The strongest saint

Chapter 463 Received the Super God Beast

Chapter 463 Received the Super God Beast

There is still half of the time left, and Tianhuo still needs to kill Qiankunhu's 200 million health points to be considered a victory, but the strongest two-page discussion has already been used, and the rest is more difficult!
"Come on!" Qiankunhu glanced at Tianhuo, with a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

Seeing the disappointment in Qiankunhu's eyes, Tianhuo felt even weirder in his heart, but he gritted his teeth and took out the only seven Sky-shattering Demon Arrows left!
There is not much time left, if relying on one's own skills, it is no longer possible to take away Qiankunhu's 200 million health points, for the sake of the white tiger's blood beads, this thing can only be used!

Qiankunhu's expression froze, and he stared dumbfounded at the sky-shattering magic arrow in Tianhuo's hand. Seeing that Tianhuo was about to throw it out, he hurriedly stopped and said, "Stop!"

Tianhuo was taken aback for a moment, and shook the Sky Demon Arrow, "You won't go back on your word, will you?"

Qiankunhu shook his head helplessly, "You use this thing to deal with me? Then why are you playing? Really, don't waste the Heaven-Pottering Demon Arrow, you've won."

Tianhuo was even more stunned, and looked at the Skybreaker Arrow in his hand, it was indeed very strong, but why was Qiankunhu so straightforward?

"Okay, put it away, master!" Qiankunhu said with a smile.

While speaking, the system prompt sounded.

"Ding! The system prompts: The super divine beast Qiankunhuyu wants to recognize you as the master, do you agree?"

Hearing the system prompt, Tianhuo was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Agree!"

A super beast, that is an existence that surpasses the top-level beasts. Now it seems that this is my strongest pet!

With Tianhuo's consent, Qiankunhu appeared in Tianhuo's pet pavilion, Tianhuo turned his hand and recruited him, "Qiankunhu, who made you recognize me as the master? I believe it was not your intention, right?"

Qiankunhu froze, shook his huge head and smiled: "I knew you could see it, hehe, I did this just to see your strength. God level 20 is so powerful, and you will definitely be able to dominate the Destiny Continent in the future. Who made me recognize you as the master, this question... can't be said!"

Tianhuo stared at Qiankunhu for a moment, then nodded, it seemed that he guessed right, who is it?
"Hey, master, speaking of it, this is a bet during the World War, but I really can't say more, you will definitely know in the future." Qiankunhu laughed.

"Well, I'm curious, who is helping me." Tianhuo shrugged and looked at the roots of the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree without asking any further questions.

The white tiger blood bead released a strong killing energy as usual, but it was absorbed by the roots one by one, and even the killing energy between the heaven and the earth slowly dissipated, "When will the white tiger blood bead return to calm?"

"It's hard to say, it will take at least a day or two!" Qiankunhu said.

Tianhuo nodded, "You should have activated the White Tiger Blood Bead, right? Do you need to do something?"

Qiankunhu looked at Tianhuo, and then at the white tiger's blood beads in the distance, "I have been sleeping since the World War, this is the first time I have entered the cemetery of the gods, I activated it to see if my teacher gave me some help." I have something to say."

Tianhuo was a little surprised. Could it be that there are words left by these four elephant blood beads?

"Did Senior Baihu leave anything behind?" Tianhuo asked.

Qiankunhu nodded, "Yes, there is a very important thing I need to do, so, master, I have to leave you for a while."

Tianhuo pondered, and didn't ask Qiankunhu what to do, nodded and said: "Call me if you need help, otherwise you can do it yourself, and call me when you're done."

Qiankunhu nodded happily, "It's not too late, master, I'm leaving now!"

Tianhuo smiled, looked at Qiankunhu again, "Go!"

The Qiankun Tiger retreated, his figure flickered and quickly disappeared from Tianhuo's field of vision, and he didn't know where it went, but it didn't matter, he should leave the cemetery of the gods when he collected the white tiger's blood beads.

"Sigh, I thought you received a powerful boost, but you left just now." Tianling shook her head while looking at the direction Qiankunhu left.

"It doesn't matter, it's not like it won't come back." Tianhuo said with a smile, with his current strength, he doesn't need Qiankun Tiger's help, just summon it when necessary.

Subduing the Qiankun Tiger was completely unexpected. Tianhuo originally planned to use the scroll of God's Enslavement to subdue it, but he didn't expect it to directly raise a bet, which saved himself a scroll.

What puzzled Tianhuo was that this guy had become his pet, but he couldn't check its attributes.

Qiankun Tiger (Super Divine Beast), whose attributes are unknown.

The pet panel, there is only such an introduction, which made Tianhuo puzzled. After thinking for a while, Tianhuo faintly felt that the Qiankun Tiger should have reached the divine realm, so that he, as the owner, could not check its attributes. When in the divine realm, naturally there will be no problem.

God Realm, that is an existence beyond the 99th level of God, although Tianhuo is looking forward to it, but he is not in a hurry. Right now, he has completed the task of finding the God of War and learned everything he wants to know.

While waiting quietly, no strong men or beasts came here to disturb them. After all, although the killing aura all over the sky is not as good as before, it is not something ordinary people can resist.

