The strongest saint

Chapter 480 The Strange Old Man

Chapter 480 The Strange Old Man

Hearing Tianhuo's joking voice, the old corpse servant poked his head slightly from behind the corpse, only to see that Tianhuo actually put away the Sky-breaking Demon Arrow.

"Hehe, are you scared of the old man? Then accept death obediently!" The old corpse servant was overjoyed, and amidst laughter, he put away the corpse and shot out.

Tianhuo smiled jokingly, "I was scaring you just now, but now it's true!"

After the words fell, a shining title suddenly appeared above Tianhuo's head: Supreme Legion!
As soon as the title was revealed, a huge damage value instantly appeared on the head of the corpse servant who came from the lasing.

A total of 180 million made the old corpse servant's color change slightly, and he had only 200 million health points left!Gathering his mind, the old corpse servant gritted his teeth, "I don't believe in this evil, what else can you do? Die!"

The old corpse servant roared angrily. Between his withered hands, a thick gray-black light surged, and a terrifying air wave swept away at this moment. In an instant, the trees below withered quickly, and were immediately blown away by the air wave. It turned into fine powder and fell down.


Facing the terrifying attack of the old corpse servant, Tianhuo spat out softly with a smile on his face.

"Roar!" The Diyan Linhuang beast suddenly appeared, and amidst the roar, the old corpse servant's movements stopped immediately, as if time was frozen at this moment.

As the corpse servant's movements stagnated, a huge damage value of 270 million appeared above his head, and then the expressions in his eyes disappeared, and he fell down.

Emperor Flame Shock: Passive skill, a born king has an unusual aura, close to its range of 30 meters, all attributes will drop by [-]%.

The purpose of Skyfire flying out of the valley was to summon the Diyan Linhuang Beast. It was the enhanced version of Diyan Shock after Diyan was promoted to the top beast!

As expected by Tianhuo, the old corpse servant couldn't resist Diyan's skill at all, so he just died!
"Huh? Master, did I scare him to death?" Di Yan blinked his eyes, wondering.

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, "Haha, Diyan, you are so funny."

Tianhuo didn't even use the title of Commanding the World, and that title would definitely reduce the overall attributes of the corpse servant by 10%, but with Di Yan around, it was enough.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on killing the old cadaver servant. You have obtained a crime value of -980000 and a reputation value of 50."

"Ding! System prompt: Wen Sheng's sorrow is activated, pick up 120 million spirit beads, 2 pieces of equipment, and 1 divine body."

The system prompt sounded, but Tianhuo was a little disappointed. This is a strong man at the level of a spirit god, but such a poor item was released. Such a harvest is not good!

Shaking his head, Tianhuo casually glanced at the Ring of the Glyph Saint. Since he entered Death God Ridge, hundreds of pieces of equipment have been released, but almost all of them are blank equipment, with only two or three pieces of bronze equipment mixed in.

Death God Stone Sword (Bronze), Physical Attack (God) 400-500, Strength (God) +80, Requirements for use: Warrior, God level 45.


Randomly appraised a few pieces, Tianhuo shook his head slightly, the additional attributes of these equipments were too low, insignificant for Tianhuo.

The last two pieces of equipment in the Ring of Glyph Sage look a little different, a belt and shoes are all shiny black, which makes Tianhuo start to use the eye of Glyph Sage to appraise it.

Xueling belt (spiritual weapon), strength (god) +390, constitution (god) +390, agility (god) +390, damage reduction +5%, use requirements: warrior class, god level 40.

Xueling boots (spiritual weapon), strength (god) +360, constitution (god) +360, agility (god) +360, movement speed +40%, use requirements: warrior class, god level 40.

"It's really speechless, the dignified spirit weapon has only added basic attributes. Is this the equipment of the first-level area?" Tianhuo shook his head, ignoring the two spirit weapons. Such equipment should be thrown into the army warehouse.

"I told you before that the equipment in the first-level area is like this. It's not easy to get the ones that directly add attack and defense." Tian Ling laughed.

Tianhuo shrugged indifferently, "Now my goal is the Glyph Saint suit, other equipment doesn't matter."

As he said, Tianhuo looked at the divine body that had been shrunk countless times in the Ring of the Glyph Saint. This divine body surprised Tianhuo. He never thought that the npc would burst out the divine body.

Divine body: The unique body of the strong above the spirit god, which is difficult to destroy, and its effect is unknown.

Looking at the introduction of the divine body, Tianhuo frowned slightly, "What's wrong with exploding, even corpses exploding, what does that mean?"

As he said that, Tianhuo took out the divine body, hesitating whether to throw it away, but without waiting for any action, he saw a few roots appearing quickly, white light surged on the roots, and immediately, the divine body turned into fine powder and scattered open.

"Hunyuan Spirit Tree!" Tianhuo looked at this scene in astonishment, the movement of the Hunyuan Spirit Tree was too fast, and it destroyed the divine body autonomously, Tianhuo had no time to stop it.

"It seems that it has absorbed all the power of the divine body. I never heard that the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree can do this!" Tian Ling also asked in confusion.

In the Palace of Fanshen, the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree that had absorbed the power of the divine body did not change in any way, which made Tianhuo even more puzzled as to why the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree would do this.

