The strongest saint

Chapter 400 Big Bang

Chapter 400 Big Bang
"Legion Commander!" In the mountains below, tens of thousands of people looked up at the sky, their hearts lifted.

The sky was mostly covered by black air, and it had been a long time, but Tianhuo and Yu Ling were not seen darting out of it, and it was impossible to see how the two were doing in it.

Twilight Breaking Dawn and other high-level legion officers clenched their fists nervously, "Everyone is ready, use the artifact skills according to the situation!"

Not far from the black air, dozens of phoenixes stood in the air, looking at the black air with complex expressions, the leading middle-aged man gritted his teeth, the demon king had warned that if he dared to make a move, the little phoenix would die!

After a long time, the middle-aged man slowly loosened his clenched fist, and suddenly clenched it again violently, saying: "We are all ready to fight, we cannot let the devil leave alive!"

As soon as these words came out, panic flashed in the eyes of the dozens of phoenixes behind them, and one of them said: "Patriarch, that little princess..."

The middle-aged man raised his hand to stop the phoenix's words, closed his eyes slightly, looked very unbearable, and said in a deep voice: "Ying'er is very sensible, she knows the importance of the prisoner runestone, and will forgive me. "

Huh... the phoenixes fell silent. If they made a move, the demon king would definitely attack the little phoenix again. At that time, the little phoenix would surely die, but in order to keep the prisoner runestones, this was the only way they could see it. After coming out, Tianhuo and Yu Ling seemed to be no match for the Demon Lord.

Suddenly, the black air in front of the phoenixes suddenly condensed, and in the black air, streaks of purple light gradually diffused out, and as the purple light diffused, the terrifying scorching aura also quietly diffused, and in the purple light, the black air quickly dissipated .

In an instant, the previous black air had been replaced by purple flames, and everyone couldn't see the situation clearly, but they all understood that it seemed that Tianhuo and Yu Ling were fine!
"Good job, take advantage of the wind to condense the fire!" Yu Ling's excited voice came from the purple flame, and then everyone saw that the purple fire that filled the sky was suddenly compressed towards one place, and after a few breaths In a short time, it will cover any part, but the figures of Tianhuo and Yu Ling are exposed.

At this moment, Tianhuo and Yu Ling are both in a state of distress. Obviously, they have suffered from the black energy of the devil before, but Tianhuo's strongest defense is now. During the attack, although it looked embarrassed, it was fine.

"As expected of the Holy Spirit of Wind and Fire, she can actually command your Ziji Spirit Fire!" Tianhuo's astonished voice sounded in Tianhuo's mind, but Tianhuo didn't have time to talk to her, and he controlled the Ziji Spirit Fire to overwhelm the demon king. The black air melted away, and then Yu Ling compressed the Ziji Spiritual Fire to the Demon Lord's body. The cooperation between the two was perfect.

Seeing the appearance of the two people, everyone naturally understood that the Demon Lord had been enveloped by the purple flames, and they just didn't know if they could kill him.

"Demon Armor, the devil is coming to the world!" In the Ziji Spiritual Fire, the Demon Monarch yelled violently, black energy emerged again, piercing through the Ziji Spiritual Fire, as if he wanted to tear the Ziji Spiritual Fire apart.

puff!Under the resistance of the Demon Lord, Yu Ling who was using the Ziji Spiritual Fire of Tianhuo to suppress the Demon Lord suddenly bled, and the Ziji Spiritual Fire that had been compressed so hard was also torn apart by the Demon Lord at this moment, and shot out from it. out.

As soon as he came out of the Ziji Spiritual Fire, the Demon Lord gasped for breath. He was scorched black all over and kept emitting green smoke. It was obvious that Yu Ling had seriously injured him, but in an instant, the dark demon armor Then it appeared on him, "You guys are proud enough to force me to use the magic armor, but the following is the time of your death!"

The demon armor slowly straightened its body, staring at Tianhuo and Yu Ling with icy eyes.

"Demon Armor?" Tianhuo frowned, and then raised his hand, the book of literati was opened, and with Tianhuo's hand, a poem wrapped around Tianhuo's body, "Yu Ling, you rest first."

After the words fell, Tianhuo had already stepped out of the sky, blocking Yu Ling behind, "See how I can break your magic armor!"

The dense text wrapped around Tianhuo's body, and as Tianhuo punched out, all the text shot away from the arm like a long dragon, it was the text guard!

They were separated by hundreds of meters, but the long dragon composed of those words seemed to be able to ignore the distance, and instantly bombarded in front of the Demon Lord. Each word was like a mountain, and it slammed on the Demon Lord's chest fiercely, and every big character was bombarded. The demon king's magic armor dimmed a bit.

"Damn it!" The figure of the Demon Lord was blown back again and again. These words contained the most disgusting aura of monsters!
Amidst the curses secretly, he finally survived all the text attacks, and the magic armor on his body had disappeared, and was actually shattered by those words!

"Again!" Seeing that the power of Wenzi Yu was able to force the Demon Lord back, and caused hundreds of thousands of damage to the Demon Lord, Tianhuo turned his hand again, and took a poem from the Book of the Sage of Grammar again without hesitation. Blast out, the Demon Lord's HP has been reduced to less than one million under the Ziji Spirit Fire, the chance is great!

