Chapter 437
"If you can't kill you, you have to peel off your skin!" Tianhuo was so angry that his voice seemed to come from Jiuyou.

Said in a deep voice, a thick white light appeared in Tianhuo's eyes, and he penetrated Nanming Huanghuo at a glance, and saw the situation in it, but the scene in front of him made Tianhuo's heart full of coolness.

In the Nanming Phoenix Flame, Yu Ling's figure flickered, and the majestic power of wind and fire gushed out, attacking the smiling demon king vigorously, and the latter, maintaining a smile on his face as always, ignored Yu Ling's attack at all, and once again Slowly raised his right hand.

Yu Ling was suddenly blasted out, and the Nanming Phoenix Fire that filled the sky dissipated in an instant. Tianhuo was startled, and rushed out to catch Yu Ling. Under the huge impact, Tianhuo's figure holding Yu Ling was uncontrollable He was violently thrown hundreds of meters away, and he landed on the mountain peak and dragged out a long gully before he stabilized his body.

But looking down, I saw Yu Ling's figure was dim, like a phantom that seemed to dissipate at any time, and behind her, her wings were even more dim.

Yu Ling tilted her head and spat out a mouthful of golden blood, and Tianhuo noticed that her HP was also empty!
Tianhuo's heart tightened, the previous feeling of backflow of blood reappeared, his mind buzzed again, and he murmured: "Yu Ling..."

I don't know when, Tianhuo's eyes were about to burst, and his eyes were bloodshot, "Nothing will happen!"

However, when the words came out, Tianhuo saw that Yu Ling's illusory figure quietly shattered, and just like that, it turned into pieces and disappeared into Tianhuo's arms.

Tianhuo's expression froze, and he tried to grab the fragments that Yu Ling had transformed into, but those fragments disappeared.

"Ah!" Tianhuo suddenly raised his head and roared, unprecedented anger erupted at this moment. Amidst the roar, the air in this piece of heaven and earth condensed for a moment, and then trembled, as if he was crying for Tianhuo's anger. frightened.

"Smiling Demon King..." Amidst the long howls, Tianhuo slowly lowered his head, and a deep growl of gritted teeth came out of his mouth. The little phoenix was still able to nirvana, and Yu Ling...

The Smiling Demon King looked at Tianhuo with a grin, unmoved by Tianhuo's anger at all, and said with a smile: "Take out the things and it's over? You have to kill them, hehe, there's another one!"

As he spoke, the Smiling Demon King shifted his eyes to Bai Xiaosheng who was at the side, Bai Xiaosheng's heart trembled, he abruptly stopped his footsteps about to retreat, smiled miserably at him, and said freely, "Tianhuo, it doesn't matter if I die, Just keep things out of his hands."

Tianhuo's eyes were about to crack, as if he hadn't heard Bai Xiaosheng's voice, the Star Devouring Moon Beast appeared under his seat, "I want you to die! Explode!"

A black light whizzed out from Tianhuo's hand, and instantly arrived in front of the smiling devil, and then exploded, and Tianhuo kept moving, and the book of the sage was opened again.

"Ding! System prompt: Blessed by the power of the scroll, attack +30% within 100 seconds!"

"Page Six!"

"Grape wine luminous cup, if you want to drink the pipa, immediately call. Drunk lying on the battlefield Lord Mo Xiao, how many people have fought in ancient times!" The whole poem lingers abruptly between the sky and the earth with a radius of nearly 2000 meters, with golden characters flying one after another, and above the head of the devil, There are also damage values ​​one by one.
900000! -23100, -21540...

The first damage value of 90 was caused by the sky-shattering magic arrow, a total of 90, while the latter ones are only on paper, which is insignificant in comparison.

Facing Tianhuo's attack, the smile on the smiling devil's face remained undiminished, but a cold light appeared in his eyes, and he stepped out of the sky.

As for Tianhuo, a title suddenly appeared above his head: Chief of the Supreme Legion!
As soon as the title appeared, a damage value of 180 million suddenly appeared on the head of the demon king who was stepping out of the air, causing the demon king to stagnate, but the strong killing intent permeated the air, and the smile on his face was also at this moment Disappear.

"I wanted to play with you, but now it seems that you should die!" The cold voice spit out from the mouth of the laughing devil. My own god attribute, in this second-level area, was beaten by nearly 300 million people. Life value, if this matter gets out, the other demon kings will definitely laugh at themselves!

Anger arose in the smiling devil's heart. He said before that unless the main god came, no one could hurt him, but in an instant, he lost 300 million health points!
Tianhuo didn't continue to open the Book of Glyphs, because he knew that the remaining pages would not be able to cause more damage to the Demon King, but it was not impossible, because Tianhuo still had the Heaven-shattering Demon Arrow!
In the blink of an eye, the second Heaven-shattering Demon Arrow appeared in his hand, and he threw it out without hesitation.

"Hmph! Get out!" The smiling devil was furious, how could he not see that it was the sky-shattering magic arrow refined by the god refining the devil.

