The strongest saint

Chapter 398 Prisoner Runestone

Chapter 398 Prisoner Runestone
Tianhuo raised his head to look at Yu Ling, and at the same time he was astonished, but also felt uncomfortable. Xiaofeng was taken away, and Yu Ling was furious, which made Tianhuo very upset!
It took a long time for Yu Ling to return to Tianhuo's side, looking depressed.

Tianhuo took a long breath and said firmly, "We'll get her back."

Yu Ling glanced at Tianhuo, and said coldly: "It's your fault, why don't you take a fancy to her? You clearly know that the target of the monster is her!"

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled wryly, he was really to blame for this matter, Yu Ling was right, but the matter has come to this point, no matter how uncomfortable it is, it will not help, the most urgent task is naturally to find Xiaofenghuang.

After a moment of silence, Tianhuo touched out the Phoenix Feather that Little Phoenix had given him back then, but at this moment, there was no indication of Little Phoenix's whereabouts on the Phoenix Feather.

Yu Ling snatched Lingyu with a chill in her eyes, "This time, I will definitely kill that bastard Demon Lord!"

"Can you find Little Phoenix with the help of Phoenix feathers?" Hope filled Tianhuo's heart.

Yu Ling nodded heavily, "It won't trouble me, but in a maximum of three days, the Demon Lord's strength may be restored to its peak, and it will be very difficult for us to deal with it together."

"So, we must find the Demon Lord within these three days!" Tianhuo nodded in silence.

"Ding! World news: Fenghuo Treasure Land is closed, all players are forced to quit." At this time, a world news sounded, making Tianhuo raise his brows. If he and Little Phoenix can't beat the Demon Lord, what about the whole army?
Thinking of this, Tianhuo nodded heavily, and opened the Legion channel: "Twilight, isn't the harvest good?"

"Haha, Tianhuo, what a coincidence, just happened to meet that mysterious wind, and it was inevitable that he sent me out, so cool!" Twilight broke dawn and laughed.

Tianhuo also smiled, and continued: "The more exciting ones are in the back. Now the intermediate legion is still short of 29998 people. Let's take all of them!"

"Eh?" Twilight's laughter stopped abruptly, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly laughed and said, "Well, haha, this is a great thing, listen carefully, all administrators, go and accept people, I will release a world news first .”

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled. There are more than ten administrators now, and Twilight broke the dawn and kicked the ball to all the administrators.

"Well, listen up, everyone. It's best not to miss the group activities in three days, or you will definitely regret it!" Tianhuo continued on the Legion channel.

As soon as this remark came out, the legion was boiling, but Skyfire directly blocked the speeches of ordinary members, so they couldn't hear them.

"Tianhuo, hehe, tell me, what kind of collective action is this time?" Fatty asked expectantly, and asked the aspirations of all the members. Now they are very itchy. There are too few collective actions held by the Legion. , but every time is exciting, this time is the first time in the second-level area, it must not be bad, right?

Tianhuo coughed lightly, and said with a smile, "This time... Lord Explosive Demon!"


The Legion Channel suddenly fell silent. Everyone knew very well that the last time the Demon King appeared was in the Grand Canyon in the third-level area. All the players had seen the situation at that time on the forum, and they were all shocked!

Back then, the Demon Lord was immeasurably huge, and his strength was as high as the sky. In the end, Tianhuo summoned the projection of a strong man to get rid of the Demon Lord. Now, the members of the legion actually went to destroy the Demon Lord himself!

You must know that in the second-level area, the restrictions on strength will be even smaller, that is to say, the Demon Lord this time will be stronger than the previous one!

"Don't worry, I'm sure. I've invited a peerless expert. I hope everyone will join the battle." Tianhuo said again.

"The sky fire is big, no one is afraid of this, hehe, I'm so excited!" The fat man said with a smile.

"Well, I'm also excited, I really want to know how strong your attributes have become, Tianhuo, haha!" Twilight laughed loudly.

Tianhuo smiled and said: "Then go and recruit people, I will go after the Demon Lord, it should be within these three days."

Tianhuo has made a plan. If he can find the Demon Lord within these three days, that would be the best. In that case, he and Yu Ling can easily handle it, and they can share the benefits without everyone else. After all, a super boss of Demon Lord's level, Participants will be rewarded generously.

And even if the demon king can't be found within three days and his strength increases greatly, then with the power of the army, there may not be no chance to explode it.

So no matter what, Tianhuo intends to take the entire legion into action.

The most important thing is that Tianhuo has taken a fancy to the legion skill - military soul, as long as more than 90% of the members are present, all attributes of the members present will be doubled!

"That's a good idea, Tianhuo, come with me, I've sensed it!" Yu Ling had already been taken into the army by Tianhuo, and naturally heard everything. After watching Tianhuo's explanation, she led Tianhuo forward.

Over the endless mountain range, the Devouring Star and Moon Beast galloped past, with violent air fluctuations, and brought its speed to the extreme. On the back, Tianhuo and Yu Ling sat cross-legged, neither of them said a word.

Tianhuo looked at Yu Ling quietly, and didn't bother her, because she was sensing the position of the little phoenix with the help of the phoenix's feathers. The place where the little phoenix was was naturally where the demon king was!
"Master, isn't this direction the direction of the Phoenix Clan? The Demon Lord ran to the Phoenix Clan? Isn't that looking for death?" The speed was too fast, Tun Xing had to transmit the voice.

