The strongest saint

Chapter 397 Powerful Essay

Chapter 397 Powerful Essay

Tianhuo secretly used the Glyph Sage's Eye to check the ground again, but within the range of his strength, there was no trace of the little phoenix!

He has been confronting the demon lord all the time, he has no chance to transfer little phoenix, but little phoenix just disappeared, which makes both Tianhuo and Yu Ling worried.

"Hey, the person you want is not with me, so there's no point in fighting, right?" the Demon Lord jokingly said with a smile.

"The monsters are all bastards, even if Little Phoenix is ​​not with you, I will kill you!" Anger appeared in Yu Ling's eyes, she stepped on her jade feet in the air, and her figure shot out again, "Tianhuo, you have the eyes of a literary sage!" , keep looking!"

In the field, the terrifying battle between Yu Ling and the Demon Lord swept away, and on the periphery of the battle circle, the earth demon general and thousands of earth demons were also watching the battle intently.

Tianhuo tried his best to use the Glyph Sage's Eye, but he still couldn't find where the little Phoenix was hidden. He secretly became anxious, "Tianling, did you find it?"

"No, you take out the phoenix feather she gave you and try it, you will feel it." Tianling returned.

Tianhuo nodded, and took out the phoenix feathers filled with colorful light with his hands. Immediately, he saw a faint light on the feathers pointing directly at the demon king. The eyes actually saw through the Demon Lord's body in an instant!
Inside the Demon Lord's body, black energy filled a small space several feet long, and the little phoenix was in it!
"Good guy, you actually cultivated the inner world in your body. How could this kind of thing happen to a demon king?" Tianling said in surprise.

The white light in Tianhuo's eyes dissipated, and the corners of his mouth curled up, "It's really strange that this guy actually hid the little phoenix in his body, but just find it! Tianling, what is the inner world?"

"Inner Heaven and Earth? Inner Heaven and Earth is similar to the prototype of a world. If it continues to develop, it is likely to develop into a world, and when the time comes, the owner of this Inner Heaven and Earth will be the ruler of this world." Tianling said with doubts, It seems that he is still thinking about the inner world that appeared on the demon king.

"Eh? You mean the world was born like this?" Tianhuo suddenly became dumbfounded.

"Stupid, of course not all worlds are born like this. There is no way to know the birth of the world, but I know that there is only one person in the world who made the inner world into a world, and that is the master of the old master." Tianling broke the news again. The news that shocked Tianhuo.

Tianhuo was completely stunned, but Tianling's voice continued, "No, it's not Inner Heaven and Earth. It scared me to death. It's just a semi-divine weapon with the ability to store living things..."

Tian Ling let out a long breath of relief, and then said relaxedly: "Sky Fire, put him out, I was almost frightened to death."

Tianhuo had planned to make a move a long time ago, but at this moment he hesitated and asked, "Will killing him affect Little Phoenix?"

"No, if you kill him, you can save Little Phoenix."

"Then what are you waiting for, Wenzi Yu!" Tianhuo flipped his right hand, and Man Jianghong entangled again, and Tianhuo slammed onto the back of the Star Devouring Moon Beast, and his attributes suddenly soared, "You should try every page of the Book of Grammar the effect!"

Talking to himself, the fourth page of the Book of Grammars was opened, and suddenly, a golden light flashed, and a system notification sounded in Tianhuo's ear.

"Ding! System prompt: Blessed by the power of the scroll, attack +30% within 100 seconds!"

With the blessing of 30, Tianhuo directly opened the third page of the Book of Grammars, and immediately, the chivalrous behavior turned into a long rainbow and poured into the demon king's body in an instant.

Seeing the damage value popping out from the head of the Demon Lord, Tianhuo was secretly astonished. As expected of the Demon Lord, his own strength has become several times stronger, but the third page of the Book of Glyphs can only cause more than 60 damage to the Demon Lord. This is a bit insignificant for its 900 million HP!

But this was just the beginning, Tianhuo then turned to the fifth page of the Book of Graves.

"Ding! System prompt: affected by the power of the scroll again, the defense of targets within a range of level x 10 meters will be reduced by 80%."

"Yo? This is not bad, Tianhuo." Tianling said excitedly, and at this moment, Yu Ling also turned her head to look at Tianhuo in surprise, and then continued to attack.

After using the paper talk, the effect and cooldown time of this page appeared on the fifth page of the Book of the Sage of Gravity. Tianhuo glanced at it casually, and then continued to turn to the sixth page.

Whoosh... The golden light flashed on the sixth page, the luminous cup of grape wine, if you want to drink the pipa, immediately remind me.Jun Moxiao, who is drunk on the battlefield, how many people have fought in ancient times!

The whole poem turned into a long rainbow and poured into the demon king's body in an instant. It was very similar to the attack method of the knights on the third page. One by one their own injuries.
46870, -47320...

Dozens of damages appeared one after another, and the magic general's HP suddenly lost a bit, which made Tianhuo stunned. The paper on this page is very strong. Looking towards the book of the sage, there appeared this page effect.

