The strongest saint

Chapter 432 Sect Artifact

Chapter 432 Sect Artifact
Tianhuo couldn't care less about extracting the Zongmen's artifact, holding the wooden box, and asked anxiously, "Where's the mountain guardian beast egg?"

Diyan Linhuang Beast's eyes were full of joy, and he said without the slightest hesitation: "Hey, I let it swallow it!"

Saying that, the Diyan Linhuang Beast stretched out its right wing proudly and pointed at the void ray that was rolling all over the ground.

Tianhuo's expression froze, swallowed?That is a high-level mountain-protecting beast, so it was swallowed by the void ray?The void ray is just a low-level divine beast, what would be the consequences if it swallowed that divine beast egg?
Seemingly aware of Tianhuo's worry, Di Yan continued: "Master, don't worry, this time the Void Ray is cool..."

The muscles at the corners of Tianhuo's mouth twitched slightly. Looking at the appearance of the void ray, it was obvious that he was in pain. Is this cool?It's fine if the mountain guardian beast eggs are gone, but don't let the void ray have any accidents.

Tianhuo didn't know why the Emperor Yan Linhuang Beast would let the Void Ray swallow the high-level mountain guardian beast egg on its own initiative, but right now everything was over, Tianhuo could only hope that nothing happened to the Void Ray, otherwise the loss would be two divine beasts!
At this moment, outsiders can't help Void Ray's abnormal state at all. Whether he can handle it or not depends on Void Ray himself, but judging from Di Yan's relaxed eyes, Void Ray should be fine.

Gradually, a light cocoon gradually appeared around the painfully rolling void ray, and as it rolled, the light cocoon became more and more intense, and after a while, it became a substantial existence, completely becoming a brand new pet egg .

At this moment, the pet egg was filled with a faint colored light, and the rolling gradually stopped.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations to your pet for devouring the egg of a high-level mountain-protecting beast and evolving into a top-level mountain-protecting beast. Do you want to hatch?"

At the moment when the pet egg turned into a void ray stabilized, a system notification sounded in Tianhuo's ear.

"Hatch!" Tianhuo was a little speechless. The newly hatched pet needs to be leveled from scratch. This time it will be a bit troublesome. After all, I am at level 99 in Turin. How can I take it to level up?

A slight noise came from the pet egg, which interrupted Tianhuo's thinking. Following the sound, the pet egg also broke open, and a palm-sized void ray came out of it.

"Ding! The system prompts: The hatching was successful. Congratulations, your pet Void Ray has become a top mountain guardian beast and will automatically leave the pet system."

As soon as the system prompt sound appeared, Tianhuo was stunned, and hurriedly looked at the pet system, but saw that the panel of Void Ray was no longer on the system panel. Obviously, it was no longer his pet, but turned into Tianyan The guardian beast of the gate!
Sure enough, when Tianhuo looked at the sect system, he saw a void ray appearing in the position of the mountain guardian beast.

Void ray (the top mountain guardian beast, Tianyanmen), level: spirit level 99, HP (spirit) 9000000, attack (spirit) 990000, defense (spirit) 990000.

Dance of the Void: Passive skill, wings can fly in the void.

Tremor of the Void: Active skill, after being cast, it will cause a devastating blow to the target under the body, the effect is unknown.

Devouring Void: Active skill, swallows targets whose level is not higher than its own level 30 after casting, the effect is unknown.

Features: Protecting the mountain, after becoming a mountain guardian beast, you cannot leave the range of the Tianyan Gate, and take the safety of the Tianyan Gate as your own responsibility. If you are in the range of the Tianyan Gate, all attributes will increase by 50%.

Explanation: The strange beast from ancient times has evolved the ability to penetrate the void, and it often swims in the void, but its favorite is the endless ocean, and it can freely change its size on land.After becoming a mountain guardian beast, you must not leave the range of Tianyanmen, and take the safety of Tianyanmen as your own responsibility.

The powerful attributes are not inferior to Diyan, each has its own unique skills, and after becoming a mountain-protecting beast, the void ray has an additional mountain-protecting characteristic, but since then, the void ray cannot leave the range of Tianyanmen. It can only be in the second level area!

Tianhuo frowned imperceptibly, and his pet became a mountain guardian animal, which made him lose a pet in disguise. I don't know if this is good or bad.

"Master...Master, this...I only know that the pet egg can make it stronger, but I don't know that it can turn it into a mountain-protecting beast..." Di Yan looked at Tianhuo with some anxiety, and said weakly.

Tianhuo shook his head and sighed. In the future, the void ray can no longer follow him. Although it has become stronger, its range of activities will be limited in the future. But then again, the area occupied by the [-] to [-] cities under the Tianyan sect is vast and boundless, enough to be empty. The ray is flying.

"Second brother, it's okay, I'm already very satisfied to become so strong, master, thank you!" Void Ray said gratefully as he prostrated himself on the ground.

Tianhuo was silent for a long time, a smile gradually appeared on his face, and he said with a smile: "It's okay, anyway, they are all our own people, Void Ray, from now on, Tianyanmen will rely on you to watch over it, don't let outsiders come and destroy it."

"Master, don't worry!" Void Ray said respectfully.

