The strongest saint

Chapter 464 Flame Sect

Chapter 464 Flame Sect
"Really?" Wen Hao was overjoyed when he heard Tianhuo say that he would go to Wensheng Gate with him, and lost his voice.

Tianhuo smiled, "What is there to doubt? But how do we get out?"

After wandering around the cemetery of the gods for so many days, Tianhuo still didn't know how to get out, after all, he didn't see a portal to leave here these days.

Wen Hao was overjoyed, and looked up at the sky, "This place is forcibly closed once every three months, but if you want to leave early, just fly up."

"Oh? It's the same as Fenghuo Treasure Land and Nangong Treasure Land, so let's go!" Tianhuo said with a smile, since there is nothing else to do here, he happened to follow Wen Hao to Wensheng Gate to take a look at the Wensheng Gate and save the text stored in Wensheng Gate. Get all the holy suits.

With more Glyph Saint suits, the attribute of Tianhuo will naturally be stronger, and it will be more sure to deal with Prisoner Dragon Sect at that time.

The great sects in the first-level area are not comparable to the second-level area. In the second-level area, the Tianyan Sect is the strongest existence. Other forces cannot match the Tianyan Sect. Each of these ten sects is an existence that makes the first, second and third-level areas tremble.

At this moment, Tianhuo is only at level 20. Although he has received the task of exterminating the Prisoner Dragon Sect, there is no good way for a while. It would be more appropriate to find out the strength of the Prisoner Dragon Sect first, and then find a way. It is to look at Wen Shengmen.

Tianhuo and Wen Hao stepped into the air, and after flying tens of thousands of meters into the sky, the scenery in front of them suddenly began to change.

The rapidly changing scenery soon stabilized, and before the two of Tianhuo had a clear view of the surrounding situation, a series of attacks were raging and raging!

"Yu!" Tianhuo was startled, and hastily cast out the words Yu, and each word formed a huge shield to block in front of the two of them!

bang bang bang...

Amidst the violent impact, ripples appeared on the shield, but until those attacks dissipated, the shield did not shatter.

"What's the situation?" Tianhuo frowned, looked intently, and saw that the two were in a ruined wall, surrounded by corpses, and in front of the only wooden house that was still intact, the three were covered in The wounded young man guarded the gate.

On the other side of the three, dozens of people sneered disdainfully, but at the moment they were staring at the sudden appearance of Tianhuo in astonishment.

Tianhuo glanced around, and found that this was a mountain gate, the only remaining wooden house stood on the top of the mountain, with a wooden sign of "Yanmen" hanging on the wooden house, obviously, this is a very small sect, but now it seems that only Get off the three young men.

As for the dozens of people on the opposite side, the word 'Prisoner' was embroidered on the corners of their clothes, and all of them also had the identity badge of Prisoner Dragon Sect on their waists.

"Oh, what a coincidence, Prisoner Dragon Sect!" Tianhuo said jokingly with a cold expression.

"People from the Wensheng Sect, why did they suddenly appear here?" The disciples of the prisoner Longzong looked at each other suspiciously, showing signs of alertness.

Tianhuo pursed his lips, raised his hand, and suddenly opened the sixth page of the Book of Glyphs, causing 10 damage to targets within a range of level × 49 meters!
In an instant, words danced among the crowd one by one, and dense damage values ​​also emerged. The flying words did not stop, and everyone in the Prisoner Dragon Sect fell down, leaving no one alive.

"The Prisoner Dragon Sect, start with these disciples!" Tianhuo murmured after killing dozens of people lightly, with a determined look in his eyes.

Tianhuo's murmured voice reached the ears of the three young men. Immediately, the three of them looked at each other and knelt down towards Tianhuo, "Thank you for saving my life, my lord!"

At some point, the three of them were already in tears, the entire Yan Clan was wiped out by those dozens of people, only the three of them were left!
Tianhuo shook his head slightly, but he was a little puzzled in his heart. How could the huge Prisoner Dragon Sect focus on such a small sect? "Just passing by, you pack up and leave here, Prisoner Dragon Sect will definitely find you."

With that said, Tianhuo and Wen Hao turned around and were about to leave.

"My lords, wait a moment!" A young man hurriedly said, got up and ran quickly, took out a token in his hand, handed it to Tianhuo, and continued: "My lord, I will hand over Yanmen, I hope you can lead Let's revive the Flame Gate."

"Ding! The system prompts: The master of the Yan Sect wants to merge the Yan Sect into the Tian Yan Sect, do you accept it?"

Tianhuo was stunned for a moment, just this small and negligible Yanmen, and the system still prompted to merge into Tianyanmen?
"My lord, I know that the current Yan family is insignificant, but my Yan family has been passed down for a long time. It is only because of the interruption of the inheritance of skills that it has fallen to this point. Please accept it!"

"Please accept, my lord!" The other two knelt down together, regardless of their injuries.

Tianhuo was dumbfounded, this Yan sect only occupied a mountain top, from the looks of it, there might not even be a city under it, such a small sect, what do you want to do here?
"Yanmen... There is also a Yanmen at the same time as the Corpse Controlling Sect, but that Yanmen is not weak, second only to the Corpse Controlling Sect!" Tianling's voice rang in Tianhuo's mind.

