The strongest saint

Chapter 508 I'll Follow You Anyway

Chapter 508 I'll Follow You Anyway
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Tianyanmen, Tianhuo and Wuda landed, and saw countless players and npcs all staring at Tianhuo with a strong sense of respect.

Tianhuo laughed loudly, "Haha, don't look at me like that, there are [-] more cities, let's have fun!"

"Cut! If it were me, I would definitely blackmail him hundreds of thousands!" The fat man glanced up and said.

But as soon as the words fell, he was immediately pushed to the ground by the surrounding players...

"Haha, this guy still doesn't think he's fat enough. Do you know what to do?" Tianhuo also teased with a rare and relaxed laugh.

But Tianhuo didn't expect that his own words would hurt the fat man, and within a few minutes, the fat man's whole body swelled up, of course he was beaten!

During the revelry of Tianyanmen, there were a few angry roars from the Baibao Pavilion in Baibao City, "Ah! You bastard Tianhuo, just take away my [-] cities and tens of millions of square kilometers of land! I'm going to kill him!"

The young pavilion master roared angrily, his whole body was filled with the aura of looking down on the world. As a god, he was trapped so hard. Those cities were lost because of himself. If this matter was reported back to the headquarters, the young pavilion master might It is difficult to guarantee his position, so how can he successfully inherit the position of Pavilion Master in the future?

A clear and loud noise came from the face of the young master, and then the young master's face swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"You still don't think it's enough? Do you want the Baibao Pavilion to lose more cities?" The pavilion owner withdrew his slap and snorted coldly.

The young pavilion master covered his face, looked at the pavilion master in disbelief, and murmured: "You never hit me..."

"Hmph! Listen to me, Tianyan Sect, don't provoke me! Don't you understand? The Dragon Clan, that's the Dragon Clan!" the pavilion master roared angrily.

The Young Pavilion Master gritted his teeth, snorted and said, "Is that all?"

"Hmph! Of course, let's forget it. What else do you want? Can you fight against the Dragon Clan? Listen to me, you broke your tooth, swallow it!" The pavilion master said, shaking his hands and leaving, he must hurry Send pavilions 96, 97, and 98 to Tianhuo, otherwise, who the hell will know what will happen?

But with the departure of the pavilion master, the young pavilion master's eyes showed a strong killing intent, and he murmured: "Dragon VIP? I don't believe there is no way!"

A horrific scream resounded in the Tianyan Sect's residence, but around this voice, countless people laughed unscrupulously.

"You bastards, dare to hit your captain! I was joking with Tianhuo, hey... don't hit..." the fat man roared.

Finally, the crowd dispersed and disappeared into the crowd. Fatty stood up tremblingly, looked around with his nose bruised and swollen, and shouted with grinning teeth: "Boys, who did it? Stand up!"

"Haha, captain, we were joking with you too..."

"Ha ha……"

Everyone couldn't help laughing, but the fat man remembered that in front of these fans of Tianhuo in the future, he must not say anything wrong with Tianhuo, otherwise the consequences...

"Okay, that's enough. Presumably, Baibao Pavilion will send those sites soon, and we should plan the next step." Tianhuo laughed and led many high-level officials towards the main hall.

In the main hall, everyone looked at the fat man with a bruised nose and a swollen face from time to time. Finally, at dusk, dawn couldn't bear it any longer, "Fatty man, you haven't recovered yet? We are very uncomfortable with this appearance!"

"That's right, it's too abstract and different." Wu Chen also said.

"Hmph, there are no beauties present anyway, so I want you all to remember that I didn't help when I was beaten!" The fat man glanced at him and said viciously.

"Leave him alone, Twilight, tell me about your plan!" Tianhuo asked.

Twilight broke dawn and smiled, "It's simple, keep some high-level recruits, Wuda will lead the spiritual gods to open up the east, and from now on, everything east of this place will become the territory of my Tianyan sect."

Everyone nodded in unison, and there was no objection. Uda took more than 150 spiritual powers to go, and it was easy to get done.

Tianhuo nodded and looked at Wu Ping again, "Senior Wu Ping, how about you?"

Wu Ping got up, looked outside the main hall, and said: "I don't think there is any need to be distracted. With the strength of our Tianyan Sect, as long as we speak out, the tens of thousands of cities in the east will come to seek refuge, and we will do our best to recruit disciples. "

Tianhuo rubbed his chin. What Wu Ping said made sense. After Baibao Pavilion sent the three pavilions, Tianyanmen would occupy [-] cities, and the territory reached a terrifying tens of millions of square kilometers. Because of the god-level skills, as soon as the word is released, those small forces will naturally come to seek refuge and surrender.

"You guys are all right, let's let it go first, and give those forces a chance to come and join us, and Uda, you, divide into two teams and go north and south, specifically looking for the strong spirit god, and receive the Tianyan sect!" Tianhuo laughed.

The purpose of Tianhuo is very simple. To expand the Tianyan Sect in the first-level area is to deal with the Prisoner Dragon Sect. Then, the strong are what you need. Therefore, you must try your best to find the strong spirit gods. As for the stronger Tianhuo didn't dare to think about being a strong god of the gods for the time being. I'm afraid that kind of existence wouldn't even bother to join the Tianyan sect.

