The strongest saint

Chapter 436 Fengying Nirvana

Chapter 436 Fengying Nirvana
An unprecedented paleness appeared on Yu Ling's anxious face, and she stared at the distant sky as if facing a formidable enemy, "Go!"

Seeing Yu Ling's reaction, Tianhuo didn't have time to ask more questions. Yu Ling's strength was clear to him, especially now that she also controlled Nanming Huanghuo, but at this moment, she showed unprecedented fear. Tianhuo knew that there must be someone Upheaval!
"Don't resist!" Tianhuo said, and his mind instantly communicated with the Fanshen Palace. As long as the three of them are received in the Fanshen Palace, he can perform the city return spell.

"Ding! The system prompts: The Fanshen Palace is blocked, and the Fanshen Palace cannot be used!"

The sudden system prompt sound made Tianhuo frown, but without waiting to think about it, a crack suddenly appeared in the sky in front of him.

That crack appeared out of thin air, like a giant black eye hanging in mid-air, and then, a pair of dark, radiant hands protruded from the crack, violently tearing the crack open!

In an instant, a terrifying aura raged across the world, centering on the crack torn open by the big hand, a scalp-numbing aura spread.

As soon as these big hands appeared, Tianhuo felt as if his whole body was frozen, and he couldn't even move!
Everything happened too quickly, from Yu Ling's shout to the appearance of the big hand, but in the blink of an eye, the crack was torn open, and a young man in green shirt slowly walked out of it.

The young man looked about 24 or [-] years old, with a gentle and refined face, with a faint smile on his face, and he walked out slowly with his hands behind his back, without the slightest fluctuation coming from his body, just like an ordinary young man, except that at this moment the world The raging momentum shows that this young man is obviously a very strong existence.

The young man took a few steps, and he was already a hundred meters away from Tianhuo and the others, and Tianhuo and the others were unable to move!

Tianhuo was horrified, how could there be such an existence in the second-level area?Thinking about the Demon King back then, he didn't let himself be immobilized invisibly at all.

With a warm smile on the gentle and refined face of the young man, he glanced at Tianhuo and the others. When his gaze passed over Yu Ling, there was a trace of surprise in his eyes, but finally he fixed his gaze on Tianhuo!
Immediately, Tianhuo felt as if his whole body had been plunged into an ice cave, and endless coolness emerged from his heart. Under the eyes of this young man, he seemed to be unable to hide any secrets at all!For a moment, sweat actually slipped down his cheeks.

"Old Eight's demon body, the Blood Bead of the Demon Mother God, yes, yes!" the young man said.

And following the young man's opening, Tianhuo found that he could move, and without hesitation, leading Yu Ling and the three of them retreated violently, "Are you the devil king?"

The phrase 'old eight's demon body' made Tianhuo startled, what else could the young man in front of him be if he wasn't a demon king?
The young man didn't make any movements, but an invisible air wall appeared behind the four of Tianhuo, instantly blocking their way, forcing the four of them to stop.

"Hehe, give me the things! I don't care about you killing the witch mother here." The young man smiled, and his expression remained a warm smile from beginning to end.

Xiao Fenghuang and Yu Ling hurriedly guarded the two sides of Tianhuo, staring at the opposite young man in horror, Yu Ling's voice also rang in Tianhuo's mind at this moment, "Tianhuo, I can't give it to him, I hold him back, You run away!"

As soon as the words fell, Yu Ling's back suddenly popped out her wings, and under the flow of colored light, the power of wind and fire quietly diffused, "Are you the smiling devil?"

"Yo? Little girl, are you going to fight with me?" The young man turned his eyes, stared at Yu Ling and said with a smile.

Tianhuo grabbed Yu Ling and shook his head slightly. The demon king in front of him was not the demon king of level 3 spirit back then. Just the changes in the world when he appeared made Tianhuo understand that this demon king must have been in his heyday exist.

"Haha, don't say you were created by Yu Fei, even if Yu Fei came, I can't help it. In this world, no one is my enemy! If the Lord God doesn't come, no one can hurt you Me!" The warm smile on the young man's face widened and he burst into laughter.

Amidst the youth's loud laughter, a mysterious look appeared in Tianhuo's eyes.

Character name: Tianhuo
Occupation: Vincent
Auxiliary Occupation: Ding Sheng (Advanced)

Level: Ling 99

Upgrade experience (spirit): -/-
HP (spirit): 396646/396646
MP (Spirit): 79238/79238
Scroll Attack (Spirit): 406055-406055
Defense (Spirit): 298077
Strength: 203835, Constitution: 196945, Intelligence: 198095, Agility: 203625
Reputation: 18891200
Sin: -11648503
Pets: Emperor Yanlin Lion (top beast), Nine Soul Golden Spirit Dragon (evolving)

Mount: Star Devouring Moon Beast (Intermediate Divine Beast)
Puppet: Kaitian Zhanhu (Advanced Artifact)

Gangs: None
Warband: Skyflame Legion (Advanced Legion)

Zongmen: Tianyanmen (Master)

Immediately after glancing at the attributes at this moment, a strong fighting spirit appeared in Tianhuo's eyes, and one after another auxiliary skills were quietly displayed.

