The strongest saint

Chapter 433 Advanced Legion

Chapter 433 Advanced Legion
"Haha, the Tianyan Legion only recruits hidden professional players, and we have no chance, but now Tianhuo has established the Tianyan Sect, which is the largest sect, so we must join!"

"That's right, the number one sect, it's said to be spiritual-level exercises, and there are as many as six of them. Thinking of my poor little sister, who stupidly joined a small sect and learned intermediate-level exercises, alas... "

Outside Tianyanmen's new residence, on the newly opened huge square, countless players were waiting for the gate to open, discussing in low voices gathered together, making this world full of noise.

"Twilight, in fact, the deputy sect master is also pretty good. He has a lot of power. If you can do it, don't be idle." In the hall, Tianhuo said leisurely.

Fatty patted Mu Hui's shoulder in dissatisfaction, "That's right, if you go out with this name, you can't count the number of beautiful women who will come to your door. You still despise it, cut it!"

Twilight glared at Fatty, and said: "Fatty, you won't have back pain when you stand and talk, Tianhuo, give him a try for the deputy sect master."

As he said that, there was a look of playfulness in Twilight's eyes. He knew very well that it was not easy to manage the 6 people of the Guangtianyan Legion. This is a super sect with more than one million members before recruiting players. super present!

Tianhuo nodded casually, and changed Fatty's position as an elder to deputy sect master. Suddenly, Fatty was overjoyed, and was so excited that he couldn't speak for a while.

"There are more than 8 cities under Tianyanmen, occupying a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles. However, the map shows that there are tens of thousands of small unowned cities in the fringe areas. Twilight, strive to become our territory, level two It shouldn't be hard to get the Sanctuary Order."

Tianhuo looked at the Zongmen panel, every city was clearly recorded on it, and the map clearly showed those small cities in the fringe areas.

As long as the player obtains the second-level city lord order, and with the intervention of Tianyanmen, it is not difficult to get those cities.

"Master, those are the buffer zones, if we grab them, I'm afraid it will cause displeasure to the surrounding sects." Zixing clasped his fists and said.

Tianhuo smiled, "We are the first super sect, why should we be afraid of them? It would be better to have a conflict!"

Tianhuo Zhi is not here, but there are Canthus Star and Wing Wind to do it for you, so why not do it?
Canthus Xing and Yi Feng's eyes lit up, they both understood what to do next, Twilight also nodded, this time, it will be the time when the members of the legion will flourish.

Tianhuo is still the city lord of Tianyan City now, so he naturally understands the benefits of the city lord. If this kind of benefits can be enjoyed by all legion members, then it is naturally the best, that's why he said so.

"Okay, take your time for the rest, I'll find a place to put down the soul-suppressing tablet first." Tianhuo said, slowly got up, walked out of the hall and looked around, and then his eyes fell on the open space in front of the hall, "Just Here it is."

As he said that, the soul-suppressing stele suddenly flew out of Tianhuo's hand, and landed steadily in front of the main hall.

"Ding! The system prompts: The Zongmen artifact is in effect, congratulations on getting the bonus book attack (spirit) +29700, defense (spirit) +9900, four attributes +39800."

At this moment, the recruitment of players into the sect has not yet started, but all the members of the Tianyan Legion have been automatically included. At this moment, such a system prompt rang in the ears of all legion members, and in an instant, each and every one of them had a skyrocketing attribute!
"It's a group artifact again! The leader of the Skyfire Legion is really not an ordinary bull!" This idea came to everyone's mind. Of course, this bonus is not only for players, but also for millions of NPCs in the sect.

When everyone was excited, Tianhuo flew out with Twilight and Lixiao and others, and flew straight towards the outside of the mountain gate. When he saw that the outside of the mountain gate was already occupied by players at some point, he couldn't help being surprised, "Why so fast?" There are so many players?"

In the distance, there are still countless players coming.

Tianhuo was silent for a moment, and secretly clicked his tongue in his heart. The temptation of the super sect was beyond his expectations. You must know that there are countless sects in the second-level area, but because of the name of the super sect, these players are all from court. Come here.

"I've lowered the authority to accept players. Even the city lord and deputy city lord of the city they belong to will give this authority. Twilight, you send a message to the world so that these players don't have to come here." operate on the door panel.

This place is already overcrowded, and it will not work if it continues like this. It just lowers the authority to recruit players, and if you want to recruit NPCs, you still need to come to a new resident.

Following Tianhuo's movements, Mu Hui and the others were visibly relieved. If they were to come to recruit people, they might not even be able to cry.

The fat man patted his plump chest, looked at Tianhuo gratefully, and murmured: "It's okay, it's okay, every time it's time to accept people, I feel uncomfortable..."

More than a dozen of them are the administrators of the legion, and each time they receive tens of thousands of people, their excitement has long since turned into fear. Now that they don't have to do it themselves, they all heave a long sigh of relief.

After modifying the authority, Tianhuo smiled mysteriously, "You study the kung fu system first, and then learn after you choose it. The bonus is not bad."

With that said, Tianhuo stepped onto the teleportation array with a teleportation, and soon disappeared in front of everyone.

