Chapter 438
"Heaven and earth demon!"

The Laughing Demon King's voice became dry unconsciously, and his eyes were filled with fear. Although he had already recognized the child's identity, this time, how much he hoped it wasn't true!

What is the Great Demon of Heaven and Earth?The world is so big that no one can know its edge, and in this endless world, everything has a spirit. For example, beasts who cultivate spiritual wisdom are spirit beasts, and furthermore, there are divine beasts or even stronger existences. Such existences Not a lot.

The relatively rare ones are the spiritual wisdom cultivated by vegetation, trees, mountains and rocks. Such existences are generally called ghosts, and Tianhuo has also seen them.

What's even rarer is an existence like Yu Ling. The elements of heaven and earth give birth to intelligence, and they are born with the ability to control the corresponding elements. They are extremely powerful, and they are generally called elves.

And these existences are no longer surprising in the eyes of human beings.

As for the Great Demon of Heaven and Earth, this was the first time Tianhuo had heard of it, but judging from the expression of the smiling demon king, it was obvious that the Great Demon of Heaven and Earth was an existence that even frightened him.

Tianhuo was horrified, Fengshen and Nangong Zhushen jointly sealed a demon king, and the demon king in front of him at this moment would be afraid of the great demon of heaven and earth, could it be that this demon of heaven and earth is stronger than the main god?
Suddenly, hope appeared in Tianhuo's heart. With his own ability, he couldn't kill the smiling demon king to avenge Yu Ling, but if he provoked the great monster of heaven and earth to take action, it would be different!

Thinking of this, the child raised his head and laughed loudly, which didn't seem like the behavior of seven or eight years old, but Tianhuo also knew that this monster of heaven and earth who looked like a child must have existed for a long time!
"Haha, I didn't expect anyone to know about the existence of our world monster, but it seems that you don't belong to this world." The boy laughed.

The smiling devil swallowed his saliva with difficulty, and sure enough, this is the great demon of heaven and earth!
But Tianhuo raised his brows slightly when he heard the words. It is not difficult to hear from the children's words that the great monsters of heaven and earth are a group?
"Tianhuo, run away if you have the chance, don't be entangled by the great monster of heaven and earth, this kind of existence, the main god can't afford it!" Tianling's voice suddenly sounded in Tianhuo's mind, full of vigilance, obviously very disliked by this child fear.

Tianhuo nodded without any trace, but at the moment the city can't be used in this world, even if it can be used, Tianhuo doesn't want to leave now.

Suddenly, Tianhuo's heart moved, "Tianling, do you know the Great Demon of Heaven and Earth?"

"I heard from the old master, but I don't know the specifics. I only know that the Great Demon of Heaven and Earth was formed by the birth of wisdom from a part of the world. It may be a region, a country, or a mountain and sea. I'm afraid he is this barren land." Tianling said solemnly.

"He is the wild land in the extreme north?" The shock in Tianhuo's heart was indescribable, his pupils constricted suddenly, and he stared at the child firmly.

But at this moment, the Smiling Demon King moved, turned around, stretched out his hands, and suddenly opened a dark crack in front of him. It seemed that he was about to run away!

The child watched the smiling devil's movements with a smile, and didn't stop it until the smiling devil got into the crack, and then slowly raised his right hand, and with such a light touch, the whole right arm disappeared, and the right arm pulled When he returned, he had already caught the smiling devil in his hand.

"Haha, come again, let me see if I run again." The child let go of the smiling devil and motioned him to continue running away.

The smiling devil's face was ashen. He knew better than Tianhuo and others the horror of the great monster of heaven and earth. He could not provoke this kind of existence. It's easy to talk when we meet."

The child clicked his mouth, "Tell me, where are you from? Where are you going?"

Tianhuo in the sky frowned. Could it be that the big monster of the world doesn't know about monsters?

"Senior, this person is the monster that invaded the mainland in ancient times. At the time when countless monsters attacked, the entire Destiny Continent almost fell into the hands of the monster. Many main gods joined forces to defeat the monster. Now, they have made a comeback." Bai Xiaosheng said hastily .

The child blinked, glanced slightly at Bai Xiaosheng and Tianhuo, then looked at the Demon King, slightly frowned and said, "When did this happen? Why don't I know?"

As he said that, the child's eyes closed slightly, as if he was sensing something. After a while, he opened his eyes suddenly, stared at the Demon King and said, "With Lord Father God here, how could you... Tell me, Father God is what you have done to me!" Already!"

While speaking, the smiling demon king floated in front of the child uncontrollably, but no movement was seen, but the child's right hand was clasped around the demon king's throat.

The smiling devil's pupils constricted, but his frightened expression became calm, "You also have weaknesses? Hehe, your father god is naturally dead!"

Hearing this, the child's eyes turned cold, "You're kidding me? Father God is an eternal existence. Even if the world is destroyed, he can't die. It seems that you are just a small character."

Before the words were finished, the child threw the smiling demon king violently, as if throwing a cannonball, a dark crack exploded not far away, and the figure of the demon king was directly thrown into it!

"Damn it, he let the devil go!" Tianhuo's expression sank, and anger flashed in his eyes.

"I was born from a fragment when God the Father created the world, and I have always been able to sense the breath of God the Father, but now, why can't I feel the breath of God the Father?" muttered to himself.

