The strongest saint

Chapter 453 Beast Tide

Chapter 453 Beast Tide
Seeing the few people in Prison Dragon Sect staring at the Fenglei Pill in his hand, Tianhuo coughed dryly, "This is a pill that can improve skills by one level. One 30 spirit beads, that's all there is left."

"Boy, do you dare to trick us? This is senior brother Hangjiu, the inner sect of the Dragon Sect, hehe..." Qiaocang showed great joy, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the leading young man raising his hand.

"Are those beasts and puppets yours?" Prison Hang glanced at the Star Devouring Moon Beast and other beasts in the distance, and asked Tianhuo.

Tianhuo sneered in his heart, why couldn't he see it, if it wasn't because of Di Yan and the others, this guy would probably have made a move long ago.

But when he asked this sentence, the color of greed also flashed in Prison Hang's eyes, which was clearly caught by Tianhuo.

Seeing that Tianhuo was silent, just looking at himself with a smile, Prison Hang coughed lightly, and walked slowly a few steps, "I want Fenglei Pill, and the puppet is also transferred to me, how about it?"

As soon as this remark came out, several people in the prison camp looked at the prison hang in doubt. These things can be snatched by hand. Why did the prison hang discuss it with Tianhuo?
A cold look flashed in Tianhuo's eyes, and he smiled calmly: "The puppet is my life-saving thing, hehe, there is no problem with Fenglei Pill."

Prison Hang looked at Tianhuo regretfully, and reluctantly took out a golden bag, "It's a pity, then I want Fenglei Pill! I'll give you all 100 million spirit beads, and I'm making you my friend."

After saying that, the bag has been thrown over, Tianhuo looked calm, although he has never seen such a thing, but he has seen a storage ring, presumably this bag has the same function as the storage ring.

Open it, and sure enough, the space inside is far from being as simple as it appears on the surface. There are a total of 100 million spirit beads stored in it, which makes Tianhuo's eyes brighten. This guy is a local tyrant!
Without hesitation, after putting away the storage bag, Tianhuo threw all three Fenglei Pills to Prison Hang, "Happy, hehe."

Prison Hang turned his hands away and put away the Fenglei Pill, and did not rush to take it. After slightly nodding towards Tianhuo, he took a few people and left without any intention of making a move, which made Tianhuo suspicious.

After leaving, the faces of several people were full of doubts, and finally couldn't help asking: "Senior Brother Ninth, why don't you just grab it? Why give him back 100 million spirit beads?"

Hearing this, a strange smile appeared on the prisoner's face, "Give it to him? I buy things from outsiders, and I never spend money. This time, of course, is no exception!"

As he said that, Prison Hang turned his head and glanced at the mountain not far away. Obviously, there were people hiding there.

The people in the prison were very puzzled, but the prisoner didn't explain, and continued to fly towards Yuanwu City.

As for Tianhuo, watching the Prisoner Dragon Sect leave, he became even more puzzled at this moment. Tianhuo believed that Prisoner Hang must have sensed that Prisoner Tianjie was on him, so he could hold back his hand?Why?
It's just that Tianhuo didn't notice that on a mountain peak in the distance, a group of five people had a huge umbrella on their heads. Under the umbrella, a mysterious light film poured down, covering the five people in it. Looking around, there were no five people in sight.

Among the five people, the young man in the lead looked calm, looked at the place where Tianhuo was from time to time, and then at the place where Prison Hang and the others left, and remained silent.

Beside the young man, several young men in the same attire were hesitant to speak for several times, and finally, a young man said, "Senior Brother Yin Hai, Prison Hang and the others have gone far."

The young man nodded, his eyes seemed to be able to see Tianhuo through a distance of more than ten miles, "This person hides very deeply, don't provoke him for now."

"No way? Brother Yinhai, although he easily killed the sixth child, but in front of the senior brother, what is it?"

Yin Hai sneered, "Let's talk about Lao Liu's revenge in the cemetery of the gods. At this moment, Prison Hang is waiting to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight."

The people beside Yinhai frowned, looked around again, and one of them said, "But how can we find this kid in the cemetery of the gods?"

Yin Hai shook his head slightly, "It's not difficult. Prison Hang wants to find this kid with that storage bag. We can use the hidden spirit jade pendant to find him."

"Senior Brother Yinhai is right, if you do something here, you will soon attract those people from Yuanwu City, and then not all the things on this kid will fall into my hands, so let's wait until the cemetery of the gods. " said another person.

Tianhuo didn't know that these people were making small calculations. Seeing the surrounding calm at this moment, only the beast tide was rushing towards Yuanwu City, a strange thought came to his mind again. I don't know how many monsters have been killed by the four beasts during this period of time. , and the monsters seem to be endless, a little weird.

What's even more weird is that up to now, the most advanced bosses appearing around are only golden bosses, not even dark gold and spirit beast bosses.

Seeing the monsters coming continuously in the distance, Tianhuo pursed his lips and said in greeting, "Go, go ahead and have a look."

