The strongest saint

Chapter 510 The Land of the White Tiger

Chapter 510 The Land of the White Tiger
Tianhuo looked at Yangxian expectantly, "Is it related to me? What kind of treasure?"

"It's a folding fan, named Wensheng's Fan. Because it contains the power of a powerful book, my father has been keeping it in his possession all these years. I never thought it would be coveted by those guys." Yang Xian said with some resentment.

Tianhuo's pupils shrunk, the fan of the sage?It must be a weapon. Now that I have the book and the pen of the sage in my hand, I didn't expect the sage to have a third weapon!
But think about it, it is only natural that a scholar should be equipped with a folding fan!
Tianhuo didn't have the slightest doubt. As an intermediate god, Yang Xian could sense the power of his scroll even if he couldn't see his own attributes. Moreover, he had seen the Fan of the Glyph Saint, and compared with his own suit, it was natural. can know.

"Taken away by those three major forces?" Tianhuo asked with a slight frown.

Yang Xian nodded, "The three of them teamed up, and my father helped me escape, so I don't know whose hands it is now."

Tianhuo cursed secretly in his heart, these gods are doing well, what are they doing to snatch their fan of the sage?This is going to be troublesome, if you want to get the fan of Wen Sheng, you have to face those three gods!

Now that I haven't even arrived at the spirit god, how can I deal with a god who is stronger than a god?For a moment, Tianhuo had an urgent thought in his heart, that is, upgrade!

"Just because of Tianhuo's fan, those people actually killed your father, it's really abominable!" Mu Yichen said, shaking his head and sighing secretly.

"Of course it's more than that. There's also a treasure, the Heart of the White Tiger, which is said to make the holy beast White Tiger reappear in the world!" Yang Xian said heavily.

Tianhuo and Mu Yichen were both taken aback, Tianhuo said: "Is there such a thing?"

Yang Xian looked solemn, and said: "That's right, my father and I risked our lives to get it from the White Tiger Land, but we were caught by those three bastard mantises."

Tianhuo's heart stagnates, and now he understands that Yangxian didn't say everything before, he only talked about the Fan of the Glyph Sage, and he seemed to be afraid that he would not be attractive enough to him, so he also said about the heart of the white tiger again. The reason is to drag himself into the water!

In other words, Yangxian wants to use the power of Tianyanmen to take revenge!

Silent, Tianhuo was a little angry, presumably what this guy said was not completely true, right?Thinking of this, Tianhuo said in a deep voice: "Yangxian, if you have something to say, you can tell it directly, you are a member of my Tianyan sect, if you can do it, we will naturally help you, but if you play tricks... it will be annoying! "

Yang Xian froze for a moment, then nodded awkwardly. Although he is a mid-level god, he has already become a member of the Tianyan Sect, and it seems that he has not changed his identity for a while.

After a moment of silence, Yang Xian said hesitantly: "Master, I'm sorry, in fact, the heart of the white tiger is fake, and the real heart of the white tiger is still in the land of the white tiger. The land of the white tiger opened a few days ago. My father and I I entered it first, got the fake White Tiger Heart, and found out when I got out of the White Tiger Land, but I happened to meet those three people."

Tianhuo nodded, is this guy finally willing to tell the truth? "What about the Fan of the Glyph Saint?"

"The fan of Wensheng is real, and it was also obtained in the Land of the White Tiger, and when it was discovered, there was still a robe that looked like it, but it ran away by itself, and we did not catch up." Yang Xian did not hide this time, said .

Tianhuo's eyes lit up, the Land of the White Tiger?Also comes with its own set piece!

"Yangxian, you are now a member of my Tianyan Sect, you can say whatever you want, you don't have to worry about being betrayed, our Tianyan Sect is a family." Tianhuo understood Yangxian's thoughts and couldn't help but say.

"Hehe, I remembered, Sect Master!" Yang Xian smiled, she was really worried before, and wanted to pull the fire into the water, so she made a circle, but now she found that she was thinking too much.

"I can't say, I have to go to the land of the white tiger!" Tianhuo didn't care, the other party had just joined the Tianyan sect, so it was impossible for him to have nothing to hide and understand.

"Land of the White Tiger! Hehe, I like the name, Tianhuo, let's go!" Mu Yichen urged.

Tianhuo nodded, of course he had to go, although the fan of the sage of the sage fell into the hands of some god, but the robe of the sage of the sage was still in the land of the white tiger, no matter what, he had to go.

"Yangxian, how often does the Land of the White Tiger open? How long does it take?" Tianhuo asked.

"Actually, strictly speaking, it's not an opening. It's just because there are very dangerous substances around the White Tiger Land. Every once in a while, these dangerous substances will dissipate and become relatively safe. That's why you can enter the White Tiger Land at this time." In the land." Yang Xian said.

"And the dangerous substance that shrouds the land of the White Tiger is the killing mist that can make people lose their minds at the slightest, or even die on the spot. If it hadn't dissipated during this time, no one would be able to enter it, even the powerful gods , after being contaminated, they will completely lose their minds." Yangxian continued.

"Hey, Tianhuo, this opportunity is rare, let's go!" Mu Yichen urged.

There was a mysterious color in Tianhuo's eyes, killing Shenwu?It's no wonder that the white tiger was born in such a place and took charge of killing, probably it has something to do with those gods!
In the blink of an eye, the space-breaking shuttle grew bigger in mid-air, and Tianhuo took the lead to step into it, "Yangxian, lead the way."

