Chapter 399
What is the prisoner runestone that is more important than the life of the princess Xiaofeng?Tianhuo waited expectantly for Tianling's explanation.

There are no parents who do not love their children. Tianhuo can tell this from the way the middle-aged man looked at Xiao Fenghuang, and Xiao Fenghuang, who was imprisoned beside him, nodded at the middle-aged man's decision!

Little Phoenix, in order to preserve the Prisoner Runestone, would also rather die!
"In the second-level area, Fengshen and Nangongzhushen teamed up to imprison a demon king. Later, because of their death, they handed over the key to the imprisoned place to two strong men from the dragon and phoenix clan and human beings to guard them. The key is the prisoner runestones, four in total!" Tianling said solemnly.

"The two main gods joined forces and couldn't kill a demon king? Instead, they imprisoned them?" Tianhuo said in surprise.

"What do you think the Demon King is? That is no less than the existence of the main god. How could he be killed? Of course he can only be imprisoned!" Tianling said displeased.

Tianhuo was dumbfounded, now that the Earth Demon King is using the little phoenix to blackmail the Prisoner Runestone, it is naturally for the purpose of releasing the Demon King, if this is the case, naturally he cannot be allowed to succeed.

"Don't worry, as you have seen, the Phoenix clan will not hand over the Prisoner Runestone to him." Tianhuo said, thinking about how to save Little Phoenix.

"I hope so!" Tian Ling sighed, not sure if it was for Little Phoenix or what.

At this time, the Demon Lord made a move, not facing the opposite Phoenix family, but pressing down on the cage that imprisoned the little Phoenix with his palm, and following his pressure, the little Phoenix suddenly bled, and his figure became even more so. Trembling, in the trembling, quickly transformed into the body of the phoenix.

Tianhuo's heart tightened, "Little Phoenix!"

"Hehe, are you really not going to give it? Then I'll taste the wings of the phoenix." The devil smiled jokingly, and raised his hand to grab the wings of the little phoenix!

"Your sister, stop!" Tianhuo couldn't bear to look at it, and was about to teleport away while drinking violently, but a small hand suddenly pressed his shoulder, and his voice was also covered by an invisible film of light, so it didn't come out.

Tianhuo was startled, but saw Yu Ling's figure appearing beside him, and looked at Tianhuo with tears in his eyes, "Tianhuo, we can't save Little Phoenix at this time, only that bastard can put Little Phoenix away."

Tianhuo looked anxiously at the field again, but at some point, the Demon Lord had already chopped off one of the little phoenix's wings!

Seeing such a situation, Tianhuo burst out with endless anger, "Earth Elemental Demon Lord...I want you to die a hundred times!"

Roaring, but the voice of Tianhuo was completely covered up by Yu Ling with mysterious means, and it didn't spread, and Yu Ling, two lines of tears slipped quietly, and her eyes were also full of anger.

Opposite the Earth Demon Lord, the middle-aged man and all the phoenixes screamed in unison, why don't they want to save the little phoenix?But the little phoenix is ​​in the hands of the devil, they can't act rashly, exchange it?They all know the importance of the Prisoner Runestone, it is far more important than the life of the little phoenix!
One of Little Phoenix's wings was cut off, but she gritted her teeth and didn't make a single sound. A smile appeared on her pale face, but the pain was so painful that she couldn't even speak.

Tianhuo's heart seemed to be pinched severely by someone, and he clenched his fists unconsciously, staring at the Earth Demon Monarch, his teeth chattering, obviously his anger had reached its peak!

"Hey, it's really boring, but I believe you guys will hand it over, I'll come back tomorrow." After the Earth Demon King cut off one of the little phoenix's wings, he saw that everyone in the Phoenix clan was holding back but didn't move, so he couldn't help but move the little phoenix. Once closed, he sneered.

He naturally planned to torture the little phoenix in front of these phoenixes again and again until they couldn't stand it anymore and handed over the prisoner runestone.

"Bring it to your sister, I'll kill you!"

Just as the Demon Lord was about to leave, the figure of Tianhuo suddenly appeared in front of him. Amidst the terrifying roar, the light on the Book of the Sage of Grammar flickered.

At this moment, Tianhuo was so angry that he even forgot about the matter of gathering the legion. At this moment, he didn't care about other things at all, he just wanted to kill the demon king!
"It's you?" Faced with the sudden appearance of the sky fire, the Demon Lord's expression tightened, and then the materialized black energy stood in front of him in the blink of an eye.

A string of poems on the Book of Grammar Sage just hit the materialized black air, making an ear-splitting bang, and the black air quickly faded, but it never disappeared.

"Bastard Demon Lord, die!" Yu Ling's figure also appeared suddenly, and the violent wind and fire swept towards the Demon Lord.

Facing the furious two, the Demon Lord hastily retreated, but his face was full of jokes instead of the slightest fear. When he raised his hand, a pair of dark battle armor appeared on his body, and even more so appeared in front of him. A huge shield immediately blocked the attacks of Tianhuo and Yu Ling.

"You actually recovered?" Yu Ling froze, and lost her voice.

Tianhuo was startled, and his mind, which was stunned by the anger, suddenly cleared up, "Recovered?"