The four beasts flew back one after another, and Tianhuo rolled over on the back of the Star Devouring Moon Beast, saying: "The higher level monsters should be over there, go and have a look."

The Star Devouring Moon Beast galloped out in the lead, flying straight for dozens of miles, but saw that the mountain in front of it seemed to be split by someone, forming a 400-meter-wide canyon from the middle. At this moment, monsters are coming. Continue through this canyon.

Tianhuo frowned, this time there were more monsters than any time he had seen before, and I just heard that this beast forest is not big, it shouldn't be!
"Hey, this time, we must get some good things in the cemetery of the gods!" A majestic voice sounded next to Tianhuo's ear, and the voice came from the canyon in front of him.

"That's right, after so many years, I finally found the entrance to the cemetery, so I must make enough money!"

Those voices approached slowly, Tianhuo hastily put away the four beasts, and used the hidden spirit skill to look intently, only to see huge beasts walking out of the canyon slowly, and these were all spirit beasts!

Tianhuo clicked his tongue secretly, these spirit beasts moved forward slowly, but kept talking, their eyes were full of excitement.

"I heard that tens of thousands of humans have already gathered in Yuanwu City, but the boss is still very powerful, and he came up with this method."

"That's natural. We drove millions of little guys to Yuanwu City. Hehe, when those humans only focus on dealing with these little guys, we can take the lead."

"Hey, the previous cemeteries were opened, and they were chased away by humans before entering it. This time, let me see who drives whom away!"

Tianhuo, who heard the conversation in mid-air, was taken aback. These spirit beasts also wanted to go to the cemetery of the gods?

The cemetery of the gods will not be opened until a few days ago. It seems a little early for these spirit beasts to do so, right?
In doubt, Tianhuo's pupils shrank slightly, only to see a few spirit beasts walking in front stopped, and looked intently into the midair, with the tip of their noses twitching, "There is a breath of human beings!"

The voice of that spirit beast spread throughout the canyon. Immediately, all the spirit beasts in the canyon were on alert, making Tianhuo's scalp tingle. The number of these spirit beasts was more than ten thousand. Where did they appear from?
"I also smelled the breath of human beings, but I didn't see it. Could it be that they have been killed by the little ones?" a spirit beast said in a human voice.

"Don't talk nonsense, move on!" Suddenly, a powerful voice sounded, and the thick coercion filled the world in an instant.

With the appearance of this voice, all the spirit beasts in the canyon trembled, dared not speak any more, and hurried forward.

Tianhuo looked around intently, but couldn't find the source of the voice, so he couldn't help but frowned. It seemed that the owner of that voice was the boss that those spirit beasts had said before, and he didn't know where it was.

At this moment, he couldn't even sense the source of its sound. Tianhuo didn't dare to be careless, and kept his invisibility and slowly flew to one side. Otherwise, if his position was discovered, and these tens of thousands of spirit beasts shot together, he couldn't bear it .

Soon, all the spirit beasts had left the canyon, and since then, no monsters appeared again, making Tianhuo even more puzzled, where is the owner of the previous voice?Among these spirit beasts, Tianhuo didn't find it at all!
Tianhuo believed that the owner of that voice must be a beast-level existence, otherwise how could he command so many spirit beasts?But the herd of beasts had already passed, but they didn't even see the other party's shadow.

After waiting for a long time, the east has turned white, and the herd of beasts has already gone away. Tianhuo still did not see any spirit beasts or divine beasts, so he was relieved. It seems that the bosses of those spirit beasts have left, but this time , have fun!

Tianhuo never expected that the opening of the cemetery of the gods not only attracted hundreds of thousands of strong human beings, but also attracted tens of thousands of spirit beasts. This is only the spirit beasts in this direction, and I don’t know about other directions. , Will there be spirit beasts coming too?

If this is the case, this time it will be lively.

The last time the cemetery of the gods was opened in the third-level area, the lucky Mu Yichen entered it alone. After he came out, there was no doubt that he was strong. At that time, he was no weaker than himself!

It can be seen that there must be a lot of good things in the cemetery of the gods.

The sky was bright, Tianhuo hesitated for a moment, but still flew towards Yuanwu City, those herds should have arrived at Yuanwu City!
Yuanwu City, the city is already full, and tens of thousands of strong human beings have gathered outside the city, and at this moment, everyone is on guard with pale faces, because at this moment, the ground unexpectedly trembled, like an earthquake, Can't figure out what's going on at all.

Gradually, everyone turned their eyes to the distance, and saw smoke and dust rising from the mountains in the distance, and the forest collapsed quickly, like the end of the world.

"What is that? It's the same over there!" Everyone's face changed drastically at this moment, and every direction in Yuanwu City was like this!

The dense sound of hoofbeats came slowly, several kilometers apart, but they still clearly reached everyone's ears. At this moment, everyone's complexions turned pale.

"That's... a beast tide!"

(End of this chapter)

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