The strongest saint

Chapter 452 The Opportunity Comes Again

Chapter 452 The Opportunity Comes Again

Chapter 450 The Third Opportunity Comes Again

Tianhuo turned around sharply, only to see a young man from the Yinlingmen suddenly appear, stabbing with a long sword flickering in cold light in his hand.

The corner of Tianhuo's mouth curled up slightly, and just as he was about to make a move, he saw the young man hurriedly stopped and smiled at Tianhuo, "Little brother, why did you come here alone?"

While speaking, the young man's eyes flickered, scanning the four divine beasts below from time to time, his eyes filled with deep astonishment.

Tianhuo sneered in his heart, this guy obviously wanted to make a move, but because he sensed the existence of the Diyan three beasts, he stopped his movements and turned to reminisce with himself.

"It's a long night, and you have to find something to do, such as killing people, robbing or something, right?" Tianhuo jokingly said.

The young man froze, turned his hand and put away the long sword, and said with a smile: "Hehe, I didn't expect the little brother to love to joke, but I didn't expect the little brother to hide it very deeply!"

Tianhuo stretched casually, "Your Excellency, you are here, what's the matter?"

The young man smiled awkwardly, but a cold look flashed in his eyes, and he said with a smile: "Yes, I want to buy some more Fenglei Pills. No matter how many you have, I will cover them all. The price is the same, 30 Lingzhu per piece."

A joke flashed in Tianhuo's eyes, he coughed dryly, and said, "Did you take that one before? You want to buy it again without trying the effect, aren't you afraid of losing money?"

The young man smiled, "My eyes won't lie to me, but since you said so, then I should try."

As he spoke, the young man took out the Wind Thunder Pill, opened his mouth and swallowed it.

Following the entrance of the elixir, in the blink of an eye, a blue light appeared all over the young man's body, which lasted for a long time, and the young man seemed to enjoy it very much, closing his eyes slightly as if he was feeling the magical effect of Fenglei Pill.

Not long after, the blue light slowly dissipated, and the young man opened his eyes suddenly, the light flickered in his eyes, and he smiled jokingly, "Hey, if it was before, I'm not sure, but now, hand over the remaining Fenglei Pill Right! Of course, there is also the hidden spirit jade pendant!"

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows slightly, it seemed that this guy didn't find the side effects of Fenglei Dan, but he upgraded a certain skill, which made this guy more confident and confident in dealing with Tianhuo.

"Does this count as asking for trouble? Hehe." Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, as if he was talking to himself, or talking to a young man.

As a member of the Yinling sect, the young man naturally sensed the hidden spirit jade pendant on Tianhuo's body long ago, because he was so close. He didn't make a move because there were so many people outside the city. Now, it's different!

"Ask for trouble? Just rely on these god-level beasts below? Hehe, boy, let's increase your knowledge!" The young man smiled, clenched his fists violently, and a vast wave of energy surged around his body , Turning his hand, the long sword fell into his hand again.

Suddenly, the young man's expression changed, his face suddenly turned pale, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his figure staggered and fell down.

"Hey, is this a side effect? ​​It seems that after taking Fenglei Pill, you can't do anything!" Tianhuo jokingly smiled, looked at the falling young man, and shook his head slightly.

Fenglei Pill, but the young man and the prisoner are scrambling to buy it, and even threatened themselves, at the moment, it's no wonder Tianhuo.

The young man fell to the ground from a height of [-] meters, but this guy seemed to be lucky, he just landed on a monster hundreds of meters high, and immediately smashed the monster into white light and disappeared, but he just groaned.

Tianhuo's figure flashed, and he appeared in front of the young man in an instant, and said with a smile: "Do you still want to do it?"

The young man stared at Tianhuo viciously, but he didn't even have the strength to stand up. He gritted his teeth and said, "Trick me at the Hidden Spirit Gate, boy, your life is not long!"

Tianhuo shrugged, "Then should I tell you that I have already killed the people from the Hidden Spirit Sect, and I don't care if you are added."

The young man's expression changed. Now he has no strength at all, and he was seriously injured by the fall. If Tianhuo made a move, he would have no chance to resist!
While speaking, big golden characters appeared all over Tianhuo's body, illuminating the surrounding woods, and frightened the incoming monsters to avoid them to the sides. Tianhuo, with a wave of his arm, immediately saw A long dragon composed of large characters whizzed out and submerged into the young man's body in an instant.

A series of damage values ​​emerged from the top of the young man's head. At this moment, the young man became desperate and fell from a high altitude. His life value was running out!
"Ding! The system prompts: get a crime value of 1."

"Ding! System prompt: Wen Sheng's sorrow is activated, pick up 1 piece of equipment, Lingzhu x 10."

However, Tianhuo didn't care about a little evil value, but unexpectedly burst out a hundred thousand spirit beads, which surprised Tianhuo slightly. This npc is just a small character.

After looking at the system prompt, Tianhuo turned around slowly, ignoring the monsters rushing past him, stared at a big tree and said, "Qiancang, do you want me to invite you out?"

Under Wen Shengzhi's eyes, although the big tree is lush, it can't block Tianhuo's sight. Prison Cang is hiding on the big tree, so naturally Tianhuo has already discovered it.

Tianhuo's voice came out, but there was no response. Tianhuo smiled, "Team mode, verbal punishment, kill one person in ten steps!"

