The strongest saint

Chapter 465 Wensheng Gate

Chapter 465 Wensheng Gate

Wen Sheng Sect, one of the top ten sects.

The ten major sects control the transcendent existence of the Destiny Continent.

In Wenshengmen, most of the disciples are scholars. Since ancient times, the status of scholars on the mainland is not as good as before, but in Wenshengmen, the status of scholars is high. These scholars are all Wensheng's beliefs By.

The endless mountains are endless, and among the mountains, wooden houses and thatched houses are built. This is the residence of Wenshengmen.

In the sky, Tianhuo and Wen Hao galloped past in the space shuttle. Tianhuo stared at the scene below in astonishment, and was very surprised. The building of Wensheng Gate is too simple, right?
"Hehe, we scholars don't care about material comforts. The sky is the bed and the ground is the mat. It is enough to have a simple house to shelter from the wind and rain." Wen Hao laughed.

Tianhuo nodded his head in astonishment, the more he walked forward, the thicker the air of books gathered in this piece of heaven and earth, faintly, there was the sound of reading books spreading in the air.

Wen Hao led Tianhuo to fly deep into the Wensheng Gate, but in the mountains below, he could see large characters lit up from time to time.

"Our group of scholars use literature to cultivate themselves, and we use literature to cultivate Taoism. You will gradually get used to it." Wen Hao laughed again.

For a long time, Tianhuo's eyes moved to the distance. In that distant place, there was a super mountain range that was dozens of times larger than ordinary mountains. On top of it were equally simple and neatly arranged buildings. On the top of the mountain range, a large hall stood faintly .

As the distance approached, Tianhuo saw that the winding roads went up along the mountains until they reached the front of the main hall, which was the only main hall and the only luxurious building in Wenshengmen.

However, compared to the Alchemy School that Tianhuo had been to, that hall looked petty and a bit small, but in that hall, there was a vast aura of books rising to the sky, and a majestic aura of righteousness permeated along with it.

"This is the scholar's world, it's refreshing..." Tianhuo thought to himself, once he arrived here, he felt an indescribable feeling in his heart, as if he was bathing in a gentle world, there was no killing, and there was only tranquility in his heart.

Soon, the two had arrived in front of the huge mountain range in the air shuttle. Wen Hao signaled Tianhuo to stop, took Tianhuo and walked towards the winding road, explaining: "You can't fly in Shushan, we just I can go up."

Tianhuo nodded, looked up, at the foot of the mountain, he couldn't see the whole picture of the mountain range, let alone the end of the road, but a strong sense of oppression rose in his heart.

The speed of the two is not slow, but after half a day, they have only reached the top of the mountain, and what they see is a huge square that spans several hills. The bottom is supported by something, making this square span several The top of the mountain stands firmly.

At the end of the square, there is naturally that simple hall. In front of the hall, there is a statue holding a book in both hands. There is no doubt that it is naturally a literary saint. See the face of the statue clearly.

After a long time, Tianhuo gave up the idea of ​​seeing the statue clearly. He glanced around, but was attracted by the scenery on the left. Behind the mountain of books, there was actually an endless lake, inlaid like an ocean.

"Hehe, it is said that Shushan and that lake were both born of the Patriarch Wensheng, but the time is too far away, and it is impossible to verify it. Let's go, let's go to Wendian." Wen Hao laughed.

Tianhuo bowed towards the statue before moving on, towards the main halls named 'Wen Dian', and saw that the doors of the main halls were open, and there were many people gathered in them.

"Haha, it's better to see than to hear. I have already heard that the descendant of Wen Sheng Patriarch is alive, and now I can finally see it. My friend Tianhuo, how are you doing recently?"

As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the main hall, a gentle and refined voice came from among them.

Tianhuo hastily cupped his fists towards the hall, "Boy Tianhuo, I have met all the seniors!"

In the main hall, everyone was dressed as a scholar, Qiqi turned his eyes to the door, and looked at Tianhuo with different expressions.

"Huh! As the descendant of the Wensheng Patriarch, after arriving in the first-level area, he didn't come to the Wenshengmen immediately, but ran to other sects, Tianhuo, right? I think you might as well hand over the Wensheng's inheritance .” An old man with a hooked nose snorted coldly.

As soon as this remark came out, the middle-aged man on the main seat frowned, and said in thought: "Little friend Tianhuo, this is my deputy sect master of the Wensheng sect. It has always been like this, don't take offense."

Hearing this, Tianhuo couldn't help but look at the eagle-nosed old man a few more times. Is that the deputy sect master?Those who imprisoned the Dragon Sect!

Without saying anything, Tianhuo ignored the deputy sect master and saluted the rest of the people again, "Tianhuo has met the sect master and all the seniors!"

Everyone returned the salute in unison, but the people beside the deputy sect master ignored Tianhuo.

The gentle and elegant middle-aged man on the main seat got up, and the words surged under his feet as he stepped, as if supporting him, and sent him to Tianhuo, and then smiled at everyone: "The descendants of the Patriarch Wensheng are also welcome!" See you, let’s do this for today, we’re all gone.”

The deputy sect master snorted coldly and led the group of people away, and the rest of the people also bowed to the sect master and left one after another. In an instant, only the sect master, Wen Hao and Tianhuo were left in the hall.

"Did you get it? Is Wen Lie dead?" The door master asked Wen Hao.

Wen Hao hurriedly bowed, "Master Uncle, Wen Lie is the deputy head of the sect, he is dead, and things..."

With that said, Wen Hao looked at Tianhuo.