"Well, those who are above the spirit god are the cutting-edge power, I support it!" Twilight Lixiao nodded.

Tianhuo smiled, "As long as those who are strong in spirits and gods are welcome to come, Wu Da, you must strive to reach the realm of gods as soon as possible."

"No, Tianhuo, what about you? Don't you want to run away again?" Twilight Lixiao heard the implication of Tianhuo, turned his head and said.

Tianhuo shrugged, "The [-] cities are almost done for the time being. I plan to go west to learn about the situation in the chaotic domain."

The current place is just the edge of the chaotic domain, and the entire chaotic domain is still huge!
Twilight shook his head helplessly. For such a situation, he had expected it a long time ago. It was already good for Tianhuo to stay here for a few days.

"Hehe, Twilight, apart from those spiritual powers, our army is the main force of Tianyan Sect. You have to hurry up." Tianhuo laughed.

"Understood, don't worry, when the first one arrives, the development will not be so fast." Twilight broke dawn and laughed.

Tianhuo nodded, "Okay, let's go to work!"

"Sect Master, Baibao Pavilion has sent someone over!" At this moment, the guard outside the gate came to report.

Tianhuo got up, only to see that the pavilion master didn't come in person, but a middle-aged man that Tianhuo had never seen before.

"I'm Baixie, I've met the sect master!" The middle-aged man bowed as he entered the door with a warm face.

Tianhuo waved his hand, "Are your pavilion masters ready?"

"Exactly, the pavilion master asked me to come and take the sect master to collect the three pavilions." Bai Xie said, but his eyes were extremely calm.

Da Yin couldn't leave the residence, and if he wanted to take the territory of the three pavilions, he would naturally have to go to the head or deputy head of the Tianyan Sect.

Tianhuo nodded slightly, and looked directly at Wu Ping, "Senior Wu Ping, you can go with him, and take away the north and south sides. I will take the 96 pavilions in the west, but we can stay here."

"Brother Tianhuo, you're going to..." Wu Ping said, glanced at Baixie in the hall, and didn't continue, naturally wanting to keep Tianhuo's whereabouts a secret.

Tianhuo nodded, "You guys go!"

Wu Ping went away with Baixie, so Tianhuo didn't have to worry, Baibao Pavilion naturally didn't dare to break the appointment at this time.

Everyone left, busy with their own affairs, and Tianhuo also stepped out of the hall and stepped into the air, rushing towards Baibao City again.

It happened to be on the way, Tianhuo had already made plans to take over the 96 pavilions and go directly to the west. This time, he needed to improve his strength as much as possible. When he came back, he hoped that the Tianyan sect had developed to a strong point.

After flying alone for a long time, Tianhuo was about to summon the Star Devouring Moon Beast, but saw a burly figure already waiting in front of him, which surprised Tianhuo, "Xiao Mu?"

"Haha, Tianhuo, I'll go on an adventure with you." Mu Yichen flickered and landed beside Tianhuo.

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, "Adventure? I don't have that much time to spare. Are you bored?"

Mu Yichen nodded hastily, "That's right, hehe, I'll go with you anyway."

How can Tianhuo have a reason to refuse?And Tianhuo didn't object, with this guy around, he should be able to save a lot of trouble, and move forward again, with Mu Yichen already beside him, "Xiao Mu, how did you get to Lingshen? It seems too fast."

When mentioning this matter, Mu Yichen's expression immediately changed, and he said with a wry smile: "Tianhuo, can you not mention this matter? I am so depressed that I thought I could escape the opening of the cemetery of the gods this time, who knows, Those old guys just dragged me in."

Tianhuo heard what Mu Yichen said for the second time, and couldn't help asking curiously: "Who are they?"

Mu Yichen coughed dryly, and said helplessly: "When I first entered the game, I stumbled into it by mistake, and met God of War inside, and he insisted on accepting me as an apprentice. Of course I was happy, but later, he unexpectedly Handed me over to a group of old guys, let me learn various sub-professions from them."

"When I came out last time, I was a miner who had already reached the god level. Don't look too good, I was almost killed by those old guys, but this time... It's even worse!"

Tianhuo stared at Mu Yichen in astonishment, "Wait, you said God of War?"

"Yes, God of War opened the cemetery of the gods. I didn't expect that I would not escape this time, alas..." Mu Yichen shook his head and sighed.

Tianhuo's heart tightened. What he was looking for was God of War. In order to find him, he accepted the task of God of Luo, but he never thought that God of War was actually Mu Yichen's master. Last time, didn't he meet with God of War in the cemetery of the gods? God of War passed by?

"Xiaomu, where is God of War now?" Tianhuo asked hastily.

"This ghost knows that that guy opened the cemetery of the gods, pulled me in, and ran away, saying that he can't stay in the cemetery of the gods for a long time." Mu Yichen shook his head, then looked at Tianhuo suspiciously, "You Do you know God of War?"

Tianhuo shook his head, feeling a little helpless in his heart, it seemed that there was no shortcut at all, he had to complete Luoshen's mission, and then he could use those mission items to find God of War and learn everything he wanted to know.

"Huh? Look at Tianhuo!" While Tianhuo was thinking, Mu Yichen's surprise came. (The novel "The Strongest Literary Sage" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the top right "add friend", search Official account "qdread" and pay attention, hurry up!)
(End of this chapter)

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