Chapter 495

Natural Selector: A profession endowed by destiny, exists only for the literary sage in his life, the literary sage is born, and the literary sage is destroyed.

Baiju Guoxia: Active skill, after casting, all the skills of the sage profession will be cooled down instantly.

Help of Natural Selection: Active skill, after being used, it doubles all attributes of professional players of the Grave Sage, and lasts for 1 minute.

Natural Selection Glory: Passive skill, when on the same map as the Grave Sage profession, all attributes are doubled.

The Sincerity of Natural Selection: Passive skill, the natural selectors who exist because of the sage profession cannot attack the sage profession.

Advantage of Natural Selection: Passive skill, when you are in the same gang or team as the Grave Sage, the upgrade experience for each level is halved.

The power of natural selection: Passive skill, if the sage of the sage does not die, the natural selection will not die.


"Is this... the profession of the first one?" Looking at the attribute map sent by the first one, Tianhuo was surprised from ear to ear.

"Do you understand this time? I told you I'm your big fan, but you still don't believe me!"

"What happened back then is over, Tianhuo, I hope you don't take offense, but such things will never happen again." He took the lead and continued.

Tianhuo let out a dry cough, checked the attribute map sent by Yimadang again, and said with a teasing smile: "If I had known this, I would not have hated you so much when I attacked you, haha!"

"Tch, you're busy, I'll go find Young Master Mu." Yi Ma took the lead and said angrily, closing the channel.

Tianhuo pondered for a while. It seemed that the hatred of taking the lead had indeed disappeared, and he became his fan again. At the beginning, the take the lead told himself that before rebirth, he was his die-hard fan. This is true!

"Ding! The system prompts: Are you sure to promote the player to be the deputy commander first?"


Tianhuo ignored Yimaxian and Twilight Lixiao when he was promoted to deputy army commander. Tianhuo believed that they would settle the dungeon.

"Well, Tianhuo, what do you mean by that?" The leading voice came again.

"Do you even need to ask?" Tianhuo teased.

Immediately fell silent, and then said after a while: "Then what about my Qiu Tianmen?"

"Then there is no need to ask? Let them all join the Tianyan Sect, and I see that many members of the Qiu Tianmen have already joined the Tianyan Sect." Tianhuo laughed.

"These guys...the ones bought with money are unreliable. That's fine, let's do it first."

"No hurry, I have something for you!" As he said, Tianhuo mailed Tianxuan Shenxin to Yimao.

Heart of the Natural Selector: The core of the Natural Selector's professional suit. With this item, you can find all the suit parts.

"Haha, it turned out to be in your hands, this time it's cool, I'll be in the first-level area soon, wait for me!"

Tianhuo smiled and closed the chat. At the moment, the matter at hand was relaxed, but Tianhuo was a little depressed. The Shenjiao Gang would definitely attack, but at some point, there was no news from the spies sent by Twilight Breaking Dawn , this instead made Skyfire's actions a little restrained, and he didn't dare to run outside indiscriminately.

Walking back and forth in the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion for a while, Tianhuo was taken aback suddenly, stopped, and patted his forehead, "It's a dead end again! Why wait for someone to attack?"

With that said, Tianhuo hurriedly left the City Lord's Mansion.

Cangyuan City has returned to calm in the past two days. For these people who have lived in the chaotic domain for a long time, such things are too normal. If the power is established today, it may be destroyed tomorrow.

However, in the 21 cities of the Shenjiao Gang in the eastern part of the chaotic domain, there is a shocking news. Another world adventurer.

This news is like a stone falling into an ancient well, causing waves of shock. For the past two days, everyone has been waiting to watch the show. How to deal with the Shenjiao Gang's next counterattack.

The Shenjiao Gang, which has 21 cities, is considered a strong force in this area. Once it is dispatched, Cangyuan City will definitely be destroyed!

As everyone expected, the high-level members of the Shenjiao Gang were already furious. Originally, the 22 cities in this area should be their own, but now, the fruits of others grew in their own fields, and it would be impossible for anyone else. not angry.

Just two or three hours after Tianhuo left Cangyuan City, there were dark clouds surging in all directions of Cangyuan City, and in an instant, they covered the sky like covering the sky.

In Cangyuan City, a deafening bell has already sounded, reminding everyone in the city that the enemy is attacking!
In the sky, more than 10 people completely surrounded the entire city, covering the sky like dark clouds, but these people were not in a hurry, but were waiting for someone to appear.

Not long after, a breath that shook the air suddenly came from a distance, and the owner of this breath was the leader of the Shenjiao Sect, known as Shenjiao.

In Cangyuan City, streaks of white light appeared at the teleportation point, and it was the people from the Tianyan Legion who rushed back.

"Damn it, what's the situation? We just occupied Cangyuan City!" The fat man swallowed and muttered.

"City Master, are these the members of the Shenjiao Gang?" Twilight turned to ask Wang Cheng who was at the side.

Wang Cheng nodded solemnly, feeling very helpless in his heart, he had only been sitting as the city lord for two days, and the brothers had only lived a good life for two days, but at this moment, it seemed that it was over.

With Wang Cheng's affirmation, Twilight Breaking Dawn looked calm, slightly raised his head to look at the sky, and murmured: "Tianhuo should be prepared, everyone don't need to worry."

Even though I said this, Twilight Breaking Dawn felt uneasy, after all, the Shenjiao Gang came out in full force!

