The strongest saint

Chapter 435 Medal Promotion Scroll

Chapter 435 Medal Promotion Scroll
Neatly arranged eggs filled the cave, and in front of Tianhuo, a giant beast like a scorpion slowly moved forward, and the barbs slowly swept along the cave body. Neatly produced.

Demon mother (intermediate level), spirit level 99, HP (spirit) 9000000, attack (spirit) 100000, defense (spirit) 100000.

Tianhuo watched the movements of the Demon Mother intently. He knew for a long time that the Demon Mother was just a production tool, and her combat power could be ignored. Seeing the attributes of the Demon Mother again now confirmed this point.

Only 23 spiritual attacks and defenses are indeed negligible for today's Tianhuo. After getting the Zongmen artifact, Tianhuo's light scrolls have more than 40 spiritual attacks. At this moment, the spiritual attacks are broken without any bonus. [-]!
Tianhuo slowly lifted the book of literati, as soon as he opened it, his invisibility would be broken, but Tianhuo didn't have the slightest worry, two pages are enough!

Suddenly, just when Tianhuo just touched the Book of Grammar and hadn't opened it yet, a gust of wind suddenly came from the cave. Uncontrollably, Tianhuo was blown away by the gust of wind, and so was the witch!

Tianhuo and the Demon Mother were swept upside down by the sudden gust of wind one after the other, and they went straight thousands of meters outside the cave before stabilizing their bodies. At this moment, Tianhuo's invisibility state was also broken!
"Zizi..." The witch mother found Tianhuo, and without hesitation, she suddenly shrunk and fled to one side.

"Fixed!" Tianhuo's pupils shrank, there was no time to think about why the weird wind appeared at this time, and hurriedly cast a fixation spell on the witch, but the speed of the middle-level witch was amazing, and she just avoided it. Fixing curse.

"Damn it, Thunder Hand!" As soon as Tianhuo's skill changed, a big hand flashing with thunder appeared, and grabbed the witch mother who escaped from far away. At this moment, Yu Ling and others who were also blown away by the strong wind rushed over.

Captured the witch mother in front of him, Tianhuo probed his hand, and the eighth page of the book of Wensheng was opened, "Qinghai Changyun Dark Snow Mountain..."

The whole poem roared out, and instantly fell into the body of the Demon Mother, who didn't even have a chance to resist!

Ignoring the critical strike damage of the defense, the life value of the witch is directly emptied.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on killing the witch mother, you will get a crime value of -2000000, a reward level of +2, and a reputation value of 20."

"Ding! System prompt: The level has reached the bottleneck and cannot be improved. The rewards will be converted into reputation points. Congratulations, you have obtained 50 reputation points."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on killing the middle-level witch mother and making an outstanding contribution to the Destiny Continent. The Destiny Medal has been upgraded and is currently level 7."

"Ding! The system prompts: Wen Sheng's sorrow is activated, and 10 spirit beads have been picked up."

Several system prompts appeared, indicating that the witch has hung up!

The witch's body fell down and hit the ground with a bang, while Tianhuo, probing his hand was the laziness of Wen Sheng.

"Ding! System prompt: You use the laziness of Wen Sheng to collect 1 monster corpse, and get the blood bead of the devil mother x1, the horn of the devil mother x1, and the devil's egg x1."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on completing the s-level mission to cut grass and roots. You will get reward points +1, treasure box x 1, reputation value 100 million, and medal upgrade scroll x 1."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on activating the breakthrough mission, please check the mission panel for details!"

"It's so simple?" Bai Xiaosheng, who was still serious before, looked at the fading corpse of the Demon Mother in astonishment. He never thought that killing the Demon Mother was so simple.

Tianhuo smiled, this time it's all right, the breakthrough task has also been activated, and he didn't rush to check it, he smiled and said, "Otherwise?"

As he said that, Tianhuo took out the horn of the witch mother, "This is the key!"

Witch Mother's Horn: A special item conceived by the Witch Mother. It can speed up the hatching of the devil's eggs after it is blown, and it can kill all the monsters originating from the Witch Mother after it is destroyed.

As long as the horn of the witch mother is destroyed, all the monsters originating from it will die. Presumably, by then, most of the monsters in the entire second-level area will be dead!It's a pity that if you do this, Skyfire can't get experience points.

But for the current Tianhuo, it doesn't matter anymore, his level has reached the bottleneck, and he can't get experience points at all.

When I was in the third-level area last time, the witch's horn was used by Tianhuo to refine the weapon and added to the wings. This time, Tianhuo didn't know what to use it for, after all, it was a very rare material.

It is not difficult to destroy this horn, Diyan's Nanming Huanghuo can do it, but at this moment, Tianhuo is thinking whether it should be used for refining like last time.

"Tianling, can you use it to improve my artifact Tianyu?" Tianhuo thought about it, and said through voice transmission.

"Destroy it first, Diyan's Nanming Huanghuo can easily refine it, and it's the same if you keep the remaining essence after refining." Tianling said.

Tianhuo nodded. Last time, he couldn't destroy the Demon Mother's Horn with all his efforts, but this time he didn't have to worry, "Di Yan, destroy it!"

