The strongest saint

Chapter 494 1 Horse Returns First

Chapter 494

Even though Twilight Lixiao wondered why Tianhuo mentioned it first, he still said: "That guy has been on the yacht for the past few months, and he seems very depressed. What's wrong?"

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows. Since the last time he teamed up to kill the Demon King, this guy hasn't been online. What's going on?

If he was reborn first, he must know a lot of conditions to open the dungeon. If you come to him, why worry about the legion members not having equipment?

Thinking about it, Tianhuo said: "Twilight, why don't you go there yourself, call that guy up, and I'll talk to him."

Even though Twilight Lixiao was puzzled, she nodded and went off the assembly line soon.

Seeing Twilight Breaking Offline, Tianhuo hesitated for a moment, but still didn't stop. Anyway, he had to wait for news, so he simply continued to lead the legion to fight monsters.

And on the earth, outside a mysterious small island, a luxurious yacht floats with the waves. On the yacht, the one familiar to Tianhuo is lying on his back, staring straight at the sky, thinking about something.

Suddenly, he sat up first and looked into the distance, only to see a floating amphibious luxury car galloping towards and stopped in front of the yacht.

"Your private island is beautiful, you won't blame me for trespassing, right?" A young man stepped out of the luxury car and directly boarded the yacht.

Immediately looked at the young man, then sat back to the original place, "The whole China belongs to your family, who dares to say that you are trespassing?"

"Hehe, although we haven't dealt with each other very much, I admire you a lot. You are better than me when you are alone." The young man also sat down beside the lead and smiled.

"Twilight breaks dawn... No, Young Master Mu, what do you want me for?" He took the lead and said directly.

The young man is naturally the twilight in the game. He took a look at the lead and said with a smile: "Of course it is for the members of our legion in the game. You have not been seen for several months and you are not playing? Now the game is for all, and you are alone on the earth." Come on, are you interested?"

Immediately lay down and looked at the sky again, but said nothing.

"Although we don't know what happened, Brother Lin, Tianhuo and I don't want anyone in the Legion to be missing." Twilight Breaking Dawn said.

After a moment of silence, he took the lead and said: "You really don't know some things, but Tianhuo is clear. I am very grateful to him and thank him for keeping it secret for me, but the world of destiny..."

As he said that, he shook his head bitterly and asked, "If your career becomes someone else's assistant, what do you think?"

Twilight breaks dawn and looks at the lead with a smile, "That depends on who the other party is. People with bad intentions naturally disdain to be with them. Hehe, I understand. I won't say much. Brother Lin, go online. Tianhuo has something to talk to you." .”

Immediately took the lead and glanced at Twilight Breaking Dawn suspiciously, "What did he ask me for? I have always been his enemy."

"Enemy? After joining forces last time, I'm afraid you have no hostility towards Tianhuo, right? Think about it, do you still have any more?" Twilight broke dawn and said with a mysterious smile.

Taking the lead, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he nodded without hesitation, "No, but I'm not reconciled, I never beat him once."

"Then you are wrong. Skyfire is powerful in the game, but in reality, how many people can compare with you? And even in the game, are you really not stronger than Skyfire?"

Immediately leading the way, he sat up slowly again, with a smile gradually appearing on his face, and looked at Twilight Lixiao, "I want to ask you, you are Young Master Mu, are you willing to follow Tianhuo like this?"

Twilight Breaking Dawn shrugged, "For Tianhuo, he is not a follower, he is my good brother."

He took the lead in silence again, the look in his eyes changed, after a long time, he suddenly smiled, "Okay, let me tell you a secret, I am a big fan of Tianhuo."

As he said that, he got up immediately and walked into the cabin. A voice came out without looking back, "Young Master Mu, see you in the game."

Twilight smiled and turned back to the luxury car. Then the luxury car rose from the sea and quickly disappeared into the sky.

"Come on Skyfire, I almost reached level 50!" Fatty's excited voice sounded in the legion channel in the hilly field.

Tianhuo rolled his eyes and was about to speak, when the voice of Twilight also came, "Tianhuo, it's done, but that guy is still in Novice Village, you can only use various channels after leaving Novice Village."

Tianhuo's eyes lit up, "Just come back, I thought this guy was dead."

"Tianhuo, he said you kept a secret for him, what kind of secret?" Twilight Lixiao asked again.

Tianhuo smiled, it seemed that Twilight Breaking Dawn and Yimadao had already talked about it, as for this secret, it was naturally reborn as Yimadao, but Tianhuo never told anyone, after all, he also traveled into the game.

"It's a secret, of course you can't tell it, hehe." Tianhuo said with a sloppy smile.

"Okay, then let's withdraw first, and the entire legion will search for tasks separately, and we should be able to open a lot of dungeons." Twilight broke dawn.

"Well, let's go, let's do our own work!" Tianhuo said.

Amidst the reluctance of more than [-] members, they reluctantly returned to the city and returned to Cangyuan City. This kind of opportunity for leveling is rare. If they continue to practice, it would be great!

