Chapter 507
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Tianhuo didn't know that the owner of Baibao Pavilion was rushing towards Tianyanmen. At this moment, Tianhuo had directly used the city return technique and returned to Tianyanmen.

Tianyanmen, the battle is coming to an end. Down below, hundreds of thousands of players who have already reached the first-level area all revealed their titles of Supreme Legion to help Wuda and others attack the invading enemy.

Tianhuo scanned the battlefield, and saw that the nine and eight people brought by the young pavilion master were all injured, and there were only fifty or sixty left with fighting power, and the rest of the spiritual powers had already died .

Tianhuo didn't make a sound, and watched quietly from a distance, only to see that Wu Da and others became more and more courageous as they fought, and they who had practiced super god-level skills were far from comparable to Jiuba and others of the same level.

"Haha, Jiuba, do you know how powerful the super god-level kung fu is? Still not surrendering?" Wu Da laughed, but he kept attacking.

On the side of Tianyanmen, Bailingshen didn't suffer any damage, and steadily suppressed the opponent's attack, and with the help of Tianyanmen players, it became even more powerful.

On the other hand, Jiuba and the others all showed embarrassment, and they had long thought of retreating, but there was no news from the young master.

In fact, everyone has been envious for a long time. Being able to practice super god-level exercises makes them willing to do anything. Of course, it is a pity that there are few pavilion masters to suppress them.

The powerful aura of Wu Da and the others permeated the field, completely suppressing Jiu Ba and the others. After checking for a while, the sky fire shot out, and said: "Okay, stop!"

Wu Da and the others were stunned for a moment, but Jiu Ba and the others hurriedly retreated as if they were granted amnesty, and looked at Tianhuo, Wu Da and the others warily.

Tianhuo smiled, "Young Pavilion Master has escaped, and he will never dare to offend our Tianyan Sect again. Everyone, are you willing to join our Tianyan Sect?"

Jiu Ba and the others were overjoyed, and then their faces became bitter. Although they are an independent gang, they are also members of the 98th Pavilion. The 98th Pavilion is a force under the Baibao Pavilion. How dare they leave?
Seeing everyone's embarrassment, Tianhuo smiled, "It's easy to say, I will destroy the big seals of the 98 pavilions later, and then you will have no scruples, right?"

The faces of Jiuba and the others all lit up. Following Tianhuo, there are super god-level exercises to learn, and following Baibao Pavilion, what else can they have besides generous benefits?
A higher level of cultivation is what they are after!

Tianhuo smiled, turned around and looked at Wu Da, "Wu Da, are all the spiritual powerhouses in Pavilion 98 here? In this case, you can follow me, destroy the Great Seal, and annex Pavilion 98!"

Wu Da was overjoyed, hurriedly bowed and saluted: "Yes! Sect Master!"

The rest of the people were also overjoyed, even Jiuba and the others could hardly hide their excitement.

But Tianhuo doesn't care if the opponent is an enemy or not, as long as he can join the Tianyan Sect, he is one of his own, and what he welcomes the most right now is such a strong spirit!
"Let's go!" Tianhuo stepped into the sky, and Wu Da also hurriedly followed, but just as he was about to rush out, a majestic aura came from behind, which made Tianhuo and them stop hurriedly, and turned to look.

"It's him?" Tianhuo frowned and looked at the person who came, it was none other than the owner of Baibao Pavilion!
"The owner of the Baibao Pavilion is the only one. It's strange." Wu Da also frowned.

Tianhuo's brows gradually relaxed, and he smiled. He understood that it must be because of the knowledgeable thing that made him feel like he was sitting on pins and needles, so he had to come in person, and the purpose of his coming was naturally to apologize.

"Hey! Isn't this the Lord Pavilion Master?" Tianhuo laughed jokingly, and his voice spread throughout the entire station.

The pavilion master stopped awkwardly more than ten meters away from Tianhuo, and cupped his hands towards Tianhuo, "Little friend Tianhuo, I'm really sorry, I just found out that my ineffective son dared to bring someone to attack Tianyanmen, so, especially Come to plead guilty!"

The corner of Tianhuo's mouth curled slightly, and he guessed right, because of Wanshitong's words, Baibaoge was scared.

"Little friend Tianhuo, I will compensate you for the losses caused to your Tianyan Sect. I also hope that you can forgive Gouzi for his mistakes." The pavilion master cupped his hands again and said with a dry smile.

While speaking, the pavilion master caught a glimpse of Jiuba and the others who were covered in injuries, his eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "In order to show my sincerity, little friend Tianhuo, I will hand over Pavilion 98 and give 98 The spirits and gods in the pavilion will also send them off."

Tianhuo was stunned for a moment, then sneered in his heart, this guy saw that Pavilion 98 was about to be taken down by him, so he said that?
Thinking of this, Tianhuo became even more disgusted with the Pavilion Master, and snorted coldly in his heart, but with a smile on his face, "Master Pavilion Master is being polite, how can you be so embarrassed?"

The pavilion master heaved a sigh of relief, it seems that Tianhuo intends to give himself this face and let himself have a step down.

But suddenly, Tianhuo continued: "I'll just go and win the 98th Pavilion myself!"

Hearing this, the pavilion master's joy froze on his face, and his heart twitched violently.

The people below laughed, and the members of the legion were even more refreshed in their hearts, "This is our legion commander, haha, work hard, hit your face hard!"

