The strongest saint

Chapter 505 Escape to me

Chapter 505 Escape to me

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Tianhuo flipped onto the back of the Star Devouring Moon Beast, and then unleashed various auxiliary skills, and the pages of the Book of Glyphs were opened, and in an instant, several reminders sounded in succession!

"Ding! System prompt: The team leader has cast the spirit of battle skill, and the attributes of all members are enhanced by 1.5 times, and the duration is 10 minutes!"

"Ding! System prompt: The head of the team has cast the violent soul skill, all members have a +20% critical strike chance, +200% critical strike damage, and the duration is 5 minutes!"

"Ding! System prompt: The team leader has cast the tenacious charm skill, all members' damage reduction +50%, life recovery +10%, and the duration is 5 minutes!"

"Ding! System prompt: The leader has cast the battle group artifact skill, all members' defense (god) +12000, and the duration is 10 minutes!"

"Ding! System prompt: You have used the suit skill Blessing of the Saint of Gravity, and the defense (God) of friendly personnel will increase by 500% for 10 minutes!"

"Ding! System prompt: Blessed by the power of the scroll, the defense (god) will increase by 10% within 50 minutes, and the damage received will be reduced by 20%!"

"Ding! System prompt: Blessed by the power of the scroll, attack (God) +30% within 100 seconds!"

"Ding! System prompt: Affected by the power of the scroll, the target's defense (god) within a range of level x 10 meters is reduced by 80%."

"Ding! System prompt: More than 90% of the legion members are present, activate the legion skills, military soul! All attributes are doubled!"

Tianhuo didn't have time to look at these notifications at all. Seeing that all the legion members had gathered, and each of them had a skyrocketing attribute, Tianhuo felt an unprecedented fighting spirit in his heart.

At this moment, the only regret is that the Zongmen artifact is placed in the second-level area. It would be great if it were here!
Down below, more than [-] Tianyan Sect players have already made their moves, and their attacks are constantly hitting those incoming spiritual powerhouses, while those npc powerhouses of Tianyan Sect also attack unambiguously.

With the addition of super god-level skills, their attributes are much stronger than ordinary spirit gods. If there is no young pavilion master, victory is not a problem. Unfortunately, the young pavilion master has become the most difficult to deal with in the field Man, because he is a god!

"Fun, I just like these auxiliary skills!" Mu Yichen laughed, stabilized his figure, and galloped out towards the young pavilion master again, drawing a long afterimage of his figure.

Tianhuo's expression froze, and he cast the body-fixing spell, and then directly turned to the tenth page of the Book of Glyphs. In an instant, a waterfall appeared out of thin air, and words surged out of nowhere, "Rizhao censer produces purple smoke, Looking at the waterfall hanging in the front of the river.Flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way falls nine days. '

Within a range of more than 1000 meters, they were all entangled by waterfalls, and most of the people led by Shaoge Master were entangled. For a while, their speed became slow, and there were hundreds of thousands of damage points on their heads. emerge.

However, what surprised Tianhuo was that the young pavilion master on the opposite side was staring at him playfully at this moment, and there were only [-] to [-] damage points on the top of his head!
"How could it be so strong..." Tianhuo was astonished in his heart, and then opened the book of literary sages again in disbelief. On the seventh page, the whole poem disappeared into the main body of Shaoge in a flash, but it was even more unexpected by Tianhuo.

Inflicting a fixed damage of own attack × 10 to the target, it actually only caused more than 30 damage to the young pavilion master. How high is this guy's damage reduction!
"Ouch? Not bad, how can a 57-level god boy actually cause such harm to me?" The young pavilion master frowned, and the playful look in his eyes became more intense, "Then, it's my turn."

As soon as the words fell, the Young Pavilion Master ignored Mu Yichen who was attacking him at all, his figure flashed, and he appeared in front of Tianhuo across a distance of [-] meters in an instant. The chest of Tianhuo.

Tianhuo and Tun Xing under the seat had no time to dodge, the opponent's speed was actually faster than their own, and the defense formed by the text guard was instantly shattered, and a damage value of more than 6 also appeared above their heads.

Tianhuo was horrified, is this a god?Compared with the spirit god, it is not a star and a half stronger. This gap is like an insurmountable gap. If all the auxiliary skills and word prison are not released together, one move is enough to kill yourself in seconds!

"Ah... Tianhuo, you just fell asleep, and you actually met a god! Are you still running away?" Tianling's exclamation sounded.

Tianhuo regained his composure, and threw out the sky-breaking arrow directly, "It's not that there is no chance!"

"You are wrong. The gods are already gods in the true sense. They are not comparable to the spirit gods at all. Although they have the same divine body, the gods' body has been tempered by the heaven and the earth, and has super strong defense and resilience. It is not as good as the gods. You can't kill him!" Tianling said helplessly.

Tianhuo was about to speak, but saw a green +1000000 appear above the head of the young pavilion master!The life value instantly recovered.

The sky fire froze, and deep amazement appeared in his eyes, "The devil can kill him, why can't he be killed?"

"This is different. You adventurers in another world are the nemesis of monsters. The damage you cause to monsters cannot be recovered by monsters, but this person in front of you is not a monster. You can't deal with it!"

"You have to know that the spirit god is actually only a 100-level god. It is because of the elementary god body that it is called a spirit god, and the god of heaven has surpassed the category of levels. Let's go!"

