Chapter 496
Terrifying attacks converged in the sky, forming a huge sun-like group of light, falling towards Cangyuan City.

Before the light group arrived, many buildings in Cangyuan City were crushed by the terrifying air waves, and everyone in the city became desperate at this moment.

No one doubted that if this attack of 10 people fell, Cangyuan City would cease to exist, including everyone in the city.

At the moment when the attacks converged, Twilight Breaking Dawn was forced to fall back to the ground. At this moment, he looked at the 'sun' setting in the sky in shock, "It's over!"

The Tianyan Legion, more than [-] people are very unwilling, and Cangyuan City, which was taken by an average of one level, is gone like this?
But at this moment, above Shenjiao Mountain, which is two days away from here, Tianhuo controlled the space-breaking shuttle to hit the huge palace of Shenjiao Mountain.

Two days' journey, using the shuttle, Tianhuo arrived here in a few hours, Tianhuo looked anxious, knowing that the Shenjiao Gang was going to attack Cangyuan City, Tianhuo had no other choice, if he resisted, there would be only one result, that is fail.

And the only way is to draw a salary from the bottom of the pot!

This is Tianhuo's plan, taking advantage of the Shenjiao Gang coming out in full force, Tianhuo ran to Shenjiao Mountain alone, and was about to take over the Shenjiao Gang's lair!

Shenjiao Mountain is the root of the Shenjiao Gang, which is equivalent to the residence of a sect. If it is taken here, there is no doubt that the Shenjiao Gang will be gone. Therefore, Tianhuo came here.

However, to Tianhuo's surprise, after the Shenjiao Gang came out in full force, the Shenjiao Mountain was still heavily guarded. It seemed that although the Shenjiao left with the main force, the guards on the Shenjiao Mountain were tightened even more.

However, Tianhuo is not helpless, time is running out at this moment, so he has to fight, controlling the space shuttle to hit the palace of Shenjiao Mountain directly at the fastest speed.

Anyone who dares to do this, Tianhuo is probably the only one in the world!
On Shenjiao Mountain, many guards did not see the arrival of the space shuttle at all. At this moment, they only felt a huge force suddenly attacking, and in a flash, the palace on the top of the mountain exploded!

"Oops, it's an enemy attack!"

Tianhuo controlled the space shuttle and crashed into the palace directly, and at this moment, the guards reacted.

Under the impact, the space-breaking shuttle returned directly to Tianhuo's Glyph Sage Ring, and Tianhuo was also thrown out. Even with a strong god attribute, he was still dizzy at this moment, and his health was even bottomed out!
But in an instant, the health value recovered, and Tianhuo returned to normal in front of his eyes, but after sweeping around the ruined palace, Tianhuo became even more anxious. Under the cover of the ruined walls, where could he find The great seal of the Shenjiao Gang?
These forces are different from the Zongmen, but they are the same as the player's gangs. They all have great seals. As long as the great seals are destroyed, the forces will be wiped out. But at this moment, Tianhuo is even more difficult to find.

"Diyan, Nanming Huanghuo!" Time was running out, Tianhuo didn't dare to delay, and with a thought, the Diyan Linhuang Beast appeared, and the terrifying flames roared out immediately, covering the entire ruins in an instant, forcing those who were rushing Those who come cannot approach.

In the Nanming Huanghuo, the ruins disappeared in an instant, and even the top of the mountain sank rapidly, while in the Nanminghuanghuanghuo, a large seal emitting white light floated quietly, under the Nanminghuanghuo, faintly There are signs of melting.

"Found it!" Tianhuo's expression relaxed, he stared at the big seal, and raised his hand, a string of words suddenly blasted up.

The Great Seal, which had already been overwhelmed by the Nanming Phoenix Fire, suddenly shattered!

Looking back at Cangyuan City, the 'sun' has already reached a hundred meters above Cangyuan City. At this moment, a deep pit of tens of meters has been pressed out directly below the 'sun', and hundreds of people died within the range.

"Haha, enjoy it!" Shen Jiao laughed loudly, finally he was ashamed!
Below, everyone was desperate and closed their eyes helplessly.

Suddenly, that ball of light suddenly disappeared, and Shen Jiao stopped laughing abruptly, and the smile froze on his face, " it possible!"

The 10 people in Cangyuan City closed their eyes in despair, but for a long time, there was no feeling of pain, instead, the pressure under them disappeared in an instant.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations to Tianhuo, head of the Tianyan Legion, for destroying the Shenjiao Gang and gaining the new residence of the Tianyan Sect!" At this moment, such reminders sounded in the ears of all members of the Tianyan Legion.

And beside Tianhuo's ear, there was a constant system beep.

"Ding! The system prompts: Congratulations on destroying the Shenjiao Gang, do you want to replace the Shenjiao Gang?"


"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on your new residence, including the 21 cities under it."

"Ding! System prompt: Please choose the new garrison as Legion or Tianyanmen garrison."

"Tianyanmen resident!"

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations to the new residence of Tianyan Gate, there are 22 cities under the gate."

"Haha, it's done!" Tianhuo laughed and let out a long sigh of relief, "Twilight, pull me over."

On Cangyuan City's side, it was only at dusk that I heard Tianhuo's call, and then I realized, "I'm going, the Shenjiao Gang will be destroyed?"

