The strongest saint

Chapter 509 Five Great Gods

Chapter 509
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Hearing Mu Yichen's voice of surprise, Tianhuo also hurriedly looked at it, and was immediately stunned.

I saw a crack suddenly appeared in the sky in front of me, and in the crack, soft light surged, and in that light, a young man soaked in blood quickly drilled out!

As soon as the young man appeared, he naturally saw the sky and fire flying towards him, and his expression tightened, and then, he seemed to see that the sky and fire had no malicious intentions, and his expression softened as soon as he relaxed.

"I'm going, why did this guy come out of the crack? I thought some treasure was about to appear!" Mu Yichen said in shock.

"Swallowing Star, catch him!" Tianhuo summoned the Star Swallowing Moon Beast, and the young man had already passed out. If he was allowed to fall like this, he would either die or be disabled.

The star devouring moon beast galloped out, firmly connected the young man to his back the moment he fell, and then rushed back towards Tianhuo.

Tianhuo looked at the crack that was healing. I have seen such a situation before. When I met the Demon King in the second-level area, the Demon King got out of such a crack. However, the young man now seems to be fleeing. Come.

"Gen Sheng's pity!" Looking at the blood-soaked young man, Tianhuo cast out healing techniques one after another, instantly restoring the young man's bottomed out HP, but the strange thing is, this guy actually did not wake up.

"This kid is skinny and tender, like a bitch, what do you think he is from?" Mu Yichen looked at the young man on Tun Xing's back, and asked Tianhuo.

"How would I know? Let's take it on the road first." Tianhuo shook his head and said.

"Oh, this kid's way of appearing is a bit strange, it's better to wait for him to wake up and ask." Mu Yichen nodded.

Tianhuo was dumb, and smiled helplessly: "I took him because it seems that he is very powerful, and he might be able to abduct Tianyan Sect."

"Eh?" Mu Yichen was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Tianhuo, why do you abduct when you see a strong man? You also let Wu Da and the others do this before."

"Hey, what brains do you have? Of course it is to strengthen the Tianyan Sect. What the Tianyan Sect lacks now is a strong man!" Tianhuo sighed.

Mu Yichen smiled awkwardly, looked at the young man on Tunxing's back again, and followed Tianhuo helplessly.

On the third day, Tianhuo and Mu Yichen had already arrived outside Baibao City, but the young man on Tunxing's back hadn't woken up yet, if not for his steady breathing, they might have thought he was dead.

Stopping outside Baibao City, Tianhuo said: "Tun Xing, you drive him around outside the city and wait for us in the forest west of the city."

"Master, don't you want to go together?" Tun Xing asked suspiciously.

"Well, he was seriously injured before, so he must have been chased and killed, and he should not be seen." Tianhuo said.

The Star Devouring Moon Beast didn't ask much, and drove the young man around Baibao City, while Tianhuo and Mu Yichen went directly into the city and walked towards Baibao Pavilion.

When I came to the square, I saw that the signboard of Baibao Pavilion had been removed, and outside the gate, the master of the young pavilion was waiting with a smile on his face. When he saw the arrival of Tianhuo, he rushed to greet him, "Haha , I don’t know each other without fighting, Brother Tianhuo, I heard that you are coming to personally collect Pavilion 96, so I will wait here early in the morning.”

Tianhuo was a little astonished, this guy who was blown away by the know-it-all, would be so enthusiastic?But the other party was so polite, I couldn't say anything, so I smiled and said, "Thank you!"

The young pavilion master smiled, "Haha, brother Tianhuo, don't worry about what happened last time, please follow me."

After saying that, the young pavilion master turned around and entered Baibao Pavilion, Tianhuo and Mu Yichen also followed, but they were a little surprised. It seems that the residence of Pavilion 96 is actually Baibao City, so the big seal should be in this It's under construction.

Sure enough, not long after, the Young Pavilion Master had led Tianhuo and the two to the door of a heavily guarded room. After calling away the guards, the Young Pavilion Master directly pushed the door open, revealing the big seal placed inside.

"Brother Tianhuo, please!" The young pavilion master smiled, as if facing a friend.

With a thought in Tianhuo's mind, the Emperor Yanlin Phoenix Beast had already appeared beside him. Without Tianhuo's confession, the latter directly released Nanming Huanghuo to destroy the great seal. Seeing the flame of Diyan, the young pavilion master's expression changed and he lost his voice. Said: "It's Nanming Huanghuo!"

Losing his voice, the Young Pavilion Master realized that he had made a slip of the tongue, and hurriedly smiled embarrassingly, "Brother Tianhuo, I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to have such a powerful pet, and when you grow up in the future, the strength is unimaginable!"

Tianhuo smiled, he has already collected 96 pavilions, soon, the disciples of Tianyanmen will come over, and he should move on.

"Brother Tianhuo, it's time for me to leave. If you have time, please say hello to Lord Dragon Emperor for me. By the way, where is Lord Dragon Emperor now?" the young pavilion master laughed.

Tianhuo frowned without a trace, this guy, is he trying to inquire about the news of the Dragon Clan?Still want to test yourself?
Thinking about it, Tianhuo must have come down, this guy is so enthusiastic, he must be looking for news, if he can't tell, this guy might attack him!

Thinking of this, Tianhuo sneered, "I want to know? Shall I invite the old man over? It's very convenient."

