Chapter 442
Tianhuo suddenly raised his head, staring at the vision a thousand meters above, his expression became strange, "It can't be such a coincidence, can it?"

The floating peak above was stuck by the Tongtian Pillar. Obviously, when the Tongtian Pillar was growing, it happened to meet the floating peak. This Tongtian Pillar was so powerful that it directly penetrated the floating peak.

On the mainland, except for those specific areas, it is rare to see floating peaks. Right now, this is Nanling Prison, one of the super dangerous places where human beings live. There are floating peaks hundreds of thousands of meters above it?
Generally speaking, floating peaks are suspended, but this one, which seems to often swim in the sky, is just caught by the Tongtian Pillar.

This strange existence aroused Tianhuo's curiosity, but now that he was on the platform, he naturally wanted to see if there was a Tongtian fruit on the Tongtian pillar in the center of the platform.

Just like the situation on the small platform below, there is also a fiery red Tongtian fruit on the Tongtian pillar here!
"It's really good, we met again." Tianling was overjoyed, and directly received it into the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron without using Tianhuo.

Tongtianguo (intermediate level), the miraculous fruit born of the Tongtianzhu, has a 30% chance of entering the Huashen Lake after taking it, and obtains a baptism effect that is [-] times higher than that of the Spiritual Pool.

"Huh?" Seeing the attributes of this intermediate-level Tongtian Fruit, Tianhuo let out a slight "huh" and checked it carefully in doubt.

The low-level Tongtian fruit has a 20% chance of entering the Huashen pool, and the baptism effect is 10 times higher than that of the spirit pool, while the intermediate-level Tongtian fruit, to Tianhuo's surprise, is actually [-] times the effect!

Tianhuo thought that the mid-level or even high-level Tongtian Fruit could only increase the chance of entering the Huashen Pool, but he never expected that it could also improve different effects. The more advanced the Tongtian Fruit, the stronger the baptism effect it can get!

Tianhuo's eyes lit up, so, needless to say, he must get the best Tongtian fruit!
"Tianling, what grade is the best Tongtian fruit?" Tianhuo pursed his lips, raised his eyes slightly, and a strong look of hope appeared.

Tianling's laughter rang in Tianhuo's mind, "I also want to know, hehe, following the old master for many years, this is the first time I've seen Tongtianzhu, so I don't know."

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows, but didn't care, "According to this situation, maybe the higher you go, the better the Tongtian fruit you encounter!"

With the obstruction of these two platforms, it is impossible for other strong men to catch up with him. In this way, all the Tongtian Fruits along the way will be collected by Tianhuo. , it's hard to say.

"We must get the best Tongtian fruit!" Tianhuo said firmly, got up from the platform, and climbed up the Tongtian pillar again.

This time, we must get the best Tongtian fruit!
Not long after, Tianhuo had already arrived at the floating peak, looking at the huge floating peak beside him, Tianhuo hesitated slightly, but ignored it, and continued to climb up, but just after climbing a few meters, Tongtianzhu unexpectedly came A slight trembling made Tianhuo stop climbing and get on guard.

After more than ten days, Tianhuo has never felt the shock on the Tongtian Pillar, which shows the stability of the Tongtian Pillar, but at this moment, he actually felt it, not weak!

"It's that Fufeng who wants to get away from Tongtianzhu!" Tianling's voice sounded in her head.

Tianhuo looked towards Fufeng in astonishment, and sure enough, he saw that Fufeng was actually struggling at the moment, as if he wanted to get away from Tongtianzhu.

After observing for a while, Tianhuo's expression became weird, "The whole floating peak is one piece, which is very strange. If it is a floating peak formed by an ordinary mountain peak, it must be broken after being pierced by the Tongtian Pillar. A vine went through the edge and couldn't leave!"

Tianhuo murmured, with curiosity in his eyes, this floating peak struggled to get away from the Tongtian Pillar, and even the Tianzhu trembled slightly under this struggle, which showed how powerful it was, then, this floating peak What is the origin?
"It shouldn't take much time, I'll go up and have a look!" After a while, Tianhuo made a decision, turned around and climbed towards Fufeng.

The floating peak looked only four to five hundred feet in size, and it was only penetrated by a corner of the Tongtian Pillar. When Tianhuo landed on the floating peak, he felt that the floating peak trembled again, making Tianhuo stagger, "This floating peak Feng shouldn't have spiritual wisdom, right?"

"You're right, let's go!" Tianling said anxiously.

Tianhuo's expression froze, Fufeng with wisdom?What is that?
But before she had time to think about it, Tianling was always right, so she hurriedly turned around and swept towards Tongtianzhu.

"Little friend, wait a moment!" Suddenly, an old voice sounded in Tianhuo's mind. This voice seemed to have experienced endless vicissitudes, and it sounded a bit desolate.

Tianhuo paused, from the moment he saw Fufeng struggling, he should have thought that Fufeng had given birth to spiritual wisdom, but he didn't think about that at all. Hearing this voice full of vicissitudes, he felt stagnant, "Again It’s the Great Demon of Heaven and Earth!”

More than ten days ago, I had only seen an extremely terrifying world monster in the barren land of the extreme north, and now I saw it on the Tongtian Pillar!
"Hey... I'm not a big monster of heaven and earth, little friend, can you help me get rid of these weird vines?" the vicissitudes of life said again.

Tianhuo stopped in his tracks, turned around slowly and looked at Fufeng, after a moment of silence, he clasped his fists and said, "Senior, this is the Tongtian Pillar, no one has the ability to destroy it, if senior wants to break free, I'm afraid I have to give up Fufeng corner."

"Tongtianzhu? That's how it is. Unexpectedly, after wandering for countless years, I was lucky enough to meet Tongtianzhu... It's just that I have to give up a part of my body. I don't want to give up!" The vicissitudes of life sounded again.