Propelled by the high-grade spirit beads, the speed of the space-breaking shuttle was terrifying, and it quickly disappeared in place, rushing towards the land of the white tiger at a speed of thousands of miles in an instant.

In the entire chaotic domain, the land of the white tiger is the most mysterious place. Every time the surrounding fog dissipates, countless strong men will be attracted. These strong men come here, naturally hoping to get treasures in the land of the white tiger.

After countless years, countless treasures were produced in it. Of course, countless strong people died in it, but under the temptation of treasures, there are still countless strong people rushing here.

After more than ten days, the three of Tianhuo arrived at the outskirts of the White Tiger Land with the help of the teleportation array and the space shuttle. Looking around, the front was just an ordinary continuous mountain range, which did not look like the largest and most mysterious dangerous place in the Chaos Domain.

However, so many days have passed, and there are still strong people flying forward in the air everywhere, and they grazing straight into the land of the white tiger.

"It doesn't look like a dangerous place, Tianhuo, are you sure it's here?" Mu Yichen asked, staring at the peaceful mountain range in front of him.

Tianhuo also looked at Yangxian with doubts, waiting for the latter's answer.

"The White Tiger's Land is too wide, and it's just a fringe right now. When you really enter it, you'll know the danger." Yang Xian smiled. After these days, Tianhuo and Tianhuo are already familiar with each other.

"The place where white tigers can be born is naturally not easy, let's go!" Tianhuo said, and Takong wanted to plunder.

"Wait!" Yang Xian hurriedly stopped Tianhuo's footsteps, "There is still one question that needs to be considered clearly, door master, the land of the white tiger is calm at the moment, but we don't know when the murderous fog will surge out again. The Land of the White Tiger is shrouded in divine mist, and it may be difficult for us to come out again."

As soon as the words fell, Yang Xian's face suddenly changed drastically, and he suddenly turned his head to look into the distance, "Oops, kill Shenwu!"

As a powerful god, Yangxian's sensing ability is not comparable to that of Tianhuo and Mu Yichen. As his expression changed, Tianhuo and Mu Yichen were puzzled, looking around, they couldn't see anything at all.

"The Killing God Fog has appeared, and there will only be two exits left, and once a month is up, both exits will disappear, sect master, we have to hurry up!" Yang Xian said in a deep voice.

And as his words fell, both Tianhuo and Mu Yichen became astonished, and saw a white torrent roaring from the distance on the left and right, connecting the sky and the earth!

The two torrents seemed to connect the walls of heaven and earth, and they quickly closed towards the place where the three of Tianhuo were, and faintly, the intent to kill was so intense that it made one's heart chill.

"Let's go, don't be contaminated by these mist, otherwise, even the strong gods will lose their minds in an instant." Yangxian said.

Tianhuo nodded, and the three of them stepped out in unison, and swept straight ahead, but after a few breaths, they had already reached several miles away, and when they looked back, they happened to see two torrents converging together, completely Isolate the land of the white tiger from the outside world.

"Unfortunately, I came a little late. I would have known about the existence of the White Tiger Land." Tianhuo thought to himself, if he hadn't met Yang Xian, he might not have known the existence of the White Tiger Land until a long time later, and he would not have known The existence of the robe of the sage.

Although there is only one month left at the moment, it should be enough for Tianhuo. No matter how big the White Tiger Land is, it cannot be bigger than the Chaos Domain. This month should be enough to find the Glyph Saint's Robe .

As for the Fan of the Glyph Saint, since it has fallen into the hands of the powerful god, Tianhuo knows that it will not be able to get it back overnight, at least it will be possible after his own strength becomes stronger.

"I don't know where the two exits are. I hope I won't be imprisoned in the White Tiger Land by then, or I will be in big trouble." Yang Xian said to himself.

Mu Yichen looked at Yangxian thoughtfully, "What's the trouble? At worst, wait until the next time it's turned on before going out!"

"No, it's not that simple. Every time there are many strong people trapped in the White Tiger Land, but after the next opening, they are all left with only bones, and no one has ever come out alive." Yang Xian shook his head.

Mu Yichen froze, looked at Tianhuo worriedly, then shrugged his shoulders, as a player, he would hang back to the city at worst, but this npc Yangxian, I'm afraid it's really troublesome.

"Time should be enough, let's go! We'll talk about it when the exit comes." Tianhuo nodded and said, then turned around and led the two of them to fly straight ahead.

"Yangxian, where was the last time I saw the robe of the Glyph Saint?" Tianhuo turned his head and asked while galloping.

Yangxian has been identifying the direction all the way, so this question naturally does not bother him, "According to this speed, I can get there in about a day, but I am worried about the three gods. I don't know if they are still there. Now, there's going to be big trouble."

"You don't have to go there, just follow the route that the sage's robe flew away at that time. After a certain distance, I can sense the location of the sage's robe." Tianhuo laughed, and said to the three gods, Don't worry, the land of the white tiger is huge, and there should be no chance to meet them.


As soon as Tianhuo's words fell, there was a sudden sound of breaking through the air, and then I saw a white light the size of a finger shooting from the mountain below, and it was actually pointing directly at Tianhuo!

(End of this chapter)

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