The strongest saint

Chapter 443 The End of the Babel Pillar

Chapter 443 The End of the Babel Pillar
Seeing that the vines hundreds of meters ahead had grown into the mountain, Tianhuo's exhaustion these days was swept away, and he quickly climbed up with both hands and feet.

It has been a month since I climbed the Tongtian Pillar. In this month, the sky fire has not stopped at all except for a short stop at Fufeng.

Now, Tianhuo doesn't know what height the npcs behind have climbed, but it doesn't matter anymore.

Soon, Tianhuo reached the end of the Tongtian Pillar, and saw that all the vines had plunged into the mountain, but the eyes of Wensheng couldn't penetrate the thick fog, so Tianhuo couldn't see the true face of the mountain, but could only see A small part ahead.

At the place where the vines plunged into the mountain, fires flickered one after another, which was the light emitted by the familiar Tongtian fruit!
Tianhuo was overjoyed, "Tianling, there are so many Tongtian fruits!"

Tianling was silent for a moment, "Why are you so excited, don't you find it strange? This Tongtianzhu seems to be a little different from the legend."

"The legend doesn't say what is the end of Tongtian Pillar. I think no one will be able to climb to the end. I will collect the Tongtian fruit later and go up to have a look." Tianhuo was delighted and climbed along the vines to those In front of the Tongtianguo, at this moment, the sound of running water came from the ear.

Looking in the direction where the sound came from, Tianhuo suddenly fell silent. On the first floor of the mountain, a stream of water flowed down from a hole the size of Zhang Xu. The moment it left the mountain, all the water flowed into mist and drifted away. open.

Confused, Tian Ling had already put away all the Tongtian Fruits, "There are nine pieces in total, all of which are high-level Tongtian Fruits."

Tongtianguo (advanced), the miraculous fruit born of Tongtianzhu, has a 50% chance of entering the Huashen Lake after taking it, and obtains a baptism effect fifty times higher than that of the Spiritual Pool.

Tianhuo nodded, glanced at the Tongtian Fruit, and then looked around the area with concentration. Right now, the Tongtian Fruit is no longer as attractive as this mysterious mountain. I saw these vines stuck into the mountain, and there is no way out. I want to go up See, it gets difficult.

After pondering for a moment, Tianhuo set his sights on the outlets of the flowing water more than ten meters away, perhaps, he could go up from there.

With a thought, the Diyan Linhuang Beast appeared beside him, "Diyan, jump over."

Di Yan glanced at Tianhuo suspiciously, then looked around, then nodded slightly, jumped to the exit of the flowing water, turned around and said, "Master, what then?"

Tianhuo flipped his hands and took out the hook rope made by Tianling, "Next, fix it!"

One end of the hook rope was thrown out, and after being fixed by Di Yan, Tianhuo tied the other end to the vine, then climbed along the hook rope, and successfully reached the water outlet.

The current of water is not that big, once here, Tianhuo hurriedly looked towards the entrance of the Zhangxu-sized hole, his eyes suddenly lit up, "There is indeed a way!"

In the cave, I saw sunlight shining at the end of those water streams, which was the way to the top.

Going up against the current, when you came to the place where the sun shines, you can see the blue sky and white clouds appearing in Tianhuo's field of vision, above, there is actually a normal world!

Turning over onto Di Yan's back, following Di Yan's leap, one person and one beast left the cave immediately.

In front of you, there are continuous undulating mountains, a small stream flows out of the mountains, and falls straight into the cave, the Tongtianzhu, but it has disappeared.

Around this piece of land, dense fog filled the air, but Tianhuo can be sure that this is basically a floating peak-like existence without knowing the boundaries, perhaps it is more appropriate to call it a floating continent!
It's a pity that you can't fly here, otherwise Tianhuo would really like to see the whole picture of this floating land.

Tianhuo couldn't even imagine that such an existence existed hundreds of thousands of meters above Nanling Prison. I'm afraid no one else would know about it!


Suddenly, a deep roar came from behind, and the sky fire rushed away in a hurry, then turned around to look, but saw a miniature lion the size of a palm appeared beside the cliff at some time!
Tianhuo blinked, stared at the little lion in astonishment, and then his face changed slightly, because under the eyes of Wen Sheng, he couldn't see through this little lion, only its name, Tianbless Lion!
This kind of situation rarely occurs on monsters. Now my Glyph Sage Eye can see the attributes of monsters that are 80 levels higher than myself, but the God Bless Lion can't be seen by Glyph Sage's Eye. There is only one possibility, it is already a god level, and it is above god level 80!
Tianhuo was secretly on guard, but he was startled in his heart. In the second-level area, the spirit level of 99 is the bottleneck. Even if the god-level powerhouse comes to the second-level area, he will be suppressed at the level of spirit level 99, and this lion , obviously violated this suppression!
"Could it be that this is already a first-level area?" Tianhuo thought to himself, then shook his head. This must be a second-level area. The only explanation is that there is something wrong with this floating continent.

"Boy, this is not where you should come. You can go back as you came here." Tianhuo thought about it, and the palm-sized Tianyou Lion spoke.