Di Yan understood, and saw the horn of the Demon Mother slowly floating up, and from Di Yan's mouth, the Nanming Phoenix Fire suddenly appeared, wrapping the horn.

In the Nanming Huanghuo, the horn of the Demon Mother began to emit blue smoke in an instant, and the horn also softened rapidly, transforming into liquid. Surprisingly, there was only a little black liquid the size of a finger left, and it was at this moment that no blue smoke came out.

Diyan stopped moving, and Tianhuo reached out and grabbed it, directly collecting the remaining essence into the ring of the sage.

Puff puff……

All of a sudden, soft popping sounds came from the cave, and the countless eggs were shattered and gone one by one. Those unformed monsters just had no chance to form.

But at this moment, an unknown number of monsters in the entire second-level area suddenly fell down, and there was no more life.

"The matter has come to an end!" Tianhuo let out a long sigh of relief, with a relaxed look on his face. The next step is naturally to complete the breakthrough task, and then he can go to the first-level area.

Several people nodded, and Bai Xiaosheng also showed a sense of relief, "Let's take a rest here, and go back when you're done."

Tianhuo nodded, just in time, let's take a good look at the harvest this time.

Landing on the nose-shaped mountain range, several people sat down cross-legged, while Tianhuo checked the ring of Wensheng.

This mid-level demon mother only exploded [-] spirit beads, which can be ignored, but after collecting, she got the demon mother god's blood beads, demon mother's horn and devil's egg. The demon mother's horn has been refined, which can be regarded as a disguised form destroy.

As for the devil egg, after hatching, you can get the devil, but Tianhuo will not let him hatch, because Tianhuo knows that the devil egg, like the devil egg, has a unique ability, that is, to restore the demonized human beings.

If you keep this thing on your body, Tianhuo believes that it will come in handy sometime.

And the Blood Bead of the Demon Mother God is probably similar to the Blood Bead of the Demon King God.

The Blood Bead of the Demon Mother God, its purpose is unknown.

It was easy to firmly come out, but the situation was unexpected. The purpose of this thing is unknown? "Tian Ling, what is the function of the Blood Bead of the Demon Mother God?"

"I'm busy. How can there be a god blood bead for an intermediate witch mother? Only a high-level witch mother can have it. This thing is very useful. The devil king was born from the blood bead of the demon mother god." Tianling said with some doubts.

"I'm not mistaken, look at the Ring of the Glyph Sage, and indeed got the Blood Bead of the Demon Mother God." Tianhuo said.

"Huh? How is this possible?" Tianling exclaimed suddenly, then fell silent, as if stunned by the blood beads of the Demon Mother God.

After a long time, Tianling's voice came again, "Tianhuo, I don't know if this is a blessing or a curse. The number of blood beads of the Demon Mother God is limited, so there are only eight demon kings in the world, and now there is another blood of the Demon Mother God." Beads, I'm afraid those monsters will find them soon, after all, this thing means that they can have a newborn demon king."

Tianhuo frowned, "Then see what else it can be used for and consume it."

"Currently the innate spirit cauldron is only advanced, so I can't refine it. Let me think about it..." Tianling fell silent as she said.

After a long time without Tianling's response, Tianhuo simply looked at other things. The Medal of Destiny has been upgraded to level 7, and the current attributes are naturally not weak.

Destiny Medal (level 7), dedicated to those who have made special contributions to the Destiny Continent, after wearing it, the four major attributes +10800, life recovery +7%, magic recovery +7%, use requirements: none.

Wearing effect: With this medal, you can gain the respect of npc.

There are 6 more attributes than at level [-]. Tianhuo discovered that the higher the level of the Medal of Destiny, the greater the improvement. It's just that the next upgrade, I don't know when it will be.

The other harvest this time is naturally the reward after completing the s-level mission, the medal upgrade scroll, which made Tianhuo feel inexplicably excited.

Medal upgrade scroll: a one-time item, after use, the medal you own will be randomly upgraded by one level.

"Random?" Looking at the medal promotion scroll, Tianhuo rubbed his chin. He had quite a few medals, such as the Guardian Medal, the Third-Level City Lord Medal, and the Destiny Medal.

Among these medals, the third-level city master medal is the weakest, only adding life mana recovery, while the guardian medal is slightly better. Although the additional attribute is very low, it has an extraordinary ability, that is, the call of the guard.

Up to now, Tianhuo has been able to use the Guardian Medal to summon 19 guardians, each of which has 75% of its own attributes. Naturally, it is not weak, but there are not many times when it can be used. After all, Tianhuo is very powerful. Foreign objects are required.

The current medal promotion scroll can only randomly promote one of them. Naturally, Tianhuo is looking forward to the promotion of the Medal of Destiny. Thinking about it, Tianhuo tore open the scroll.

"Ding! System prompt: The Guardian Medal is being promoted, and it is expected to complete within two hours."

Tianhuo frowned imperceptibly, and murmured: "I didn't choose the Medal of Destiny, and the increase of the Guardian Medal should not be much after it is upgraded..."

Before the words finished, Yu Ling beside her stood up abruptly, her eyes were fixed on the distant sky, her expression turned pale in an instant, and she said anxiously, "Hurry up!"

(End of this chapter)

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