Chapter 504
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Tianhuo's body was full of fighting spirit, even if the opponent was a god, it was not impossible to fight!
However, while the fighting spirit was surging, a familiar loud laughter sounded outside the hall, and then, a burly figure galloped towards him.

Looking at this figure, the muscles on Twilight's face trembled slightly, "Boy, are you done?"

"Hey, bro, I'm done, don't look at me like this!" The person who came was naturally Mu Yichen, who hadn't appeared under Tianhuo's nose for a long time, unexpectedly came back at this time.

"Tianhuo, what's the big deal? I think the atmosphere outside is very tense." Mu Yichen looked at Tianhuo.

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, "Long time no see you, what are you up to?"

Hearing the words, Mu Yichen's expression suddenly became bitter, and he said with lingering fear: "It's all to blame for that damned cemetery of the gods. Didn't it open a while ago? Those old immortals actually dragged me back abruptly. Come out!"

Tianhuo was stunned. The last time the cemetery of the gods was opened, he went in too, but he reappeared after the incident. What Tianhuo didn't expect was that Mu Yichen also ran to the first level before the passage in the first-level area was opened at that time For a long time, Tianhuo thought that the only player who entered was himself, but Mu Yichen also entered.

"It's good to come out, Twilight, let's order things down first. When the time comes, everyone will rush back as soon as possible. Even if we lose, we must fight!" Tianhuo said.

Twilight Breaking Dawn nodded heavily, but unfortunately, Tianyan Sect's power in the first-level area is not strong enough, and more than 30 billion players can't be the main force, otherwise...

"Haha, it looks like there is a big enemy, look at me!" Mu Yichen's eyes lit up, and he laughed loudly.

Twilight broke and slapped Mu Yichen on the back of the head, "Stay where it's cool, unless you tell me you can deal with the gods."

"God?" Mu Yichen couldn't close his mouth in astonishment, the excitement in his eyes faded instantly, scratching the back of his head and said to himself: "I finally became a spirit god, and I met a god as soon as I came out? Can you still be happy? Playing..."

Although Mu Yichen's self-talk was quiet, it couldn't be hidden from everyone in the field. For a moment, Tianhuo and others were stunned, and looked at Mu Yichen in surprise. This guy had already broken through the 99th level of God, reaching The realm of the spirit god?
Tianhuo was astonished and dumbfounded at the same time, no wonder, for such a long time, he thought that he was number one on the ranking list, but he never thought that Mu Yichen, who couldn't enter the ranking list, was already one step ahead to the Spiritual God!
Tianhuo really wants to know, how did this guy do it?
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Mu Yichen noticed the strange gazes of everyone, he couldn't help but backed away, and muttered.

Everyone shook their heads. Even if he reached the spirit god, he might not be able to leapfrog to challenge the god of heaven. This time, the hope is still slim!

"Wuda, how to activate the mountain protection formation?" Tianhuo asked Mu Yichen without leaving.

Wu Da handed over a token, "This is the hub to activate the mountain protection formation, but the spirit beads in the formation are almost exhausted and need to be replaced."

Tianhuo glanced at the token, but refused to accept it, and said: "You should control the big formation, first take me to change all the spirit beads."

The mountain guard formation is the key to the garrison. Although Tianhuo knows that it will be easily destroyed by the young master of Baibao Pavilion, it is better than no defense at all.

And the spirit beads are the source of power for the mountain protection formation, if it is exhausted, the formation will naturally fail.

Hearing this, Wu Da pointed to his feet, "Sect Master, it's right here."

While speaking, Wu Da pointed towards the token, and saw that the green bricks under everyone's feet receded one after another, and a pile of dim spirit beads appeared in everyone's eyes.

"The big formation can put millions of spirit beads at a time, but unfortunately these are low-grade, and can only last for two months. If they are attacked, the time they can withstand will be shortened. The moment the power is exhausted, the big formation will naturally be broken. .” Wu Da said, pointing to the pile of spirit beads.

"Oh? What if it's a high-grade spirit bead?" Tianhuo laughed.

Wu Da shook his head, "It is said that if the top-grade spirit beads activate this mountain protection formation, not only can the support time be tens of thousands of times longer, but the defense power will also be multiplied several times, but the sect master is joking, how could it be possible to get a million top-grade... ..."

Wu Da didn't finish his sentence, but he was stunned on the spot in astonishment, only to see the high-grade spirit beads rolling out from Tianhuo's hands, filling the big pit under everyone's feet in an instant.

Wu Ping was also amazed, his gaze towards Tianhuo was full of intense heat.

As for Mu Hui and the others, they didn't feel much. After all, the spirit beads are of no use to the players. If the only use is to pay the entrance fee.

Filling up the spirit beads at the core of the formation, Tianhuo shook his head and sighed, "It's a pity that the young master of the Baibao Pavilion must know how to break the formation, otherwise, if he relied on brute force, he would definitely not be able to break through the formation protecting the mountain."

To break the formation, one relies on absolute strength, and the other relies on familiarity with the formation. The upcoming Young Pavilion Master of the Baibao Pavilion will naturally know how to break the formation. Tianhuo has no doubts about this.

"That's all the preparations that can be made. I hope that the super god-level exercises can attract the people brought by the young pavilion master. If they can be attracted to Tianyanmen, they will be safe." recover.