Following Tianhuo's voice, I saw large golden characters appearing in the sky, covering a radius of one kilometer, and when they slammed down, the first big character fell, and all the monsters within the range died immediately, and on that big tree, too. A damage value of more than 9 appeared!
It was naturally the prisoner's, and when he was attacked by the sky fire, the prisoner's expression froze, he shot out from the big tree, and rushed towards the sky fire, "Boy, I'm not that trash, I'll die!"

The prisoner's speed was very fast, and he swept away with a powerful wave of air. It seemed that this guy hadn't taken Fenglei Pill yet!

Tianhuo calmly looked at the prisoner who was shooting towards him, unmoved, but the prisoner's eyes were full of joy, "Haha, the prisoner's ring and the hidden spirit jade pendant are mine now!"

Seeing that the attack was about to fall on Tianhuo, Tianhuo's figure suddenly disappeared, and at the same time, a voice came from above the prisoner's head, "Really?"

Caught off guard, the prisoner was instantly teleported to the sky fire bombardment above it, and a string of large characters fell, directly smashing it to the ground.

Tianhuo used the word control, and each word was as flexible as an arm, constantly bombarding the prisoner.

Prison Cang was completely stunned, the other party was just a little guy at the first level of God, and he was the deacon of the outer sect of the Prison Dragon Sect. Although his status was not as good as those of the inner sect disciples, his strength was not bad at all. In front of Tianhuo, Suddenly lost the power to resist!
"It's snowing in the Tianshan Mountains in May, there are no flowers, only cold..." The whole poem danced around Tianhuo, and with Tianhuo's punches, each word was like a rainbow, constantly causing [-] to [-] damage points.

"Bastard!" Prison Cang finally resumed his action at this time, amidst the sound of cursing, he slammed his palms on the ground, and his figure flew upside down, brushing against the ground, and only stepped on it again after flying tens of meters away. The shape flipped in mid-air and stabilized in mid-air.

Tianhuo shook his head disdainfully, he didn't take this guy to heart at all, he was just a small character!

But Qiao Cang didn't think so, these disciples of great sects couldn't tolerate the slightest bullying from outsiders at all, they were used to being arrogant, how could they bear the blow?
"I'll kill you!" Prisoner Cang's face was gloomy, he had never suffered such a loss in the hands of outsiders!

Amidst the loud shouts, the prisoner stepped out of the air, the vast power swept across, and the surrounding trees were broken under this violent force, and the prisoner raised the long sword in his hand with a gloomy expression.

"Thousands of people beheaded, Supreme Legion!" Mysterious light flashed in Tianhuo's eyes, and two titles suddenly appeared, and immediately, two huge damage values ​​appeared from the head of the lasing prisoner! -
200000! -400000!

Seeing the damage value popping out from the top of Prison Cang's head, Tianhuo jokingly smiled, this guy only has 200 million HP!

"I don't want to kill you, sensible ones, stop!" Staring at the prisoner, Tianhuo said leisurely.

Prisoner Cang Yizhi, who had been a few meters away from Tianhuo, had already been terrified by Tianhuo, so he dared not do anything. Now what Tianhuo said was exactly what he wanted.

The prisoner's expression was uncertain, and he said in a deep voice, "What do you want?"

Tianhuo smiled, and the words of the prisoner showed that he was already scared!

Flipping through the hands, the remaining three Fenglei Pills appeared in his hand, Tianhuo said with a smile: "I'm short of spirit beads, hehe, I'll sell the remaining three to you."

Looking at the Fenglei Pill in Tianhuo's hand, the prisoner's expression froze, and then he thought of a possibility, that is, Tianhuo was afraid of the prisoner dragon sect, and wanted to show his favor at this time. Thinking of this, the prisoner sneered, "Why? Scared Am I imprisoning the Dragon Sect?"

Tianhuo jokingly smiled, and he clearly sensed that the prisoner came when the young man from the Yinling Sect died, and he did not see the young man taking Fenglei Pill, and Tianhuo knew better that this guy hadn't taken Fenglei yet. Dan didn't know that Fenglei Dan had side effects.

Tianhuo took out the Fenglei Pill at this time, naturally because Tianhuo found out that there were people from the Dragon Sect who imprisoned him!And the strength is much stronger than the prisoner in front of him.

The opening of the cemetery of the gods this time has leaked out. Tens of thousands of people gathered in Yuanwu City, waiting for the opening of the cemetery. Big forces such as the Yinlingmen and Prisoner Dragon Sect have sent people here, and they want to be among so many people. To obtain benefits, the strength of the people sent out cannot be weak.

Tianhuo knew that because of the Prisoner's Ring, once he was met by someone from the Prisoner's Dragon Sect, he would definitely attack him, so he decided to act first and take advantage of it first!

"Stop talking nonsense, the same price, 75 spirit beads, bring them!" Tianhuo laughed, making the prisoner feel uneasy.

As a deacon of the outer sect, Prison Cang has naturally accumulated a lot of wealth, but at this time, it is obviously impossible to take out 75 yuan, and if he does not take it, he does not have the slightest chance of snatching Fenglei Pill from Tianhuo.

Looking at the three Fenglei Pills, Qiao Cang's expression changed again.

"Qiancang, what's going on?" At this time, several figures rushed over, and soon came to the side of the prisoner. The leader was a young man, but he called the prisoner's name directly. Obviously, his status was higher than the prisoner's. .

Without waiting for Prison Cang's answer, several people's eyes fell on the Fenglei Pill in Tianhuo's hand, and Tianhuo was overjoyed that the opportunity came again.

(End of this chapter)

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