The strongest saint

Chapter 471 Wensheng Ring

Chapter 471 Wensheng Ring
The congenital spirit cauldron has successfully evolved to the spiritual level, and even subdued the phantom demon fire that transformed into a flaming bird. It was a great joy, but before Tianhuo was happy, the entire magma sea below was tumbling at this moment stand up.

As far as the eyes can see, all the magma is tumbling, like a strong wind raging across the sea, setting off huge waves.

Tianhuo was on alert, and he had reason to believe that at this moment, the magma sea beyond his sight was also the same!
Suddenly, under Tianhuo's vigilance, a ball of light no bigger than a fist broke free from the magma sea, and with a soft sound, it flew straight to Tianhuo and suspended in front of him.

Tianhuo, who was on alert, felt his heart tense. He just thought it was something that was not good for him, and was about to make a move, but he saw a guiding light emitting from the ring of the sage, and the target he was pointing at was that light ball!
"Huh?" Tianhuo was stunned for a moment, and carefully sized up the ball of light, but he was overjoyed when he saw that ball of light was clearly a ring of a sage!
There are more than ten Glyph suits, nine of which are in his body now, and eight of them can be used. Among these eight, there are two wrist guards, but the effect is different. Now, I finally found the second ring!

Tianhuo pursed his lips, "What the hell is this place? There are actually my suit parts, plus the three in the cave, isn't there another one?"

In the voice of talking to himself, Tianhuo grabbed the ring of Wen Sheng and held it in his hand in an instant. Suddenly, the scenery around him changed rapidly, but in an instant, he returned to the cave again!

Looking at this scene in astonishment, Tianhuo was very puzzled, could it be that everything before was an illusion?
However, his innate spirit cauldron has indeed reached the spirit level, and its level has also reached the god level 36. In the innate spirit cauldron, the phantom demon fire still exists, which proves that what he encountered before is true.

Turning his head inadvertently, Tianhuo was stunned, and saw that there were only two of the three light clusters floating in the cave at this moment!

Looking at the ball of light in his hand again, Tianhuo suddenly realized that what he held in his hand was the ball of light floating here before, but the previous encounter allowed him to get one of them, "Could it be that the remaining two parts, Do you have to go through the previous situation to get it?"

Soon, Tianhuo thought of this possibility. In order to prove this idea, Tianhuo took a step forward and walked towards the remaining two light clusters again.

"Ding! The system prompts: Insufficient conditions, unable to open!"

The inexplicable system notification sounded in Tianhuo's ears, and Tianhuo's steps were just so frozen, he couldn't go on no matter what!

This kind of situation made Tianhuo affirm his guess. To get the remaining two suit parts, he really had to go through the previous situation, but he didn't know what kind of world it would be. It's just that the conditions are not enough now. Activate that piece of world, let alone get the remaining two suit parts!
After pondering for a moment, Tianhuo gave up helplessly, it seemed that he had to come here to try again later.

But this time it was not in vain, not to mention getting the second Glyph Sage Ring, his own level soared, the innate spirit cauldron evolved successfully, and the phantom demon fire, each of which was a good harvest.

Congenital spirit tripod (spirit level), four god attributes + level x 200, damage bonus to monsters x 200%.

Explanation: The Xiantian Spirit Cauldron despises the world. In addition to the powerful alchemy power, it can ignore the pressure from outside. After refining the Ziji Spirit Fire, it contains a powerful righteousness of heaven and earth.

Looking at the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron at this moment, Tianhuo was astonished. In the second-level area, the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron was high-level, with four attributes + level × 200 added, but now, it has become the four god attributes. There is a qualitative difference!

As if sensing that Tianhuo was checking the attributes of the Xiantian Lingding, Tianling's voice came: "Are you satisfied? Hehe, the stronger ones are yet to come. This time, I will try to devour the Extreme Heavenly Magic Cauldron. If it succeeds, I will definitely be able to Evolve again, but before that, you have to refine the Phantom Demon Fire."

When I met the great demon of that day, Tianhuo had no choice but to detonate the extremely heavenly divine cauldron. I don’t know what the result will be. Anyway, Tianhuo lost a top-level divine cauldron. Fortunately, he still has an extremely heavenly demonic cauldron in his hand. If the qi is all erased, there will be no difference.

"I've never seen or heard of the Phantom Flame before, but it looks pretty good. This guy can transform into any shape. If you successfully refine it, you might have this ability by then." Tian Ling Then he said.

Tianhuo smiled, this line of work has yielded a lot, the phantom demon fire's phantom ability doesn't matter, the most important thing is its power, it is countless times stronger than Ziji Spirit Fire, this is what I need.

"How long will it take to succeed?" After a long time, Tianhuo asked a key question.

"It's hard to say, this guy already has intelligence, and he's a little troublesome." Tianling responded.

"It's fine if you can do it. Take your time. By the way, where did Lord Doubi go?" Tianhuo asked.