Hearing this, Wu Da looked weird. They were lured into Tianyan Sect by the Yan Jue. Hearing what Tianhuo said, he was a little embarrassed, and said awkwardly: "If it is a spiritual level skill, if you have a good talent, you can go to the Lingyan sect." God, and the god-level exercises can usually cultivate to the gods, as for the super-god-level exercises, I have never heard of them before, so the temptation is naturally extraordinary."

Tianhuo's eyes lit up, "Wuda, then do you think it is possible for those people brought by the Young Pavilion Master to join the Tianyan Sect because of Yan Jue?"

Wu Da shook his head hastily, "If the gang they belong to has been destroyed, they will definitely join the Tianyan Sect, but with the restraint of the gang, it may be difficult."


As soon as Wu Da's words fell, a low-pitched bell rang out, causing everyone in the field to change their expressions slightly, "Here we come!"

"Enemy attack!"

In the station, a loud voice spread, with a strong sense of anxiety in the voice.

Tianhuo and others galloped out of the main hall, and then stepped into the air, but saw a group of hundreds of people galloping outside the light film formed by the mountain guard formation. His expression was sharp, but his eyes were filled with mockery.

"This is the Tianyan Sect? Oh, look, those Tianyan Sect disciples down there are really not ordinary weak." Beside the young man, a full 100 people laughed.

"It's from the 98th Pavilion. The 98th Pavilion is in the north of us. The leader is the Young Pavilion Master. As expected, he has reached the Heavenly God Realm." Wu Da said with his pupils shrinking.

While speaking, the Young Pavilion Master had already led everyone to stop outside the formation, smiled slightly, pointed at the formation and said, "Wuda, this kid has high-grade spirit beads on him? Not bad, the formation is several times stronger."

Tianhuo frowned slightly, "Young Master of Baibao Pavilion?"

The young pavilion master smiled, and then turned his gaze to Tianhuo, "Master of Tianyan sect? It's a pity, so weak."

"Young Pavilion Master, can we discuss it?" Wu Da clasped his fists and said calmly.

The Young Pavilion Master raised his brows and looked at Wu Da in astonishment, "Wu Da, what do you mean?"

Wu Da smiled, "Young Pavilion Master, I'm really sorry, I joined the Tianyan Sect."

The Young Pavilion Master froze for a moment, but then laughed after being dazed, "Haha, when did you become so stupid? I planned to let you cooperate with me inside and out, and bring you to make meritorious deeds together, but you let me down very much!"

Wu Da shook his head, the smile on his face became wider, and said: "But I'm very happy, because in Tianyanmen, I practiced super god-level exercises."

Wu Da's voice was calm, but it caused an uproar among the Shao Pavilion Master and others, "What? A super god-level exercise?"

"That's right, Yan Jue, a super-god-level exercise!" Wu Da said, not afraid that the other party would want to snatch it. This is the Tianyan Sect's exercise, and others can't snatch it, because Tianyan Sect is the player's sect , extinguished, the cultivation method will disappear, and there is no way to snatch it.

The Young Pavilion Master did not doubt whether what Wu Da said was true, he knew that it must be true.

"Wuda, you and I are both captains. Do you know what super god-level exercises represent? Is this true?" A middle-aged man beside the young pavilion master asked intently.

Uda laughed, "Jiuba, you understand me."

The simple sentence made the middle-aged man stunned. Indeed, he did not doubt the truth of the matter, it was just too shocking.

"Okay, shut up, don't forget our purpose, Wu Da, since you have taken refuge in Tianyan Sect, you can't blame us." The young pavilion master hurriedly stopped everyone's voices, and he was afraid of bringing trouble if he continued. These people will rebel!
Wu Da in the big formation smiled, "We are with the Tianyan Sect!"

"Together with the Tianyan Sect!" Behind him, the 99 strong spirit gods also shouted loudly.

Tianhuo felt relieved and nodded heavily. The sect established by the player has an absolute advantage. At this moment, Tianhuo even feels that the system is helping the player!

"Huh! Then let's destroy together!" The young pavilion master snorted coldly, but felt regretful in his heart, the super god-level skills were about to disappear!
As he said that, Shaoge took the initiative, and threw a token towards the formation, and suddenly, the light film that had been flashing disappeared just like that!

"Let's do it, let this station disappear!"

"Xiao Mu!" Tianhuo fixed his eyes and greeted him, and the auxiliary skills he had prepared earlier came out, and his attributes suddenly increased!
Mu Yichen was not slow at all, and went straight to the young pavilion master, everyone understood the truth of capturing the thief first and the king first!

"Looking for death!" The young pavilion master snorted coldly in disdain, raised his hand, and immediately blasted Mu Yichen who had just flied in front of him with ease.

"Diyan, Swallowing Star, Zhanhu, Pluto Elf! Assemble!"

With a thought in Tianhuo's mind, a group of gods and beasts suddenly appeared, and in the flip of his hand, the first page of the Book of Glyphs was turned over, "Want to destroy my Tianyan Gate? Then kill you first!"

This time, Tianhuo is ready to fight with full firepower! (The novel "The Strongest Literary Sage" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the top right "add friend", search Official account "qdread" and pay attention, hurry up!)
(End of this chapter)

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