The strongest saint

Chapter 472 The Dust Settles

Chapter 472 The Dust Settles
Sensing Tianhuo's gaze, Wen Weng also turned his gaze over abruptly, with a playful look in his eyes, he raised his hand, stopped the voices of the people behind him, and then slowly looked at the sect master.

"Hmph! Wen Yue, as the head of the sect, actually made such a mistake. You don't need me to tell you what to do, right?" Wen Weng snorted coldly.

The head of the door put his hands behind his back, and looked at Wen Weng and the others indifferently, "First, I am only an agent of the head of the door, and I myself have no right to enter the forbidden area. Bar?"

The sect master Wen Yue didn't seem to want to argue too much with Wen Weng, he just said it simply, but the meaning was obvious, Tianhuo had the right to enter the forbidden area, and he didn't bring it in by himself.

"It's true that the successor of Wen Sheng is on the same level as the master of the sect, but that's after the successor of Wen Sheng joined our Wen Sheng sect. Now this kid hasn't joined the Wen Sheng sect, so there's no need to quibble, Wen Yue, respect you It's the sect master, let's make a decision!" Wen Weng snorted coldly.

Tianhuo on the side shook his head secretly, it seemed that Wen Weng insisted on seizing this opportunity to kill two birds with one stone!

If he succeeds in seizing power, not to mention Wen Shengmen will fall into the hands of Prisoner Longzong, and even himself will be secretly killed by Wen Weng in order to snatch the blood beads of the Demon Mother God.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo coughed lightly, walked out slowly, and smiled at Wen Weng, "Prisoner, it seems that no one has called you by that name for a long time, right? When will your Prisoner Dragon Sect get involved with Wen Shengmen?"

Wen Weng's face changed slightly, but it was well concealed, and he frowned: "Are you talking to me?"

The smile on Tianhuo's face remained unchanged, and he continued: "I heard that most people in the Prisoner Dragon Sect have been planted with demon hearts, and before they are planted with demon hearts, they will be poured with evil poison by monsters. Have you ever been poisoned by evil spirits?"

"Although the evil poison is harmless, it can be permanently hidden in the body, prisoner, what do you think?" Tianhuo laughed.

Wen Weng's face changed again, and then he snorted coldly: "Boy, I respect you as the successor of Wen Sheng, but now, you dare to wrong me, no matter how nonsense you talk, no one can protect you!"

Everyone around looked at Tianhuo and Wen Weng in surprise. Obviously, everyone had doubts.

Tianhuo imprinted everyone's expressions into his eyes, and the smile on his face remained unchanged, "Don't become angry from embarrassment, hehe, Prisoner, tell me, how does the evil poison taste?"

"Stop wronging the vice sect master, Tianhuo, if you don't keep your mouth shut, don't blame me for being rude!" Beside Wen Sheng, an old man snorted coldly.

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows, "Is he wronged? Why don't you let him talk about it? Did you run out to cover up something for the prisoner?"

The prisoner's expression changed, and he was thinking quickly. He didn't know why Tianhuo knew this, and he was so confident. For a while, he felt fear in his heart, but now is the best opportunity to bring down Wenyue. I missed it, I don’t know when it will be again!
If Wen Yue is brought down, Tianhuo will not be able to escape from his control. At that time, the Blood Bead of the Demon Mother God will naturally fall into his hands!

Thinking of this, Prisoner's expression froze, and he suddenly laughed, "Haha, Tianhuo, don't try to wrong me, but I am very suspicious now, are you and Wen Yue both possessed by the demon species!"

"Listen to me, Wen Sheng's successor and Wen Yue have been enchanted by the demon species, capture them immediately!" Prisoner laughed loudly, his expression froze, and he shouted.

Behind Wen Yue, everyone was furious. They all took a few steps forward, staring at Prison Weng and others who were about to move, and the majestic power of the scroll began to surge.

Seeing that the battle was about to be triggered, Tianhuo shook his head slightly, and looked at the prisoner with a smile, "I'm all optimistic, the fun begins!"

As soon as the words fell, Tianhuo suddenly found Moxie Yin, threw it towards the sky, and was suspended in the air at a height of [-] meters. In an instant, more than ten people in the crowd headed by the prisoner were uncontrollably limp go down.

The sudden scene made everyone stunned, and the power of the scroll that was sweeping before suddenly disappeared at this moment.

"That's...Moxie Yin!" Everyone stared at the jade plate in midair in surprise and said in disbelief.

As a high-ranking member of a large sect, it is natural not to be ignorant of this thing. For a moment, everyone's eyes turned to the more than a dozen high-ranking people who had collapsed. They are really people who have been planted with evil hearts!

Around a dozen or so people, those high-ranking officials who had nothing to do with them quickly backed away, but their expressions changed drastically at the moment. They never thought that Wen Weng, who chose to seek refuge, would be someone who had been planted with a demonic heart.

"You were deceived by Wen Weng, I won't blame you, of course, if you don't know what to do, don't blame me for the crime of treason!" Wen Yue said at this moment.

As if they were granted amnesty, the people who followed Wen Weng hurriedly bowed to accept the order, and then rushed out together to control Wen Weng and others.

Tianhuo heaved a sigh of relief, if he hadn't obtained Moxie Yin in the forbidden area, things would have been really difficult, but now it's all right, once Moxie Yin comes out, even if these people don't have the magic energy gushing out, it is enough to show that among them Exceeding the evil poison, further explaining that they have been controlled by monsters.

"Wenweng, no, Prisoner, I already knew that you are from the prisoner dragon sect, but I never thought that you have been planted with a demonic heart. Don't hide it. If you burst out the demonic energy at this time, you will be able to break free from the demonic temptation. Yes!" Wen Yue stepped forward slowly, with the power of the mighty scroll surging all over his body, he opened his mouth and said.

