Chapter 506 The Evil Star of Baibao Pavilion
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"Escape for me!"

Hearing the angry voice of the young pavilion master, Tianhuo smiled wryly, how could he get rid of him without stepping on the sky?But after thinking about it, the sky fire landed directly.

As soon as he landed on the ground, the young pavilion master had already rushed in front of Tianhuo. At this moment, the young pavilion master's face was frosty, "If you don't seal off the space, I really can't deal with you, what a surprise!"

Tianhuo shrugged, "I won't run away, let's talk!"

The young pavilion master sneered, "Don't run away? I want you to run away!"

Tianhuo waved his hands hastily, and smiled helplessly, "Okay, Dun!"

Tianhuo's figure disappeared in an instant, and the anger on the young pavilion master's face suddenly froze, and he roared angrily, how could he not be angry if he was teased by Tianhuo like this?
But right now, there is no trace of Tianhuo, he doesn't even know how Tianhuo left, this space is clearly blocked by himself!
Thousands of meters deep in the ground, Tianhuo frowned and looked at the situation above. This time, he completely underestimated the power of the gods, but he learned a lot of wisdom.

I used to think that powerful attributes are king, but now it seems that level is king, and becoming a god is king!
"By the way, Tian Ling, have you finished refining the Demon Lord's Spiritual Blood Orb and the Demon King's Divine Blood Orb?" Looking at the distraught Young Pavilion Master above, Tianhuo asked Tianling instead.

It has been a long time since Tianling was asked to refine two kinds of blood beads, but Tianling did not respond to her.

Tian Ling hesitated and said after a long time: "At that time, I wanted to refine it, but you got the Extreme Heaven Demon Cauldron, so I used two kinds of blood beads to absorb the magic energy in the Demon Cauldron, but it didn't work, but soon, Tianhuo Don't worry, the demon energy will be wiped out within three days, and then the Extreme Heaven Demon Cauldron will become the Extreme Heaven God Cauldron."

Tianhuo rolled his eyes, the process of erasing the demonic energy seemed too long, didn't it?But Tianhuo is really not in a hurry, those two kinds of blood beads are most suitable to be taken when the level is high, and it's only level 57 right now, so it's not worth it.

Speaking of the extremely heavenly magic cauldron, Tianhuo felt distressed again. When he met the great demon of that day, he threw out another extremely heavenly divine cauldron. He didn't know if the great demon of that day was injured.

But Tianhuo didn't know that the big monster that day directly suppressed the extremely heavenly god cauldron that was about to explode.

"What about the Phantom Demon Fire? Have you started refining it?" Tianhuo asked again.

"Well, that's natural." Tianling smiled.

"Don't talk about that, when are you going to hide?" Tian Ling hurriedly changed the subject.

"Hehe, of course I waited for him to leave, and then I jumped out to lure him back, and then hid and jumped until Uda and the others destroyed those spirit gods." Tianhuo laughed, but his smile was full of bitterness, and he was forced to come here. To such a degree, Tianhuo is helpless!

Tian Ling was speechless for a while, "Your actions are very rascal!"

"Who made me so helpless! I can't kill him, anyway, let's go through this first." Tianhuo shook his head and smiled wryly.

"Oh, if it really doesn't work, you can just ask someone to help you." Tianling was also helpless, she knew the power of the gods best.

"Who are you looking for? I can't find a god." Tianhuo shook his head.

"Sense the Dragon Emperor Token in your hand and ask Shenlong for help." Tian Ling said directly.

Tianhuo took out the Dragon Emperor Token in astonishment. He had it on his body for so long, and Tianhuo always thought it was a symbol of friendship with the dragon clan, and it also had the function of asking the dragon to help?

With doubts, Tianhuo calmly poured his thoughts into the Dragon Emperor Token, but saw that it was surrounded by clouds and mists. In the clouds and mists, one by one light spots were looming, but they seemed to be out of reach when they were close, which made Tianhuo puzzled for a while.

Tianhuo chose a spot of light that was close at hand, and tried to approach it as hard as he could, but the next moment, his thoughts were bounced back, and he returned to his body instantly.

His mind was bounced back, Tianhuo felt dizzy for a while, he shook his head hastily, and was about to ask Tianling again, but the ground around him trembled!
"Let's go, we've been discovered!" Tianling said anxiously.

Tianhuo didn't dare to hesitate, endured dizziness, and directly shuttled across the earth. Gradually, his mind regained clarity, and next to his ear, there was a sound transmission from the young pavilion master gnashing his teeth, "I'm surprised, you still Will escape!"

After the words fell, only a shocking roar resounded through the world, "Crack!"

Under the furious roar, the ground trembled violently, and Tianhuo found that the ground around him was separated quickly. In an instant, the top of his head turned into a crack, and when he looked up, he could see the stars in the sky.

Tianhuo's pupils shrank, and he naturally understood that seeing the stars was because he was deep underground. This is the reason for looking at the sky in an extremely deep well. Even in the daytime, what he saw was still night and stars.

"Capture!" The violent shouting sounded again, and Tianhuo felt his whole body tense. At this moment, he couldn't move, and his figure was involuntarily rising rapidly!

"Get ready, I have to give up the Extreme Heaven Demon Cauldron this time!" Tianling's voice sounded in Tianhuo's mind, full of solemnity and reluctance.

Tianhuo was startled, Tianling was planning to explode the Extreme Heaven Demon Cauldron to give herself a chance to escape!