Tianhuo coughed dryly and said, "The heart of Wen Sheng is on me, and Wen Lie was also killed by me."

The head of the sect nodded, not mentioning the matter of Wen Sheng's heart, but said to Wen Hao: "After I sent you out, I realized that Wen Lie is Wen Weng's man, and he is his son. He has Wen Lie's soul. Yujian, of course, knew that Wen Lie was dead, so he was aggressive."

After finishing speaking, he said to Tianhuo: "It's true that the heart of Wensheng was left by the patriarch, but no one knows its usefulness. You have to discover it by yourself, but since you got it, it's a matter of course."

Tianhuo breathed a sigh of relief, if the sect master said that it belonged to the Wensheng sect, things would be difficult to handle, but it seemed that the sect master did not intend to mention Wensheng's heart again, so he just let himself get it.

"Uncle, I only found out in the cemetery of the gods that Wen Lie was originally a prisoner of the Dragon Sect, and Wen Weng was the same." Wen Hao said hastily.

The head of the door hastily made a hissing gesture, looked outside the hall door, then shook his head and said: "I already know about this matter, but the current situation, even if I tell it, few people will believe it, let alone Wenweng's faction is strong. If there are too many people, or if there is a fight, our Wensheng Sect may be destroyed in one fell swoop."

Wen Hao fell silent, what the sect master said was the truth, but if this continues, Wen Shengmen might fall into Wen Weng's hands!
"It's not impossible." Tianhuo said suddenly, making Wen Hao and the sect master look over expectantly.

Tianhuo smiled, and continued: "I just sensed that there is a demonic energy hiding in Wen Weng's body. I have seen this kind of situation before, and there is only one possibility, that is, he has been controlled by a powerful monster. Obviously, everyone in the Wensheng Sect will not dare to be with him, and it will be easy to clean him up when the time comes."

When I was in Ziyaomen, such a situation was not uncommon for Tianhuo. The first time I saw Wen Weng's deputy sect master, Tianhuo had the same feeling as before. Naturally, Tianhuo, who was carrying eight Wensheng suits There will be errors in sensing the breath of monsters.

"And, he's not the only one, it's the same for everyone around him." Tianhuo continued.

The door owner frowned, "For Wenshengmen, this person must be eliminated, but how can he be forced to that point? He has been hiding in Wenshengmen for so many years, and he doesn't need to take action in general things, and he must be forced to show his devilish energy." It's not easy."

Tianhuo smiled mysteriously, and said: "If it was before, I would have no choice, but it's different now."

To force Wen Weng to reveal his demonic energy, he must be forced to the point of desperation. However, Tianhuo also knows that Wen Weng has so many followers that he usually doesn't need to do it himself, so he is tempted to do it himself!
Hearing Tianhuo's confident words, Wen Hao and the sect master were overjoyed, and looked at Tianhuo expectantly.

Tianhuo smiled, "You will know later!"

Wen Weng led the crowd out of the Wen Palace, and walked down the road, but at this moment, Wen Weng's face was very ugly, because Wen Hao came back, but his son Wen Lie did not come back!

"The damned heir of Wen Sheng, he killed my son, if he doesn't avenge his revenge, how can he be worthy of Lie Er!" Wen Weng muttered viciously to himself while walking, and the people behind him dared not show their anger.

After walking forward for a while, Wen Weng's expression changed, he turned abruptly and looked in the direction of Wendian, and said in surprise: "That's..."

Seeing Wen Weng's actions, everyone became puzzled, they didn't sense anything.

Wen Weng's astonishment quickly turned into ecstasy, and he secretly said in his heart: "That is the blood bead of the Demon Mother God that can allow me to reach the realm of the Demon King! I sent it this time, it must have been brought back by that kid, hehe, God help me too! "

"With the Blood Bead of the Demon Mother God, I can escape from that bastard's control. At that time, he will become my subordinate instead. I can do whatever I want to deal with him. Wouldn't it be nice? Hehe..."

Wen Weng sneered, waved his hands at everyone, and said, "Go back on your own, I still have things to do!"

Everyone didn't dare to disobey, and hurriedly took orders to leave, and as everyone left, Wen Weng's face became even more joyful, "You killed my son, but brought me the blood of the devil mother, hehe, I should thank you !"

As the murmur fell, Wen Weng's figure quickly faded away.

In Wendian, Wen Hao and the sect master frowned at Tianhuo. The sect master shook his head and said, "Tianhuo, you have obtained the inheritance of Wensheng Patriarch. It is our Wenshengmen's hope. You cannot take this risk!"

"That's right, brother Tianhuo, the strength of the deputy sect master is comparable to that of the uncle, you can't deal with it at all!" Wen Hao also said, because after Tianhuo found a strange blood bead, he said that he would deal with Wen Weng himself .

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, "Although I don't know how strong Wen Weng is, I still have a chance to force out his devilish energy."

The sect master shook his head hastily, "There are more than ten pieces of Wensheng's suit, and you only have eight pieces in your body. You can't deal with Wenweng at all, unless... you get a few more!"

"Uncle, how many pieces should there be in the door? How about giving them to Brother Tianhuo!" Wen Hao said slowly.

Tianhuo's eyes lit up, and he said that he would deal with Wen Weng with his own hands. Naturally, it was for Wen Sheng's suit. As long as he removes Wen Weng's big trouble for Wen Shengmen, Tianhuo believes that all the suit parts stored in Wenshengmen are his own. Right now, I bet right!

(End of this chapter)

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