"Tianhuo, it looks like this guy can't take shape yet, but he treats every part of Fufeng as a treasure." Tianling's whisper sounded in Tianhuo's mind.

Tianhuo nodded secretly. Compared with the great monster of heaven and earth he met more than ten days ago, this Fufeng is indeed weak, but since he has spiritual wisdom, if he can transform into form, he will be the great monster of heaven and earth. At that time, his strength will also be the same. shocking.

"Senior, the one stuck by the Tongtian Pillar is only a few feet in size. It won't affect you if you give it up, right? I think, if you let it go, let it go, otherwise, if the Tongtian Pillar doesn't disappear, senior may not be able to get away either." Tianhuo shook his head and said.

Fufeng trembled slightly, as if shaking his head, and said: "Little friend, you don't know how precious every part of my body is. Every inch of this land comes from the inner world of the Father God, not to mention the few feet, it is considered a point. You can't give up even a tiny bit!"

Doubt appeared in Tianhuo's eyes, Father God?I don't know what kind of existence it is, maybe it's the name these great monsters of heaven and earth call that person!

"Senior, is there any other way?" Tianhuo asked.

A long sigh came from Fufeng, "The only way is to cut off those strange vines."

Tianhuo shook his head hastily, joking, he had seen it before, even if it was an artifact, it was impossible to cut off the vines as thick as a finger, not to mention the few vines that penetrated the Fufeng Peak were not thin.

"Don't listen to the sound of beating leaves in the forest. Why not scream and walk slowly. Bamboo sticks and straw shoes are light than horses. Who is afraid? A cloud of mist and rain can make your life. The spring breeze blows and wakes up from the wine. It's slightly cold, but the hills are slanting to meet you. Looking back. In a bleak place, when you go back, there will be neither wind nor rain."

"Senior, what about giving up that part?"

As Tianhuo said, he didn't pay attention to the system rewards. After all, they have reached a bottleneck now. The level of rewards has only been reduced to 25 reputation points, so there is nothing to be happy about.

Fufeng fell silent again, repeating the poem chanted by Tianhuo over and over again, and Tianhuo shook his head slightly, and looked up at the unstoppable Tongtian Pillar again, it's time to move on!
"Haha, no joy, no sorrow, forget both victory and defeat, little friend, thank you very much!"

As Tianhuo was returning to the Tongtian Pillar, the vicissitudes of life sounded again. Amidst the loud laughter, the part of the floating peak that was stuck by the Tongtian Pillar was quickly shattered.

"These few feet of land come from Father God's inner world, little friend, I gave it to you, it's my repayment!" Fu Feng stopped outside the vines, and the voice came.

Tianhuo was stunned, what did he want those rocks and soil for?
"Wow, Tianhuo, post it, post it, put it away!" Tianling's excited voice sounded in Tianhuo's mind, making Tianhuo even more puzzled.

But since Tianling said so, Tianhuo naturally wouldn't hesitate, turned his hand to put away the several feet of rocks and soil, and heard Tianling say: "Tianhuo, give him that low-level Tongtian fruit, this time it's a big profit! "

Tianhuo hesitated slightly, but still took out the low-level Tongtian fruit, threw it towards Fufeng, and said with a smile: "Senior, come and don't be indecent, and help you become the great demon of heaven and earth as soon as possible."

"Haha, that's it, thank you!" Fufeng's loud laughter lost a bit of vicissitudes and a little more vitality. After the words fell, they shot out fiercely, and quickly disappeared before Tianhuo's eyes.

In an instant, Fufeng's figure was no longer visible, and the broken mountains were also collected by Tianhuo, "Tianling, what are these rocks and soil used for?"

"Hey, Tianhuo, don't be so indifferent, if you say it, I'm afraid it will scare you to death." Tianling played with taste.

Tianhuo shook his head slightly, continued to climb up, and said at the same time: "Then tell me."

"Do you know who the Father God is that the Great Demon of Heaven and Earth is talking about?" Tianling asked instead of saying it directly.

Tianhuo shook his head, how would he know?

"Hee hee, since you don't know, then I won't tell. Anyway, these rocks are better than top-level artifacts, and that's enough for you to know." Tian Ling said with a smile.

Tianhuo frowned, "It's rarer than a top-level artifact? No way?"

"Hee hee, just wait, I'll keep it for you now, and I'll hand it over to you when the time is right, and you'll know how powerful this thing is!" Tianling said with a smile.

Tianhuo was dumbfounded, wanting to look at those dirt and rocks again, but Tianling had taken them into the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron in an instant.

Shaking his head, anyway, he still doesn't know what the effect is, so Tianhuo doesn't think too much about it, and continues to climb, but he is looking forward to the appearance of the next platform in his heart.

More than ten days later, Tianhuo once again climbed tens of thousands of meters. The surprise at the beginning has long since become a habit. This second-level area of ​​​​the Tianming Continent cannot be compared with the real world at all. In this hundreds of thousands of meters At high altitude, the clouds and fog filled the air, and the visibility had already been reduced.

Tianhuo, who was climbing tirelessly, slowly raised his head, "I haven't encountered the next platform yet, when will this Tongtianzhu be the end!"

Looking up, Tianhuo was stunned. Through the clouds that dissipated and gathered from time to time, Tianhuo could clearly see that hundreds of meters ahead, the vines pierced into the mountain, unlike the previous ones that passed through the floating peaks. , but grow directly into those mountains.

However, covered by clouds and mist, Tianhuo couldn't see the shape of the mountain at all, but such a scene made Tianhuo's heart unavoidably excited, "Could it be that it has reached the top?"

(End of this chapter)

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