Tianhuo clasped his fists, and asked a little cautiously: "Excuse me, what is this place?"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't. If you talk nonsense, I'll kick you down." Tianyoushi snorted coldly.

Tianhuo frowned, and moved his eyes slightly to the distant mountains, and saw streaks of colorful lights appearing in the mountains from time to time. Obviously, the spiritual fruits of heaven and earth here are extremely rich, and they are all of high-grade existence. If so It would be too bad to leave.

And Tianhuo wants to know why Tongtianzhu is connected here.

While pondering, the earth trembled slightly, and then Tianhuo saw that a vine of Tongtianzhu suddenly popped up from not far away, and stopped after breaking through the ground for more than ten meters, and on the top of the vine, a colored light The flowing fruit slowly appeared.

With the appearance of the fruit, the heart-warming breath also quietly permeated at this moment, and Tianhuo was shocked, "A more advanced Tongtian fruit!"

"It's... God-level, God-level Tongtian Fruit!" Tianling's voice full of joy rang in Tianhuo's mind.

"God level?" Tianhuo's pupils shrank. He never thought that he had obtained the low-level, middle-level, and high-level Tongtian Fruits, but right now, the god-level Tongtian Fruits appeared!
As soon as the god-level Tongtianguo appeared, Tianyou Lion suddenly appeared in front of the vines, snorted coldly at Tianhuo, and said, "Don't even think about this thing, get out!"

Tianhuo frowned slightly. The god-level Tongtian Fruit must be [-]% able to allow him to enter the Transforming God Pool, and the effect of baptism must be beyond imagination. How can such a thing be given up?

Thinking of this, Tianhuo's expression became firm, and he said in a deep voice, "No matter how strong you are, I'm going to order this thing!"

Saying that, Wen Sheng's book and Wen Sheng's pen fell into his hands respectively. If the Tianyou Lion stopped him, it was impossible to say, Tianhuo had no choice but to do it!

Tianyoushi snorted coldly, "Want to do something? You are still far behind!"

As soon as the words fell, Tianyoushi's figure suddenly enlarged to Zhang Xu, and a powerful aura also spread at this moment, and the ground around him was crushed to pieces by the invisible air waves.

Tianhuo narrowed his eyes slightly, no matter how strong the Tianyou Lion is, it is not difficult for him to remove the Tongtian Fruit from the vine, as long as he entangles it for a while, thinking of this, with a thought, the Star Devouring Moon Beast also appeared beside him beside.

Just when both Tianhuo and Tianyoushi were about to make a move, suddenly, a crisp sound came from behind, and Tianhuo hurriedly turned around to be on guard, only to see a middle-aged man looking at him with a smile, and in his hand, he was playing Own that hook line!
This middle-aged man's face is like a crown of jade, giving him an extraordinary feeling, but no matter how he looks at it, Tianhuo feels that this is just an ordinary npc, and he does not have the aura that those strong npc should have. Instead, he is like a rock, so don't look at it , I can't feel his presence at all.

When Tianhuo looked at the middle-aged man, the middle-aged man smiled and said playfully: "Little Tiantian, why did you come here?"

Tianhuo was taken aback, and looked at the middle-aged man in astonishment, "You... Senior, what did you call me?"

The middle-aged man threw the hook rope to Tianhuo with a smile, sat down casually on the stone beside him, and said with a smile: "Even Yu Fei and Nangong Qing don't know I'm here, so you must have called me by mistake. Did it hit you?"

Surprise surged in Tianhuo's heart. This middle-aged man knew himself, but he didn't know him, but he actually called the names of Fengshen and Nangong Zhushen directly. Could it be that he is also the main god?
In front of the main god, Tianhuo didn't dare to use the eyes of the sage, but from one sentence, Tianhuo was sure that he was the main god!It's just that Tianhuo felt strange again. Fengshen said at the beginning that there were only two main gods in the second-level area, why did the third one appear?Fengshen and Nangong main god really didn't know that this main god was also in the second level area?
Thinking of this, Tianhuo clasped his fists in a salute neither humble nor overbearing, glanced at the relaxed Tianyou Lion, and said: "Senior, I climbed up the Tongtian Pillar, senior know me?"

The middle-aged man suddenly appeared in front of Tianhuo, patted Tianhuo on the shoulder, looked Tianhuo up and down, nodded in satisfaction, and still answered the question: "It looks good, but it's a little thin, hehe, little Tianhuo, you want That fruit?"

Tianhuo paused, he couldn't understand why this middle-aged man knew him?And he actually called himself 'Xiao Tian Tian' so nonsense...

"Little lion, let's play." Seeing Tianhuo's silence, the middle-aged man waved his hand at Tianyou Lion.

Tianyou Lion hastily knelt down and saluted, "Yes, master!"

As soon as the words fell, the Tianyou lion figure had disappeared in place, and the middle-aged man stretched out his hand, and the Tongtian fruit on the vine shot out and stopped in front of Tianhuo. The middle-aged man said: "Put it away!" All right, but you have to promise me one thing, this fruit is a reward for you in advance."

Tianhuo's eyes lit up, and he took the reward task first?I don't know what the Lord God wants to do with himself.

(End of this chapter)

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