"Ding! System prompt: The team leader has cast the spirit of battle skill, and the attributes of all members are enhanced by 1.5 times, and the duration is 10 minutes!"

"Ding! System prompt: The head of the team has cast the violent soul skill, all members have a +20% critical strike chance, +200% critical strike damage, and the duration is 5 minutes!"

"Ding! System prompt: The team leader has cast the tenacious charm skill, all members' damage reduction +50%, life recovery +10%, and the duration is 5 minutes!"

"Ding! System prompt: You have used the suit skill Blessing of the Saint of Grace, and the defense of friendly personnel will increase by 500% for 10 minutes!"


Using the auxiliary skills in one breath, Tianhuo didn't even have time to open the fourth page of the Book of Glyphs, but directly opened the seventh page, causing fixed damage of its own attack x 10 to the target!
The young man's laughter has not yet fallen, but in the hands of Tianhuo, a golden light has already flashed on the book of literati, and the attack roared out, and fell on the young man in an instant.

With the appearance of this damage value, Tianhuo was startled, and all hope disappeared at this moment, "How is this possible?"

Ten times the fixed damage of his own attack, but one-tenth of the damage of Skyfire's attack?Tianhuo couldn't figure it out at all, why?
"Huh?" The young man looked at Tianhuo in astonishment. He had no intention of dodging Tianhuo's attack. Otherwise, he would let Tianhuo prepare secretly. How could he not know?
It's just that the young man just said that if the Lord God doesn't come, no one can hurt him!
But at this moment, Skyfire's attack landed on him, causing more than 6 damage!It's a slap in the face of Chi Guoguo!
"How is this possible?" The young man also thought to himself, and the surprise in his eyes flashed, "In the second-level area, it is only a spiritual attribute, but I use that thing to avoid the seal of heaven and earth, and it is still a divine attribute. I do damage!This person can't stay! '

Thinking of this, the young man laughed back in anger, and the murderous laughter spread, "Yes, yes, you will punch me too!"

After the words fell, the young man slowly raised his right hand, his movements were natural, as if he hadn't moved at all, and a fist made of black light suddenly came in front of Tianhuo!
But before the fist arrived, Tianhuo was completely suppressed by the powerful aura and could not move at all, and there was no chance of avoiding it at all. Even if the Xiantian Lingding could ignore the coercion, he couldn't ignore the youth's aura at this moment.


Seeing that the fist was about to land on Tianhuo's chest, a fiery red figure stood in front of Tianhuo abruptly. It was the little phoenix that had transformed into its original body!
Blocked by the little phoenix, the fist made of black light dissipated on the little phoenix's body, and under the tremendous force, the little phoenix flew out together with the sky fire behind him.

Tianhuo's pupils constricted suddenly, because he saw that during the process of flying upside down, the life value of the little phoenix was instantly emptied!

"Fengying!" Tianhuo turned pale with shock. At this moment, the world seemed to be dimmed. Little Phoenix is ​​the little princess of the Phoenix family who is the strongest in the second-level area. Although she has not grown up after Nirvana, her strength is not weak at all, but Under the casual punch of that young man, unexpectedly...

Tianhuo's heart was pierced by a knife, and he hurriedly hugged Xiao Fenghuang's body to stabilize his figure, but saw that the expression in the latter's eyes dimmed, and he forced a smile with difficulty, "'s fine..."

hum!Tianhuo only felt a buzzing in his head, and the blood in his whole body seemed to be flowing backwards, "Feng Ying, you can't do anything... Wen Sheng's pity!"

Tianhuo's body trembled slightly, and the unprecedented tension was manifested at this moment. He kept showing Wen Sheng's pity to the little phoenix, trying to restore her health, but Tianhuo was destined to be disappointed, and Wen Sheng's pity fell. Not even a trace of blood could make Little Phoenix recover.

In Little Phoenix's eyes, the look had gradually faded, and his eyes were slowly closed.

Huh...Suddenly, a shockingly hot breath spread not far away, Tianhuo hurriedly raised his head, but saw Yu Ling popping out a flame with her fingers and sinking into the little Phoenix's body, and she turned around and rushed towards the young man. The Nanming Phoenix Fire exploded in an instant, enveloping the young man in it.

"With Nanming Huanghuo here, little Phoenix will immediately return to the Nirvana of the Phoenix clan on his own, and we will see her again in a short time." At this time, Yu Ling's voice rang in Tianhuo's ear, and the little Phoenix in Tianhuo's embrace , the body also suddenly turned into a golden light, and instantly sank into the heaven and earth.

"Nirvana?" Tianhuo froze for a moment, and then slowly got up, clenched his fists tightly. After Nirvana, there is only a [-]% chance to keep the memory before Nirvana. The last time Little Phoenix was Nirvana, he lost his previous memory. .

This time, the smiling demon king actually forced the little phoenix to nirvana again. Tianhuo clenched his fists tightly, his trembling all over his body gradually calmed down, and he suddenly raised his head to look at the world covered by Nanming Huanghuo, and said in a deep voice: "Even if you can't kill me You, you have to take off your skin too!"

(End of this chapter)

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