Tianling's sound transmission was just a thought, after talking so much, it was just a thought, when the sound transmission fell, Tianhuo's sky-shattering magic arrow just hit the young pavilion master's chest.

The damage value of 90 came out, but Tianhuo was helpless, this thing is very strong, but at the moment there are only six left, and with the opponent's strong resilience, I may really have no chance!

"Hehe, this thing seems to belong to a certain demon king, right?" The young pavilion master didn't care at all, and smiled, but his figure didn't stop, and he rushed towards the skyfire again.

"Teleport!" This time, seeing Shaoge taking the initiative, Tianhuo didn't dare to stay at all, and teleported away from Tunxing directly. After all, the opponent's attack was too terrifying.

Appearing a thousand meters away, Tianhuo glanced at the field slightly, and saw that the strong men led by the Shaoge Master were already at a disadvantage, but they were still stubbornly resisting. It seemed that even if it was a delay, Tianhuo could not be dragged to Tianyanmen victory.

"Stand still!" Mu Yichen chased after him at a gallop, and cast "Stand still" on the young pavilion master, but the next moment he became astonished, because this skill didn't take effect on the young pavilion master at all.

Facing Mu Yichen's skills, the young pavilion master hooked the corner of his mouth, and slammed out a palm. A terrifying air wave swept across in an instant, blowing Mu Yichen into the air again, but Mu Yichen seemed to be promoted to the spirit god. , actually looks like a Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death.

Mu Yichen was blown away, and the Young Pavilion Master attacked again, a powerful force swept across the sky, pressing towards Tianhuo.

"Prisoner!" Between Tianhuo's fingers, a ray of light popped out, but before the prison cage was formed, the young pavilion master had already rushed in front of him, pointing at Tianhuo's eyebrows with his fingers, "Hehe, it's over!"

The text prison wrapped around his body was broken again, Tianhuo only had time to tilt his head slightly, but there was a terrible strong wind coming from his ear, and in an instant, his right ear was deaf, but taking this opportunity, Tianhuo also dodged to avoid it .

"Yo? Then come again!" The young pavilion master had a disdainful smile on his face, under the gods, he didn't need to pay attention at all.

And amidst the laughter, the young pavilion master caught up with Tianhuo again, that ghostly speed is worthy of being a god.

Seeing that Tianhuo was about to be overtaken again, he gritted his teeth and directly cast the sky stepping teleportation. Immediately, his figure disappeared over the sky of Tianyan Gate. , "In the hands of the gods, don't even think about escaping!"

At this moment, the young pavilion master's speed was terrifyingly fast, and even the moment when the sky fire stopped, it also arrived in an instant!

"How is it possible!" Tianhuo was terrified, and if he used the sky stepping teleportation, the opponent could still catch up?Is this the real god?

"How is it impossible? He is a god, and he has cast a secret method. If you do it again, he will not be able to catch up this time!" Tian Ling's voice sounded.

Tianhuo nodded, just as the mp also recovered, and without hesitation, he cast the sky-stepping teleportation again, and disappeared in the eyes of the young pavilion master in an instant.

When the ten seconds were up, Tianhuo stopped naturally, turned around to look, and sure enough, the figure of the young pavilion master disappeared, Tianhuo was relieved, "Tianling, there is really no way to kill him?"

"No, your level is too low, unless you are a monster. Killing monsters is the same as you otherworldly adventurers killing monsters. It's not difficult." Tianling responded directly.

"Eh? Then I can only procrastinate. I hope that Uda and the others will resolve the battle quickly, so that they can help me. If a hundred spirits and gods work together, I don't believe they can't kill him!" Tianhuo said heavily. .

"This... It's really hard to say. If you are facing an ordinary god, it is still possible, but this guy is not simple. I am afraid that there are many treasures on his body. It is difficult for a hundred spirits and gods to join forces." Tianling said.

Tianhuo was dumb, and was about to speak, but saw the figure of the young pavilion master galloping towards the sky, he couldn't help shaking his head, "It's time to flash again, hehe, anyway, he can't catch up, play him to death!"

As he said that, Tianhuo once again cast the sky-stepping teleportation, and after ten seconds passed, he stopped and turned around to look again, "Twilight, how are you doing over there? Let me know after you clear up those enemies!"

"We are sure to win, but I'm afraid it will take more than ten minutes." Twilight Breaking Dawn said.

The muscles on Tianhuo's face trembled slightly, more than ten minutes?I hope to persevere, but at this moment, I can't use the stepping sky to move one after another, otherwise the young pavilion master can't find his whereabouts, and he will definitely return.

Therefore, Tianhuo can only use Sky Stepping Teleportation again after confirming that the young pavilion master saw him.

After waiting for a while, sure enough, the figure of the Young Pavilion Master reappeared in the sky, Tianhuo couldn't help smiling, "Ten minutes doesn't seem to be difficult if this goes on."

As he said that, Tianhuo turned around and wanted to use the sky-stepping teleportation.

"Ding! The system prompts: The space is blocked, unable to perform teleportation!"

Following the system prompt, the young pavilion master's angry voice also sounded, "Escape? Run again! Escape for me!" (The novel "The Strongest Man of Literature" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform Oh, and there is also a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the top right "add friend", search the official account "qdread" and pay attention, hurry up!)
(End of this chapter)

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