Chapter 525
Seeing the current strength of Nine Souls Yinglong, Tianhuo was ecstatic. After such a long time, he never thought that Nine Souls Yinglong had grown to such a terrifying state.

The night succubus general is so unbearable in its hands, Tianhuo really wants to know how strong the nine souls are at the moment.

Among other things, the name of Light Holy Beast is enough to scare everyone.

"Damn it, Tianhuodada's pet is more powerful than Tianhuodada!" In the crowd, the fat man's murmur interrupted everyone's astonishment.

"That's right, a pet is so strong, what should we do!" Many members were happy but helpless, in front of Nine Souls, they were hit hard!

"Hey, our mount is also a giant dragon. I wonder if it can grow to the level of the legion leader's pet." The players assigned to the dragon as a mount became excited.

"What is it? The head of the legion is not a giant dragon, but the supreme dragon. How can it be compared?"

Everyone was discussing with each other, and Tianhuo rushed to Jiuhun's side excitedly, "Jiuhun, what realm have you reached?"

Nine Souls Yinglong watched the corpse of the demon general on the ground slowly fade away, and then turned around, "Master, it's hard to say, my realm has not stabilized, and it will take a while. After this shot, I'm afraid I won't be able to do it for a long time." Make another shot."

The hotness in Tianhuo's eyes faded away, and he wanted to start preparing to attack the three major forces. After all, Jiuhun is so strong, with it, success is easy, but after hearing Jiuhun's words, Tianhuo had to temporarily suppress this idea.

"Well, let's go to the Fanshen Palace. There is a Hunyuan Spirit Tree inside. The speed of cultivation has increased several times, and your stable state will also be faster." Tianhuo said, Jian Jiuhun nodded, and put it away with a thought Into the palace of all gods.

As for Tianhuo, it was only then that he looked at the harvest of killing the demon general.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on killing the night succubus general, and you have obtained a crime value of -3800000."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations for leading the Tianyan Legion to kill the general-level monsters. All members will be rewarded with +3 god level, and you will be rewarded with +3 god level."

"Ding! The system prompts: The title Punishment God Envoy has been upgraded, currently 2 stars, please check the title panel for details."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on smashing the monster stronghold, get reward points +1, treasure box x1."

"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached God level 74, and the attributes of the four gods are +5."


"Ding! The system prompts: Level up, congratulations, you have reached God level 79, and the attributes of the four gods are +5."

"Ding! System prompt: Wen Sheng's sorrow is activated, pick up 3 pieces of equipment, and 30 high-level spirit beads."

"Level 79!" Tianhuo's eyes lit up, unexpectedly, a demon general raised himself to level 6, which is more generous than the previous rewards for killing demon kings in the second and third level areas!
The three pieces of equipment are a bit ordinary, they are all spiritual weapons, and Skyfire directly handed them over to Twilight Breaking Dawn. After all, what Skyfire needs now is only professional suits.

To Tianhuo's surprise, this time he actually got reward points and a treasure box. He had just opened a treasure box before, and it would take nearly a month to continue, so Tianhuo didn't bother to check it, and just put it away. Now , has accumulated 14 bonus points and 3 treasure boxes.

God of Punishment (2 stars), obtained after the crime value is lower than -1300 million. After using this title, the favorability of good NPCs will increase. Additional effects: four attributes (God) +2000, life recovery +30%, mana recovery +30%.Note: This title can be upgraded.

The title of God of Punishment has also been upgraded to 2 stars, and the four additional attributes can be ignored for today's Skyfire, but the 30% life mana recovery is very enticing, even in the state of empty blood, It only takes more than three seconds to fully recover, which is very powerful.

Now that he has reached God level 79, he is one step closer to the realm of the spirit god. Tianhuo expects in his heart that when he reaches the spirit god, he will condense into a primary body. He doesn't know how much his strength will skyrocket at that time.

Looking forward to it, Tianhuo said via voice transmission: "Tianling, what happened to the Demon Monarch Spirit Blood Orb and Demon King God Blood Orb? I'm already level 79. If it's slower, I'm afraid I won't have a chance to use it."

Tianhuo remembered clearly that if the demon king's blood bead was taken directly, it could increase the god's level by 10 and the attributes of the four gods by [-].

"Don't worry, you keep urging me to do something. Now is the critical moment for the refining of the Phantom Demon Fire. Don't disturb me." Tianling said angrily, and there was no more to say.

Tianhuo shrugged, turned and looked at the legionnaires, "Okay, what should we do, let's go!"

This hidden map has been cleaned up. Monsters are not monsters. They will not be refreshed when they die. It is useless to stay here, so they simply leave.

"Tianhuo, what are you going to do next?" Twilight came to Tianhuo's side and asked.

Tianhuo shook his head slightly, and said with a smile: "There is no arrangement, try to improve your strength!"

Having been in the first-level area for so long, Tianhuo has long been unable to resist the urge to see the God of War, which is related to everything he wants to know, and to find the God of War, Tianhuo must deal with Prisoner Dragon Sect and complete the task assigned by Luoshen , to get the remaining items.