"The restriction is gone, brother Bai Xiaosheng, don't resist!" Tianhuo gritted his teeth, and with a thought, he took Bai Xiaosheng into the Palace of Fanshen, and then cast the city return technique, "City return technique!"

White light glowed around Tianhuo, but at this moment, the child suddenly raised his head, reached out and grabbed Tianhuo, and actually grabbed Tianhuo directly from the light!

Tianhuo only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and the child's face was magnified in front of his eyes, and he couldn't help being shocked, this big monster of heaven and earth broke the city return spell so easily!

Forcibly suppressing the fear in his heart, Tianhuo clasped his fists, but said with some trepidation: "Senior..."

The child shrunk again, looked up and down Tianhuo, raised his nose and asked, "What did you do in my nose just now? Don't you know it's impolite?"

The sky fire stagnated, how did I know that the cave was this guy's nostril?
"Forget it, you are a literary sage, right?" The boy waved his hand and asked.

Tianhuo nodded hastily, could it be that the big monster of the world knows the sage?Will he know the whereabouts of Wen Sheng's suit?
Seeing Tianhuo nodding, the Great Demon of Heaven and Earth showed a weird smile and said, "Then you recite a poem for me, and make me happy. If it satisfies me, I... will break your leg."

Tianhuo's expression tightened. When he saw the child's peaceful expression before, he thought that he would treat him like Fengshen and others because he saw that he was a sage of literature. Unexpectedly, this guy didn't seem to intend to make himself feel better!

"Let's write poetry! I changed my mind. If I am satisfied, I will break your legs. From now on, you will be my... Well, little book boy, the one who sings poems for me." The child looked at Xiang Tianhuo spoke again, with an undeniable flavor in his voice.

Tianhuo frowned, he had written poems for NPCs, but it was definitely not the current situation of coercion, he couldn't help feeling angry, he raised his head, narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "I respect you as a senior, but don't be too arrogant Excessive!"

Tianhuo, treat strangers softly but not hard, treat enemies softly and hard!If you meet steel, you will be steel, if you meet strong, you will be strong!
"Hey, it looks like you are dying, dare to talk to me like this?" The child joked, not paying attention to Tianhuo at all.

"Humph! Some people are rich and unkind, so you should be punished! You, who are so powerful, didn't do your part for the mainland. When the world war broke out, the mainland was almost destroyed, but you didn't know it? You captured the devil, but you let him go. What are you? Good stuff!" Tianhuo said in a deep voice, his anger remained undiminished, and the Book and Pen of the Grave Sage fell into his hands.

"Come on, I want to see how much stronger the Great Demon of Heaven and Earth is than the Lord God!" Tianhuo said in a deep voice, a string of words appeared around him unconsciously.

Tianhuo was really angry. In order to deal with the demon king, little Phoenix was beaten to nirvana, and Yu Ling died.Now that it has appeared, it actually let go of the smiling devil!

The child stared at Tianhuo in astonishment, blinking his eyes, "You're the only one? You're looking for death. What should I do? It's none of your business? If you want to die, I'll let you do it!"

As he said that, the child blew fiercely at Tianhuo, and suddenly, a terrible air wave swept out. Before the air wave arrived, the text around Tianhuo's body was broken, and the terrifying air wave continued, and it was about to reach Tianhuo's body. forward!

hum!Suddenly, Jitian Divine Cauldron appeared in front of Tianhuo, and Tianling's voice also came, "Run away, I will detonate the Divine Cauldron!"

Tianhuo gritted his teeth fiercely, and knew that there was nothing to do, it was just to vent his anger, and now he should be scolded, and he would be stupid if he didn't run away, "Go back to the city!"

A white light appeared, but the child let out a cold snort, and suddenly reached out to grab it, and Tianling had already controlled the Jitian Shending and charged towards him.

A deafening sound came from Tianhuo's ears, but in the next second, the scenery in front of Tianhuo's eyes had changed, and when it stabilized, he had already arrived at the Tianyanmen's residence.

"Are you stupid? You said not to provoke the Great Demon of Heaven and Earth, yet you dare to provoke him like this?" Tianling's distraught voice sounded as soon as she came back.

Tianhuo clenched his fists angrily, "Has the Jitian Divine Cauldron exploded?"

"I don't know, I lost my induction." Tianling said angrily.

Tianhuo gritted his teeth, "If you don't release the Extreme Heaven Divine Cauldron, I'll use the Divine Slave Capture Scroll to take that bastard monster, this kind of guy is not good enough."

"You didn't wake up? Save yourself! With your strength, it is impossible for the scroll of God's Enslavement to work on him."

Tianhuo clenched his fists again, and he also thought that it was impossible for the God of Enslavement Scroll to capture the Great Demon of Heaven and Earth, so he just went back to the city. If he didn't leave, he would not even have the chance to avenge Little Phoenix and Yu Ling in the future.

"Alright, since the smiling devil is not dead yet, then wait for me! Yu Ling, I won't let you die in vain!" Tianhuo said in a deep voice, his heart ached again.

"You... Hey, stupid, although the Holy Spirit of Fenghuo is not as big as the monster of heaven and earth, but it is also born of wind and fire. The wind and fire in Fenghuo Baodi are not extinguished, how could she die? Now she must have returned to Fenghuo Baodi , it won't take long to come out completely, I really admire you." Tianling said helplessly.

Tianhuo froze, and when he heard Tianling's words, his mind buzzed again, "What did you say? Yu Ling is alright?"

(End of this chapter)

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