After waiting for a while, but still seeing no movement from the Hunyuan Spiritual Tree, Tianhuo simply didn't pay attention, and turned to look at the Nightmare Flower, taking advantage of the fact that he was immune to all poisons, perhaps, he should destroy this thing!
Originally, Tianhuo planned to pick the Nightmare Flower, maybe it would be useful in the future, but this poisonous flower was too evil, Tianhuo was somewhat conflicted from the bottom of his heart, hesitated for a moment, and decided to destroy it.

Think about it, the nightmare flower can kill the strong under the spirit god, but the strong spirit god is not invincible to Tianhuo, so even if you keep the nightmare flower, it will not help you much. It is possible to become a fetish of the Corpse Controlling Sect.

"Tian Ling, if the Nightmare Flower has no other functions, I will be ruined!" Tianhuo said.

"Hurry up, you still want to make alchemy? Don't think about it, wait for the time when you are invulnerable to all poisons to pass, and be careful to be killed by it." Tianling shook her head.

Tianhuo nodded, raised his hand, and a string of words took shape in his hand. With the blast of Tianhuo, the almost substantive words roared out, and instantly bombarded the Nightmare Flower.


In a series of light puffs, the intact Nightmare Flower instantly became broken, and then withered.

The old corpse servant had cultivated the Nightmare Flower for an unknown number of years, and it was destroyed like this. Tianhuo didn't feel any distress at all, and if the old corpse servant was still alive, he might be so angry that he vomited blood.

With a sigh of relief, Tianhuo turned around and walked out of the valley.

"Ah! I'm so pissed off!" Just after walking a few steps, a distraught but waking voice came, which startled Tianhuo, and hurriedly stopped and turned around to look around.

At the place where the nightmare flower withered, an old man with white hair and childlike face looked at the nightmare flower distressedly, his beard trembling.

While Tianhuo looked at the old man warily, the old man also turned his head to look at Tianhuo fiercely, "Boy, you pay me!"

Tianhuo frowned, could it be that this old man is also a member of the Corpse Control Sect?

"I've been brewing for tens of thousands of years and can't fall asleep. I finally found the Nightmare Flower here, and I fell asleep with the help of its smell. I haven't slept well for a few days, and you actually destroyed it! How do you want me to sleep in the future?" the old man said. roared angrily.

Hearing this, both Tianhuo and Tianling's jaws dropped in astonishment. The Nightmare Flower, which is extremely poisonous to others, turned out to be a sleeping pill in front of the old man?
In a daze, the face of the old man was enlarged in front of Tianhuo's eyes. He didn't wait for Tianhuo's reaction, but felt his neck tighten, and the old man grabbed him by the collar, and he couldn't break free at all!
Tianhuo was horrified in his heart, it was not difficult to imagine that this old man must be a super existence beyond his imagination, and now he grabbed his collar, he didn't even have the strength to resist!
"Senior, calm down!" Tianling said hastily, with fear in her eyes.

The old man looked fiercely at Tianling who was on Tianhuo's shoulder, "Little girl, if this kid doesn't pay me the Nightmare Flower, he will never leave today!"

Tianling is stuck, how can I pay for it?It's all ruined!

"I'll pay you, let go first!" Tianhuo said helplessly, thinking quickly in his mind.

The old man let go of Tianhuo viciously, stretched out his hand, and said angrily: "Bring it!"

Tianhuo looked at the old man's outstretched arm in astonishment, and saw that this arm was as tender as a child's, and looked very strange. He straightened his clothes slightly, coughed dryly, and said, "Senior, you know that Nightmare Flower is a member of the Corpse Controlling Sect." Cultivated? If it is not destroyed, countless strong people will surely die in the hands of the Corpse Controlling Sect in the future."

"Don't change the subject, that's none of my business? Bring it!" the old man said.

Tianhuo rolled his eyes secretly in his heart, why did the npcs he met became weirder than the other, who is this old man?But don't dare to use the eyes of Wen Sheng to check at will.

After a moment of silence, Tianhuo smiled wryly and said: "Senior, I really don't have nightmare flowers. This thing was extinct in ancient times. The Corpse Control Sect cultivated this one plant. Where can I find a second plant?"

The old man stared, "Are you kidding me?"

As he said that, the old man stretched out his hand and grabbed it again towards Tianhuo's collar.

Tianhuo was prepared this time, and appeared a thousand meters away with a thought, "Senior, don't get excited, I have other ways to make you fall asleep."

"You still want to run? Are you bullying people? Let me fall asleep? I haven't fallen asleep for tens of thousands of years. What can you do? You want to play me again!" The old man said viciously. The next moment, Tianhuo found that he had already Can't move.

Tianhuo was shocked, he didn't see the old man's movements at all, but his own movements were completely restricted!
Suddenly, the old man reappeared in front of Tianhuo, and grabbed Tianhuo's collar again, "If you can't make it up, then tell me a story until I fall asleep, maybe it will only take a few hundred years." Yes, I heard that this method of human beings is very useful.”

It was said that Tianhuo had the urge to vomit blood, who the hell is this old man?Can you tell a story?Why did he suddenly feel like a three-year-old?
But this time it's troublesome, the old man's strength is unfathomable, and he can't escape at all. Could it be that he really wants to tell a story of hundreds of years?It would be better to kill yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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