With the sound of shouting, the sky-shattering magic arrow thrown by Tianhuo rolled back, causing Tianhuo's pupils to shrink, but the star devouring moon beast under the seat reacted so quickly, and avoided it in a flash.

The sky-shattering demon arrow landed straight on the nose-shaped mountain range, and exploded immediately. A terrifying shock wave swept away, and directly sent Bai Xiaosheng not far away. "I killed you today, so I don't have to worry about not finding you, right? An adventurer from another world!"

The Laughing Demon King knows the existence of adventurers from other worlds, he can resurrect them after killing them, but he can find Tianhuo!

Saying that, the Smiling Demon King bent his fingers, and immediately, both Tianhuo and Star Devouring Moon Beast couldn't move, and the Smiling Demon King appeared in front of Tianhuo in a flash, pointed out with his index finger, pointing directly at Tianhuo's eyebrows!

The smiling devil's finger was enlarged in front of his eyes, and Tianhuo's pupils suddenly contracted, "This time, it's over!"Father, the child is unfilial...'

The breath of fear swept from the demon king's index finger, and before it reached the center of the eyebrows, Tianhuo couldn't open his eyes under the huge breath. Tianhuo knew that this time, he was really going to die here, but unfortunately, he was only one step away. I can go to the first-level area to unlock everything I want to know.


Suddenly, the violent shouting of an immature child resounded throughout the world, and the source of the sound could not be found at all. However, the child's voice really went straight into the sky, and the space of this world froze in an instant.

Amidst the loud shouts, the Laughing Demon King spat out a mouthful of blood, and even flew out backwards.

Tianhuo opened his eyes in astonishment, his eyes filled with unbelievable color, and Bai Xiaosheng at the side did the same, looking around for the source of the voice.

"Who is it!" The Demon King stabilized his figure and looked around intently.

"Who? You bastard, I'm sleeping here, and you scratched my nose to wake me up!" The child's voice spread again with strong anger.

The devil's expression froze, and then he snorted coldly, "Pretending to be a ghost, get out!"

The voice of the Laughing Demon King also resounded throughout the world, but just as he finished speaking, the child's voice came again, "You're not going to get out, but you actually want the young master to come out, are you sure?"

The Laughing Demon King clenched his fists, without any smile on his face, and shouted again: "Get out!"

"Hey, it's okay, my young master hasn't moved his hands and feet for many years, this time you are unlucky!" Tong Yin said, but the ground below trembled violently.

Starting from the nose-shaped mountain range, the ground collapsed quickly, Tianhuo's pupils shrank, and under the eyes of Wen Shengzhi, the ground within the field of vision was trembling, and the mountain range below him was moving rapidly. It slipped, and where it slipped, there was actually a jade light shining.

Tianhuo's pupils shrank, signaling to Bai Xiaosheng, and the two of them rose into the sky together, flying straight up to a height of hundreds of thousands of meters before stopping.

But looking down at this moment, there is still an invisible crack in the ground below, and the nose-shaped mountain range has become a white jade-like existence, but after a closer look, no matter how you feel, it is really a nose !
The Laughing Demon King has a serious expression on his face, and at this moment he is also jumping up into the air, wanting to get out of the shattered land as soon as possible, but he just stepped up into the air, but he saw a child's tender hand sticking out from the ground all the time. Grab the Smiling Demon King in his hand!

"Suck..." Tianhuo and Bai Xiaosheng gasped, what kind of giant is this, that hand seems to be able to cover the sky!

And that huge nose, Tianhuo had entered it before, at this moment, Tianhuo had an absurd idea in his mind, in front of this giant, he was like a tiny invisible bacterium...

"Haha, come out if you have the ability!" The child's playful voice came, and then the two of Tianhuo saw, starting from the nose formed by the mountain range, the child suddenly sat up, and in an instant, only the field of vision Everything inside is turned upside down!

Tianhuo and Tianhuo's eyes darkened, and they were tens of miles away in front of them. They could only see the exposed chest of this huge monster. When they looked up, they couldn't even see his face.

Tianhuo was extremely shocked. The demon king in the third-level area was big enough, but compared with the behemoth in front of him, he was nothing but ants!
"Huh? I seem to have grown a little taller, um, a little bigger, and you actually slipped through my fingers." The child murmured, his voice sounded like thunder in the ears of Tianhuo and the others.

Tianhuo swallowed his saliva, and the smiling devil slipped away through his fingers?This guy is huge beyond description!

Abruptly, the gigantic body shrank rapidly, and in an instant, it had become the size of a normal person, grinning and staring at the smiling devil who escaped from between his fingers.

The figure became smaller, and Tianhuo also saw his face clearly. This is a boy carved in powder and jade, but he is only six or seven years old!

But facing such a child, the Smiling Devil King couldn't smile anymore, his expression was full of horror, " are..."

After a while, the smiling devil didn't say a complete sentence, his eyes were full of horror!

Tianhuo and Bai Xiaosheng looked at each other, then stared at the child dumbfounded, who the hell is that?
In astonishment, the voice of the smiling demon king continued, and he swallowed his saliva in horror: "The legendary... the great monster of heaven and earth!"

(End of this chapter)

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