Prisoner Weng looked up at Wen Yue fiercely, and then turned his gaze to Tianhuo, "Boy, this time counts your luck, next time, you will die! That thing will become mine too!"

As soon as the words fell, a majestic black air suddenly gushed out from the prisoner's surroundings, and then he was enveloped by the black air and stepped into the air. If he doesn't leave at this time, when will he wait?

Seeing Prisoner's movements, the rest of the dozen or so people also erupted with demon energy one after another, and immediately broke away from the control of Mo Xieyin, and even broke free from the shackles of everyone, and all stepped into the air.

"They have really turned into monsters!" Seeing the changes of the dozen or so people, everyone in the field completely believed it, and their faces were filled with disbelief.

Tianhuo didn't do anything, there is no benefit in killing these demonized human beings, and there are hundreds of high-level Wenshengmen present at the moment, so it's not his turn to do it!

However, to Tianhuo's surprise, Wen Yue showed no signs of making a move. He just looked at the dozen or so people who had already stepped up with a smile on his face, which made Tianhuo wonder, what does this guy want to do?
In doubt, a mountain-like word 'kill' suddenly floated in the sky. With the appearance of this big character, the temperature in this world dropped suddenly!

The golden light flashed on the word 'kill', instantly attracting the majestic spirit of books between heaven and earth, making those ten people unable to move in an instant, and the black energy around them became even more erratic at this moment, but the big characters had already It fell and instantly hit everyone's heads.

"Prisoner, killing you a hundred times can't solve the hatred in my heart!" At the moment when the word "kill" fell, a powerful voice also sounded.

"Wenchi? You're not dead!" The face of the prisoner in the black air changed drastically. He naturally recognized the voice. He was the one who tricked the Wenchi into the forbidden area. Mo Xin, but he didn't expect Wen Chi to escape by himself somehow.

However, even if Wen Chi escaped, he was seriously injured by the Demon Lord, and was also contaminated by the Demon Lord's demonic energy. Already dead, but I didn't expect it to reappear at this moment!
The figure of Wen Chi rose from the Palace of Literature, and immediately landed on the sky above the crowd, staring intently at the prisoner, "Isn't it surprising that I didn't die?"

At this moment, everyone looked at the middle-aged man in the air in astonishment, even Tianhuo was no exception. Tianhuo knew that this was the master of Wine King and Wen Hao. It recovered, and the appearance became younger!

The prisoner swallowed his saliva, but he knew in his heart that this time, there was really no escape!

Suddenly, the prisoner gritted his teeth, and there was another way!
Ignoring the Wenchi who had already reached the sky, the prisoner turned and turned back, pulling out a long black shadow behind him, but his figure was in front of Tianhuo in a blink of an eye!

"Damn! Am I a soft persimmon?" The muscles on Tianhuo's face trembled, and then with a thought, Kaitian Zhanhu appeared in front of him instantly, just blocking the prisoner.

As soon as Kaitian Zhanhu appeared, he saw the prisoner with surging demonic energy, and couldn't help being furious, roaring and directly hitting him.

The prisoner did not expect that Tianhuo would summon this thing, and was knocked out by surprise, but Kaitian Zhanhu didn't pursue it, and roared: "I hate monsters the most!"

It was originally a divine beast, but it was refined into a puppet by the God Refining Demon King. Even now, the hatred for monsters has not diminished in the slightest!
Tianhuo patted Kaitian Zhanhu in satisfaction, "Good job!"

The attribute of Kaitian Zhanhu is three times that of Tianhuo, and that's why Tianhuo summoned it. Seeing that his choice was correct, Kaitian Zhanhu easily blasted the prisoner away.

"Haha, Prisoner, are you imprisoning the people of the Dragon Sect so unbearable? You dare to sneak into the Wenshengmen, die!" In mid-air, Wenchi laughed and shot down. The word 'has appeared, and it came down along with the wen ruler.

Prisoner's face changed drastically, he couldn't even stabilize his figure at this moment, how could he resist?Immediately, he was hit by the big characters, and the big characters were like solid, pressing it firmly to the ground.

Tianhuo's eyes lit up. How did such a method be used?
Pressed down by the big characters, the prisoner couldn't move at all, let alone resist with his hands. However, the Wen ruler kept moving, and a stroke came out like a sharp sword between the raised hands, submerged in the word "town", and directly attacked the prisoner. Throat.

Without a chance to resist, the stroke hit the prisoner's neck, and immediately, the head was separated and he died!

After killing the prisoner, Wen Chi ignored the other dozen or so strong men who were entwined with demonic energy, and directly rushed to Tianhuo, looked at Tianhuo with a smile and said, "Thank you, Tianhuo!"

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, "Senior, you are welcome!"

Wenchi nodded and patted Tianhuo on the shoulder, "Stay here, Wenshengmen needs you!"

Tianhuo shook his head, "Senior, it's time for me to leave. I'll come back to see more in the future."

Wen Chi laughed, and patted Tianhuo's shoulder again, "I know you will come back, haha, with the Wen Sheng suit, you can't do it unless you come back, there is something you should really want to know."

Tianhuo looked at Wenchi suspiciously, "What's the matter?"

Wen Chi smiled, "The Patriarch Wen Sheng left three suits at the Wen Sheng Gate. Since the wine king brought your news, I began to look for other parts of the Wen Sheng suit. Before I was contaminated by the devil, I had already obtained I found out the whereabouts of the fourth piece, and I haven't had time to pick it up yet, now, of course, it's up to you to pick it up."

Tianhuo's eyes lit up, it's the Glyph suit again?No way, of course I have to go!
(End of this chapter)

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