Back in Cangyuan City, Tianhuo went directly to the City Lord's Mansion, Wang Cheng and others had already moved here, and Tianhuo was appointed, and Wang Cheng became the new City Lord, and the rest of the people also logically lived in the City Lord's Mansion.

When Tianhuo arrived, Wang Cheng's face was a little ugly, and when he saw Tianhuo, he hurried over, "Brother Tianhuo, something is wrong!"

Tianhuo smiled, "Senior Wangcheng, this is not like your style, what's wrong?"

Wang Cheng hurriedly shook his head, "The other nine cities of the Heisha Gang were all destroyed by the Shenjiao Gang! I guess the next step is that our Cangyuan City will become the target of the Shenjiao Gang!"

Tianhuo frowned and murmured, "Why is this time..."

At this moment, Tianhuo understood why there were not many members of the Shenjiao Gang who came before. It turned out that the Shenjiao Gang dispersed their forces and attacked the ten cities of the Heisha Gang at the same time!
If what Wang Cheng said is true, it will be difficult. Once the other nine cities of the Heisha Gang are destroyed, the Shenjiao Gang will be able to draw enough people to come. At that time, the Tianyan Legion will not be able to resist at all.

Could it be that the city that was just occupied will be taken away by the Shenjiao Gang?Tianhuo thought helplessly in his heart.

"Brother Tianhuo, the Shenjiao Gang now has 21 cities, and the strongest force nearby at any time, if it comes to attack, we can't stop it!" Wang Cheng said.

Tianhuo nodded and asked, "Where is the Shenjiao Gang's residence?"

"In Shenjiao Mountain, what happened?"

"Is there a map? How far?" Tianhuo asked.

Although Wang Cheng was puzzled, he still nodded, "There is a map in the mansion, I have seen it, it will take two days to get there."

"Give me the map. It's best that the Shenjiao Gang don't invade, or they will regret it." Tianhuo said, and sat on the seat casually.

Wang Cheng quickly sent the map, Tianhuo looked at it for a while and then put it away, he has already occupied Cangyuan City for two days, if the Shenjiao Gang is coming, it should be soon.

While thinking about it, the friend channel rang. Tianhuo opened it and looked, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. It turned out that the message was sent in the first place.

"Tianhuo, miss me?" He took the lead and said playfully.

Tianhuo rolled his eyes, then smiled and said: "Yeah, I took the lead, the vacation is over? The action is very fast, and I left the Xinshou Village so quickly."

"Cut, you're boring, are you in the first-level area now?" He took the lead and sneered.

Tianhuo nodded, "Chaos, Cangyuan City was occupied the day before yesterday."

"So fast?" I was stunned first, and after a moment of silence, I said, "I know the reason why you came back to me. It's alright. Although the matter is much earlier, you can handle it. This point should not change."

Coming from rebirth, he knew the continuity of the incident immediately. Although he didn't say it explicitly, he was implying that Tianhuo could settle the incident committed by the Shenjiao Gang.

Tianhuo tasted the words of taking the lead, smiled, and continued: "Give me a few ways to unlock the dungeons that can get advanced equipment. By the way, catch up quickly."

"Hey!" Yima took the lead with a long sigh, and said: "The last time we joined forces was very pleasant, Tianhuo, you have almost finished the work of the ten years before my rebirth in three years, if this continues, I will be of no use to you there is none left."

Tianhuo was a little baffled, he didn't quite understand the meaning of taking the lead, and vaguely felt that there were not many things that the take the lead knew.

"Most of the dungeons in the first-level area are opened in the east, and there are very few in the chaotic domain in the west. I'm afraid you don't have time to do those tasks. I'd better go find young master Mu. You should be busy!" He took the lead and said, "By the way, you There should be a elixir that increases the experience bonus, right?"

Tianhuo nodded, a little surprised in his heart, he didn't know if it was because of what Twilight and Yimadao said, or because of the promise before joining forces, Yimadao didn't show the slightest hostility, as if the teaming up was what he said.

There are still five pieces of Diyou Pill left, and since the leader is planning to help the legion, Tianhuo didn't hesitate and mailed it directly to the leader.

"Sure enough, it's a good thing, Tianhuo, then you should do your work first, I'll go talk to Young Master Mu." Immediately said with a smile.

"Wait!" Tianhuo hurriedly stopped, and then asked: "Let's take the lead, are you really keeping your original promise or what's going on? Why do I feel weird?"

"Fuck, sir Tianhuo, I'm a big fan of yours, don't ask if such a thing is okay?" He took the lead and scolded with a smile.

Tianhuo shook his head, always feeling a little unreal, and couldn't help but recall the scene of the last time they joined forces.

'If you don't wade into this muddy water, I will give you the entire Qiutianmen, and from now on, I will no longer be your enemy, and sincerely become a member of the Tianyan Legion. '

This is what I said at the beginning. Now, it seems that I really intend to do this, but Tianhuo still feels a little unnatural.

But the next moment, Tianhuo was stunned speechless, because he took the lead in sending him a bunch of attributes!
(End of this chapter)

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