Chapter 493

The moment the dumb woman approached Tianhuo, the Prisoner Ring in her hand trembled!

It was the first time that Prisoner Tianjie had such a reaction in Tianhuo's hands, which made Tianhuo put on guard. This ring belonged to Prisoner Dragon Sect, and the reaction at this moment was obviously because of this woman.

Could it be that she is a member of the Dragon Sect?

Seeing that Tianhuo was on guard, the woman hurriedly stopped, pointed to the prison ring in Tianhuo's hand, and then looked at Tianhuo expectantly.

"Tianling, can you understand what this woman means?" Tianhuo felt that the woman was asking for the prisoner ring, but he was not sure, so he asked through voice transmission.

"She, I want you to give her the Prisoner Ring!" Tianling's voice sounded in Tianhuo's mind.

Tianhuo frowned, and asked uncertainly, "You want to imprison Tianjie? Are you from the Prisoner Dragon Sect?"

The woman nodded hastily, then shook her head again, but her gaze shifted to Prisoner Heaven Ring again.

"Tianhuo, why don't you just give it to her and see what she wants to do. Anyway, she is an ordinary person. Are you afraid that she will run away?" Tianling teased.

Tianhuo fell silent, how could he give the Prisoner Ring to others in his hands for so long?After all, because of its incompleteness, even though it has recognized the Lord, it can be dropped.

While Tianhuo hesitated, the woman looked at Tianhuo pleadingly, there were even tears in her beautiful eyes.

Tianhuo shook his head helplessly, took off the Prisoner Ring, and threw it to the woman, "See if you want to return it to me!"

The woman was overjoyed, nodded heavily, reached out and took the Prisoner Ring into her hand, and the next moment, holding the Prisoner Ring in both hands, she rubbed it reluctantly. During the rubbing, her beautiful eyes gradually turned red, and then tears fell down.

Tianhuo was stunned, who is this woman?How could ordinary people recognize Prisoner Heaven Ring?
While Tianhuo was puzzled, the woman bowed to Tianhuo, then spread her arms slightly, and her figure was slowly floating at this moment, with a pure white halo surging around her.

As for the prisoner ring, quietly suspended in front of the woman's chest, it seemed that it would float away with the woman at any time.

Tianhuo's heart suddenly jumped, this woman is really not an ordinary person, she is her prisoner!
Just when Tianhuo was about to take back the Prisoner Ring, Tianling's overjoyed voice emerged in Tianhuo's mind: "Oh, Tianhuo, it's done, it's done!"

Tianhuo stopped wanting to step out, "Don't get excited, what's going on?"

"Wait and see, hehe!" Tianling didn't say much, as if she was observing the woman's movements.

As for the woman, after a white halo appeared all over her body, her figure became unreal, her beautiful eyes moved to Tianhuo again, and a soft smile appeared on her face at this moment.

Tianhuo was a little puzzled, he didn't know why the woman had such a change, but the next moment, the woman's already illusory figure flashed, and she actually got into the Prisoner Ring!
Following the woman's penetration, the Tianhuo Prisoner Ring slowly returned to Tianhuo's hands, and at the same time, a gentle female voice sounded in Tianhuo's mind: "Tianhuo, thank you!"

Before Tianhuo came back to his senses, hearing this strange but very gentle and gentle female voice, he felt that his head was not enough, "Why did you run into the Prisoner's Ring?"

Tianhuo knew that this voice belonged to a mute woman!
"I am one body with the Prisoner's Ring, listen to me first!" The woman said, and then continued: "A long time ago, before the Great War between Heaven and Earth, I existed. At that time, people called me Prisoner's Tower."

"Later the monsters invaded, and the mortal gods used my strength to fight against the monsters. Unfortunately, when the mortal gods fell, I was also damaged and divided into three parts. After the war, those monsters secretly gathered my two parts and placed them in the Prison Dragon Sect. I've only been able to have some of it taken away before."

"That part is the Prisoner's Ring in your hand, and what is in Prisoner's Dragon Sect now is the most important tower body."

The woman said, but Tianhuo understood, the third part is the woman, it should be the spirit of the weapon!
"You are the Prison Tower, the head of the top ten artifacts? Then you are an artifact?" Tianling's joyful voice also sounded.

"Yes, back then I was divided into three parts. Originally, this trace of spiritual wisdom had to dissipate. Fortunately, I met the master of Fanshen. He gave me a body so that I can survive. Are you the Luoshen Cauldron? When I met Fanshen I met you before the master of God." The woman said, her voice was very gentle.

"Yeah, hello, but I integrated the Luoshen cauldron into Tianhuo's innate spirit cauldron, so it is no longer the Luoshen cauldron." Tianling said.

Tianhuo rubbed his chin and listened to the conversation between the two girls, the Prisoner Tower, the head of the top ten artifacts!I can't help feeling a little excited.

"I understand that when I saw Tianhuo holding the Prisoner Ring before, I hesitated. After all, I need to be in the hands of the leader of a big force to play my role. After seeing that Tianhuo has a sect and legion, I made up my mind." the woman said.

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows, coughed lightly, and said with a teasing smile: "I will find the tower body in the future, and then, don't run away."

Although it seems to be joking, what Tianhuo said is true. Since Prisoner Tower is the leader of the group's artifact, its strength is unquestionable. If it is restored and it runs away, who will I cry to?