Deals 10 damage to targets within a range of level × 49 meters, and the cooling time is 10 minutes.

Even if the average damage value is only 4.7, 49 hits, that's more than 200 million, and the paper on this page makes it impossible for the enemy to avoid it, once it hits, it must be 49 hits!

"Ah! Bastard!" The demon lord roared, wanting to rush towards the sky, but Yu Ling shuddered to death. How could there be a chance?
Amidst the roar, the black air around the Demon Lord suddenly thickened, obviously the effect of lowering the defense from the previous page was erased.

Tianhuo was not surprised, he could even break the immobilization spell, and it would be no problem to break the effect of lowering the defense, but with Yu Ling's restraint, it was the best time to talk on the test paper, Tianhuo turned to the seventh page.

"The Broken Iron Clothes on the Hundred Battles Field..."

As soon as this page was opened, a golden light flashed, and a damage value of 2933100 suddenly appeared on the top of the demon king's head, which was ten times the attack power of Tianhuo at the moment!
The effect of this page also appeared on the Book of the Sage of Gravity: cause fixed damage of own attack x 10 to the target.

Fixed damage, that is, damage that ignores everything, no matter what the enemy is, the damage is ten times the attack power of Skyfire!
Tianhuo memorized this page in surprise, if his attack reached 90, then this page could instantly kill everything in the second level area!But Tianhuo also knows how difficult it is. Without these state bonuses, his own attack is only more than 6, and it is not an ordinary distance to reach 90.

"Bastard! Wait for me!" The Demon Lord's life value had bottomed out under the joint efforts of Tianhuo and Yu Ling, and he couldn't help roaring.

"Want to run?" Yu Ling snorted coldly, the power of wind and fire surging around her suddenly rushed towards the Demon Lord, and at this moment, a pair of almost transparent eyes appeared on Yu Ling's back. Beautiful indescribable wings!

"Wow, look quickly, these are the wings of the Fenghuo sage, I'm so envious!" Tianling's envious voice came, but Tianhuo was only slightly surprised, and then opened the eighth page of the book of the sage.

"Qinghai Changyun Dark Snow Mountain..."

The demon king fell to the ground immediately under the attack of the eighth page, while Tianhuo was looking at the eighth page in surprise: causing critical damage to the target regardless of defense.

'No wonder it can cause such terrible damage, nearly 500 million, even if it ignores the defense, it's still critical damage! Tianhuo secretly said in his heart, at this moment, there is an infinite love for the words on paper. If he had known that the book of the sage of literacy is so powerful with the pen of the sage of literacy, Tianhuo might have been impatient to write it!
"It turns out that I have been sitting on the treasure mountain without knowing it all the time!" Tianhuo murmured to himself, looking at the fallen Demon Lord, "No, there is no system notification sound! It is not dead!"

Sure enough, as soon as this idea came up, the figure of the Demon Lord gradually faded away, but the untraceable voice resounded, "I remember you, little bastard, if it weren't for the old man who is weak You can't see enough of a hundred, next time, you will know what it means to be miserable!"

"Huh?" Tianhuo and Yu Ling looked around intently, trying to find the whereabouts of the Demon Lord, but obviously they couldn't find it!
"Little Phoenix...too bad!" Tianhuo's expression froze, he was overjoyed, the Demon Lord disappeared, so the little Phoenix was naturally taken away by him, what should we do this time?
Yu Ling's face also turned serious. Although she had been arguing with Xiao Fenghuang for so many days, the two girls looked about the same size, and they had already developed deep feelings for each other. How could she not be in a hurry?
"No wonder this guy said to take a step back and didn't want to do anything. It turns out that he is in a weak period. I just said, how can an existence at the level of a demon king be only a little bit stronger than a demon general. That's how it is. Be careful." Tianling murmured.

Tianhuo frowned, "Tianling, help me find a way, let me be quiet."

Tianhuo came here with Little Phoenix, firstly to help her deliver the sacred Phoenix Phoenix tree, and secondly to visit Di Yan, but now Little Phoenix is ​​gone, she is the little princess of the Phoenix clan, if the people of the Phoenix clan know , I'm afraid he won't be polite to himself, although Tianhuo is not afraid of the Phoenix family, but Little Phoenix is ​​his friend after all!

"What's the matter? Anyway, you did your best." Tianling said.

Tianhuo shook his head slightly, and was about to say something, but the powerful force of wind and fire permeated the world, which surprised Tianhuo, turned his head to look, and saw that Yu Ling had already swept to the sky, roaring angrily Said: "You catch my little phoenix, and I will destroy your entire clan!"

Before the roar could be heard, the terrifying force of wind and fire had already diffused, enveloping the earth demons and generals. At this moment, the breath of death permeated the hearts of all the monsters.

The strong wind and scorching breath soared into the sky, and the earth demons fell down like mowing grass without the slightest chance to resist. Even the demon generals couldn't hold on for too long, and also fell down.

Tianhuo looked at this scene in shock, and looked up at Yu Ling who was in mid-air, furious, is this her true strength?

(End of this chapter)

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