Tianling shook her head and said nothing, obviously she didn't know the whereabouts of Doubi Mojun. After a long time, Tianhuo looked at the two suits and murmured: "Doubi Mojun entered those two worlds?"

If this is the case, Tianhuo in his eyes has no choice but to wait for him to come out, but without knowing the situation, Tianhuo has no way of knowing when Dou Bi Mojun will come out, waiting is not the solution.

With this in mind, Tianhuo inspected the second Glyph Ring and equipped it. Let's leave here first!

Glyph Saint Ring: a demon weapon, an exclusive suit for Glyph Saint. (Owned, cannot be traded, cannot be dropped, cannot be discarded, cannot be stolen.)
Attributes: None.

Occupational Requirements: Wen Sheng.

Side effect: Double the range of the skill.

Set attributes (currently nine pieces):
Attack +800%
Defense +800%
Four god attribute bonus levels x8 (currently +1888)

Experience bonus +800%
Burst rate bonus +800%
Damage Reduction +40%
Critical strike chance +40%
Critical damage +800%
Negative status resistance +35%
Ignore Target Defense +20%
The attributes of the suit are increasing as before. Although there are no new attributes, each attribute is not weak, and after the addition of these attributes, the overall attributes of Skyfire are naturally stronger.

And the newly obtained part made Tianhuo even more delighted. The range of the skill's effect was doubled, that is to say, the range of his attack and the range of the effect of the auxiliary skill were doubled. Take the oral punishment as an example, the diameter before was 1180 meters The range, now, has become 2360 meters with the Ring of the Sage.

Every piece of Glyph Saint's suit will not disappoint Tianhuo, and this one also did not disappoint Tianhuo.

Looking at the two balls of light in front of him expectantly, Tianhuo couldn't wait to have them, but there was nothing he could do. The so-called lack of conditions, Tianhuo didn't know what conditions were needed.

After a long time, Tianhuo withdrew his gaze from the two balls of light, turned around abruptly, and rushed towards the way he came. Since he can't get them now, he will come back later!
Soon, Tianhuo returned to the cave where many old men were, and saw that all the old men were tightly surrounding the crown beam, and the latter's face was full of fear, and he dared not breathe.

"Little bastard, the devil has run away, and you still want us to take the evil poison?" Wen Xie's voice came.

Suddenly, everyone sensed Tianhuo's return, and Qi Qi turned to look at Tianhuo, with anticipation in their eyes.

Tianhuo shook his head, "Seniors, Lord Doubi is gone, he seems to be hiding somewhere."

The faces of all the old men were indifferent, Wen Xie said: "Don't worry about him, unless he can hide for a lifetime, if he dares to come out, I will crush him to death with a big word!"

Tianhuo smiled, and it was because of these old seniors guarding here that he came out, otherwise, he might have to wait.

"Master, kill him, this kid has been planted with a demonic heart, and he is hopeless." An old man beside Wenxie said.

Being planted with a demonic heart is different from being demonized. If it is demonized, there is still a chance to save it, but planting a demonic heart, although it looks very normal, is incurable.

Wen Xie sighed, "Let's be imprisoned first, Bi Dou... No, the devil heart planted in him by Dou Bi Mojun, if Doubi Mojun dies, he will die with him, just let us see Fighting the life and death of the Demon Lord."

Hearing what Wenxie said, the eyes of Tianhuo beside him lit up. I don't know who planted the devil's heart in Wenweng. If he could find out, he could kill Wenweng by killing the monster.

"Little Tianhuo, after you go out, you can't tell us about us. We will go out when the time is right." Wen Xie turned to Tianhuo and said.

Tianhuo nodded, these Supreme Elders are all hidden strengths, if the news leaks out, it may cause trouble.

Clenching his fists together, Tianhuo said: "Seniors, then I will take my leave first, and I will visit you seniors later!"

"Well, go ahead, just remember not to say anything." Wen Xie waved her hand.

Tianhuo saluted again and then turned around and retreated. He didn't know what happened to the fight between the sect master and Wen Weng. If the sect master was dragged into the water by himself, it would be bad.

When he returned to the entrance of the forbidden area, Tianhuo was stunned. He saw that hundreds of people had already gathered in the open space outside the entrance. A look of complacency suddenly appeared on Weng's face.

"How is it? Ladies and gentlemen, I told you that it was the sect master who brought that kid into the forbidden area, do you believe it?" Wen Weng laughed loudly, and at this moment, the expressions of everyone behind the sect master changed slightly.

"Hmph! Wen Yue, as the head of the sect, you actually did such a thing. I think you should give up the position of the head of the sect!" Beside Wen Weng, an old man took a step forward and said righteously.

"Yes, handing over the position of sect master, making such a big mistake, deserves to be punished!"


For a while, Wen Weng's side became noisy, and on the door master's side, everyone's faces were not good-looking.

Tianhuo didn't expect such a situation when he came out, he couldn't help frowning, and slowly moved his eyes to Wen Weng.

(End of this chapter)

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