"Hehe, Tianhuo, your name is the same as one of my benefactors back then, but he has already fallen. Based on this alone, I will not leave." The woman laughed.

Tianhuo shook his head, he had heard the same name for the second time, the world is so big, what's so strange about having the same name?

Shaking her head, Tianhuo was delighted. Prisoner Tian Tower existed before the Great War between Heaven and Earth, so her understanding of the mainland must have surpassed Tianling's. In this way, she would have another guide in the future!

The two girls seemed to hit it off, chatting in Tianhuo's body, which made Tianhuo feel strange, the two spirits, this time they are not lonely anymore.

"Tianhuo, I have sent people to infiltrate into other cities to find out the news, and the leveling point has also been found, how is your side?" At this time, the voice of twilight and dawn came.

Tianhuo was overjoyed, with them here, he didn't have to worry about it at all, they would think about everything in advance, sending people to sneak into other cities right now was naturally for Tianyanmen's next move.

"Have you reached the leveling point yet? If you arrive, pull me over." Tianhuo said, it's time to bring everyone to level up.

"Ding! The system prompts: Deputy Army Commander Twilight Lixiao uses his assembly skills and wants to pull you to his side. Do you agree?"


In an instant, the scenery in front of Tianhuo's eyes changed, and when it stabilized, he had already arrived at a stretch of endless hills.

"It's here, in the hilly field, the monster level is between God 10 and God 50, which is more suitable for the current legion members." Twilight broke dawn and smiled when he saw Tianhuo appear.

Tianhuo nodded, and there was continuous white light around him, and the members of the legion were pulled over in excitement.

"Let's all spread out and fight equipment, don't rely on me alone!" Tianhuo said teasingly, leading all the beasts and galloping forward.

"Haha, where do we have a chance to make a move, come on, Legion Commander!" Many members laughed, but their words were full of reverence.

Tianhuo smiled dumbly, "You guys, I'm serious. Start sharing experience."

Amidst the laughter, the sky fire had already swept away, and the verbal punishment skill was being used. Wherever it passed, all the monsters within a range of 2560 meters fell to the ground.

With the Wensheng ring on his body, the attack range of Tianhuo's skills has doubled, and with the powerful attack, these ordinary monsters were instantly killed without exception.

For a moment, a screen-swiping reminder of experience points rang in everyone's ears, and the dense upgrade light flashed on everyone in an instant.

On this day, Tianhuo just rode the Star Devouring Moon Beast to roam the hills and fields, while Kaitian Zhanhu and Diyan Linhuang Beast were free to move around, and they had already gone to fight monsters.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have obtained 1800 God experience point, 18000 additional God experience points, 4 cultivation base point, and 12 additional cultivation base points."


"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached God level 57, and the attributes of the four gods are +5."

After a long time, Tianhuo's body also glowed with upgrades, plus the five levels rewarded before, it is now level 57, and all the equipment in the Ring of the Glyph Sage was thrown into the army warehouse.

Gradually, the members of the legion also dispersed and formed small teams to clean up the monsters. Although it was far less efficient than Skyfire's spawning monsters, they were more powerful.

In the experience sharing mode of the legion, members are upgrading every moment, and every moment, everyone will glow with the light of upgrading.

"Ding! The system prompts: Congratulations, your cultivation has reached the intermediate level, and you can enjoy the intermediate level bonus."

Suddenly, a different system prompt sounded in Tianhuo's ear, which made Tianhuo overjoyed. Has the skill reached the intermediate level?
Holy Word (God level), Glyph Sage’s exclusive skill, Intermediate Holy Word bonus, Four God attributes +40000, Scroll Attack (God) +40000, Defense (God) +40000, HP (God) increased by 200%.

Practice progress: 2436/5000000
After some inspection, Tianhuo was even more ecstatic. On the basis of the basic bonus, it actually doubled directly. In this way, with the bonus of the suit, his scroll god attack directly increased by 18! , this still does not count as the bonus of the four god attributes.

However, after passing the intermediate level, the number of training points required to upgrade on the cultivation progress bar has increased by five times, from 100 million to 500 million. With the Fanshen Palace and Hunyuan Spiritual Tree in hand, it is not difficult for Tianhuo Big, but after the advanced level, I am afraid it will become difficult.

After spawning monsters until the second day, the god level of the legion members has skyrocketed, all of them have reached God level 59 or [-], and Tianhuo has also reached God level [-], but the level has soared too fast, and the problem of members' equipment has become a big problem .

Although the equipment brought up from the second-level area has transformed attributes, it can no longer keep up with the current level. If you want members to become stronger, it has become a must to acquire high-level equipment.

"Twilight, the experience value here has become low, change the map!" Tianhuo stopped spawning monsters and shouted in the legion channel.

"Tianhuo, I don't think there is a rush to level up, first find a way to open a few dungeons to refresh equipment, otherwise everyone's equipment will not be able to keep up, and the strength will be out of touch." Twilight broke dawn said.

Tianhuo shook his head. For players, the best source of equipment is indeed the dungeon, but without clues, it is very difficult to open the dungeon.

As for the equipment of the entire legion, it is naturally impossible to rely on the sky fire to solve it, it has to rely on the members themselves.

While thinking, Tianhuo's eyes lit up, "Twilight, what's the result of your investigation?"

"Why are you mentioning him all of a sudden?" Twilight Lixiao was stunned and asked back.

(End of this chapter)

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