Chapter 479

The butler glanced at the top of the mountain, his eyes sparkling, but at this moment, Tianhuo, who was limp on the ground, coughed violently, pulling the butler's gaze back.

Tianhuo coughed violently, and then gasped for breath, "He was... poisoned, did he die?"

"Not dead, just a little bit closer." Tian Ling said angrily.

Tianhuo breathed calmly, and when he saw the butler in front of him, he was slightly taken aback, "Senior!"

The butler nodded, "It's fine, just be careful, Nightmare Flower will be tricked even by God."

As he said that, the butler suddenly disappeared, and he had already returned to the Palace of Fanshen.

Tianhuo looked at the huge flowers in the valley in astonishment, "Tianling, I should be fine this time, right?"

Tian Ling nodded, "Gong Ming's blood has detoxified you, at least for a few days, you will be immune to all poisons."

"That's good. This thing is not harmful. I should have noticed it before. I was careless." Tianhuo shook his head and said, looking at Nightmare Flower again.

"Nightmare flower, also known as the flower of death, its poison is colorless and odorless, and even spirit gods can be easily killed, it's good that you are still alive." Tianling shook her head.

"I just heard the butler say that it was extinct in ancient times..." Tianhuo said, suddenly paused, and looked at Tianling, "You said that even spirits and gods will be obliterated by this kind of flower poison?"

Tianling nodded, and Tianhuo frowned when he saw this, "In this case, someone probably planted it here on purpose!"

As soon as this idea appeared, Tianhuo confirmed that this is Death God Ridge, and few people come here. If they accidentally get here, no one will find out if they die. In this way, planting the nightmare flower here will not be noticed by outsiders at all. Learned.

"When you say that, I think it makes sense. Once the nightmare flower is mature, it can be picked, and it will not wither for a hundred years!" Tian Ling said.

Tianhuo heard the words, and his brows gradually relaxed, "In this way, the people who planted the Nightmare Flower can use the Nightmare Flower to kill those powerhouses at the level of spirit gods, but what is it for?"

As he said that, Tianhuo's eyes narrowed, he clenched his fists involuntarily, and said involuntarily, "The Corpse Controlling Sect!"

If it wasn't for meeting the corpse-controlling sect in the cemetery of the gods, Tianhuo would never have thought of this matter, but now, Tianhuo is easily connected with the corpse-controlling sect, and using the nightmare flower to slaughter the gods is naturally to control those corpses !
This must have been done by the Corpse Controlling Sect!Tianhuo instantly affirmed it.

"It's almost ripe, Tianhuo, let's destroy it before it's ripe!" Tianling said with a solemn expression, also affirming Tianhuo's speculation.

Tianhuo nodded heavily, turned around and swept towards the valley.

However, suddenly, an old man descended from the sky and stood in front of the Nightmare Flower. He smiled and looked at the galloping Skyfire, "Congratulations, you guessed it right, hehe, but if you want to destroy my baby, you can't let it happen."

The old man said with a smile, his eyes swept over Tianhuo's waist and hands, and greed appeared in his eyes.

Tianhuo stopped and looked at the old man intently, only to see that the old man was thin and small, but his powerful strength was unnaturally fluctuating around him, "The eye of Wensheng!"

Old corpse servant, spirit god!
Facing the npc, Tianhuo could only see the name, but the old man's name was purple and black!
"Evil man!" Tianhuo said inwardly, affirming his determination to destroy the Nightmare Flower.

Tianhuo clenched his fists. The strong fluctuations in the old man's body and the word "Lingshen" after his name made Tianhuo dare not be careless. If he made a move, he would have to do his best.

"Hey, I don't need you to check. The old corpse servant is the one you call the corpse controller. are stained with my corpse controller's blood. You killed my corpse controller!" The old corpse servant muttered.

"That's right, you're next!" Tianhuo said intently.

"Haha, it's ridiculous, boy, it just so happens that the nightmare flower still needs a life to mature, and that's you!" The old corpse servant laughed.

Amidst the loud laughter, a monster in the shape of a griffin also descended from the sky, and galloped towards the sky fire with a roar.

"See, I don't need to do it myself to deal with you!" The old corpse servant continued with a smile.

"Tun Xing!" With a thought in Tianhuo's mind, Tun Xing, who was still outside the valley, appeared beside him in an instant, but at this time, Tianhuo did not dare to summon Diyan, after all, if he summoned it, he would be poisoned immediately.

Turning over, watching his attributes skyrocket, Tianhuo touched his hand, and the book of the sage was opened.

"Ding! System prompt: Blessed by the power of the scroll, the defense will increase by 10% within 50 minutes, and the damage received will be reduced by 20%!"

"Ding! System prompt: Blessed by the power of the scroll, attack +30% within 100 seconds!"

"Ding! System prompt: Affected by the power of the scroll, the defense of targets within a range of level x 10 meters is reduced by 80%."

"Ding! System prompt: The team leader has cast the spirit of battle skill, and the attributes of all members are enhanced by 1.5 times, and the duration is 10 minutes!"

"Ding! System prompt: The head of the team has cast the violent soul skill, all members have a +20% critical strike chance, +200% critical strike damage, and the duration is 5 minutes!"