"Not necessarily, for the Demon Lord, it might be a safe place, and even if he is discovered by a strong Phoenix family, with a little phoenix in his hand, the Phoenix family may have nothing to do." Tianhuo said.

"Oh!" Tunxing nodded, he was not good at thinking, but when Tianhuo said it, he also understood.

"Master, even if the Phoenix family doesn't find it, we will definitely find it after the war, and we will all come to help when the time comes, hehe, are you afraid that we won't be able to destroy him?" Tun Xing was silent for a moment and suddenly said through voice transmission.

Tianhuo frowned slightly, and said with a smile: "That's right, Tun Xing, everyone will think of this question."

What Tun Xing said is very reasonable, when the time comes with the help of the Phoenix family, the demon king will die a miserable death, but Tun Xing's words remind Tianhuo, in Tianhuo's view, the demon king should not be so stupid, I am afraid Is there any purpose.

"Come on, it's getting closer and closer. It seems that the Demon Lord has stopped, and he should have reached the place he wants to go." Yu Ling suddenly opened her eyes and said, looking forward.

Tianhuo looked straight and asked, "How far is it?"

"This speed can be reached in a day, and the Demon Lord should not have time to recover his strength by then." Yu Ling relaxed a lot.

"That's good, Tun Xing, go all out!" Tianhuo nodded, and patted the Star Devouring Moon Beast.

"Yes, hurry up, we will come back to open the treasure after we save Little Phoenix." Yu Ling also urged.

All the monsters outside the treasure have been cleaned up by Yu Ling. Next time I come back, I should be able to enter it without hindrance. Although Tianhuo is also looking forward to the treasure, but the little phoenix is ​​taken away, how can I open it? Thoughts, and even if it is to be opened, it should require the presence of Little Phoenix, after all, she has a share of the treasure map.

"Tianhuo, when you find it, it's still the same as before. I'll cling to it, and you'll kill me. Don't give him any chance!" Yu Ling turned her head and said.

Tianhuo shrugged. Of course, Yu Ling didn't need to say this, but when the time comes, I need to gather the army first. In that case, my attributes will be doubled, plus all the bonuses, and the demon king can be killed with a few words on paper.

Under Tun Xing's full drive, the scenery ahead changed after a day. Although it was still a continuous mountain range, there was already a strong hot breath in the air, but the strange thing is that in this extremely hot Under the breath, the mountains below are still densely covered with dense jungles, and the scenery is even more beautiful, with mountains and rivers interspersed, it looks like a fairyland.

"Master, there are quite a few phoenix auras in the hundred miles ahead, are you sure the devil is there?" Tun Xing slowed down, turned his head and asked.

Tianhuo was taken aback, then turned to look at Yu Ling, "The front is already the residence of the Phoenix family?"

Yu Ling nodded suspiciously, "Yeah, it's strange that the Demon Lord has actually gone to the Phoenix Clan, and it seems that he has matched up with the Phoenix Clan."

Tianhuo frowned, "You wait for me here, I'll go over and have a look."

As he said that, Tianhuo used his hidden spirit skills, stepped on the air alone and swept forward.

Yu Ling shook her head, her figure disappeared abruptly, only Tun Xing stayed where she was and waited helplessly.

Tianhuo walked incognito, but he didn't know that Yu Ling was doing the same. Now he was running at a high speed, and not long after, he saw dozens of phoenixes standing in the air, and opposite them, the demon king was holding the little phoenix hostage!
"Back then I accidentally gave this girl a chance to nirvana, but now I won't, hehe, Patriarch Feng, hand it over, otherwise, your little princess will be completely lost!" the Demon Lord said lightly.

Where Tianhuo could see and hear, he heard the voice of the Demon Lord more than ten miles away. He couldn't help but stop and look suspiciously. He finally understood that this guy took Little Phoenix abducted for the purpose of begging the Phoenix family. What do you want!

And from the words of the demon king, Tianhuo understood even more that the reason why the little phoenix was nirvana was the hand of this demon king. You must know that although the Phoenix family has the ability of nirvana, no one will try it lightly. When you are dying, you have no choice but to choose Nirvana.

"Earth Element Demon Lord, let go of my daughter!" On the opposite side of the Demon Lord, a phoenix turned into a middle-aged man said in a deep voice.

The devil sneered, "Simple, give me the prisoner runestone, and I will let her go naturally."

The middle-aged man clenched his fists tightly and stared at the Demon Lord closely. Dozens of phoenixes on the side also glared at him, but the eyes of all the phoenixes were full of worry. After all, the princess is in his hands!
The middle-aged man's eyes were full of painful struggles. After a long time, he gritted his teeth and said, "Don't even think about it!"

The demon king was startled, and Tianhuo, who was more than ten miles away, was also startled, and muttered: "What is the prisoner's runestone? I won't do it if I exchange it for my daughter."

"Prisoner runestones? Oh my god, Tianhuo, don't let the devil get the runestones!" Tianling said nervously.

"Oh? You know? Tell me what that is."

Tianhuo was very curious. The Earth Demon Lord captured the little Phoenix to imprison the runestones, and the Phoenix clan disregarded the little Phoenix's life in order to preserve the prisoner runestones. That thing must be very important!
(End of this chapter)

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