"Hey, it's easy this time, Twilight, shouldn't we celebrate that we don't need to accept people?" Fatty said cheerfully when he saw Tianhuo leave.

Twilight also let out a long sigh of relief, nodded and smiled: "Indeed, let's go..."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations to the Tianyan Legion for upgrading to a high-level legion. The attribute of the legion badge has been enhanced, and the number of people it can accommodate has increased."

Before Dusk broke dawn, a system prompt sounded abruptly in everyone's ears, causing everyone who was about to take a step to freeze in place, and the joy on their faces disappeared immediately.

"Damn it, don't you bring such a playful person? The sky is so hot..." The fat man wanted to cry, because on the legion panel, it had changed drastically.

Tianyan Legion: 60000/120000 members.

Legion Commander: Skyfire
Deputy Legion Commander: Twilight Breaks,
Administrator: Thief among robbers, Wuchen, Mu Yichen, hero, Hua Xiaoran...

Emblem of the Tianyan Legion: Four attributes +12000, negative state resistance +10%, critical strike chance +10%.


Advanced Legion!At this moment, all the members of the legion became excited again, and the higher-ups, such as Twilight, suddenly turned bitter, because there were 6 more vacancies in an instant, which meant that they still had to recruit [-] people!

"12 billion gold coins is really expensive, but this time it's finally at the top!" Tianhuo's relaxed voice came, and then his figure appeared in front of everyone, "Huh? What's wrong with you?"

Tianhuo left before, so he naturally went to the city to upgrade the legion. Now the prestige value of 17191200 has already met the needs of upgrading the legion. Now he has become a high-level legion. Although he has not received other rewards, the attributes of the legion badge are directly [-] more. Thousands, but a huge improvement.

The muscles on the faces of Fatty and the others trembled. They said earlier that they don't need to accept people, but now they are doing well. In an instant, there are 6 more vacancies. Can you not accept them?

"What the hell, I'm going all out, I'm sure I'll lose dozens of catties this time, the sky is so hot, you have to make it up to me!" the fat man gritted his teeth, and said as if facing a formidable enemy.

Tianhuo looked at the fat man in astonishment, and then smiled, "I wonder if I can still receive so many hidden professional players, let's all go to work! After finishing it, you might as well have a celebration party here. By then, I should go to the first-level area." .”

Everyone looked at Tianhuo with surprised eyes, going to the first-level area so soon?

Without waiting for everyone to think about it, Tianhuo flew towards the main hall, and he had to choose carefully from the six spiritual-level exercises, which one should he start with?

Tianhuo sat in the main hall, carefully studying the exercise system on the panel of the sect, ignoring those low-level, intermediate, and high-level exercises, and fixed his eyes on the six spiritual-level exercises.

However, after looking at it for a long time, Tianhuo finally only looked at Yulingjue, "The four major attributes +3000, all attributes increased by 30%, only this exercise can be comprehensively improved, it is more suitable for me!"

Tianhuo didn't expect to open the Zongmen system at this time, but it's not too late. Now all players can learn exercises, and their attributes will be greatly improved, and he is of course no exception.

"Ding! The system prompts: Due to the special nature of the Wensheng profession, this exercise cannot be learned!" Tianhuo was about to learn, but a system prompt came.

"Huh?" Hearing the system prompt, Tianhuo frowned, and even tried the other five spiritual-level exercises, but still got the same prompt!
"What's going on?" Tianhuo stared blankly at the panel, he was the head of Tianyan Sect, but he couldn't learn the sect's skills?

"Do you want me to learn the exercises of Wenshengmen?" After a long time, Tianhuo thought of this possibility, and the more he thought about it, the more reasonable he felt.

Once the skills are learned, it will be a low-level bonus, and in the future when you fight monsters, you will get a certain amount of practice value. If the practice value meets the requirements, you can upgrade the bonus to intermediate, advanced, and spiritual level. Enhance step by step.

Therefore, the sooner this sect system is opened, the better. Now, Tianhuo is obviously going to lag behind other players in terms of skills. When I go to the first-level area to find Wen Shengmen and learn the skills, I don't know what it is. When did it happen.

But there is no other way right now. Since I can't study, I can only go to Wenshengmen to have a look. I have already reached the 99th level of the spirit, and I have reached the bottleneck. Right now, it is time to find a way to go to the first-level area.

Thinking of this, the look of anticipation in Tianhuo's eyes became more intense, "Tianling, come out and let's talk."

"You bastard, call me whenever you have something to do, don't you know how to read it by yourself? You should take a good look at your system prompts, yes, what did you miss?" Tianling said helplessly.

Tianhuo coughed a few times, then opened the system prompt panel, scrolling back one by one.

"Ding! System prompt: The level has reached the bottleneck and cannot be improved. The level rewards are converted into reputation points. Congratulations, you have obtained 50 reputation points."

"Ding! The system prompts: the level has reached the bottleneck, you can go to the first-level area through the task, and the s-level task has not been completed, so you cannot activate the cross-regional task."

Not long after, Tianhuo found a hint that he had ignored, and his expression became bitter, "So that's the case, it seems that I have to go to the witch mother, this time I'm in big trouble..."

(End of this chapter)

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