Chapter 481

"Answer or not?" The old man stared and asked.

The muscles on Tianhuo's face trembled, promised?Just kidding, it might as well kill yourself.

"Senior, let me go first, there is really another way!" Tianhuo said helplessly.

The old man looked at Tianhuo suspiciously, and then let go of his hand, "Then tell me, if you can't let me fall asleep, you will cause big trouble."

Tianhuo glanced at his eyebrows with joy in his eyes, and said with a smile: "Senior, what if I let you fall asleep?"

"Then I will thank you. When I wake up, I will thank you very much." The old man nodded and said.

The corners of Tianhuo's mouth twitched slightly, and he hurriedly took out an item from the Glyph Sage Ring, and said with a smile, "I'm just joking, senior, you don't have to thank me! I ruined the Nightmare Flower so you can't sleep."

Tianhuo was very helpless in his heart, seeing the unfathomable strength of this old man, he must have something good on him, and he wanted to take the opportunity to get something, but after hearing what the old man said, forget it, when he wakes up, the ghost will know Ten thousand years later?

"What is this?" The old man asked suspiciously while taking the item from Tianhuo.

Tianhuo coughed dryly, "Pillow."

"I have taken a few of these things from the human world, but none of them are useful, but I feel that your pillow is a bit strange, let me have a look!" The old man said, looking at the pillow.

Tianhuo looked forward to it in his heart, if this thing didn't work, then he would be in trouble, and he didn't know how to get rid of this old man.

Sleeping pillow: a pillow that can make people feel peaceful, suitable for people with insomnia.

That's right, what Tianhuo took out was the pillow that was opened from the box obtained from the secret treasure of Obedience in 9520 Xinshou Village. If there wasn't enough space for the Ring of the Glyph Saint, I'm afraid Tianhuo would have thrown it away long ago. After all, this thing It won't be of any use.

In Tianhuo's apprehension, the old man's expression froze, he rubbed his eyes hurriedly, and lost his voice: "Ah, ah, a strange thing in heaven and earth, a strange thing in heaven and earth! This is the first time I have seen such a strange thing since I was born!"

Tianhuo's expression froze, and the muscles on his face trembled again. Was it a wonder?Just this pillow?
Both Tianhuo and Tianling had strange expressions on their faces, and the old man carefully hugged the pillow in his arms as if it were a treasure, and moved his grateful eyes to Tianhuo. At this moment, the old man's eyes became disturbed, A faint mist surged in his eyes, "Benefactor, are you really planning to give me this magical pillow?"

Tianhuo staggered and almost couldn't stand still, and he was upgraded to a benefactor?
But looking at the expectant look of the old man, Tianhuo felt goosebumps all over his body, and nodded hurriedly, "It's good that senior likes it!"

"Great...Great, with it, I can sleep peacefully!" The old man let out a long sigh of relief, hugged the pillow tighter, and murmured.

Tianhuo let out a dry cough, and seemed to be muddling through, saying: "Senior, I still have something important to do, so I'll take my leave first, I wish you a good night's sleep, senior."

As he said this, Tianhuo felt weird in his heart, "It's too nonsense, can you be more nonsense?" '

"Hold on, benefactor!" Tianhuo just had the idea, but the old man spoke.

"Benefactor, what are you looking for here? This area is my body, tell me what you're looking for, I'm sure I will know." The old man said, looking at Tianhuo expectantly.

Tianhuo was taken aback for a moment, then his pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at the old man in astonishment, "Senior, are you the Great Demon of Heaven and Earth?"

"Great monster of heaven and earth? It seems that there is such a thing. When I was born, many people said so, but they seemed to be very scared and ran away without leaving home." The old man murmured, as if he was recalling something.

Tianhuo's heart moved, and he thought of a possibility in an instant, and hurriedly said: "Senior, I just want to find those people's... home."

According to what Yanping said, Tianhuo thought of a possibility, that is, the previous residence of the Yanmen was indeed here, because the birth of the great monster in front of them made them dare not stay here any longer, and could only leave!

"It's so simple? But benefactor, I accidentally broke their home back then, do you really want to go?" The old man scratched his head, acting like a child.

Tianhuo is overjoyed, it seems that he guessed well, the former Yan Clan is here!
"Thank you, senior, for showing the way!" Tianhuo clasped his fists while suppressing the ecstasy in his heart.

The old man grinned, but he didn't see any movement, but Tianhuo found that the surrounding scenery changed rapidly, and the next moment, he had already arrived in another mountain range.

Just looking at the old man in doubt, Tianhuo suddenly lowered his head, and saw that the ring of the sage of the sage had released a guiding light, and the part of the suit he was looking for was actually here!
"I remember it's here, why has it changed? Nothing has disappeared." The old man looked around suspiciously and said to himself.

Tianhuo was astonished. He didn't know what method the old man used, but he, Tianling, Tunxing, Diyan, Kaitian Zhanhu, and the guardians all moved here quickly!