The 10 people staring at the sky above the [-] people with lingering fear at dusk breaks the dawn while talking to themselves, does this count as being wiped out?The main force is still here!
However, Twilight Breaking Dawn did not hesitate, and hastily used the assembly skill. Immediately, Tianhuo's figure appeared in the light.

As soon as Tianhuo appeared, countless fiery eyes greeted him. Before, everyone thought that Cangyuan City was just sent out by Tianhuo, but looking at it now, not only that, Tianhuo actually took the Shenjiao gang directly!

"The leader of the legion is mighty!" The joyful laughter of the legion members spread, and there is no doubt that everyone's respect for Tianhuo has deepened.

Tianhuo smiled and was about to speak, but the Shenjiao in the sky snorted coldly, "Huh! Are you happy? Although the garrison is gone, my army is still there!"

The meaning of Shenjiao is very simple, with these large troops, it will be easy to take it back!
As soon as this remark came out, the faces of the legion members couldn't help but become bitter. Yes, how to deal with this [-] army. Although there are more people on my side, how can I compare with others in strength?

"Hmph! Even though my Shenjiao Gang's group skills can no longer be used, it is still easy to destroy you!" Shenjiao snorted again.

Tianhuo frowned, yes, he took away the garrison, but with the current strength of the Tianyan Army, how to defend it?
It's not difficult to win the garrison, especially for someone like Tianhuo, who can easily win the garrison, but he has to face it all the time. With a main force of [-], he can't match it at all.

The setting of the game is like this, if you want to destroy the sect, you just need to destroy their residence, or close it like Tianyanmen in the second-level area, and if you want to destroy a gang like the Shenshen Jiao Gang, you just need to destroy the great seal.

Tianhuo succeeded, but what he had to face was the [-] main force.

Gangs are different from sects. Gangs are easier to establish and have simple functions, while sects are a huge system, which includes a series of huge functions such as exercises, skills, contributions, and exchanges, which are far beyond what gangs can compare.

"All give me orders to destroy the Tianyan Sect!" Shen Jiao roared, his face so gloomy that water dripped out.

"Tianhuo, is there another way?" Twilight Lixiao asked intently, if there is no way, there is no other way but to escape!

Tianhuo took a deep breath, stepped into the air suddenly, and his voice resounded through the world, "I have two god-level exercises and six spiritual-level exercises under my Tianyan sect!"

Naturally, Tianhuo included his holy words in it. Although only he can learn it, it can be regarded as Tianyan sect's exercise. Even if it is not shown in the exercise system, Tianhuo naturally counts it in it to seduce everyone. .

As soon as this remark came out, hundreds of thousands of people above and below were stunned. Why did Tianhuo say these things?
Shenjiao was also stunned for a moment, and then rejoiced, thinking to himself: "I only practice spiritual-level exercises. If I had god-level exercises, I would have already reached the realm of gods or even higher!" '

Tianhuo stopped a hundred meters in front of Shenjiao, and then said with a smile: "In addition to the exercises, I have two artifacts from the Tianyan Sect!"

As soon as this remark came out, the members of the Tianyan Legion knew it, they were not surprised at all, they were just puzzled by Tianhuo's words, while the rest of the people were beyond shocked, "How is that possible?"

"Also, I have more than 30 billion disciples of the Tianyan Sect!" Tianhuo continued, his eyes shifted to the Shenjiao.

Everyone has constricted pupils, more than 30 billion disciples?is it possible?Isn't that catching up with the top ten sects?

"Hehe, I just wanted to say this, you are welcome to join my Tianyan Sect. After you join, you can choose any exercises." Tianhuo smiled, scanning the dense crowd around him.

"I'll join!"

"I'm joining too. What's the purpose of working so hard? It's not just to improve my strength!"

"Yes, there are god-level exercises, why hesitate!"


For a moment, Shen Jiao helped everyone move, and even Shen Jiao struggled.

"Senior Wangcheng, Twilight, hurry up and earn money!" Tianhuo said in the sect channel, his voice was filled with great joy of relief, but at the same time, he secretly closed all the learning options of exercises. Before these people join, they must not know Fooled!

"Those who choose to join, let's go down!" Tianhuo said loudly, and for a while, countless figures scrambled to land down.

As for Tianhuo, he shifted his gaze to Shenjiao, "Shenjiao, why are you working so hard? Now that there are god-level exercises for you to learn, why are you hesitating?"

The muscles on Shen Jiao's face trembled, the situation is over!My subordinates have joined the Tianyan Sect without hesitation, how can I fight against the Tianyan Sect?

However, after dozens of breaths of effort, those who hesitated, led by others, also chose to join the Tianyan Sect. For a while, the sky returned to normal, and only Tianhuo and Shenjiao stood in the air.

"Is there really a god-level technique?" Shenjiao struggled for a moment, then asked in a deep voice.

Tianhuo smiled, "How can this be fake?"

Shenjiao slowly closed his eyes, opened them again after a long time, and said: "You took away my garrison and my hundred thousand elites, I should kill you!"

Tianhuo smiled without saying a word, waiting for Shen Jiao's next words.

"But God doesn't help me. People die for money and birds die for food. I understand them." Shen Jiao said through gritted teeth, and continued: "But as the leader of Shen Jiao Gang, how can I be reconciled? If you can defeat me, just let me go." Send!"

As soon as the words fell, Shenjiao's body swelled up, and a mighty aura broke out at this moment!
(End of this chapter)

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