional 2928000 spiritual experience points!"


A series of experience value reminders sounded, making Tianhuo's tongue twitch. The experience value of these 60-level earth demons is actually comparable to the silver boss, and with the 700% bonus of the Glyph Saint suit and the 100% bonus of Greedy Soul, he has an extra The experience points obtained have reached nearly 300 million.

Seeing the rapid increase of experience points, Tianhuo looked a little excited, and took out a Diyou pill in his hand, and his experience points increased again.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on taking Diyou Pill, the experience gained within 30 days will increase by 100%."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have obtained 366000 spiritual experience points, and an additional 3294000 spiritual experience points!"


"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached Ling 58, and the four attributes are +5."

In less than a minute, Tianhuo had already reached spirit level 1, and the earth demons in the field were still rushing forward without any fear.

"Haha, come again, the broken iron clothes on the battlefield of hundreds of battles..."


Another large golden character appeared in the sky, and then slammed down. Within a radius of 790 meters, countless normal damage mixed with critical damage floated up, and many earth demons fell down again.

In the third-level area, an earth demon almost killed Tianhuo, but now, even the earth demons in the second-level area have become ordinary mobs in Tianhuo's hands, and it is extremely easy to kill.

"Oh, Tianhuo, how can you use such a large-scale attack? No way!" Little Phoenix looked at Tianhuo in a daze, and suddenly said displeasedly. In the blink of an eye, all the earth demons in this large area died in the hands of Tianhuo.

Tianhuo shrugged his shoulders. He is not completely capable of killing these earth demons in seconds. There is no problem if a critical strike occurs, but the critical strike resistance of these earth demons is definitely not low. The chance of critical strike damage is not high, and the normal damage is only 30 It's just a million!
As the verbal punishment continued, Little Phoenix pouted, and ran away from the skyfire's attack range. If he wanted to kill the earth demon, he couldn't get close to the skyfire, otherwise he would be snatched away by the skyfire. !

"Little Phoenix, come back!" Tianhuo hurriedly shouted, he knew before that the target of these earth demons was Little Phoenix, how could he keep Little Phoenix away from him at this moment?
But as soon as the shout came out, there was a sudden change in the field, and a big khaki hand suddenly reached out from under the little phoenix, grabbed the little phoenix's jade feet, and dragged him into the ground without waiting for the little phoenix to resist!
"Oops!" Tianhuo's pupils shrank, and he had already used the Glyph Sage's eyes to look over the field, and there was no earth demon in the earth, but what was it that suddenly appeared if it wasn't an earth demon?
But judging from the big hand, this earth demon is bigger than the general!

"Escape!" Without hesitation, Tianhuo hastily used the escape technique to submerge into the earth, and plundered towards the place where the earth demon was. No matter what, he had to rescue the little phoenix!

Under Wen Shengzhi's eyes, Tianhuo clearly saw the earth demon surging with black energy all over his body. The black energy that was almost materialized surged in that guy's hands, and he firmly controlled the little phoenix in it. The phoenix struggled, but couldn't escape its control!

"Little Phoenix!" Tianhuo, who was already on the ground, turned pale with shock, and rushed away.

"Jie's up to you?" The earth demon suddenly turned to look at Tianhuo, but it didn't see any movement. Black air suddenly gushed out from the ground around Tianhuo, and under the cover of the black air, a terrifying wave The attack is even more aimed towards the sky fire.

"It's the Demon Lord! Your uncle!" Tianhuo's pupils shrank, and he thought it was another Demon General before, but only now did he realize that this is actually a Demon Lord level existence!
And it's not the kind of demon lord who just got promoted, but like the one I met in the third-level area, this is a powerful demon lord who has existed for an unknown number of years. Maybe it's an old guy who survived the great war that day.

"Yu!" Tianhuo couldn't teleport in the current state, so he had to flip open the book of sages, and with a simple touch, he pulled out Man Jianghong on the first page, and firmly protected him around him.

Just after finishing the text shield, the terrifying attack also arrived, and instantly bombarded the text shield. With the deafening impact, Tianhuo's figure was blown away, and he was blasted out of the ground in an instant.

However, more than 3 damage points appeared above Tianhuo's head, and the text wrapped around him was all cracked. It seemed that it could no longer support the second attack.