However, Tianhuo didn't think much about it. The Great Demon of Heaven and Earth is a powerful and terrifying existence, and the mountain range in front of him is definitely not wrong. It's just that time has passed, and the former Zongmen ruins have been replaced by mountains.

"It's here, senior, thank you!" Tianhuo said while cupping his fists.

"Really? I remember it too. I'm going to bed then, benefactor, goodbye." After the old man finished speaking, he disappeared abruptly.

Following the old man's departure, Di Yan, Tun Xing and Tian Ling all heaved a sigh of relief, Tian Ling said: "What a weird monster of heaven and earth, I don't bring such a playful person."

"Isn't it better than the great monster of heaven and earth in the second-level area? This one is being polite." Tianhuo laughed, no danger!But the strange feeling in my heart still lingers.

Tianling nodded and looked around, "Tianhuo, are you sure it's here?"

Tianhuo looked at the Ring of the Glyph Saint again, and saw that the guiding light on it was pointing directly at the ground below. Obviously, the parts of the suit were in the ground below!

"The parts of Wen Sheng's suit are here. I think the ruins of Yanmen are also here. It should be that Yanmen collected this part. Although the ruins disappeared, the things remained." Tianhuo nodded and said with certainty .

As soon as Tianhuo collected the beasts, it landed straight towards the earth. The moment it touched the earth, its figure disappeared instantly.

Casting the earth escape, Tianhuo followed the guidance of the sage's ring and quickly fled away. It descended [-] meters in the ground before stopping, and in front of him, there was already a ruined wall buried in the soil. .

"It's no wonder the descendants of the Yan family can't find it here, so it was buried so deep!" Tianhuo said to himself, at this moment he understood why the Yan family would decline, all because of the big monster that day!
Although the Great Demon of Heaven and Earth didn't intend it, the decline of the Yan Clan was directly related to him, and it could even be said that he caused it alone.

After staring at the broken walls in the soil for a while, Tianhuo continued to guide the light on the sage ring and, after bypassing many broken walls, came to a square black 'stone'.

This 'stone' is more than ten meters high, but thousands of meters long and wide. There are mysterious runes surging all over the body. After circling this 'stone', Tianhuo's eyes lit up, "Tianling, Yan Clan's treasure house!"

After countless years, although this treasure house was buried deep in the ground, it was not damaged at all, which shows the strength of the materials used to build the treasure house!

"I think it looks like it should be separated from the building, or the building that wrapped it has been destroyed, but it is intact." Tianling nodded.

Tianhuo stroked his chin. It was the entrance of the treasure house, but it was also made of dark material, except that there was a flame mark in the center compared to the other sides.

"But I don't know how to open it." Tianhuo shook his head and said.

Tianhuo knew that the flame symbol was the key to opening the treasure house, but this was the treasure house of the super sect, how could it be easily opened by outsiders?

"Try it, Diyan's Nanminghuanghuo should be able to burn a hole, but it will take a little longer." Tianling said.

Tianhuo nodded, that's the only way to go, but the problem came again, he was able to walk through the soil to get here smoothly, but it was impossible to release Tunxing here.

For a while, Skyfire was in trouble. With such a huge treasure house, it was impossible for him to receive it into the palace of the gods, let alone lift it to the ground.

After a moment of silence, Tianhuo stepped through the dirt and came to the sign. When he raised his hand, Man Jianghong entwined his fists and said, "Break!"

The surrounding soil trembled violently, but under the bombardment of the sky fire, the treasure house did not respond at all!

"Um, I forgot that it was in the dirt. It's not easy to handle. The treasure house should be made of Xingyao Shentie. You can't break it at all. Even if it is Nanminghuanghuo, it will take several months to burn on it. Open a hole." Tianling said.

Tianhuo was taken aback, "Xingyao Shentie is so strong?"

"If it's just this side, the entrance of the cave can be boiled in a few days under the Nanming Phoenix Fire, but the entire treasure house is made of this material, and there are those runes. It's not bad to be able to boil the entrance of the cave in a few months." Tianling didn't Explain more.

Tianhuo frowned, the parts of the Glyph Saint's suit were in it, could he return empty-handed?

After a moment of silence, Tianhuo touched the flame symbol with his hand. There should be other ways, and this time he must not return empty-handed.

After rubbing, the ring of the sage in his hand trembled, Tianhuo's eyes lit up, it was...

Door master order!In the ring of the sage, Yanping ordered his sect master to break the ring of the sage and run out. Such a situation made Tianhuo very happy, and there was a way.

Taking out the Yanmen's sect master's token, the token was pasted on the flame symbol by itself, and immediately, a system prompt sounded.

"Ding! The system prompts: To open the treasure house of Yanmen, you need the token of the sect master and the blood of the direct disciples, and the conditions are insufficient."

"The bloodline of the direct disciple? Isn't Yanping the right one?" Tianhuo was overjoyed, Yanping was in the palace of the mortal god, getting some of his blood out, opening the treasure house would not be a problem at all!

(End of this chapter)

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