Tianhuo shook his head, it was just a coincidence, such a small sect certainly couldn't have been passed down from that time.

After thinking for a moment, Tianhuo shook his head helplessly, "Forget it, at worst, this place will be the first stronghold of Tianyanmen!"

Muttering, Tianhuo said to the young man: "Think about it clearly, if you give me the Yanmen, I will change it to Tianyanmen, and the Yanmen will no longer exist."

The young man nodded heavily, gritted his teeth and said, "My father just died, and his last wish before he died was to destroy the prisoner dragon sect. I just heard that your lord wants to destroy the prisoner dragon sect. I will follow to the death!"

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows, and took the token with his hand. This token is the symbol of the sect master. Once accepted, it means that this place has become the place of Tianyan Sect.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on subduing the Yan family, and you will be rewarded with 1 reputation points."

Tianhuo ignored the insignificant reward, looked at the three of them, feeling a little helpless, their names had already appeared in the sect system, Yanping, Yansheng, Yanjin, and Yanping was the former sect host.

Tianhuo didn't expect to encounter such a thing. He didn't know how to arrange these three people for a while, but after thinking for a while, Tianhuo's eyes lit up. It is impossible to persuade those big forces to move out with my own words. The only way is to establish a force first!
If a power like the Tianyan Sect in the second-level area can be established, there will be a lot of responses at that time, and whoever is going to be destroyed, isn't it easy to capture?
Thinking of this, Tianhuo immediately firmed up his idea. Although it is impossible to move all the npc disciples of Tianyanmen to the first-level area, there are countless player disciples in Tianyanmen at this moment. When these player disciples arrive at the first-level area, they will gather in How powerful they are together!
Hurriedly looking at the Zongmen system, Tianhuo suddenly became dumbfounded, only to see that the number of Zongmen disciples written on it was actually 2574361087!

There are more than 20 billion disciples, and the number is still increasing. Among them, only more than 100 million are npc disciples!

Tianhuo was dumbfounded, never thought that he had only left the second-level area for two months, and the number of players who joined Tianyanmen had already reached a terrifying number of more than 20 billion!
It can be said that nearly half of the players in the game have entered the Tianyan Gate!

Seeing such a terrifying number of disciples, Tianhuo was a little flustered, this time, things will be easy to handle!
After closing the Zongmen system, Tianhuo laughed, and said to Yanping and the others: "You can find a place to hide, and when I come back from Wenshengmen, I will take you to build a super power that is unparalleled in the world!"

Tianhuo's laughter sounded flat, but the words were full of confidence, which made Wen Hao look at Tianhuo in astonishment, "Tianhuo, do you want to build power?"

Tianhuo shrugged and smiled, "I have built a Tianyan Sect in the second-level area. Now, it is not difficult to establish the Tianyan Sect in the first-level area, hehe, but let's talk about it in a few days, let's go to the Wensheng Sect first."

Wen Hao looked at Tianhuo strangely for a moment, then nodded and pointed into the distance, "That direction."

The three of Yanping hesitated to speak, but they never said anything more, and Tianhuo, taking Wen Hao into the space-breaking shuttle, quickly disappeared in this world.

In the space-breaking shuttle, Tianhuo kept smiling all the time. Before hearing what Luoshen asked him to do, he was a little depressed, but now, the depression has been swept away. Before, he was the one who got stuck!
To destroy the Prisoner Dragon Sect, one of the top ten sects, it is naturally impossible to rely on personal strength, but the sect system makes Tianhuo very happy. level area.

Wen Hao looked at Tianhuo from time to time, but he was silent, thinking about something for a long time, and hurriedly pointed to the front, "Tianhuo, stop ahead, we will take the teleportation array to palindrome."

Tianhuo suppressed the joy in his heart, nodded slightly, "Senior Wen Hao, how many cities are there under Wen Sheng's sect?"

Wen Hao smiled awkwardly, "Our Wensheng Sect has the smallest number of cities among the top ten sects, with only about 30."

Tianhuo staggered for a while, Tianyanmen controlled 30 to [-] cities in the second-level area, which is already a super sect, but Wenshengmen actually controlled more than [-] cities in the first-level area?It would be even more unimaginable if the subordinate forces under it were added!

Are these the top ten sects of the Destiny Continent?Tianhuo was horrified.

For a while, Tianhuo became worried again. If he wanted to build power, he would naturally need countless cities to fill it. At that time, if he got into trouble with the top ten sects, he would be in trouble.

Wen Hao looked at Tianhuo who was in astonishment with a smile, coughed lightly, and said with a smile: "Brother Tianhuo, most of the first-level area is controlled by the top ten sects, but it also leaves room for others. The western part of the first-level area is called chaos." Domain, there, there is no sect."

Wen Hao didn't say much, but Tianhuo understood it. Wen Hao was reminding himself that if he wanted to build power, it would be better to start from the chaotic domain.

Tianhuo secretly remembered the name Chaos Realm, and set foot on the teleportation array with Wen Hao, Wen Shengmen, and didn't know how many pieces of his suit he had.

(End of this chapter)

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