However, in this chaotic domain, Tianhuo still has things to do, one is the Fan of the Glyph Saint, and the other is the Eight Desolation Vitality Fire and Nanming Huanghuo!

But right now, I can't do these two things myself, so I can only continue to upgrade and strive to reach the spirit god as soon as possible.

"Hey, it's fine if there is no arrangement!" Twilight Lixiao smiled mysteriously, and found a treasure map in his hands, "How is it, are you interested?"

"Treasure digging? What kind of treasure is this?" Tianhuo took the treasure map in doubt and checked it.

Spiritual Treasure (opened): The blueprint that records the lifelong collection of the spiritual beast is the only one in the world.

Explanation: The spirit-loving treasure beast has the power to reach the sky, and it also possesses the mysterious treasure-hunting ability. The treasures it collects are beyond imagination.

On the drawing, there is a mountain range and a city. Looking at the mark on it, this treasure is in the mountain range behind the city. Unfortunately, there is no written description on it, so it is impossible to know what the city is called.

"It looks pretty good, how did you get it?" Tianhuo asked after giving the treasure map to Twilight.

"Haha, of course not bad. This is one of the four great treasures, the secret treasure of spirituality. He gave me the way to get it right away, so I can get it naturally." Twilight cracked dawn and said with a smile.

"Oh? Take the lead again? He doesn't plan to open it himself?" Tianhuo asked suspiciously.

Twilight Breaking Dawn nodded, "That's right, that guy said he's not interested in this treasure, anyway the things he got belonged to the Legion."

Tianhuo laughed dumbly, then nodded, "Have you found this place?"

"This is natural, but there are some troubles. This city is the headquarters of Thunderstorm Hall, one of the three major forces. If they are alarmed, this treasure may be missed." Twilight Lixiao nodded, his expression becoming serious.

Of the three major forces in the chaotic domain, Skyfire has already dealt with Shentu Hall, but Skyhuo is not clear about the remaining Thunderstorm Hall and Raging Fire Hall.

Tianhuo thought about it. The leaders of the three major forces are all gods and strongmen. If the Nine Souls have stabilized their realm, it will be easy to handle, but the power of the Nine Souls cannot be used right now, and they want to get the secret from the Thunderstorm Palace. ,Disaster!

"Huh? Twilight, do you already know what is in this treasure? Otherwise, with your temperament, you wouldn't take it out at this time." Tianhuo asked suddenly.

Twilight cracked dawn and smiled, "That's right, the things in the secret store are very important to the Legion, even to the Tianyan Sect, so they should be taken out as soon as possible, instead of waiting until the strength is enough."

"Hehe, tell me what's in it." Tianhuo laughed and became curious.

"It's hard to say, you won't know until you open it." Twilight shook his head, his eyes filled with disbelief, as if he couldn't believe the items in the treasure.

Tianhuo smiled, understood what Twilight meant, it seemed that he was not sure whether the news he had learned was true, so he didn't say it.

"Then you should have a solution?" Tianhuo said again.

Only then did Twilight dawn nod, and handed the treasure map to Tianhuo again, "Well, the way is for you to go alone, so as not to attract the attention of Thunderstorm Pavilion."

Hearing this, Tianhuo was stunned, and then shook his head hastily, "In the eyes of those npcs, we are all adventurers from another world. This identity is enough to attract people's attention, how could it not attract attention?"

"I know, didn't you pretend to be a local resident to sneak into Xuanzong last time? This time, you can also pretend to be a local resident to sneak in, and the big deal is to walk around the city without attracting attention." Twilight Breaking Dawn said .

Tianhuo had no choice but to sneak into Daxuanzong last time, it was because Yifeng's father gave him an exquisite mask, which was all thanks to that mask, but unfortunately that mask was a time-limited prop, it disappeared a month after it was used, and now where else?
The treasure map records the mountain range behind the base camp of the Thunderstorm Pavilion. Tianhuo believes that there must be a heavily guarded place. If an adventurer from another world enters it, it will definitely be heard by the pavilion master immediately. Still can't handle it.

Thinking about it, a crisp system prompt sounded.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on refining the Phantom Demon Fire, the attributes of the four gods +30000, and you have obtained the special ability of the Phantom Demon Fire - transfiguration."

"It's finally a success! Tianhuo, are you satisfied now?" Tianling's voice came into Tianhuo's mind. He said before that it was the critical moment, but Tianhuo didn't expect that this time it was actually true, and it was such a success!

What surprised Tianhuo was that after refining the Phantom Demon Fire, he actually directly added [-] attributes of the Four Great Gods to himself. Such a bonus is stronger than a few artifacts!

The most important thing is that after refining the phantom demon fire, Tianhuo can display this kind of flame at will. From now on, he has one more way to deal with the enemy, but the system prompts him to obtain the special ability to transform, but it makes him Tianhuo became puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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