In the sky, Shenjiao's figure fell a little bit, glanced at Cangyuan City for a moment, then turned his gaze to the city lord Wang Cheng, "It seems that you are not the one who snatched food from the tiger's mouth, right?"

Without waiting for Wangcheng to speak, Twilight suddenly stepped into the sky at dawn, and came to the same height as the Shenjiao, and said with a smile: "Well, the deputy commander of the Tianyan Legion, your Excellency is the leader of the Shenjiao Sect?"

"Deputy army commander? Hmph! Where's your army commander? Let him get out!" Shen Jiao said with a gloomy expression on his face.

Just because of the defeat of Cangyuan City, the Shenjiao Gang has become the laughing stock in the eyes of millions of people. Such enmity is not insignificant.

Dusk breaks the dawn and smiles unabated, "Your Excellency brought so many strong men here, just to find our army commander?"

"Hmph! Boy, you talk a lot of nonsense, let him come out. Today, I want him to watch Cangyuan City turn into ruins with his own eyes! I want him to watch everyone in Cangyuan City die with his own eyes!" move.

Twilight shook his head slightly, and then laughed, "Since our regiment commander dared to capture Cangyuan City, he was naturally prepared. I advise you to take these troops and leave, otherwise...well, you will definitely regret it."

Shen Jiao's icy eyes froze, his cheeks twitched, obviously he was gritting his teeth deeply, but he laughed back angrily, "Haha..."

After a long time, Shen Jiao's laughter stopped, "It's ridiculous, this is the funniest joke I've ever heard in my life, just relying on you people, let me regret it? Let my Shen Jiao Gang's [-] troops regret it?"

"Haha..." Following Shenjiao's words, the one hundred thousand soldiers in the sky laughed in unison, disdainful of the city below.

Twilight smiled, "I know you don't believe me, but you can try."

Shen Jiao laughed, and hesitation flashed in his eyes. The opponent's legion commander has not yet appeared, but only a deputy army commander appeared, but he didn't have the slightest fear. Could it be that the opponent really has any preparations?
"Hmph!" Shenjiao is an existence at the level of a spirit god, and how could he be easily fooled by Twilight and Breaking Dawn? With a cold snort, he said disdainfully: "Okay! Since your army commander doesn't show up, then I'm going to do it !"

As he spoke, Shenjiao waved his hand, and immediately saw 10 people moving quickly in the sky, forming eight square formations and gathering together.

Twilight breaks dawn bitterness in his heart, he doesn't know when Tianhuo will leave here, and he hasn't explained anything, now he can't bluff the other party, what should he do?

"Believe it or not, Cangyuan City will be completely destroyed with just one move?" Shen Jiao looked at the eight square formations in the sky, and suddenly smiled.

Twilight Lixiao's expression froze, and he hurriedly shouted in the friend channel: "Tianhuo, why did you go? Killed the door, and said one move can destroy Cangyuan City."

Tianhuo, who was sitting in the Pokong Shuttle, was stunned for a moment. He already knew that the Shenjiao Gang was coming, but he didn't expect it to be so fast. He was stunned and hurriedly said: "Twilight, hurry up, give it up!"

Twilight Lixiao's face was filled with disbelief, and he asked in a daze, "Are you crazy?"

"Listen to me, Cangyuan City can't be destroyed, give it to them first." Tianhuo said, trying his best to activate the space shuttle.

Twilight Lixiao frowned, slowly shifted his gaze to Shenjiao, and said helplessly: "I believe, you stop, Cangyuan City, let's give it up!"

"Haha..." Shenjiao waved his hand, stopped the movements of the 10 people above, and laughed loudly, "Did you see that? They were too frightened by us to fight, so they surrendered to Cangyuan!"

"Haha..." The [-] army laughed unscrupulously again. It seemed that they had already thought of this result. After all, how could small adventurers from another world be compared with the Shenjiao Gang?
"Fuck me, Tianhuo originally planned to give up Cangyuan City!" the fat man said helplessly.

Wang Cheng and the others also sat down slumped in frustration. Although they knew that it was impossible to resist the attack of the Shenjiao Gang, did they not even resist?

"What does the head of the legion mean? How has our Tianyan Legion been afraid of the enemy? If we want to fight, we will fight. Surrender is nothing!"


At this moment, all members of the Tianyan Legion are dissatisfied. This kind of result is not what they want to see at all. Everyone wants to know, why not fight?
After a long time, Shenjiao's laughter finally stopped, and he slowly turned his disdainful eyes to Twilight and dawn, "Give it up? But, hehe... I want to destroy the city!"

The matter of Cangyuan City has already made Shen Jiao lose face, how can the immortal city be able to extinguish the hatred in his heart?
Twilight breaks dawn and eyes are fixed, destroying the city? "Tianhuo, it's over..."

"Hey, look carefully, how I destroyed the city!" Shen Jiao sneered, and waved his big hand again, "Do it!"

In an instant, a vast sea-like aura gathered in the sky. On the eight phalanxes, a terrifying aura swept out at this moment, and between the gatherings, it condensed in the center surrounded by the eight phalanxes!
The color of the world changed, and the faces of countless people in Cangyuan City instantly turned pale. Under the aura of the sky above, it became very difficult to even move, let alone escape.

In the sky above, the power of the eight phalanxes had gathered together, releasing a light that could not be seen directly like the sun, and fell towards Cangyuan City!
(End of this chapter)

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