"Ding! System prompt: The team leader has cast the tenacious charm skill, all members' damage reduction +50%, life recovery +10%, and the duration is 5 minutes!"

"Opening the sky and fighting the tiger, the call of the guard!"

In an instant, a series of auxiliary skills had been added, Skyfire kept moving, and the puppet Kaitian Zhanhu appeared beside him, and then five guardians appeared.

Guardian medal, four attributes (god) +300, health recovery +150, mana recovery +15, use requirements: none.

Additional skills: Call of the guards, summoning guards with 100% of their own attributes to fight the enemy to the death, the number of summons is god level/10, MP (god) consumption is 500, and the cooling time is 24 hours.

The guardian medal after being upgraded by the medal promotion scroll has changed a lot. Although the number of summoned guardians has decreased, their strength has become stronger.

As soon as the five guardians and Kaitian Zhanhu appeared, they attacked the monster that looked like a griffin. As a puppet, Kaitian Zhanhu was strictly speaking a lifeless thing, so naturally he was not afraid of any poison.

As for Tianhuo, he slapped the stars, and the latter understood, and suddenly stepped into the air, Tianhuo stared at the old corpse servant, and opened the sixth page of the book of literati. The monsters besieged by the five guardians and Kaitian Zhanhu were killed in an instant, and [-] to [-] damage points appeared quickly above the old corpse servant's head.

"Huh? You are actually a member of the Wensheng sect. What a surprise, little scholar, who can even break through the defense of God, how can I keep you!" , Lasing towards the sky fire.

Tianhuo heaved a sigh of relief, what he fears the most now is that the old guy will get a god corpse, if that happens, he will be in trouble, but luckily the old man actually made the move himself.

The entire valley was under the attack of the sky fire. Even if the old corpse servant came galloping, he would inevitably be hit by the attack of the sky fire. However, the 49 attacks passed quickly, and only took away millions of life points from the old man. That's all.

As for the old corpse servant, his speed was extremely fast, and he had already arrived in front of Tianhuo. When he reached out with his big withered hand, a terrifying force swept away immediately.

Seeing the old man's speed, Tianhuo frowned. This guy's speed was no less than Tunxing. It seemed that he had no choice but to abandon Tunxing and fight alone!

Without hesitation, Tianhuo withdrew the Star Devouring Moon Beast with a thought, and then teleported out, appeared a thousand meters away, quickly summoned Star Devouring again, flipped through the book of the sage, and the seventh page was opened immediately.

Facing the strong spirit god, Skyfire naturally needs the bonus of devouring stars, otherwise, I am afraid that even the old corpse servant's defense will not be able to break through. On the seventh page, a pale golden light surged, and a string of poems roared out in an instant.

The old corpse servant was slightly astonished by Tianhuo's sudden disappearance, but he reacted very quickly and turned around sharply, just in time to see Tianhuo opened the book of the sage of literati!
The speed of the attack on paper is extremely fast, but the reaction speed of the old man is also extremely fast. Knowing that he can't dodge, he actually summoned a corpse with no expression in his eyes, and was immediately hit by the attack of Tianhuo.

It was a corpse controlled by the old corpse servant. It was hit by the sky fire and fell down directly.

The old corpse servant frowned slightly, looking at the corpse that was no longer able to command, he suddenly raised his head and looked sharply at Tianhuo, "Dead!"

Amidst the yelling, the old corpse servant's speed increased to the extreme, turning into an afterimage and blasting towards him, while Tianhuo, after swallowing the stars again, teleported out again, not giving the old corpse servant a chance to get close.

"The eighth page!" As soon as he teleported out, he stabilized his figure and turned over the eighth page of the book of the sage. I'm afraid that the old man will avoid his own attack again.

Sure enough, this time, before the old corpse servant turned around, his own attack had already arrived, and the entire poem on the eighth page was instantly submerged into the old corpse servant's body!

A crit damage of more than 300 million appeared on the head of the corpse servant, which made Tianhuo frown slightly. Fourteen times the damage of ignoring defense was only more than 300 million. It seems that the corpse servant's damage reduction property is very strong.

"Little bastard, let's see how many times you can unleash such attacks!" The corpse servant's life value had already lost more than half, but instead of being surprised, he became angry and came roaring again.

Tianhuo frowned slightly. It was true that he couldn't unleash such a powerful attack, but there was nothing he could do?
Glancing out of the valley, Tianhuo's figure retreated violently, without teleportation, and his speed was no less than that of the old corpse servant.

"Escape? Dreaming!" The old corpse servant pursued closely, and his cold snort resounded throughout the world.

Within a few breaths, Tianhuo had already swept out of the valley, and then flew several kilometers away again. He stopped abruptly, turned around and looked at the old corpse servant who was chasing him, "Escape? It's you who should escape!"

As soon as the words fell, a sky-shattering magic arrow appeared in Tianhuo's hand, and the old corpse servant actually summoned a controlled corpse to stand in front of him again when he saw this!
Tianhuo twitched his mouth and said with a smile: "I'm scaring you! Don't be nervous!"

(End of this chapter)

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