The young pavilion master hesitated, shook his head hastily, and said with a dry smile: "I'll just ask, Brother Tianhuo, don't get me wrong, then I'll go first, you are busy."

As he said that, the young pavilion master hurriedly retreated, not wanting to stay for a moment.

Seeing the young pavilion master's reaction, Tianhuo instantly confirmed his guess, this guy really has no good intentions!
The master of Shaoge left in the teleportation array without looking back, while Tianhuo and Mu Yichen walked towards the west of the city. Relying on the induction of the pet's heart, Tianhuo easily knew where Tun Xing was, and the latter, too, walked towards the west of the city. Can sense the arrival of the sky fire.

"Master, this guy is already awake, and now he's pretending to be asleep again." Before he was close to Tun Xing, Tun Xing's voice rang in Tianhuo's mind.

"Oh? Do you want to know our details?" Tianhuo frowned, and immediately understood the young man's plan. After all, he would be on the back of a divine beast when he woke up. If he were himself, he would probably do the same.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo said to Mu Yichen who was beside him: "Xiao Mu, how is your cultivation of our sect's super god-level kung fu?"

Mu Yichen said without hesitation: "Still at the elementary level, by the way, let's kill more monsters along the way, it shouldn't take long to reach the intermediate level."

"Well, we really need to step up our practice, the bonus of super god-level exercises is too strong." Tianhuo nodded.

"Ahem..." As Tianhuo's voice fell, the young man on Tunxing's back coughed violently, sat up suddenly, and shouted: "Father!"

The young man who just woke up from a dream stared blankly at the situation in front of him. After scanning around, he turned his gaze to Tianhuo and Mu Yichen. The two clasped their fists together, "Thank you two for saving each other!"

Tianhuo was amused in his heart, this guy is pretty good at pretending, but he didn't tell the truth, and said with a smile: "Your Excellency is fine."

"Yes, what method did you use before? It seems to be tearing apart the space!" Mu Yichen said.

A look of sadness suddenly appeared on the young man's face, "I didn't do that, it was torn apart by my father, I don't have that kind of strength yet, he did it to save me, but at this moment he is dead."

Seeing the young man's sad expression, Mu Yichen didn't speak again, but turned his gaze to Tianhuo.

Tianhuo took a few steps, "To tear apart the space, he must be a peerless powerhouse. Who can kill him?"

The young man's face turned pale, and his anger surged, "You are right, my father is one of the four great gods in the chaotic domain, but if the other three join forces, how can my father be their opponent?"

Tianhuo was surprised, the four great gods?I just don't know what kind of existence a god is, so I shook my head, "You have a chance to take revenge while you're alive, don't you?"

The young man nodded heavily, "I understand these things, but I just want to cultivate to the level of a god and reach the point where I can kill the three of them. How easy is it? I have practiced with my father for countless years, and I am only an intermediate god."

Mu Yichen patted his chest, and said triumphantly: "What's so difficult about it? Join my Tianyanmen, and you can learn super god-level exercises right away. Are you afraid that you won't be able to reach the gods? Right? Tianhuo."

Tianhuo smiled slightly. It was inconvenient for him to speak directly. Fortunately, he brought Mu Yichen. This guy was straightforward and said what Tianhuo wanted. That's right, Tianhuo had already planned to accept this young man, a mid-level god. An existence stronger than the young master of the Baibao Pavilion!

Hearing this, the young man looked at Mu Yichen in astonishment, and then at Tianhuo, "Super god-level skills?"

Tianhuo nodded, and directly sent the invitation to the young man, but rolled his eyes in his heart, this guy has heard it before, so he still pretends?

"Let's get started, there are not many opportunities to practice super god-level exercises." Tianhuo said with a smile.

The young man hesitated, but after gritting his teeth, he still chose to agree. When he saw the Yan Jue in the exercise panel, he was overjoyed!

"In Xiayangxian, I have met the sect master!" The young man bowed slightly towards Tianhuo and saluted.

Tianhuo smiled, this guy is strong, but it's a pity that he's a bit contrived and not straightforward enough, but it doesn't matter, what I want is his strength!

"Yangxian, we're new to the Chaos Realm, and we don't know what's going on here. What's going on when you mentioned the Four Great Gods?" Tianhuo asked.

Yangxian shook his head, "Among the four great gods, except for my father who is a loose cultivator, the other three have established huge forces. They are the three major forces in the chaotic domain. In order to seize the treasures treasured by my father, they did not hesitate to join forces. hateful!"

"Three major forces? How is it compared to the ten major sects in the East?"

Yangxian was stunned, looked at Tianhuo strangely, and said: "Naturally, it cannot be compared with the top ten sects. I heard that the strength of the sect masters of the ten major sects has surpassed that of the gods. That is a realm that I don't even understand."

Tianhuo was dumbfounded, it seemed that he was thinking too easily, he knew very well that apart from the ones on the surface, the top ten sects also had stronger experts hidden in the dark!From this point of view, there is still a long way to go before completing the task by myself!

"By the way, sect master, the treasure my father treasured is related to you!" Yangxian continued, making Tianhuo look forward to it instantly. (The novel "The Strongest Literary Sage" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the top right "add friend", search Official account "qdread" and pay attention, hurry up!)
(End of this chapter)

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