Tianhuo nodded, now, only Diyan and Jiuhun are his pets left, and Jiuhun hasn't left the customs yet, so it must be soon!
Thinking of this, Tianhuo took the wooden box, looked at Diyan, and stretched his hand into it. It's a group artifact, and it's a sect artifact. I don't know what I can get!
As before, a ball the size of a ping-pong ball was touched out by Tianhuo, and a white jade-like stele was vividly depicted on the ball.

"System prompt: Congratulations on extracting the high-level sect artifact, please check it!"

"Advanced? Isn't that stronger than the Nine Dragons Battle Flag?" Tianhuo frowned, opened the backpack and checked, and saw an extra white jade-like stone tablet inside the backpack.

Soul Suppressing Monument (Advanced Artifact, exclusive to Tianyan Sect.)
Put it in the Zongmen resident to take effect, and add to all Zongmen members: physical attack (spirit) + spirit level x 200, magic attack (spirit) + spirit level x 200, defense (spirit) + spirit level x 100, four attributes +Level×200.

Suppressing Soul-Attack, an active skill, gathers the strength of all members to release a large-scale attack, causing damage to the number of Zongmen members × 1 spirit attacks to enemies within a range of 10 meter, and the spirit level of the participating personnel is -1.

Soul-defense, a passive skill, increases the effect of the mountain guard formation by 100%.

Special effect: The stele suppresses the soul, where the stele suppresses the soul. After the death of a member of the sect, the body and the items that exploded will automatically return to the sect.

Just like the Nine Dragons Battle Banner, this sect artifact called the Soul Suppressing Monument has very strong additional attributes. It is also a skill of one attack and one defense, but the attack skill is stronger than the Nine Dragons Battle Flag.

Today's Tianyan Sect's millions of disciples, if they all come to activate this sect's artifact, the terrifying attack is enough to kill everything in an instant. In this way, with the soul-suppressing tablet, the Tianyan Sect will have no worries.

"Huh?" Tianhuo's eyes suddenly stopped on the four attributes attached to the soul-suppressing monument. The other three attributes were added on the basis of the spirit level, but only the four attributes were added on the basis of the level.

This difference is very big, let's talk about Tianhuo, the current spirit level is 99, but the level is 100 plus the third-level area, that is 199!

In other words, after placing the soul-suppressing stele in the resident, the four attribute bonuses brought to Skyfire will be 199×200!

And that special effect is even more exciting, "After the death of a member of the sect, the corpse and the items that exploded will automatically return to the sect." Items are also unlikely to fall into the hands of outsiders.

Tianhuo had seen this effect on an elder of the Prisoner Dragon Sect. When Tianhuo killed that person, his body suddenly disappeared and was sent back to the Prisoner Dragon Sect.

On the sect system panel, Tianhuo's name is written on the position of the head of the sect, while below, the position of the deputy head of the sect is empty, but judging from the vacancies, there are actually five deputy head masters.

Tianhuo thought about it, and directly set Canthus, Yifeng, and Twilight as the sub-door masters, and the remaining two were not in a hurry, and under the sub-door masters, they were the elders.

There are 99 positions of elders, and beside them, there is another panel, which is vacant at the moment and needs to be established by Tianhuo.

"Tianhuo, many adventurers from other worlds have come to the station, clamoring to join the sect, what should we do?" Yifeng and Zixing walked in at this time and asked.

Tianhuo looked up at the two, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I plan to build six halls, Daxuan, Ziyao, Yuling, etc., each hall is divided according to our six spiritual-level skills, and each Your Highness will set up a hall, and you will handle the specifics."

Yi Feng and Zi Xing were overjoyed, this is a disguised form to make the previous six sects compete!

Next to the elder's seat, Tianhuo quickly created six halls, each of which could have a hall master and two deputy hall masters. The status of the elders of these 99 sects was comparable to those of the deputy hall masters.

And the changes on the Zongmen system panel clearly appeared before the eyes of every player.

After finishing the distinction, Tianhuo nodded in satisfaction. There is no other way. There are millions of NPC disciples in the Tianyan sect. For the convenience of management, we can only distinguish in this way, and the players who join later will join according to their choice of kung fu. Dian, they are all from Tianyan Sect anyway.

The elder position is 99, which is quite a lot. Tianhuo directly put all the administrators of the Tianyan Legion on it, and the rest, you don't have to do it yourself, Yifeng and Zixing will take care of it.

After clapping his hands in satisfaction, Tianhuo said with a smile: "Those who want to join Tianyanmen will not be rejected."

Tianhuo was not worried, because the system explained very clearly that once the sect was chosen to join, he would not be allowed to defect unless the sect was destroyed.

At this time, Twilight broke dawn and brought Fatty and other ten people to run quickly. There was no other reason, but because they discovered in astonishment that they had suddenly become the high-ranking members of Tianyan Sect.

"Tianhuo, you want to exhaust me to death. I'm already the deputy commander of the legion. I'm too busy. You can find me a deputy sect master..." Twilight made complaints when he saw Tianhuo.

"Hey, big fire, this deputy door master will give me a good time too!" Fatty said cheerfully, obviously not satisfied with the position of elder.

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, "Twilight, as long as you hold the position of deputy sect master, brother Yifeng and the others are here, what are you afraid of?"

Twilight Lixiao's eyes lit up, and he flashed a smug look, "You said this, haha, that's good!"

Tianhuo rubbed the tip of his nose, he was planning to be a hands-off shopkeeper, this is good, it seems that Twilight also planned to be the hands-off shopkeeper of Tianyan Clan, it seems he was fooled!

(End of this chapter)

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