The owner of the pavilion couldn't care about the gazes of countless people below, and his face changed. At this moment, he really wanted to kill Tianhuo, but would he dare?Don't dare!
"If there's nothing else to do, Lord Pavilion Master, I'm going to Pavilion 98!" Tianhuo continued, as if blaming the Pavilion Master for wasting his time.

"Tianhuo, wait a moment!" The pavilion master hurriedly said, "Little friend, the dog is ignorant and dares to provoke the Tianyan sect, how about this, I will hand over the 97 pavilions to the south, so don't worry about it, my little friend, how about it? "

Tianhuo was amused in his heart, wouldn't it be over if he said that earlier?But at this moment, Tianhuo didn't intend to just let it go, he helped them with the task, and even put himself on the sidelines, this grudge can't just let it go!
With a light cough, Tianhuo said with a smile: "My lord is really polite, but there is one thing I want to ask. My Tianyan Sect still has more than 20 cities in the east. It's a pity that there are tens of thousands of cities in the middle. , Those cities, do they belong to Baibao Pavilion?"

The pavilion master thought about it, but he didn't know what Tianhuo meant. He shook his head and said, "The cities that are not my Baibao Pavilion seem to belong to some small forces."

Disappointment appeared on Tianhuo's face, but unfortunately, if it was the site of Baibao Pavilion, he would definitely be able to take it if he said it at this moment. By then, Tianyanmen would really stand in the east of the chaotic domain.

Seeing Tianhuo's expression, the pavilion master immediately understood, and said with a smile: "Little friend Tianhuo, in order to show our sincerity, as long as you are willing, I will send someone to take down those cities and hand them over, how about it?"

The corner of Tianhuo's mouth hooked slightly, but he sneered in his heart, "Let your people take it?"So didn't all the treasures of those forces fall into your pocket?When the time comes, what I get is nothing but an empty city. '

Thinking of this, Tianhuo stretched his muscles and bones slightly, and said with a smile: "Don't bother the Lord, I will personally take the east of Tianyan Gate, and the same is true for the north and south sides. As for the west... that seems to be where your Baibao City is located. Ah, how can this be good?"

The pavilion master twitched fiercely in his heart. If he was not afraid of offending the Dragon Clan, he would have strangled Tianhuo to death by now!
"Hey! It's a pity that Baibao City is so big, the surrounding scenery is beautiful, and the nearby cities are also good. It's a pity that it is the site of the master of the pavilion." Tianhuo rubbed his chin and muttered to himself, but this soliloquy sound It spread throughout the station.

The pavilion master clenched his fists without a trace, the coldness in his eyes flashed away, and then he let go of his fists, and said with a smile: "Since Tianhuo likes it, I will give it to you, and Baibao City is just my Baibao City." The pavilion is in a small branch in the east, just take it, my friend."

When he said these words, the Pavilion Master's heart was bleeding, but he hated Tianhuo so much in his heart. He kept saying that he was embarrassed to offend Baibao Pavilion, but he was actually begging for it blatantly!

"Oh? Master Pavilion Master, don't you think about it? The Hundred Treasure City is very precious!" Tianhuo asked pretending to be surprised.

The pavilion master laughed dryly, but the urge to strangle Tianhuo surged in his heart again, and said with a dry smile: "Don't think about it, haha, as long as you don't care about the stupid things Gouzi did."

Tianhuo smiled, "Haha, senior is worrying too much, it doesn't matter if I don't care about it, I'm not the opponent of the gods, right? As long as the dragon seniors don't get angry, it's not good."

The muscles on the pavilion master's face trembled slightly, but he was trying his best to endure it. At this moment, Tianhuo finally lifted the Dragon Clan out, and it seemed that Tianhuo didn't intend to just stop like this!
The owner of the pavilion was very depressed. He originally thought that if the 98th pavilion was sent, Tianhuo would not care about it, but he did not expect that the 97th pavilion to the south and the 96th pavilion to the west were gone...

And listening to Tianhuo's meaning at this moment, I really don't know what Tianhuo will do in the future!

Fortunately, His Excellency 96's Baibao City has nothing to miss, and the Yanmen ruins can no longer be entered. If you lose these pavilions, just lose them!The pavilion master secretly thought.

Thinking of this, the Pavilion Master smiled and cupped his hands towards Tianhuo, "Hehe, I hope that little friend Tianhuo will say a few words in front of the Dragon Clan adults. If that's the case, I'll make preparations and have the nearby pavilions sent over."

Tianhuo also clasped his fists in a hurry, "It's my great fortune to meet such a straightforward senior as the pavilion master, so I will thank you senior! Come, everyone send the pavilion master off!"

In the latter sentence, Tianhuo shouted towards the crowd of people below.

"You're're welcome..." The pavilion master hastily cupped his hands and retreated, cold sweat was already breaking out on his forehead, but he hated Tianhuo in his heart.

In an instant, the Pavilion Master had disappeared, and the entire Tianyan Sect burst into unscrupulous laughter.

Tianhuo also had a smile on his face, and couldn't help but said to himself: "It's fun, I really hope that there are people who don't have long eyes in Baibao Pavilion to come and play."

Wu Da, who was on the side, had an excited expression, but when he heard Tianhuo's self-talk, his expression froze, and he worshiped Tianhuo instantly.

"Haha, let's go, Wuda, go down!" Tianhuo patted Wuda on the shoulder and laughed.

This time, the grievance in Tianhuo's heart was wiped away, and a deep joy hung on his face. The matter of land cession and compensation, unexpectedly appeared in the game. (The novel "The Strongest Literary Sage" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the top right "add friend", search Official account "qdread" and pay attention, hurry up!)
(End of this chapter)

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