The next day, the murderous aura on the white tiger's blood beads still remained undiminished, and after absorbing such a huge amount of murderous aura, the Hunyuan Spirit Tree also showed no reaction.

On the third day, the killing spirit on the white tiger's blood beads was still the same, but on a branch of the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree, a budding flower unexpectedly appeared!
Such a scene immediately made Tianhuo look forward to it. Last time, the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree absorbed the endless death energy and gave birth to the Pluto elf, which made his attributes skyrocket. At this moment, there should be no other spirit fruit or elves, right?

In the anticipation of Tianhuo, on the fourth day, the white tiger's blood bead suddenly stopped releasing its killing intent, and the flower on the Hunyuan spirit tree hadn't bloomed yet.

The killing spirit disappeared, and Genxu took back the Fanshen Palace on his own, disappointing Tianhuo for a while. If it continues, maybe he can see the results of the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree, which is a pity.

"Tianling, where else can I encounter such a killing spirit? I want to turn that flower into a fruit. I'm looking forward to it. I don't know what it will produce." Tianhuo asked while putting away the white tiger's blood beads.

"Yes, the place where Baihu was born, but his whereabouts are unknown, no one knows where it is." Tianling said bluntly.

Tianhuo frowned, where was the white tiger born?It seems that more inquiries will be made in the future, and if found, the flowers on the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree will continue to grow.

Received the White Tiger Blood Bead into the Ring of the Grave Sage, and immediately, the system notification sounded.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on completing the first round of the mission of finding the god of war. The second round is open. Please check the mission panel for details."

Task: Find God of War (second ring).

Task difficulty: s level (total).

Mission reward: unknown.

Mission Penalty: None.

Mission introduction: You have obtained the Xuanwu Whip, Suzaku Fan, White Tiger Blood Bead, Suzaku Blood Bead, and Xuanwu Blood Bead, and you still need to get the Qinglong Silk, White Tiger Gloves, and Qinglong Blood Bead from Luoshen.

Looking at the mission introduction, Tianhuo suddenly understood that Luoshen said before that to get the three things in her hands, he had to do something for her first. It turned out that that was the second ring of his mission, but it seemed that he had to go back I'm looking for Luoshen!
Tianhuo flipped his hands and took out the space-breaking shuttle. After connecting Wen Hao, he flew straight to the east and completed what Luoshen said. The three things will be in his hands. At that time, the third ring will be opened, which is I don't know how many rings this task will take to complete.

The Pokong Shuttle galloped in the cemetery of the gods. Suddenly, the Pokong Shuttle, which was extremely fast, stopped suddenly, causing Tianhuo and Wen Hao to stagger for a while. When they stabilized their figures and looked around, they saw Pokong Outside the shuttle, Luoshen's figure appeared at some point.

Tianhuo hastily got out of the space-breaking shuttle, and saluted Luoshen: "Tianhuo has seen Senior Luoshen!"

Luoshen nodded with a smile, "It's faster than I expected, Tianhuo, are you ready?"

Tianhuo nodded, cupped his hands and said, "I don't know what Senior Luoshen needs me to do?"

Luoshen stroked the hair on his temples, and said with a smile: "We, the so-called main gods, have been preparing for the monster's counterattack. It has been nearly a million years. We were busy preparing but ignored the situation in the mainland."

As he said that, Luoshen's expression became a little dignified, "Prisoner Dragon Sect has risen since the Great War between Heaven and Earth, and its speed of development is astonishing. Do you know why?"

Tianhuo nodded, "The Prisoner Dragon Sect has an affair with monsters, and with the support of monsters, it will naturally develop rapidly."

"That's right, I also received the news, but because of some relationship, I can't act now, so I want you to unite all the forces that can be united, try your best to wipe out the power of the Prisoner Dragon Sect, and it is best to destroy the Prisoner Dragon Sect! "Luo Shen's voice was very heavy, and it was obvious that she knew about Prisoner Dragon Sect more comprehensively.

Tianhuo was astonished, and wanted to destroy the prisoner Longzong by himself?This is a big deal!

But Luoshen has all the items related to finding the God of War. Even if it is going up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, Tianhuo has to go!
Without the slightest hesitation, Tianhuo nodded, "I will try my best!"

Although he nodded, but from Luoshen's expression, Tianhuo could also see that the power of Prisoner Dragon Sect was probably far beyond his imagination!
Luoshen's slightly frowned brows gradually relaxed, and he said with a smile, "There's no need to rush this matter, it's great if you can do it well before God level 99, come on!"

After the words fell, Luoshen had disappeared from Tianhuo's field of vision. Although she hadn't received the task reminder, Luoshen had explained that she could do it by herself, and when the time came, she would naturally give herself the three things.

It's just that Tianhuo is a little puzzled. There seems to be some meaning hidden in Luoshen's words before he left. Is God level 99?Sure enough, it's a little far away.

After a long time, Tianhuo also breathed a sigh of relief. The next step is to find a way to destroy the Prisoner Dragon Sect. Anyway, he doesn't have a cold for the Prisoner Dragon Sect. If he can do it, Tianhuo will not hesitate.

"Brother Tianhuo, is that Luoshen?" Wen Hao asked dumbfounded after Luoshen left.

Tianhuo nodded slightly, "Senior Wenhao, let's go, I will follow you to Wenshengmen."

(End of this chapter)

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