That's right, if there is no recovery, Tianhuo's attack is enough to break through the black energy before, but now, even the blast from the third page of the Book of Glyphs can't break through his magic shield, let alone cause damage to him.

"Hehe, isn't it strange?" The Demon Lord sneered, and turned his eyes to the people of the Phoenix family who were about to move not far away, and said in a deep voice: "I don't want your little princess to die right now, get out of here! Who dares to make a move, You little princess must die!"

After saying that, Mo Jun turned his eyes to Tianhuo and the two, "Hey, as for you, you will die!"

Not only did they suffer a great loss at the hands of the two before, they even killed nearly ten thousand people under them, and the anger of the Earth Demon Lord was not weak either!

"Assemble!" Tianhuo gritted his teeth, so what about recovery?I have a powerful status bonus!
Seeing Tianhuo's movements, Yu Ling stepped forward, and he understood that he had to rely on himself to resist the momentary effort.

With the violent drinking of Tianhuo, rays of light emerged in the mountains below, which were the members of the legion who had accepted the assembly. The action of more than a dozen administrators was not slow. In more than a day, there was no problem in recruiting 3 to 6 people , now the legion is full of 9000 people, except for those npc powerhouses who did not come, there are still more than [-] people.

The light in the mountains below was constantly flickering, and Tianhuo started to use all the legion skills in one go.

"Ding! System prompt: The team leader has cast the spirit of battle skill, and the attributes of all members are enhanced by 1.5 times, and the duration is 10 minutes!"

"Ding! System prompt: The head of the team has cast the violent soul skill, all members have a +20% critical strike chance, +200% critical strike damage, and the duration is 5 minutes!"

"Ding! System prompt: The team leader has cast the tenacious charm skill, all members' damage reduction +50%, life recovery +10%, and the duration is 5 minutes!"

"Ding! System prompt: The leader has cast the battle group artifact skill, all members' defense (spirit) +60000, and the duration is 10 minutes!"

"Ding! System prompt: You have used the suit skill Blessing of the Saint of Grace, and the defense of friendly personnel will increase by 500% for 10 minutes!"

"Ding! System prompt: Blessed by the power of the scroll, the defense will increase by 10% within 50 minutes, and the damage received will be reduced by 20%!"

"Ding! System prompt: Blessed by the power of the scroll, attack +30% within 100 seconds!"

"Swallow the star!"

Riding on the Star Devouring Moon Beast, Tianhuo stared at the Demon Lord angrily, waiting for him!
"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, more than 90% of the members of the Tianyan Legion are on the same map, the skill army soul is activated, and all attributes of all members are doubled!"

Finally, the system prompt sounded by Tianhuo and others!

With the bonus damage to monsters added by the Fanshen Palace and the Xiantian Lingding, the ordinary damage of Tianhuo to this demon before was only [-] to [-], which shows that it is powerful, but now, although the attributes have doubled, the demon is in its heyday. Have you ever played?
At this moment, with 1900% crit damage, Tianhuo directly opened the eighth page of the Book of Glyphs, ignoring the target's defense to cause crit damage!

On the eighth page, the golden light flashed and rushed into the demon king's body in an instant, and above the latter's head, a damage value suddenly appeared: -534700!

"Damn it!" Seeing that the damage value was less than 50, Tianhuo cursed secretly, ignoring his defense to cause such a small amount of damage?Is this the Demon Lord in his heyday?

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Tianhuo immediately opened the seventh page of the Book of Glyphs, causing fixed damage ten times its own attack power to the target!

All the status skills were displayed, and Skyfire was only 488850 spirit attacks. Fortunately, the damage value this time did not disappoint Skyfire. It was nearly 500 million, which immediately reduced the demon's life by more than half!

Just because of the cooling time, it is impossible for Tianhuo to cast it again, otherwise it will directly kill the demon king, so Tianhuo has to continue to flip through the book of the sage, the sixth page!

Forty-nine characters instantly poured into the body of the Demon Lord who was entangled by Yu Ling, and then a series of damage values ​​appeared.
12540, -13110...

This time the damage value was even less pitiful, but it also took away more than 60 HP of the demon king in an instant. The more he attacked, the more surprised the sky fire was. The current demon king does not talk about defense, and other attributes are even more powerful I'm afraid that the damage reduction and various resistances are not weak, otherwise it is impossible to only cause such damage to him on paper.

It took only a few breaths, and the Earth Demon Lord never thought that his health would be knocked out by more than half of Tianhuo and Yu Ling. He was full of confidence before, and he felt uneasy. If Tianhuo attacks again, Then it's over!
"Break it!" Suddenly, the Earth Demon Lord yelled violently, and Yu Ling was forced back by a violent surge of black energy, and rushed towards Tianhuo in a flash. Right now, the big threat of Tianhuo must be dealt with first!

"Be careful!" Yu Ling's eyes flashed with solemnity, and she also rushed over violently, but the demon king took a step ahead, and the distance was far away. The shocking demonic energy had already exploded violently, and the terrifying force was blasted away.

Before teleporting in time to avoid the demon king's attack, both Tianhuo and Yu Ling were overwhelmed by the shocking black air.

"Head of the Skyfire Legion!" Tens of thousands of people below watched this scene in shock, and the Demon Lord began to counterattack!

(End of this chapter)

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