Tianhuo stabilized his figure with a dignified expression, and just stood there, staring at the ground intently, only to see terrible black air surging everywhere on the flat ground at this moment, and under the permeation of this black air, all the earth demons The life value is recovering rapidly!

Yu Ling, the Holy Spirit of Fenghuo, also stood up from the air with a solemn expression, stopped beside Tianhuo, and looked down vigilantly, "There is actually a demon king hiding, little phoenix..."

Seeing the dignified expression of the Fenghuo Saint Elf, Tianhuo's heart jumped, "How sure are you against it?"

The Fenghuo Saint Elf didn't respond to Tianhuo, but just stared down, "Devil Lord, let her go!"

As the voice of the Holy Spirit of Wind and Fire spread, the black air on the ground quickly gathered towards one place, gradually turning into a whirlpool of black air. In the whirlpool of black air, the figure of the Demon Lord rose slowly, Beside him, there is also the little phoenix imprisoned in the cage formed by the black air.

"Hey, the little girl doesn't look weak, but if you want to deal with me, hey, that's really a joke." Mo Jun raised his head slightly, and looked at Tianhuo and Yu Ling playfully.

Yu Ling's expression remained unchanged, she glanced at the trapped little Phoenix, and said, "Then try!"

The Demon Lord hurriedly waved his hand, "I have a better way, let's take a step back, if you leave, I won't make things difficult for you, how about it?"

"A good way? This is ridiculous, definitely! Thundercatch!" Tianhuo suddenly spoke, and before he finished speaking, the immobilization curse had already been cast towards the Demon Lord, and then the Thundercatcher grabbed the trapped little phoenix. .

"Looking for death!" Facing Tianhuo's sudden movement, the Demon Lord reacted so quickly, snorted coldly and flicked his fingers, breaking Tianhuo's silent immobilization spell, and then pulled the trapped The figure of the little phoenix flickered and appeared a few meters away.

The thunder catcher caught nothing, failed to save the little phoenix, and dissipated in an instant, Tianhuo frowned, the devil's reaction was too fast, and he couldn't even catch it by surprise!
And following Tianhuo's movement, Yu Ling also moved, her figure suddenly appeared in front of the Demon Lord, the one-meter-tall figure abruptly appeared on the Demon Lord's chest several feet tall, and stepped on her bare jade feet , hit the Demon Lord's chest!

Tianhuo raised his brows, and saw that under Yu Ling's step, the Demon Lord's feet fell into the ground forcibly, which shows how powerful the step is!
However, the devil still had a playful smile, and in the flip of his hand, raging black energy surged towards Yu Ling, "If you don't compromise, you die!"

Whoosh...Yu Ling's figure was like a phantom, and she disappeared under the hands of the Demon Lord in an instant, making the Demon Lord take a shot, and taking advantage of this opportunity, Yu Ling had already appeared beside Xiao Fenghuang, and her small and exquisite hands directly hit her. Black air cage.

Click!The crisp sound spread, and the cage was broken in response, but at this moment, the attack of the demon king had struck again.

"Teleport!" Tianhuo suddenly appeared in front of the demon king's attack, with words wrapped around his body, blocking the blow for Yu Ling and Xiao Fenghuang.

Silently, the words wrapped around Tianhuo's body shattered, and a damage value of more than 5 appeared on the top of Tianhuo's head. Fortunately, he successfully resisted the blow from the demon king, "Go!"

Without Tianhuo's confession, Yu Ling pulled Xiaofenghuang and retreated violently. Tianhuo also retreated when he saw this, as long as he saved Xiaofenghuang, now he can deal with the devil with all his strength!

"Oh no, it's fake!" As soon as Tianhuo and Yu Ling got together, they heard Yu Ling's exclamation, and then saw Xiao Fenghuang's figure fade away, and just disappeared out of thin air.

"Haha, do you think that I would put such an important person in front of your eyes?" Mo Jun laughed, not caring at all about the fake little phoenix that was condensed by himself after being left by Tianhuo.

Tianhuo and Yu Ling frowned and looked at each other. This is just an illusory existence condensed by the Demon Lord by some means, so what about the real Little Phoenix?

(End of this chapter)

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