But being caught by a strong god, what else can Tianhuo do?It's not a level at all!This feeling is like meeting a demon king in the extreme north of the second-level area, helpless!

In an instant, Tianhuo had been captured by the young pavilion master on the ground, and when he turned his head to look, he saw a bottomless black ravine stretching across the ground.

"You can still do this step in the hands of the gods. You are proud enough, but die!" The young pavilion master was so angry that he no longer planned to give Tianhuo any chance. He raised his hands, clenched his fists, and pointed straight at Tianhuo The chest exploded.

Seeing Young Pavilion Master's fatal blow, Tianhuo suddenly curled his mouth slightly, "Senior, I'll be finished before you make a move."

As soon as Tianhuo finished speaking, the figure of the young pavilion master flew out, and in front of Tianhuo, a middle-aged man dressed as a scholar suddenly appeared.

The master of the young pavilion flew upside down for thousands of meters and smashed an unknown number of trees before stopping. As soon as he stopped, he looked at the middle-aged man who suddenly appeared in horror, and said in horror: "Who are you? ?”

The middle-aged man raised his chin, and a powerful voice came out, "Tianhuo is a distinguished guest of my Dragon Clan, you dare to touch him!"

The master of the young pavilion shrank his pupils, turned over abruptly, his figure faded instantly, and he ran away without saying a word.

And with the escape of the young pavilion master, the restraints around Tianhuo's body also disappeared, and he moved his muscles and bones slightly, and said happily: "Senior Master of Everything, thank you very much!"

The person who came was Wanshitong. It had been more than two years since we left the third-level area, and Tianhuo did not expect that he would sense Wanshitong's arrival at the moment when the young pavilion master's attack came.

Wanshitong looked Tianhuo up and down, "You're growing fast, how is it? Come with me to the Dragon Clan!"

Tianhuo shook his head hastily, "Senior, there is no rush for this, I will go when I have nearly wiped out the Prisoner Dragon Sect."

"Destroying the Prisoner Dragon Sect? Did you take the wrong medicine? My Dragon Clan has nothing to do with the Prisoner Dragon Sect, but you?" Wanshitong raised his brows and said in surprise.

Tianhuo froze for a moment, then thought of what Luoshen said, and hurriedly said: "It's not about to be destroyed, it's enough to be almost destroyed."

Wanshitong shook his head, "It's up to you, I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first, you remember the Dragon Emperor's order and don't use it indiscriminately."

Tianhuo smiled, "I know, this is the only time I've used it after such a long time!"

"Well, you are lucky, I happen to be not far away, otherwise your life will be gone, so don't count on the Dragon Emperor Order too much, especially in the chaotic domain, our dragons don't come here from time to time." Wanshitong said seriously .

Tianhuo nodded. He himself had heard that dragons seldom set foot in the realm of chaos. He coughed lightly, "I bought a pair of dragon bones from the Treasure Viewing Conference in Baibao Pavilion. Senior, take them back!"

The footsteps that Wanshitong was about to step out stopped, and his aura also became fierce at this moment. He looked at Tianhuo fiercely, and said angrily: "Which bastard took it for auction? How dare you insult my Dragon Clan!"

Tianhuo rolled his eyes. Sure enough, if this thing fell into the hands of others, it would definitely be ruined. Fortunately, he has a good relationship with the Dragon Clan, and Wanshitong also takes good care of himself.

Angry, Wanshitong was taken aback, quickly suppressed his anger, and said with a dry smile: "I'm not talking about you, I saved you, then you go and kill him, give me the bones, I'm here this time Just for this, there are two other skeletons in Chaos Realm."

Tianhuo nodded hastily. Anyway, Tianyanmen got involved with the Dragon Clan, and Baibao Pavilion would not dare to make another move. The next step is to start expanding its power.

Wanshitong took the bones of the dragon and left, and disappeared without a trace in an instant, leaving only the voice in Tianhuo's mind: "Tianhuo, you must remember to pack and sell things for me!"

Tianhuo shrugged and smiled, turned around and rushed back towards Tianyanmen.

The Young Pavilion Master had already returned to the Baibao Pavilion, and at this moment he was standing in front of the Pavilion Master and Deputy Pavilion Master in shock, not daring to show his breath.

"What? It's actually true!" Hearing what the Young Pavilion Master said, the Deputy Pavilion Master felt unsteady and fell off the wheelchair.

"That's right, people from the Dragon Clan rescued him, and that human-shaped dragon is terrifyingly powerful." The young pavilion master nodded heavily with fear in his eyes.

The expression of the pavilion master also changed. He heard from the deputy pavilion master before that Tianhuo might have something to do with the Dragon Clan, or even be a member of the Dragon Clan. Adventurers of the world.

The deputy pavilion master didn't expect that what Qiu Mo said at the Treasure Watching Conference was actually true!
"Father, what should we do? That dragon has spoken." The young pavilion master looked at the pavilion master and asked.

The pavilion master pondered for a moment, then slowly got up, but he regretted endlessly in his heart. If he knew this earlier, how dare he do such a thing?

"How about this, I will go to Tianyanmen personally, no matter what the price is, I will not offend the Dragon Clan!" Saying this, the pavilion master hurried out.

Seeing the pavilion master leave, the deputy pavilion master shook his head bitterly, "That man is really the evil star of my Baibao Pavilion, the ruins are gone, and now... is another big trouble..." There are more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there is also a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the top right to "add friends", search the official account "qdread" and pay attention, speed Hurry up!)
(End of this chapter)

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