The long dragon made up of characters instantly arrived in front of the Demon Lord. The latter seemed to be prepared, and his body disappeared abruptly, making the words of Tianhuo empty, and blasted straight towards the distant sky.

Tianhuo frowned, and with a thought, the words that flew out turned back, but before the words flew back, the figure of the demon king suddenly appeared on top of Tianhuo's head, and a fist that was several feet long came down like a mountain. Before the fist arrived, Tianhuo's hair was already flying.

Raising his head suddenly, Tianhuo couldn't help shrinking his pupils, it was too late to dodge!

Just when Tianhuo thought he was going to be hit, a middle-aged man suddenly appeared in the sky above Tianhuo, and he also punched towards the fist of the Demon Lord. Suddenly, terrifying power swept over, and both sides were raging and fighting. Under the impact of Kai, he flew upside down.

Tianhuo was no exception. He was also blown away by the raging air waves. When he stabilized his figure and looked at it, his eyes lit up, "The patriarch of the Phoenix clan!"

That's right, the long-awaited thing happened to Tianhuo. He hoped that the Phoenix family would take action before, but after the threat of the demon king, the Phoenix family did not dare to act rashly. It is hopeless to take action against the Phoenix family.

But now, the patriarch of the phoenix clan took action himself, and saved himself from the terrifying blow of the demon lord.

"There are still 80 health points..." Tianhuo glanced at the top of Mojun's head, and before he could stabilize his figure, he flipped open the third page of the Book of Glyphs. In your body.

"There are more than 40 more, I will kill you at once!" Tianhuo's eyes lit up, and a hint of excitement emerged in his eyes. Although the cooldown time for each page that can be attacked in the Book of Glyphs has not yet expired, don't forget that there is still yourself below! Legion!

"Nine Dragons Battle Flag, attack!" Tianhuo yelled violently, and in an instant, all the members of the legion had a strange light on their heads, and the aura of destroying the world surged at this moment. The breath of destruction enveloped it.

The devil's pupils shrank, under such an attack, there was no way to avoid it!The attack range of the Nine Dragons Battle Banner-Gong is equal to the number of legions. Within [-] meters, the Demon Lord has no time to avoid it!

Terrible fluctuations permeated within a radius of [-] meters. The Demon Lord's expression froze instantly, and the gleam in his eyes gradually dissipated. He just fell down and fell downwards.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations to the Tianyan Legion for killing the Earth Demon Monarch. All members' spirit level will be +1, and the extra bonus spirit level will be +2."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations to the Tianyan Legion for killing the Earth Demon Monarch, and all members have been awarded the title Demon Slayer."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations to the Tianyan Army for killing the Earth Demon Lord. As the first army to kill the Demon Lord, the army will be rewarded with the ability to kill demons."

At this moment, the three system prompts sounded in the ears of all legion members, and immediately, countless upgrade lights appeared in the mountains below, illuminating the entire mountain range!

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on leading the army to successfully kill the Earth Demon Monarch. The title of Demon Slaying has been upgraded. It is currently 6 stars. Please check the title panel for details."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on leading the legion to successfully kill the Earth Demon Monarch and making a great contribution to the Destiny Continent. The Destiny Medal has been upgraded to level 5."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you led the legion to successfully kill the Earth Demon Monarch, and won the honorary title of the legion: First Legion!"

"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached Ling 59, and the four attributes are +5."

"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached Ling 60, and the four attributes are +5."

"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached Ling 61, and the four attributes are +5."

"Ding! System prompt: Wen Sheng's sorrow is activated, pick up spirit beads x 50, 1 piece of equipment, demon monarch spirit blood beads x 1, treasure box x 2."

A series of ten system prompts rang in Tianhuo's ears like a chain reaction, several more than other members. The prompts were extremely pleasant and made Tianhuo completely relax. My favorite is this kind of chain reaction !
Tianhuo was not in a hurry to check these prompts, but looked at the falling corpse of the demon king. There must be treasures on the corpse of this super boss, but it needs a harvesting technique to collect it.

Just as she was about to display the laziness of Wen Sheng, Yu Ling took the first step to support the corpse of the Demon Lord, and pressed her hand on the chest of the Demon Lord's corpse. Following her movements, a dark bead was taken out Come out, "Little Phoenix, you must be fine!"

"Huh? Tianling, is that the semi-artifact you mentioned?" Tianhuo said via voice transmission.

"That's right, you're late, this thing is definitely not yours," Tian Ling said.

Tianhuo shrugged indifferently, taking advantage of himself, as long as the little phoenix is ​​fine, the demi-artifact doesn't matter, but Tianhuo is very curious, what kind of existence is that demi-artifact?Is it an existence that is more advanced than a spiritual weapon but not as powerful as a divine weapon?

In doubt, Yu Ling had already held the bead in her palm, at this moment, she was afraid to open it, as if she was afraid that something would happen if she saw Little Phoenix.

Looking up at Tianhuo and the middle-aged man, Yu Ling took a deep breath and opened the dark bead.

And following Yu Ling's actions, Tianhuo's heart was raised, Little Phoenix, nothing happened!

(End of this chapter)

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